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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

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historical time for sovereign belarus, i am with you, lyudmila kazak. and it is worth noting that a competent policy in the field of national security ensures us a peaceful life. today is an important day, both for our state as a whole and for each belarusian individually. on the second day of the all-belarus people's assembly, delegates discussed important issues for the country and approved strategic documents, the concept of national security and the military doctrine of belarus. commentary from delegates, expert opinion. as well as a powerful performance president in the position of chairman of the supreme national assembly, which clearly outlines the messages regarding our politics, the military situation in the world, international relations and public life. watch live. the concept of national security and military doctrine of the republic of belarus. key documents were approved today on the second day of the all-belarusian people's assembly. the delegates supported the decision unanimously. before you make such a decision.
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objectively cannot remain unchanged, a new topic will appear in it, nuclear deterrence. those who pushed us towards it should know about this soberly, look at the clear consequences of their, but to put it mildly, careless decisions. chairman of the supreme council, alexander lukashenko, today dwelt in detail on the military-political situation in the region and what forces and means were used.
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threats to our national security are being escalated, the main real risk for belarus is created by the hot spot in ukraine, according to alexander lukashenko, washington is doing everything to drag our country into the conflict. start the mechanism for retracting the rest states, that is, to weaken the western and eastern european regions. characterizing the situation at the front, the head of state recalled heavy battles and deaths, a shortage of ammunition and military personnel in the ukrainian army. at the same time, he noted drone strikes on the russians.
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they are not ukrainians, not russians, yes, there is a movement, but not the movement that we would like, a stalemate. that in this situation, as i understand it, i always propose, it would be necessary to do the most serious thing, more convenient than ever during this war, so to speak, situation for peace, for concluding a peace treaty, but to start interrupted negotiations, they always need to start with something, one could start with the istanbul agreements, this does not... mean that as a result of the negotiations will be accepted or even put into the foundation there is no peace treaty, these agreements initialed by the parties, but you can start with them and move forward, of course, it will not be a peace treaty, copies
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of these agreements, the peace treaty will be different, but you can start with this, this is what we agreed on, worked out for a long time with us three round. yes, there is a round of negotiations in istanbul, what did they come to? i already said yesterday that all the military, heads of western intelligence services, politicians, heads of state are already publicly talking about how this is impossible.


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