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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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attention to the younger generation. the main messages and new facts about our efforts in such circumstances need to be given special attention to our neighbors, theses have already been distributed in the notebooks of delegates from all over the country, as well as in telegram channels and the media. being attentive to what is happening around means preventing possible provocation. power block. he submits to the head of state, when the president shows by personal example his interest in maintaining peace on our land, this is worth a lot, our people must understand what is more valuable and nothing is more important than the security of the state, we will earn everything else, we will do it, we will build it, but maintaining peace is expensive, i am directly an employee of the internal affairs bodies, but i also represent the belarusian women’s union. issues of national
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security concern, of course, women, because we women, like no other, are sensitive, we have this great love for our country, because we love our children and want the future of our children to also be happy, peaceful when we are together , when we are strong, we can really save our country, i am simply amazed by our motto, who else but us, and indeed we and we are for our prosperous, native, beloved country, together with our president, at the moment i am in the seventh month of pregnancy and wanted i would like to say that now i know for sure that my child will be safe, he will grow up in a beautiful, wonderful prosperous country, we can go out into the street in the evening, there is no banditry, nothing, but we can walk peacefully with our boyfriend, with husband down the street, and you know that even if , god forbid, something happens, you can call and you will always get help, it is very important that the contingent of people is completely different.
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is among the delegates, participants in the entire belarusian people's assembly, this means that the promises of the task that we, as delegates, face today will be understandable to absolutely all categories of our population, for a long time, already as the construction of the country is taking place, the construction of this internal security, which today in the republic of belarus, in my opinion, is at the highest level. thanks to. live broadcast of the work in the supreme national assembly was followed throughout the country, cadets of the military academy should be aware of political guidelines, especially when it comes to security issues, because today from the platform of the people’s assembly the main approaches of the state to ensuring its own security in various areas were heard, taking into account how the situation in the world is changing and what response measures need to be taken. over the years, it has formed the military organization of our country was constantly improved, its basis is the belarusian army. and today we have. all
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the constituent components in order to carry out tasks in both peacetime and wartime . the second day of the work of the national assembly was also watched by the cadets of the gomel school, soon they will become professionals, whose calling is to protect sovereignty from external threats, which is connected with the need to adopt a military doctrine that excludes the risk of threat for the coming decades, what is true patriotism, they heard the opinion of the president, heads of power units, experts. in the field of national security, opinion leaders also shared their thoughts on the importance of preserving the main values ​​on which the belarusian statehood is built, it took us serious efforts, so to speak, to preserve our sovereignty and independence of our state, it is very important to make timely changes to the concept of national security in the military doctrine, i believe that the all-belarusian people's assembly will contribute to strengthening. unity
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of the people, society, and maintain stability in together, and we can come to some common correct decision. and prevent any trouble. the cadet school is a good base for entering universities, the paramilitary profile of the ministry of emergency situations, the academy of the armed forces, and the ministry of internal affairs. when a nation is united, it is able to solve the most important problems and mobilize to concentrate efforts on priority areas. the all-belarusian people's assembly is a vivid example of this; a lot of important things were said and important decisions were made during these 2 days. tv version of vns. watch tomorrow on belarus 1 at 19:45, by this time this is information, my colleagues and i continue to work live, even more relevant important information at 19:00, see you.
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get ready for dj music. applause! hi all! are you ready to meet the guest of our program? but first, according to tradition, our questions. what does it feel like? is this similar to
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the excitement before going to the podium? of course, i’m worried, but it’s joyful excitement. do you agree with that statement? refuse to answer a question three times, i hope you won’t use it, i don’t plan to, and be attentive to questions in at the end of the program you will have to choose the best question, well now you have exactly 1 minute to briefly tell about yourself: time has passed, i am a minsk resident, i was born in minsk, grew up here,
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i adore both minsk and belarus, i am a politician, i am a deputy, i am the leader of the liberal democratic party, i am the son of loving parents of whom i am proud and... the grandson of my grandparents, whom i loved very much, but they are no longer there, and also the father of two beautiful daughters, for whom, if necessary, i am ready to die, you managed faster in less than a minute, amazing experience, we have 100 in our studio participants, everyone has their own question for you, let's see how much time you have to answer, who will ask the first question, hello, my name is lisa, in the world of politics, a famous successful person, but in your opinion, success is more about luck or about diligence work on yourself? success is necessarily luck too, sometimes you work, you work, but the stars must align, but luck
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will not happen without work, so work and believe in success, sometimes a person does not have the patience to wait, it seems to him that’s it, luck has turned away from me, no, you just didn’t wait, will it? do you want your recognition, any privileges? there are advantages to recognition, there are disadvantages, i always need to look cultured on the street, sometimes i really don’t want to, but i know that people recognize me, look at me, they can film me on my phone, so i always behave extremely cultured, well, the advantages, well of course, it’s nice when people recognize you, it’s nice when people come up to you, it’s nice when they take pictures with you, so i always look for a balance in this so that... i get pleasure and there aren’t too many disadvantages, to irritate. next question, please, black microphone, tell me, do you have security? no, i don’t have security, but i have a personal driver, i don’t have a driver, i have an assistant who sometimes drives me, and i
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like that there is no security, not because i’m like that, because belarus is like that, it’s not accepted here, we’re lucky, that we live in a country where... few people may need personal security, except for senior officials, which is required by the constitution, and this is the happiness of our country, because in some countries rich people, even businessmen , cannot walk down the street without security, because they can simply kill him and take everything. please tell us how you got into politics? i didn't want to go into politics. at the age of 16, when i was finishing school, i dreamed of doing everything to spite my parents, that is, my father wanted me to be a military man like him, my mother wanted me to be a businessman, my grandmother wanted me to be a banker like her. that's why i went to the ministry of internal affairs and became the best in my profession there, i came to politics when it dawned on me that this was the path,
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i couldn’t give advice from my parents, they annoyed me, it seemed to me that these were old people, forty years old, who were teaching me something. when i am now 46, i listen to them with pleasure, realizing that this is wisdom, they wish me well. oleg sergeevich, do you think that teenagers should have pocket money, definitely, but not too much, that is, i had one teenage daughter, she was already 19 years old. you can’t call yourself a teenager anymore, without money a teenager feels bad, how everyone goes around buying
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chips, chocolate, something tasty, but the child is not, so you must give pocket money, but within reason and so that there is no social discrimination in the class, but in simple words, so that in one class there is not someone very rich with a lot of money, someone without money goes , it shouldn’t be like this, in my time we forced people like that to buy us something, in our class we had it, he had a lot of money... he counted it and couldn’t afford a lot, so he knew how to be happy, i remember offhand immediately, in my time in ninety
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-four, ninety-three it was very a fashionable bomber jacket, a leather jacket with a collar made of wool, it cost 100 dollars, that was crazy money at that time, just crazy, when my mother and father saved up money they bought me this jacket, i was the happiest boy who went to school, but i was even happier because my two best friends bought the same jackets and we went to school in the same jackets, so that’s it. next question, please, red sector. did you rebel against your parents and how did they punish you? every day he rebelled, did everything out of spite, and against grandparents, and parents. for example, specifically, when my grandfather was at home, sitting with me, i turned on those groups that at that time it was not customary to listen to, but now there is civil defense, the gas sector, knowing what. this irritates my grandfather immensely, if my mother said something, i tried to do everything
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out of spite on purpose, how they treated me, my mother is tolerant, my father is sometimes very tough, i immediately calmed down, they punished you, they punished you and put you in a corner, uh, they never beat me, that means , they put me in a corner, uh, for about 15 minutes, after 10 minutes they forgave me for about 15 minutes, and i was punished, there were no mobile phones then, i was forbidden to go for a walk with my friends on the street. i sat in the room, read books, these parental punishments helped me read a lot of books, and i still read a lot of them, the next question, the black sector, have you ever been given anything through connections in your life? it happened, it means that my grandmother was a big person in the banking system, we can’t imagine this time now, yes, that glazed cheese curds in the country could only be bought... by borrowing some position in the leadership of the cpsu, my
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grandmother had the opportunity to buy glazed cheese curds every week, they were rarely brought to the store, she bought these rare products, taking advantage of her position, it was all legal, but it was like that, the same thing happened sometimes fruits in my childhood, my father was a military man, they had access to buy bananas, for example, and i have another story like this : problad, can you imagine, now you watch all the films on computers, on tablets, well, anywhere, the internet has opened , i watched any movie, when i was there, they inserted a video cassette. so there was nowhere to buy it, and my grandmother also managed to agree to buy this vcr for our family, it cost crazy money, and we were so happy that we could watch these videotapes, so unfortunately, or fortunately, i don’t know how to answer , but i promised to tell the truth, there was a time when i used such connections, if you can call it that,
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then a question from the yellow sector, when did you earn money for your first car? or maybe you got it when you weren’t working yet, maybe someone gave it to you? my first car was you 21.06, which i bought for 150 dollars, after graduating from the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, and since i promised to tell the truth, i admit that i bought the car, but i didn’t have a license, so for a couple of days i drove around on the streets without a driver's license, that is, i even broke the law a little, but there were times like that, the country fell apart, the traffic police were n't so strict, but then... i went and passed my license, i'm very neat, careful a driver who follows traffic rules , well, during this time i have had many different cars, inexpensive, i just love them, hello, my name is lika, it’s easy for you with your children, it’s easy with them up to
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12 years old, that means when you’re 12 years old for the eldest daughter, it immediately became... very difficult, a transitional age began, a contradiction, which means she began to argue all the time, now she is 19, everything is gone, she is an excellent student, she studies at bsu, she entered the budget, she is studying to become a psychologist, i am very i'm proud of her, but you know, i'm so i love my children that i also perceive the difficulties that occur with them in communication as happiness, because it is still communication, it is still interaction, it is still an opportunity to express. your love, even in conflict. are you strict, father? i really want to be strict, but it doesn’t always work out, especially with my youngest daughter. i am a father who spoils his children, but i try to be strict, that is, i always sit down and say to myself: you need to be stricter, you need to be stricter, you need to put in the right thoughts, you need to show that you are a father, and there should be a father
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sometimes she’s strict, and then she smiles, hugs me, says, daddy, i love you. and the severity disappears somewhere, i won’t deceive you, you applied any sanctions to your daughters, constantly, which means the most important sanction is a mobile phone, now a sanction has been applied to your youngest daughter, she is deprived of a mobile phone, she has a push-button mobile phone, she goes to school with a push-button mobile phone, this sanction was applied so that at one time she spent less on tiktok, more...
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i would react negatively, but i wouldn’t prohibit it, i would try to explain to her and explain that the problem is not in the country, the problem is in you, the problem is who you are, and if you can’t work, if you don’t want to work, then changing the country will not help you, if you are not mentally capable of anything, you will not be happy in any country. “no country will bring you happiness, but i would never forbid it if it came, dad, i see my happiness only beyond the borders, for god’s sake.
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hello, my name is diana. continue, please, the phrase: to be a politician means to constantly communicate with people, constantly, every day, to travel around the country, speak, reach the hearts of people, tell, explain what is happening in the world, what is happening in the country. this is the main job. and what, uh, will you find most difficult and tiring in your work? i will say nothing, because i adore my job, that is. in general, i believe that a person can be successful if he loves what he does, if he doesn’t love, does it under pressure, or suffers or suffers, nothing will come of it, i adore what i do every day. we are moving to the yellow sector, please, at school you were probably a decent boy, an exemplary and excellent student? no, i was beaten at
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school, i remember, i was afraid to even leave school, it was the nineties, and there were fights from district to district, school to school, and if you went out alone, they could beat you alone, we went in a group of 10-12 people , i studied well in humanities subjects, i really didn’t like physics. i just couldn’t digest chemistry, mathematics, geometry, the most terrible subject for me was drawing, they gave me a drawing, friends, redraw it, i put it on the window, with a sheet on top, it still turned out crooked by a c, that is, drawing was just hell for me. can you tell us about one of your most hooligan acts? yes, there were a lot of these hooligan acts, sometimes they skipped classes, sometimes they ran away from school. with friends, but i didn’t do anything scary, i was quite modest, what scared me most was meeting girls,
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there was no internet, the worst thing for me was meeting, approaching that girl at school, which i like, this was the most terrible thing for me, i still remember it because i was embarrassed and afraid, then a question from the black sector, turn to the right, hello, my name is polina, what do you think? never sometimes ends, that is, i hope that childhood in me has not ended, it seems to me that when childhood in you finally ends, you turn into a very old man, looking at you today, and i am 46 years old, it seems to me that i i hope very much that somewhere in the depths of my soul i remain a little bit of you, and this gives me the strength to live, but how did you understand that you became an adult, oh, when... my parents stopped giving me pocket money and told me to earn money myself, i realized that something was wrong, and my life really changed, when i eat by myself , cooking,
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i remember, i began to live alone, i began to iron my own pants, my mother no longer ironed, so childhood goes unnoticed, when you take more care of yourself than someone takes care of you. in your opinion, can the world exist without politics? no, it can't, why? because as long as the world exists, politics exists as long as because communication even between states, dialogue between states, is also politics, within a country it is also impossible without politics, that is, i don’t believe in anarchy, politics is always needed, like communication, as an opportunity for people to be heard, but politics? can exist without war? i would like to, but unfortunately not, because as long as our world has existed, as long as the state has existed, there has been a war there or in
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another place, that is, in some parts of the world they are always fighting, unfortunately, there is not enough water, grain, for the whole world, bread, food, gas, oil, and people share this, but i think that we all together must... make sure that someday there will be politics without war, i would dream about this, probably like every person on earth. please tell me, is there friendship between politicians and do you have friends yourself? i don’t have many friends, i don’t believe that anyone can have many friends, i had most of them in childhood, over the years there have been fewer of them, i have comrades among politicians, but a friend is a different thing, a friend is a person , to whom you can pour out your soul.
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space, i even feel good somewhere, i don’t see anything bad in this, uh, it would be worse for me if they didn’t notice me, if they didn’t see me, well, our party is called similar, the origins are also similar, but i never copied him, i won’t copy him, it’s funny who copies him, because there won’t be a second zhirinovsky, just as there won’t be a second gaidukevich, a copy is always worse than the original, you have to be yourself. and i always try to be who i am. thank you, it's the red microphone's turn again.


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