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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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today is my speech, listing the one that i omitted, a number of facts, listing - the armed forces, weapons that are supplied to the armies of our neighboring countries, especially poland, the baltic countries, and germany and so on, they are not far from us, but you may have a question, perhaps a question has arisen, of course, how to fight them?
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focused on inflicting unacceptable damage on them, so that they understand that we can hit in such a way that it will be unacceptable for them, the question is not to stand head-on and shoot at each other, we are great we understand that this will be very difficult, almost impossible, which is why we provided for this in our previous military documents.
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strategic head, they were removed, i had to sign this document, which the minister spoke about in budapest, but if i had to make a decision, then we would never have withdrawn strategic nuclear weapons from the territory of belarus, it was a powerful arsenal, we would not have needed no... other modern weapons, but this was decided before me at the request of the americans, and you know, the leadership then of our country, especially the supreme council, what kind of people stood and how this decision was made. i remember my first steps, nuclear weapons are nuclear weapons, but they promised to destroy all types of practical weapons.
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ordinary ones cut everything, planes, tanks, artillery installations, and i remember, i arrived in borisov, in my opinion, sheiman reported the situation to me, i went to borisov, in front of me was a terrible picture, overturned tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, for me a person recently, cut into pieces, for me a person recently. in an officer's position, serving in the army, it was not i just don’t understand, it was creepy. and then, perhaps, not having such powers, i stopped this massacre, forbade the destruction of armored vehicles, they cut everything into pieces, loaded it onto trains and took it to germany for melting down. the most, the most valuable thing that could be was the armor. therefore, we
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thought for a very long time about how to inflict this unacceptable damage? and many say: russia has placed something here to put us at risk, but before the deployment of nuclear weapons here, i told you and publicly declared and addressed to the leadership of russia, to the president of russia, to return it to us. nuclear weapons, strategic weapons may not need to be returned here, we will not fight with america, strategic weapons are intercontinental ballistic missiles that we had stationed, but there can be no talk of tactical weapons, they should be on the territory belarus, well , since we are still listed as co-aggressors, putin and i are the main enemies in the world and aggressors. the leadership of the russian federation,
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comparing all the facts, decided i emphasize once again, at my insistence, and not because they... wanted to create a nuclear weapons base here, i returned a lot of, i won’t name the numbers, i already said, several dozen of the most modern nuclear weapons, bombs and missile versions, i made a decision to iskander missiles, and i made a decision to deploy these weapons, maintain the operation of their iskander missiles on the territory of belarus, this is a very dangerous and very powerful weapon, it has already proven itself in ukraine, with conventional missiles, so everything regulated, employees of the ministry
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of defense and the general staff know well what to do in what situation, so we can say that we have launched an arms race. well , listen, we don’t have any easy money, we earn everything from mazal and from our own minds, i understand this perfectly well, we don’t have extra money to buy who knows what, today we don’t produce military aircraft, we don’t produce air defense systems, we do not produce tanks, well, what is used on the field... we buy all this, or the russians, like ours our closest allies and people interested in stability in our country supply us according to our alliance agreements.
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today we have air defense, today we have planes and helicopters, we have plenty of artillery and tanks, it’s good that they didn’t cut them up and take them to... we were at any point and one grenade launcher from the shoulder was enough, i’m in my profession military first, my first specialty was a grenade launcher, i joined the army, and a healthy grenade launcher, i know what kind of weapon it is, even this weapon is enough,
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to stop the enemy’s armored vehicles, that’s why we didn’t destroy anything, recently you saw mine...
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we have so many people and we don’t have the strength yet, i’m not going to mobilize, they
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must understand that their capitals are very close to our border, so the legitimate target, as they say, will be those who make this decision, this is very close. what is needed to sit in this mud, unwashed, dirty, like in ukraine, our youth
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must understand that god forbid, war, you, me, and the youth, we will be the first there, on the line fire, dirty, dirty, possibly lousy, unwashed, hungry, half-starved , sitting in these trenches, our life is good, comfortable. this is a new war, and i have already said more than once, if anything happens, we will all stand up as a brest fortress, but
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we will defend our land, that’s enough, we have already eaten, i , as a historian, understand what we have experienced, so gigen will speak, also a historian, let him speak that we went through, they included us there, and they included us here, they bent us over, and we were bent over all the time, walking around in boots, we got this independence, and so... we must save in every possible way, preferably without war, i know that there are people who want to speak, please, as agreed, we are discussing two problems, let's agree, well, no more than 7 minutes, so that the speech lasts, the main thing to say is, there is no need to agitate, we... understand everything , what is happening and that we need these documents,
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therefore, please, please, anyone who would like to speak from the microphone or from the podium would like to speak your point of view, as agreed, is your right, as agreed? and speaks, baranov, baranov alek yuryevich, academician secretary of the department of biological sciences, national academy of sciences of belarus, doctor of biological sciences, professor, corresponding member, respected comrade president of the republic of belarus, respected delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly. in my speech, i would like to dwell in more detail on the issues of ensuring
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biological safety, to note the importance and timeliness of including these new provisions in the concept of national security. as is known, on behalf of the head of state, a specially created working group worked on this topic, in which included representatives of all interested bodies, leading specialists of our country, and scientists, including the national academy of sciences of belarus, which i represent. effective work was organized to ensure interdepartmental interaction. between the security bloc and the civilian sector in resolving this complex issue. the time that has passed since the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has revealed new facts regarding the sources of pathogens of particularly dangerous viral infections. testing of biological weapons on the territory of neighboring countries using various types of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as insects as
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their carriers. even ordinary mosquitoes, after special treatment, are capable of spreading. various types of infectious diseases. all this only confirmed the correctness and timeliness of the measures we took. in addition to deducing the very concept of national security of a new sphere, as well as taking into account the increasing significance of biological risks and challenges, an industry-wide concept of a national security system was additionally developed biological safety, which was approved in march of the twenty-second year by the council of ministers. for the first time in this concept , the complex concept of biological safety was introduced, as a state of protection of the population, animals, plants and the environment from the effects of hazardous biological factors. a system of assessment indicators for the state of national security of the republic of belarus in the biological sphere has been established. in addition, in 2023,
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a biosafety council was created under the council of ministers with the participation of key. interested departments. all these measures together contributed to increasing the efficiency of national coordination structures in this area. i am confident that joint efforts will increase our country’s protection from the effects of both known and new dangerous biological factors. it is important to note that all new provisions of the concept have a clear scientific basis. all questions have been tested by us and now give concrete practical results. for example, this concerns countering the proliferation invasive species of plants, animals and microorganisms alien to our country, which can even change entire ecosystems. here, more than ever, an integrated approach is important , from the organization of sanitary control in border areas, as well as to the culture
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of land use in each household at enterprises in the agro-industrial sector, and the concept in this... gives a clear understanding of what to do, why, for what purpose. thus, as part of measures to ensure biological safety, scientists from the national academy of sciences of belarus with using the most modern molecular genetic technologies, highly effective methods for diagnosing infections have been developed. all this currently gives us the opportunity to absolutely identify any type of pathogenic microorganism, both natural and artificial. i propose to support the concept, a well-digested and substantiated document. i apologize, i made a small mistake, we agreed that the chairman will speak as a follow-up to the two reports of the secretary of state and the minister of defense
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state security committee, so i ask ivan stanislavich to report. what you came to this meeting with, then we will continue our debate, kgb chairman, general,
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due primarily to external factors. according to our estimates, further aggravation of the extremely tense situation in the world, including directly in the european region, is fraught. unpredictable consequences, up to the outbreak of a global conflict . under these conditions, the republic of belarus,


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