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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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for the prc, a strategic partner in the region imposes an iron brotherhood, and the chinese audience is interested in what is happening in our country, the personality of our president is interesting, it listens very carefully to what he says, and the implementation of such a form of democracy as the supreme national assembly is also interesting. by the way, other foreign media, including russian ones, who work for foreign, western audiences, pay close attention to this experience.
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especially since president lukashenko has worked in the political arena for so long, he has he has a very big life, so today we listened very carefully, we won’t write the rest. of course, the journalists of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly and representatives of regional belarusian media are represented in the press pool; by the way, some of them are delegates of the all-belarusian national assembly.
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that here we can note, first of all, the use, in addition to such traditional means of disseminating information as tv, radio, broadcasts, printed editorials, the use of such modern ones as the internet and social networks. to popular for young people, this is tiktok, instagram, but don’t forget what is traditionally close to our residents, this is vkontakte, classmates, yes, where they still read us, where they leave reviews. naturally, this connection, let’s say, helps us focus on what is interesting to our subscribers, and i think that upon arrival directly in the region, we will prepare general information, the opinion of our delegates, including sharing our opinion , how it was all organized, some nuances, yes, we also worked for 2 days, they took a photo somewhere, asked someone, and i think it will be interesting to our people.
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does the component take into account threats not associated with direct conflict, when the destruction of society occurs hidden? new threat challenges have appeared, in life everything flows, everything changes, look, a new type of security has appeared, biological, in a timely manner, yes, of course, today we are talking about cyber security, electoral sovereignty is very important, this is a concept, it is also recorded for the first time in the concept of national security , today a very complex geopolitical situation around our country, in principle in the world, of course, this needs to be responded to and responded to in a timely manner, but it is very important that our military doctrine was and remains defensive, although we understand perfectly well that we need to be prepared for war if we we want to save peace. the evolution of the all-belarusian people's assemblies that we have observed since 1996, of course, now shows that we are moving towards building a real people's democratic state, precisely relying on our traditions, without borrowing something from the outside. will produce results, and we
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will preserve a strong, independent, prosperous country, a peaceful state for the sake of our future generations. as a woman, as a mother, as a citizen of the republic of belarus, it is very important for me that there is peace in my family, in my home, in my country. i was very touched by the words of our president that only together we can provide our children with a peaceful future. concept of national security and military doctrine of the republic of belarus. key documents, we are convinced they understand more than ever now belarusians. they shared their opinions with us. the new military doctrine corresponds to the principles: if you want peace, prepare for war. we all understand perfectly well what is happening at the borders now. we are for a peaceful and prosperous
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belarus. we love our country, but we don’t give up our loved ones. we didn’t give it back in 2020, and we won’t give it away in the future. to. to maintain the status of a strong nation, we belarusians need to become even stronger, stronger in spirit, thoughts and actions. personally, i am proud of our country, our people, our government, our achievements, i it’s nice, comfortable and joyful to live here, i’m calm about my future and the future of my children. as our president noted, we do not fall for provocations, we are always ready to fight back, we do not want war, and of course, without peace there is no development, we are a developed country that is focused. in the family, at school, at university, at work, first
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of all, a patriot is one who values ​​the peaceful sky above his head, one who is ready to defend his homeland at any risk. lukashenko’s speech at the vns caused a huge response on the social networks of the telenews agency. thousands views, hundreds of likes and comments in a short time indicate the explosive reaction of internet users to the president’s speech. people express their support for the belarusian leader and note his confidence and wisdom in making decisions. a very clear view of the world situation and belarus. health and patience to alexander grigorievich to lead belarus in his own way. this is what a strategic president means. an educated people who care at heart for their homeland, in this country no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. well done that this people's assembly received a constitutional status, this is a new, long-forgotten state management, if it works, then indeed, it will unite the nation even more,
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a very competent decision at the present stage. this is where the true power of the people lies - a people's president who has not turned away from the heroic soviet past. live, we witnessed a historic moment for our country. belarus is in strong, reliable hands. with cheerful truth, reason and hard work, each in his own place, we will continue to build and develop our beloved homeland. i pass the baton of the information marathon colleagues. thank you for your attention and all the best.
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the pharmacy where you work is a place.
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my grandfather was a participant in the war, he reached berlin, my mother is a teacher with forty years of experience, and my father was a former communist, but they say there are no past communists, my son, this is my continuation, this is the person who understands that his country - this is the best country in the world. hello, the program “say don’t be
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silent” is on air. tatyana shcherbina and svetlana smolonskaya are in the studio. and today our guest, the head of one of the pharmacies in babruisk, public figure, irina rusakovich. hello, irina aleksandrovna, hello. hello, thank you for coming to us from babruisk. irina aleksandrovna, why do pharmacies like silence so much? because a specialist works, a specialist works with people who...
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he most often provides psychological assistance, this electronic queue, there you can also ask some specific questions and ask, of course, you choose the operation, that is, we have pharmacies, industrial pharmacies, that is, those pharmacies that are mini-ass, i i call them, that is, where they prepare medications, how does manufacturing differ from factory production, factory-made drugs have a shelf life of 3-5 years, drugs manufactured in a pharmacy have a shelf life of 10 days, that is, there are no stabilizers, there are no those drugs.
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her at her post, that is, she took over the leadership and in the ninety-first year i came, was first
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a deputy, worked for a year, learned to manage from her, let's say, this was a leader with a capital letter, there are simply no such letters as it was the leader, so capital, so it was a person who taught, taught by her personal example, taught by her actions, taught by her actions so that i could make the right decisions, i am very grateful to her for this, and indeed this was the central... we have such a function when we we can leave a prescription for deferred delivery; within 5 days we deliver one or another drug that our patient needs. the number of your pharmacy is very interesting, you called it the eighth, there is also the number 127 in the number. the pharmacy number 127 is for the region, and the eighth is in the city of bobruisk, well
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, there is a lot of competition among pharmacies in bobruisk, there are state-owned, there are non- state-owned and there are both forms of ownership, there are about 60 of them, that’s enough.
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yes, this is a special room, yes, of course, a room for the production of medicines, a special specialist sits there, he is called a pharmacist-assistant, the one who mixes, as you say, yes, like we mix some ingredients in the kitchen at home to make something very tasty, and here the ingredients are mixed in order to so that a high-quality product is obtained, so that we can provide medicinal assistance to our population, in addition, a specialist works in this room, he is already a pharmacist, but this is a specialist who is engaged in quality control, that is, any dosage form that the assistant pharmacist has produced , he keeps control, the quality of the medicine is monitored . irina aleksandrovna, how in demand are, let’s say, these, well, personally prepared medicines, at present it is very in demand. why, because enterprises, our factories, have switched to
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standard dosages of medications, that is, those that are most often in demand.
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the one who opens the night shift, and i sometimes have situations where i come to the third shift and just go home, irina aleksandrovna, but how did your love with pharmaceuticals actually happen, it can be said that it was like that, it wasn’t at first sight, but well one might say by chance, because as a child you dreamed of becoming an investigator, you watched a lot of films about how to defeat good and wanted to be like... that there are a lot of dangers, so come on, try it, you have this note in you, when you want to help people, then come on, let’s
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realize this desire of yours in pharmaceutical work and only then i noticed that there are pharmacies, that there are pharmacists, and if earlier, as it were , although when i came to my grandmother as a child, it was to this pharmacy that my grandmother brought me as a child and... taught me to take fish oil , i always bought fish oil in order to the appetite was good, well, old people, they always believed that fish fat is the basis of everything, all the basics. irina aleksandrovna, well, in general, some people think that working in pharmacies does not require any, so to speak, transcendental knowledge, well, just think, standing behind the cash register in a white coat, taking a medicine from the shelf, punching it, dispensing it, as they say, what would you answer like that? people don't care.
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this is not the presentation of packaging, when a person serves himself this packaging, he obviously already puts into this packaging all the action that it will, yeah, that is, he meaningfully takes this package and tells you that you need to take it, one tablet three times a day, programming that this tablet will definitely help you, well, how can an untrained person who does not know the pharmacological action of that or serve another drug and say, well, this is not doctor’s sausage either.
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questions at least before that drug is dispensed, but again, without visiting a doctor, only over-the-counter drugs, and if there is a child, the teenager comes for some kind of medicines, does the pharmacist have the right to give him medicine for small children? we even had cases where mothers tried to call on the phone to ask for medicine for their children, but you understand what a medicine is, a medicine - this is generally in its structure, it is poison in any way for the body, and if this is a child. leaving the pharmacy, well, he wants to show his teenagers, his peers some of his actions, that’s what i’m like, but out of curiosity he can
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create something and this will of course lead to irreparable consequences, so you can be older than 15, 16 years old, we can already do this, but if a child comes running and tells me a hematogen, hematogen, with pleasure, with pleasure , a vitamin, is this necessary? process and stand for 7 hours and talk with everyone, delving into their problem in order to give practical advice, the right advice,
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but this is not given to everyone, here. in minsk two educational institutions are preparing, this is a college university, in vitebsk there are two educational institutions, this is the vitebsk state medical university and also a college, in mogilev, also the mogilev medical college trains pharmaceutical specialists, this is enough, well , we don’t have enough, we don’t have enough, why, because you and i emphasized that there are more pharmacies, and specialists, of course, where do they train?
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that the pharmacies offered some more expensive drugs, and not belarusian analogues, that is, imported drugs, that’s how you can explain this, what was it? the fact is that we have not always had import substitution at a high level, what are you talking about, it was too long ago, why? because our president, as soon as he became president, in his first years he began to talk about how we should put import substitution on a broad track, in principle.
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there is some skepticism among some ordinary people about the effectiveness of domestically produced medicines, with which you attribute the fact that they are even spreading at the level of rumors, like oh, the belarusian one doesn’t work here at all, this medicine won’t help you, take the import, well, you know, i'll compare it
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commensurate with how we... compared ours flags, the flag of the republic of belarus and white-red-white, that is, these are people who don’t let them eat, but let them create some kind of chaos so that the population, absolutely right, so that our population starts this here is fermentation, in no way, domestic drugs are no worse than imported drugs, and what, by the way, is with imported drugs in connection with sanctions, are there any interruptions in supplies, maybe a shortage, you know, i recently listened to our... president’s speech, and he said: “forget the word sanctions, learn to work and work so that this word leaves our vocabulary, so i think that our manufacturers have now taken the right path, we really still have those reliable partners from whom we purchase the substance from which we produce what we need today on our market, the belarusian market medicines, there are some drugs, we have no analogues for which they are purchased, that
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is, supplied." yes, yes, they are purchased, this is under direct contracts, this is purchased through the ministry of health, the ministry health care clearly tracks these positions. yes. well, before we take a break, another small question is what is kept in the home medicine cabinet of the pharmacy manager. i’ll tell you that the shoemaker doesn’t have boots, so basically the manager of the pharmacy doesn’t have any either, except for hydrogen peroxide, which is nothing for emergencies, why? because my pharmacy really works 24x7, and this gives me the opportunity at any time. buy what you need for and you live somewhere nearby, but not very far, but for now we’ll take a short break, i remind you of our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new interesting guests, we are in touch, the “say
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don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today... our guest is the head of one of the pharmacies in bobruisk, public figure irina rusakovich . irina aleksandrovna, should a pharmacist improve his qualifications throughout his life? well, then, probably, somehow share with her, definitely, without this, this is not a pharmacist, this is not a pharmacist, firstly, our specialists are engaged in self-education, that is, very they read a lot, because you know, when you buy a medicine at a pharmacy and open the box, take out the instructions, yes, a lot, a lot is written in these instructions, and the pharmacy specialists know these instructions, well, i can’t say that they know them by heart . but they know almost 80% of what is written in the instructions, and in order to know all this and convey it to our patients, for this they need to study, in addition to self-education, we have
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well-developed online learning when they present materials for training and then we take the so-called tests, we pass the tests, and as they say, the test is no test, if you passed the test, that means well done, if you didn’t pass the test, that means you have to retake it. studying until the test is passed, and of course, our specialists are sent to advanced training courses, these, let’s say, a kind of advanced training, has not gone anywhere, it has remained, and this is probably even more in demand, why , because not only do you improve your skills, you also communicate with colleagues who work in other areas, in all regions of our republics, and this costs a lot, not only does it create self-image.
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chemistry, when you study chemistry, you yourself were at school, you understand, this is a chemical structure, memorizing medications is due to the fact that you know the structure of this drug, it is easy to read a book...
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they ask questions when a person turns to you to resolve any issues, either industrial or personal, i believe that this is worth a lot. well, graduates of those institutions with which you work and collaborate, they may some of them are already working in your pharmacy, or were they just in practice, no, they are working, and on assignment, they even ask, sometimes we even send letters asking for this or that, specific thing, yeah.
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to a greater extent, only so that doctors can make the correct diagnosis, because all diagnoses consist of latin term elements, we teach these terms-elements in order not to confuse, let’s say, eye treatment and skin treatment, i i always tell them, let 's memorize this, why what, because there are drugs that are those that are in the eye, they should be used in the eye, and those that are used to treat the eye, and those that are applied externally to the skin.
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youth, there is a lot to learn from youth, and i
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try to communicate with them more, why? because they have a rational grain, even if not all the ideas they offer today can be used in life right now, but there is more than 50% of what we can take on board, apply, and this will be relevant and necessary for us, that is, they are bolder than we say we were in our yes, that’s what you connect this with, where from?
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return this drug back, the pharmacy worker is no longer on shift and we start calling him back asking a question: such and such a patient came to you, he asked you for something, that is, the person must feel and know, remember what you dispensed when you let go, to whom did you let go, how much did you let go, he must remember all this, this is a responsibility, if this is not there, many people can’t stand it, psychologically they can’t stand it, they start saying, why do i need this, i’ve worked it out left, and this is not... a period of a pandemic, because a large burden fell on pharmacies, and when did this happen, when they did not yet know what kind of disease it was, and pharmacists and pharmacists
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communicated with people with illnesses, including how a person can get out to work, knowing that he is here. organization - this was the most important thing, every morning we began our working day by explaining to each other how we should act, that is, there should be no panic or fear, and it worked, in general, someone was sick, young people who, let's say, showed a little bit of cowardice, well , it’s understandable that it’s inherent in a person, but this is a quality, they were a little sick, but you know that it’s worth a lot, that they spent 2 days in the hospital.
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well, it seems to me that pharmacists and pharmacists in general are such persistent people, because even here you are, an ordinary visitor, standing in a pharmacy, for example, in line there, time passes, you and you are already starting to get irritated there faster, but here there’s just a wall , that is, you don’t flinch a single muscle, everything is so orderly, noble and measured, now i understand, that it is really a person who must record everything for himself, what he lets go of, what he says to a person, that is, he must remember all this, so there must be such a well -measured rhythm, yes, that is. without any, let's say, sudden movements, that's what you said, pharmacists never raise their voices, that's the wall, that 's the wall, that's what you say, i always teach them and tell them, you should among yourself and the patient, the visitor, put up a transparent, not a wall, just transparent glass like this, it is impossible to live, it is impossible to participate
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in the life of every person, because if you begin to let through all the negativity, that disease that... comes to the pharmacy in order to pour out some of your negative emotions received in the family, here it comes and touches and brings the reciper to tears, this can’t happen, why? because as soon as the tears appeared, it means that the rhythm of work that is necessary for the person providing assistance was disrupted, i always tell them to my workers: you should not
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perceive this as exactly your address, the person is simply losing his temper, the person just needs to throw out the negative somewhere, this one... as a person already, you know, but the youth have it fresh, i realized, what if we do a rehearsal like this with the youth , and i made populi. we call it twelve minutes, but now i have reduced it a little, there is ten minutes, so i started singing it first at home after dinner,
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it turned out as if the doctor prescribed a pill for you, and you drink it every day, drink it, drink it, collagen, botox, yes, this instead of injections, yes, that’s when i go to the youth, i go every day, almost, except saturday, sometimes on saturday, yes, it’s like i go to the clinic, you know, there are hormones of youth. who injects, yes, and these are hormones of youth without an injection, that is, i get a return from them, and i steal this fresh energy from them, steals fresh energy from young people, this is the method of treatment, yes eduard semyonovich told us, but i think , that your interaction with youth is not built on this principle, youth is for me, it’s probably energizers, and gives to me... the opportunity gives me, let's say, an example of how i need to act, they always see in me a person who accepts their
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actions, in general explains if something is wrong, but i i charge them, i want to do something more the next day, to strive for something, that is, yes , there is such a moment of charge, but i’m not saying that it’s like i’m stealing this energy from them, but the charge is simple . pharmacy of the future, which has found its application in the pharmacy chain of the region. please tell us more about this initiative? well, this initiative, in general , was born among us from my employees, the employees of my pharmacy, we presented it at the city stage, at the city stage with an idea for belarus, and why did we go to the region, what is it, it’s equandin. these devices, which, in general, were initially connected with the fact that we could buy chocolates there,
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but through this device we could buy water, well, our idea was that there are, after all, such care items, medical products that in general, without going to the pharmacy you can was passing by, seeing this device, to buy it, they are in great demand and my point of view, it was at train stations, when people... in several pharmacies these devices were installed in the mogilev region, and now we will take a break for a while, after a short pause again let's return to this studio, for now
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subscribe to our telegram channel, say don't be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1.
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the program say don't be silent is on air again, and today our guest is the head of the pharmacy in the city of bobroysk, a public figure, activist and simply beautiful woman, irina rusakovich. irina aleksandrovna, well, you noticed such an interesting fact that guests from the regions usually have a lot of social initiatives loads, so the pharmacy of interns is not enough for you, you...
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and in order for it to be strong, for it to be healthy, well i thought that i could make a certain contribution, our public association is engaged in a large amount of work, we do not stand still, we always go to people, we talk to people about their problems, about some of their tasks that are not just incommensurable for them. and impossible, we are trying to help them, we carry out a large number of actions, we conclude many memorandums, here is the last memorandum that we concluded with the public organization talyatinskaya organization neman, and thanks to the conclusion of this memorandum, we literally on april 1, from april 1 to april 3, were in visiting the talyatins and in order to establish contact in order to create, let’s say,
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friendly relations not only between public... on the part of talyaty, and on the part babruisk, took part in this, quiz, quiz, space is nearby, the second event, which took place literally last weekend, is tree planting, we planted in bobruisk, in the bobruisk kirovsky district we planted more than 5,000 christmas trees, our friends talyatin residents at the same time , having contacted us online, they removed the forests, and the result was
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this joint action: we plant forests, and... the energy, the patriotism that is needed by today’s younger generation when we come to the maternity hospital and honor mothers is absorbed with mother’s milk , we congratulate them on the birth of children, future patriots of our country, someone says: yes, i
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know what white russia is, and i always... tell them: white russia is each of you, why? because in the name belaya rus there is the letter i, when we close it, this is our country, belarus, and we press our fist to our hearts - i am belarus, and mothers, you know, are very happy, very happy that belaya rus is taking part in the emergence of young patriots is a light, i always tell them about this, you gave birth to a patriot, for this thank you very much, mothers are happy, well, patriotism - from young nails until old age, this is your philosophy, right? irina aleksandrovna, another event that is not for show in your piggy bank, you were an organizer and participant in the restoration work in khatyn, this step is a tribute to the memory of someone, whom your family lost in that terrible war, my family did not lose, from me, my grandfather was a participant in the war, he reached berlin, before his eyes, on
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the reistag, the banner of victory was dispelled, and he spoke about it in few words, but for on victory day, when the school students came, he revealed himself here. it was pride, he cried, but he was proud of it. my dad and mom are children of the war, that is, these are the people who were 4 and 6 years old during the war. you know, dad still remembers with trepidation how this could have happened if it weren’t for the patriot, not the person who saved him, khatyn could have happened again in dad’s life, when they were driven away in the minsk region. village, in one of the houses, at that moment a man arrived who was bringing him to the camp milk, he arrived on a cart, and he saw a boy, four years old, crawling near the fence, near the barn, mm, he got out of this
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barn, he just took this boy, my dad, the scruff of the neck, put him in the cart, loaded him with hay and sat on top, so he saved my dad, but the village and, let’s say, that barn were burned. how khatyn was married. 4 years are bright, the brightest event in my father’s life, he can’t talk about it now without tears. all the years that passed after the war, he annually went to see this man, who saved his life. and when no longer, he now always visits exactly that person’s burial place with, let’s say, thanking him for saving his life, for procreation, for the fact that we appeared. in life, yes, for the fact that we also have children, well, an interesting story, of course, how old is your dad now, 86, let's say a big hello to him, dad, a big hello to you, be healthy, well, you were also
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the initiator laying the alley of trees in the labor glory park of bobruisk, and well, we see that all your activities, all your projects aimed at creating your native belarus and your native city, your relatives, your family, they? support these initiatives of yours? yes, completely. my mother is a teacher with forty years of experience, and my father is a former communist, but they say there are no past communists, so he is now in my heart and soul, he is a communist and he also supports me, well, in my family, my son, this is my continuation, he is also my pride, he is the man who follows the right path, he is a young man who, 30 years old, 30 years old, is the man who knows what he wants. but at the same time time he understands that his country is the best country in the world, and he talks about it and is not shy, he is already a member of a public association or a party, a white public association, he is in the party, he
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heads the youth wing of our association, that is, he is the one , let’s say, the wing that makes it possible for the unification to stay in the air above, you always have someone to rely on, and when you joined the party, you came to the adsoy and said: dad, have i joined the party? yes, what did he answer you? he said, i'm proud of you. well, no other answer we didn't expect it. let's reveal a few more insights to our viewers in the finale. at school you were the class leader, well, we are not surprised here. at the institute, when we went to harvest potatoes as part of the komsomol competition, you, a native city dweller, mind you, became the leader in potato harvesting in the individual competition. they wrote about this in one of the vitebsk newspapers, and irina aleksandrovna. then the young girl was given a place in the hostel, that is, the social elevator worked, i must say that after the potatoes everything started to become a social activist, yes, probably, yes, yes, indeed, although,
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probably, the social activist in me comes from my mother, because as i say, she is a teacher with forty years of experience, she always instilled in me this desire to self-actualize and lead people, that is, i have such organizational and leadership abilities.
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an organization must have an ideologist, and the organization will be strong and strong if there is a strong ideologist, so well, i took this message, in general, to myself and decided that ideological work.
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irina aleksandrovna, thank you very much for encouraging us to create, and telling us a lot of interesting things from the work of the pharmacy, from the work of pharmacists, we will now be even quieter in the pharmacy, we will be attentive to such responsible work, and to you, of course , we wish you many more summers at the post of your pharmacy, and may all your creative endeavors in white russia be carried out, but...
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perasporation through the sulfur to the stars. why do we need an astronaut in space? basically, we have nothing else to do, a sovereign belarusian space is pride in the nation, so all other talk is inherently stupid. in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will occur. and just alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country. he says:
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let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is, if suddenly we take up the project of building aircraft, this is more for development which is enough, documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic were doing more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko... will remain in history also as a leader who solved the coronavirus problem more effectively than anyone else in the world. never suffer from psychosis in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. i remember, when a person describes for ten pages the use of apple cider vinegar to treat cancer.
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they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our...


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