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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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he says: let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is that if we suddenly take on the project of building aircraft, this is already more than enough for development : documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic cause more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko... will also remain in history as the leader who most effectively solved the coronavirus problem than anyone else in the world. don’t suffer from psychosis, never in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project of igor turay, propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. i remember when a person described using apple cider vinegar for healing for ten pages.
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mistakes, for example, galilen generally believed that the center of the cardiovascular system, liver, sour wine was liked by the ancient people, he according to the assumptions of ancient thinkers, many began to be added to food and used in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have opportunities. to prolong the life of the most important organ of the human body, we have long established a clinic, we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses, this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models, see the science project nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel. child
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- this is a blank sheet of paper that you have been entrusted with, the first thing you give him is , of course, knowledge, but every time you give knowledge, you reveal this person as a person, it depends on the teachers what artistic and educational strokes will be on this blank sheet taken notes. of course, it is impossible to trace the entire future life and activity of your student, in any case, at least at this stage you need to try to lay down all the best that you can do and what is considered valuable in human understanding, this will manifest itself in future. my name is. shaminsky sergey
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mikhailovich. i have been working at dob school as an art teacher for 33 years. every year i participate in various competitions. and so he became teacher of the year. but i want to say the following. the victory in this competition drew the attention of many people to the fact that such a competition exists, exists and lives. and most importantly, the profession of a teacher. still in current demand , this is how i went to school in 1972.
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hello guys, hello, i welcome you very much, sit down, everything is prepared prepositional materials, well done, here i am, when i came to school, naturally i wanted to create a new teaching methodology or something else. in the nineties, while teaching the subject of fine arts, i managed to bring into this subject those ideas that i was immersed in in a good way.
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then yourself, but notice that only maple leaves are colored in the entire warm range of colors, here are the leaves... they are colored only yellow to green, and maple leaves are colored yellow, red, light green orange. sometimes children are in class drawings ask the question: why do we need to depict in art? you know, such a question can sometimes be perplexing, really, but what is it for? art actually teaches what? kindness, that is, if a person recognizes the beauty of the world around him, believe me... i would like to believe, in any case, that this person will not break a tree branch, he will not destroy an insect, he will not trample a flower, because he will see beauty in this . my favorite subject is drawing. he doesn’t
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use textbooks at all in class, he says everything himself and shows with chalk. on the desk. at those stages of the lesson, if a textbook is needed somewhere, we resort to it, but in general, of course, this... everything goes through the teacher, then the teacher adapts the textbook on the board in his explanations of the material, if the children see that you master what you teach them, of course, for them this will be the first incentive to learn it too, we like him because he is kind, does not swear, explains well, if there is a mistake... he will correct us somehow, for work done incorrectly, how can you scold this if a person came to study, of course he
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will do it incorrectly, that’s why you ’re here, to teach him to help him, come up and even show him in his work, we take live paint, so look at it without water... we apply it so that it doesn’t have time to dry, you know, i’m telling the children i always explain that the knowledge that you receive is of paramount importance, and the mark is secondary, but in no case should you punish students with a mark, this will not achieve anything, you will achieve the fact that this child will stop preparing and doing something altogether , excellent, excellent, what beautiful ones did you get?
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photographs of the process that took place during the circle classes, moreover, this photographic material, it complements the exhibition and decorates it. sergey mikhailovich, this is a reminder from me to you, i’m moving to zlobin, irisha, where are you
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moving, to zlobin, to zlobin, this is all the last lesson, dear child, don’t be upset. there you will also have a good teacher, don’t worry, there will be good drawing classes, so when you and a student are 4 years old , you’ve already lived in this class, taught, and this student means something to you, of course, for the teacher, this is also this moment of parting, it’s difficult, then when the child approached, i involuntarily caught my breath, well, what do you call it, thank you very much, don’t be upset, everything will be fine, i’m a very sentimental person, some i experience other people's experiences as personal, it is very difficult for me to experience this, so i probably also felt that she,
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all the children who study at school, one way or another, they go through... all my subjects, at the moment i i teach fine arts in elementary schools classes, domestic and world artistic culture (fifth dash ninth grade), technical work for boys ( children of different ages come to one tenth grade, but there is also a club in which the club is called a young artist association of interests. it is very important to convey to children, that layer of culture that was before us, which, unfortunately, is no longer there, that the names of these artists fade away over the years, for example, one of these artists mainly created a series of beautiful greetings for the new year.
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new year's cards vladimir zarubin, exhibitions are held after studying each topic, i draw such a poster, then the whole composition is built to this poster. this is the object that will become our new year's toy today. only when you become interested yourself, you need to find those paths with the help of which you will pave the way to the understanding and interest of children. i made various compositions inside the light bulbs, for this i needed to remove the glass form from the metal one, and then i switched to painting and of course, every time my head gave birth to some interesting fantasies, then i realized that this was all for school.
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look at what a handsome man staz made, well done, he turned his cheeks red, showed his smile and showed his teeth, it’s practically a process, that’s exactly what he ’s going through. in such a living rhythm in a living state, this is the golden age here, which needs to be appreciated and given the opportunity to make noise here, it will pass by itself, believe me, by the eighth, ninth grade they will calm down and become quiet, do not rush to stop them in this, let they make noise, pay attention, oops, and the new year’s toy is ready. happy new year,
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in front of you is an ordinary box, yes, but if you look at this box in a different way, then... it is this box that is the basis of the type of building that greek architecture gave us. it is more difficult to interest the modern generation, when computers came in the early 2000s, we partially began to lose children, the telephone actually stole our children from school, and of course, when you have virtually the whole world in one... flat model, in this is probably its advantage, it is
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a great straight-line quick access to information, but the problem is different: this information absorbs a person so much that he no longer owns the phone, but the phone owns him. no, i’m not against modern technology, but i’m quite happy with this phone, the phone is designed to make calls, that’s it, there are more functions for me at the moment. in any case, it’s not necessary with students, when they ask, showing off their phones and so on, i say, it’s very simple, i say, look, guys, you can have a simple phone and be modern educated person. architects sometimes replaced them with sculptures instead of columns, which sculptures replaced the secondary order of columns in our country and which sculptures replaced the ionic order in our country, the man is smart about what, well done. absolutely right, this is where the role of the teacher comes to
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the fore in order to turn this generation towards school, so that they understand that this is the extent to which i can get the necessary information, hello, roma, you are already there, hello, dear, how are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, ready for the task. this is the third year i have been working with a student according to a special program, we have 2 hours separately with him and four lessons as part of the class. a special program implies. as a rule, repair work is carried out in a workshop, because this child needs to prepare for his next independent life after school, and in general master the use of any tool, like students in all other classes, and what is the difference between a screw and a nail? we hammer in the nail, tighten it, that’s right, smart guy, he’s just like everyone else, features
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psychophysical development, this is probably, well, i don’t know, such a characteristic, yes, it... exists, but if you treat a person as an equal to yourself, then these characteristics, they fade into the background, believe me, in the foreground for you a person arises, because we each actually have characteristics, with some kind of, take any person, yes, so then we can all be labeled as beings, we are all with characteristics of psychophysical development, when he came to us from another school, these elementary he had no knowledge, he had to start practically from scratch, but here so methodically from lesson to lesson, creating. an interesting child, you need to work with him, he feels kindness and understands, this is good, over three decades of working at school, of course,
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i had the opportunity to teach a lot of children, i estimated somewhere over a thousand, probably, students, maybe yes. ..more, now the generation of those children whom i taught in the nineties, in the two thousand years, is already coming, many students, having graduated from school, met me somewhere on the street, they thank me all day long and say: thank you, sergei mikhailovich for the knowledge that you invested in me, because this knowledge now helps me earn money, at first i had such a sketch, then it was transferred here, yeah. sasha is a talented graphic artist at school, he was already distinguished by a high-ranking graphic drawing, but he went even further, he works in oils, he switched to wood to create such, i would even say icons, this is his hobby, well done alexander, for me this completely new work inspired this work, you know, what is yours for me, probably a student’s term paper, a copy of alexander isachev, yes i
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i know, i also tried to do something similar.
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praise is most likely an assessment of the activities of this little person whom you are teaching and raising. this year the name of our village dovsk was announced, i am very glad that now our settlement is known throughout belarus. this is not the first time i have participated in this competition, which is called the competition of pedagogical excellence, in short, teacher of the year. the competition consisted of, i counted over a year, more than 32
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different competitive events, this was the preparation and development of night lessons then holding them in various. at each next stage these statuettes began to arrive, out of 56 people, those who had already arrived in minsk, only eight remained... eight super finalists, one person from each nomination with different subjects from different areas, different ages and even different genders, that is it turned out that, as
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if among the women, i was the only man there, going through these stages is precisely the victory in this competition, it would not have been so significant if there had not been people nearby who walked hand in hand with you. family is the first the public, who saw and understood how difficult these competitive tests are, how conscientious and patient one must be in preparing and passing them, had a hard time going through the competition, then the district stage, the regional stage, even more or less, but the republican stage was very hard, they were so worried and worried for him, that it’s just generally worth it. i lost 3 kg, but when all this had already happened, i gained it back again, and he also lost weight during the competition, he sleeps 5-6 hours only a
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day, he doesn’t take anything at all on the internet, he everything that gives birth, that’s all in his head, my conscience led me through this competition, my conscience, it didn’t give me peace, you know, it forced me to conscientiously participate in everything and fully prepare for it all. return, so conscience seemed to lead to this, that the final award was in this collection, the bonus to this victory was a car, the family, of course , is happy with this gift, now we will have to master a new type of art for ourselves, and of course, someday we will have to hand over to rights, but the daughter, the eldest, has a license, so she can drive this time. the eldest daughter already graduated from school about seven years ago, she already has an independent life, but the youngest daughter has already entered the tenth grade,
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she will also fly out of school in another year or two , she will graduate from school like chicks fly out of a nest, i had to go through maternity leave vacation with my youngest daughter, but the time spent with the child is the golden years, it’s a pity that it flew by quickly, it’s a very... memorable moment in life, which i would recommend to every man to go through, gives the opportunity to look at the mother in a completely different way, learn to appreciate and understand this work, and most importantly, to understand the child, this is a very big thing, i am very grateful to that time, all children dream of being someone in childhood.
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many acquaintances, they had a chance to meet goyka mitic, here he is, by the way, yes, tell me about my passion in general for this indian theme, he signed me several photographs and film posters with his image, sergei, all the best, mitic goyka, this is such a childhood home, you know , which used to be just an auxiliary room, over time, of course, i renovated it, restored it and... from the inside out, well, this is my childhood room, in which i actually spent my childhood, now it’s like nostalgia for past times, where sometimes i also spend
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time, this allows me to return to those distant years, which, of course , will never be returned, i have kept many things from childhood, people give a lot, these are the ones who know that i am the guardian of the old time, in childhood, when we went to the village to grandparents, where my mother lived, they had such a rug hanging on their wall, it impressed me so much from childhood, especially this plot, but i found it in bobruisk, in one of the stores, bought it, and now i’ve kind of restored this composition here, a child’s childhood is filled with... bright, with broad strokes, and this is very memorable, in childhood a person is more open, natural and sincere, but i am not at all embarrassed by this
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feeling and... these emotions that are inside me. there is still a little child inside me, it is a great happiness that it has been preserved in me, because this child allows me to open myself and open the feelings and emotions of children. there is a common phrase: the main thing is that the suit fits. you know, i paraphrased this phrase differently, the main thing is that the hairstyle is, for me this is very important, and the children parody me in a good way, oh, guys, please, unfortunately, over the years life changes us, maybe even someone something traumatizes the psyche, the colors of life change their color tone.
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a completely different, gloomy tone, so i would like to advise people if they still have since this childishness has been preserved, take care of it, because it is of great value, especially for people who work with children.
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the heroes of our program are the outstanding features buried in the pile on the right. you go further and think, what can be done so that it has such a sound, so that there are a lot of highs, and there are a lot of lows, and there are likes, for a small instrument, it is very difficult to achieve such a balance of sound, we know, leaving a bright performance, and you you take a fragile young girl of 2-3 kg, and you need a whole performance, play her, work, dance, hold her hand so and so, so you pump up and so on,
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