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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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technologies of the future and products of domestic mechanical engineering are in demand in world markets. let's face it, the belgospischeprom concern is implementing a new project to popularize belarusian food products. child friendly border. the state border committee and unicef ​​are strengthening cooperation. and the immortality of the feat. an exposition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders is presented in moscow. on the air.
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programs events in the studio olga onishchenko. hello. belarus continues to form its export portfolio, expanding the geography of product supplies. and our equipment, for example, is awaited literally all over the globe. let’s ask our columnist olesya vysotskaya about the horizons of the potential of belarusian machine builders. the far arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country, huge markets, prospects, it is necessary to wisely use demand and more actively develop new directions. for brazil, our tractors are like... a stream of fresh air; the assembly plant, which cooperates with mtz, has already received more than 8,000 applications from local farmers for tractor models 112 and 152, just do it. the times are very interesting now, and distant countries, geographically, are becoming closer to us. brazil for us is that point in the distant arc where we can and should settle well. the very circumstances of our lives dictate that we be closer to each other. this is the largest country in latin america, there are 200.
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there are a lot of tasks themselves, from artificial intelligence for analyzing the situation, to building maps, analyzing risks, which arise during operation, to specific cases, how a tractor should behave with this or that unit, that is, this is all a large field for research. the first unmanned tractor is being studied at a technical university, where it was transferred by the minsk tractor plant. when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the security and navigation systems. the main thing is to respect the wishes of the farmers, because the drone will get to the field to do the work on its own, you can start the smart car from the remote control, the maximum speed is 38 km/h, will be able to work 24x7. today we understand that practice-oriented learning and training of specialists at a high level is impossible without the active participation of our partner enterprises. this is truly a unique opportunity for students to join not only such practical knowledge, but
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also to gain real experience and teamwork, interaction with the customer, but also the implementation of real projects, also collaborating with others at the university. large companies in the country, including those producing food and household goods technology. they jointly engage in innovative activities, and subsequently assign graduates to their first jobs. the allied electric truck will have every chance to conquer the market. what kind of car will it be? the new belas heavy truck with a lifting capacity of 120 tons was seen in action by representatives of leading russian mining companies. the battery for the dump truck is produced at rusatom. on one charge. the moss truck can work up to 8 hours. the belarusian automobile plant continues large-scale modernization of workshops, which will be completed in the twenty-fifth year. this will help increase the production of quarry equipment. more than a thousand units of cars per year. you must understand that we not only provide the dump trucks themselves,
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we also provide the infrastructure. that is, what is this, these are charging stations, these are natural liquefaction plants. gas - these are plants for liquefying hydrogen; we provide a range of services in order to switch to alternative energy sources. last year we produced 962 units of mining dump trucks, with a load capacity of 30 up to 240 tons. we are currently working to modernize our production facilities, which we plan to complete in the twenty-fifth year, increasing our production capacity to 1,200 units. per year, depending on the model of the mining dump truck, the localization level ranges from 60 to 80%. much attention is also paid to the 130-tonne hydrogen fuel dump truck, for now it is a prototype, but by the end of the year the new product will be made into a prototype for work, primarily
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in russian quarries. the belgospischeprom enterprise also announces the implementation strategy for entering new markets, we remind you that it started in 2023. what are the progress? then we managed to gain a foothold. in africa, begin deliveries to somalia, brukinofasso, ganna, and equatorial guinea. this year, in the first quarter, exports of products increased by more than 25%. our presence in china is also growing, but the key task remains to saturate the domestic market. to promote the products , belgospishuprom launched the project “let’s grow together.” within two months, opinion leaders on social networks will share with subscribers secrets of producing your favorite delicacies. this is the case when you can find truthful and objective information on the internet.
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more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel the main political event in minsk was the all-belarusian people's assembly, which was attended by more than a thousand delegates and over 700 invited guests, who discussed the strategic development of belarus in various areas, from economics to security. what is the meaning of the new status of the vns and what are the expectations from the people meeting of the society, let's ask andrey sych, a political observer.
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it originates there from the polotsk veche, from this form of interaction between belarusians on our land, from ancient times, so today we are talking about this form of democracy. it has proven itself and has repeatedly already, including being a deterrent on the territory of the modern republic of belarus, in our sovereign history, it has helped , among other things, to balance the branches of power; it has stated what needs to be done over the course of five-year plans, because with the arrival of alexander lukashenko, we have reached this form of fairly serious strategic planning, which is what many critics are talking about today who do not understand how the entire belarusian people’s people operates...
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especially as regards the peoples that surround the republic of belarus. in this sense , we let our neighbors understand their plans for the future, how we see this future, and how we will react in certain circumstances, including, perhaps, to potential actions that will be directed as a threat for our republics, for the belarusian society, so again we need to understand in what format these documents were adopted. after all , quite a serious public discussion took place, in addition to the fact that they were adopted at
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the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is, let's say, such a bold point in the long journey of preparing those very documents, because they were discussed in labor collectives, including in the scientific expert, in the political science environment, so we can note that these are quite seriously developed documents that not only meet the challenges modernity, but again they look far ahead at the possible circumstances that may... arise, and one of them is the very biological threat that first appears in our documents reflects the very level of danger that is associated with the spread of the pandemic, we are among other things, we declare that we will take a closer look at this issue, and alexander lukashenko, among other things , indicated that there is a need to form some kind of conference on biological safety on the territory of belarus, and i am sure that it will take place in the near future. 1700 delegates, a lot, you see, people are completely different, of different professions, social statuses, different
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ages, why is this emphasized, in your opinion, will this help resolve all the existing issues in society more effectively? firstly, i believe that the all-belarusian people's assembly, the representation that it absorbs, is in fact a fairly serious personnel lift and personnel potential for our country, because that firstly, people who, with... practical experience of interaction from ordinary conditionally workers of a particular enterprise with parliamentarians, with deputies, with a fairly large amount of knowledge and civil servants, so i think that we will still see representatives of the all-belarus people's assembly as quite representatives of government agencies have serious consequences. it is important to note the very bright speeches that
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are heard at the all-belarusian people's assembly, we are talking not only about the seventh all-belarusian people's... meeting at each such congress we see quite bright, young people, balanced deputies, let's take the heat of salferov, who at the all-belarusian people's assembly, the forefather of all microelectronics, says that belarus has chosen the right path for economic development, that we are investing in the development of high-tech industries and are an advanced state in this direction, this is important, it is worth paying attention to, of course, when...
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the european union, in the united states, that officials live by their own views, their lives, and ordinary people are increasingly forced to go out to... that is , a huge layer of problems has accumulated and the absence of such a body as the all-belarusian people's assembly does not allow the authorities to build this bridge between people, in ours, in our case there is no such problem arises, well , in fact, if you think about it, this is inherent in
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our mentality, and discussing such general issues that are important for society, including strategic ones, and what is embedded here... in the vns, questions, all together with talaqa, as we often say , a why is this important today in the current realities in your opinion, again, because the challenges that we face are actually unprecedented, for a long time, even a decade, i would say, there was a balance of power between the soviet union and the united states states, since 2001, the united states unilaterally began to destroy this balanced system, which was built by andrei gromyko, a famous native... from the gomel region, and so this system was based on literally three treaties: this is a treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, on the non-deployment of missile defense and on the reduction of strategic-range missiles. today, these agreements practically do not exist; for belarusians, in this coordinate system, it is important not
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to get lost in understanding how the largest neighbors of our country will act, in order to make decisions based on this. a balanced decision for the future and not to dissolve in this global confrontation, including and even play a significant role, taking into account the fact that we are one of founders of the united nations. in the modern world, we are faced with a large flow of information, including, especially recently, a lot of fake information. how can we separate the wheat from the chaff, in your opinion, what can be opposed to this today? actually i've been long enough. i thought about this at one time, because this is also one of the core topics for my research, today this balance between truth and lies has practically disappeared, because machine learning, art. intelligence allows you to create an absolutely distorted reality, which a person is no longer able to distinguish with a simple glance ; deep fakes are a strong threat,
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including in the european union , legislation is currently being considered to bring criminal liability, i think , that we should think about this, but first of all, i emphasized for myself the very recipe that the head of state announced: it is necessary to meet with people and speak directly, it’s quite... difficult will convince an ordinary person, for example, that this or that deputy, politician, representative of government, government agencies, is some kind of, well, scoundrel, relatively speaking, or he makes some absurd statements if you have met this politician , had the opportunity to ask him a question, you understand what he thinks, what views he holds, where he is leading this or that body to which he belongs, so at the moment the ideal recipe is:
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the prospects for interaction were discussed in minsk. our columnist, elena puntus, will talk about the results of the negotiations. the parties agreed on the importance of protecting the rights of minors, regardless of citizenship and immigration status. children crossing the border should be under special protection; cases where pregnant women or mothers with babies stand in queues for a long time will be excluded. the stay of minors at state borders should be comfortable. of course, children who cross the border or are near the border. also need help, they have special needs, especially these are children, migrants, refugee children, let’s say, vulnerable children, and of course we hope that
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together with the state border committee we could provide this assistance more systematically, interact more systematically, and also strengthen the potential of the state border committee, employees who communicate with children, this includes issues related to psychology, issues of identifying unaccompanied children, well, in general, we hope to improve and strengthen the material and technical base of the state grammar committee, in particular with special equipment and conditions for working with children. following the meeting, the parties signed a memorandum of understanding, its main goal is to establish a long-term partnership to create and develop a friendly environment for families with children. an agreement was also reached on the need to conduct joint monitoring at the state border. cooperation between unicef ​​and the state border guard. committee of belarus began several years ago with the pilot project child friendly border. at the minsk national airport , corridors were allocated and special conditions were created
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for children. in minsk, issues of reforming the union media were discussed, which was included in the information agenda. issues of increasing the efficiency of the media, as well as creating a union media holding. its main task is an objective and truthful reflection of the processes of union integration and all topical issues that are currently of interest. it is necessary to bring the system of providing the union state, information support of the union state in line, firstly with the spirit of the times, and secondly with the challenges that our integration is facing,
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the main office of the holding will be located in moscow, a representative office will operate in minsk, it is planned that the structure of the media company will include a tv channel, several print media and an editorial office that will create content for digital media and social networks. let us remind you that the presidents of belarus and russia signed a decree on the creation of a media holding of the union state on january 29. following the results of the meeting of the supreme state council held in st. petersburg. on the eve of the holiday season, a large event was held in minsk tourist week, tell us about its main
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events. this is the second belarusian-russian tourist.
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in the near future , direct flights from minsk to makhachkala will be added to the bus tours. during the days of the exhibition , the second belarusian-russian tourism congress was held, among the participants were representatives of government administration and business of the two countries. experts spoke about the harmonization of legislation, the development of organized tourism, as well as investments in belarusian infrastructure. any investor is interested in expansion, and the new belarusian market is attractive. moreover, from the point of view of tourism infrastructure, the framework is unfriendly.
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the opening of minsk will become more attractive for potential investors thanks to the emergence of an international exhibition center, it is expected in mid-2025. the immortality of the feat is presented in moscow with an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, what can you see at the exhibition? more than 100 items, such as a portrait gallery of veterans, drawings by military artists, in person. things participants of the great patriotic war. a separate section is devoted to the work of the writer front-line soldier sergei smirnov, author of the book brez fortress. it was he who first attracted attention to the heroic epic of the defense of the citadel. the exhibition presents his personal diaries with recordings of interviews with eyewitnesses who defended the fortress. it was thanks to the activities of sergei smirny that many received awards, in particular the man who led the defense of the fortress, from major gavrilov,
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since he was dismissed from the army. russian museums, it opens a series of events that will take place on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results of the analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program: main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the website belarus24.bbi, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best.
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good evening, at this truly historic time for sovereign belarus, i am with you.


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