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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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a project of belarusian and russian museums, it opens a series of events that will take place on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program. main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the belarus24.bbi website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best. good evening, at this truly historic time for sovereign belarus, i am with you. i,
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lyudmila kazak. and it is worth noting, peaceful life we are provided with a competent policy in the field of national security. today is an important day, both for our state as a whole and for each belarusian individually. on the second day of the all-belarusian people's assembly, delegates discussed issues important for the country and approved strategic documents, the concept of national security and the military doctrine of belarus. delegates' comments, expert opinions, and a powerful speech from the president as chairman. in the world, international relations and public life, watch live. concerning our policy, the military situation , the national security concept and the military doctrine of the republic of belarus. key documents were approved today on the second day by the work of the all-belarus people's assembly. the delegates supported the decision unanimously. before you accept.
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side of our western border, airfields, naval bases, training grounds are being improved at an accelerated pace , advanced bases are being created for the advance deployment and storage of equipment, weapons and materiel, we do not record this only thanks to space reconnaissance, but on earth. it is obvious that the territory of poland and the baltic countries is purposefully turning into military territory. handed over for its possible
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use by the nato bloc, that is , almost everything has been done to prepare the leadership of the alliance for the decision to use military force, including extreme military force. based on the level of military danger in the region, the armed conflict on the territory of ukraine deserves special attention. taking into account current realities, one must understand that the system for ensuring national security.
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on the other hand, the president added, the russian army is equipped with new weapons and has large reserves in each brigade. in fact, the russian military is moving forward, but very slowly.
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a stalemate situation, which in this situation, as i understand it, i always suggest, should be done, the most serious, as never before during this war, a convenient, so to speak, situation for peace, for concluding a peace treaty, but for starting interrupted negotiations , they always have to start with something, you could start with istanbul. agreements, this does not mean that as a result of negotiations these agreements initialed by the parties will be accepted or even become the basis of a peace treaty, no, but you can start with them and move forward, of course, it will not
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be a peace treaty, copies of these agreements, a peace treaty will be different, but we can start with this, we agreed on this and worked on it for a long time. we have three rounds in istanbul, a round of negotiations, what we came to, as i already said yesterday, all the military, heads of western intelligence services, politicians, leaders states are already publicly saying that putin’s victory cannot be allowed, well, if you insist on this that this is impossible, then this is the moment for negotiations, as i say, play in...
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proposals are put forward that are unacceptable before negotiations, this means that that country , which puts forward them, is not ready to negotiate, i know the mood of the ukrainian military, they are already tired of this war, but they cannot take independent actions, because behind president zelensky, who wants to fight until the last ukrainian, are entire nato troops and the entire...
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belarusian liberation army, the basis of which should be the so-called kolenovsky regiment and other volunteer formations.
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if you want to get experience at the front, if you don’t go to the front, we won’t feed you, so they are fighting, now
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they received information on the last morning, they are busy, as you would think, with elections to the coordination council, and even, well, the parliament, like the parliament there is a fugitive in exile, something needs to be done, and they even reached these kolinovites, something has already happened there...
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in regions of the country. based on the analysis geopolitical situation, this document objectively required adjustment and adaptation to modern realities. this is caused by those processes and trends in the system of international and regional security as part of the transformation of our society, which have formed over the past 14 years since the adoption of the current concept. the preparation of the draft concept was carried out on a systematic basis, based on the results of comprehensive analytical studies. research in key areas of ensuring national security were identified
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basic directions for improving the document. at the same time, we turned to leading representatives of the scientific expert community for help, which allowed us to approach this issue more comprehensively. as part of the work of the interdepartmental working group, which included representatives of more than thirty different government bodies and organizations, the proposals of all authorized entities in the main areas were taken into account. national security. the path to creating the document was chosen to be evolutionary rather than revolutionary. he maintained continuity in relation to the current concept. all the best that has proven itself positively, including in practice, has been preserved. the structure, basis, theoretical, methodological basis also remained without fundamental changes. the concept is a document that defines the main messages that are clearly and unambiguously perceived on...
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as part of the implementation of the security council resolution , public discussion of the concept is organized on a planned basis on discussion platforms. by analogy with our constitution. in addition, to ensure the most convenient opportunity for familiarization with all citizens, the text of the concept was posted in the public domain on the national legal platform. internet portal, where we recorded significant interest in this document, both from our citizens and citizens abroad. in total, more than eighty discussion platforms were held in all regions of the country, government bodies and organizations, labor collectives, educational institutions, trade unions and public associations, with the wide involvement of representatives of scientific and expert
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communities, major religious denominations, civil society actors. the revision of the document was also determined by the development of the national theory of military art, we closed the blind spots on the use of military force in peacetime, clarified the system of operations of the armed forces, made a number of landmark decisions in matters of military development, equipping the structural components of the military organization of the state and the development of the defense sector of the economy, especially taking into account the severe sanctions pressure from our...
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moreover, new approaches to the implementation of the military policy of the republic of belarus were widely discussed among the public. taking into account all the changes and additions made, the developed draft military doctrine is actually a new document. in the current edition, it has implemented a number of innovations. the document became targeted . it clearly identifies the sources of threats to the republic of belarus and provides an assessment of the likelihood. unleashing military conflicts of various types, including unleashing internal conflict by hand pseudo-belarusian extremist organizations such as the kalinovsky regiment and the like. we are also for the first time openly drawing the attention of the international community to the regional ambitions of the polish leadership, which may try to achieve them by military force.
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the connection between the draft doctrine and the updated concept of national security has been strengthened. in the development of provisions. concept , a new approach has been implemented, providing for the gradation of military dangers according to the level of risk and challenge . this gradation of danger according to stages of increase forms in our legislation a legal basis for responding without waiting for the moment when an attack on the republic of belarus is already inevitable, and it is too late to act. an important innovation of the document is the inclusion of military dangers in the list. the possibility of opponents using military force against the republic of belarus even in peacetime is what we are faced with today on our southern western borders. at the same time, provocations, armed actions, incidents on the part of our neighbors in themselves are not a military conflict, but they can become a catalyst for it
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unleashing, therefore it is necessary to respond to them, first of all, with strategic force measures. official minsk has repeatedly initiated global negotiations to establish transparent rules for mutual coexistence. at the same time, the west remained mute and deaf to these initiatives and views our region as a potential theater of military operations. we are forced to take appropriate measures to neutralize threats to defend our right to an independent state. aggression, behind the dry technical formulation hybrid forms come to the fore , hiding banal meanness and the desire to achieve one’s goals through the hands of others. western intelligence services use people as puppets, sometimes in the dark, without revealing
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their true goals. the method is not new and is actively used; it was used during the great patriotic war. the plans being implemented for our country are not some kind of know-how. materials from the kgb archives indicate that the methods used are old, modified to take into account modern realities. i will indicate individual details: in in vilnius, warsaw, kiev, and other capitals and regions of western countries, following the example of hitler’s germany, puppet structures are being formed that are involved in projects to overthrow the current government. if the plans are successfully implemented, they are expected to be used as an occupation administration to manage the territory by the population of our country. they are financed by the american. in total there are more than 65 of them, acting as pads for foreign intelligence services, over 60 million
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us dollars are being allocated this year alone. funds are used for maintaining subversive centers, planning and implementing information and psychological operations against the leadership of the population of the republic of belarus, organizing cyber attacks on a critical facility. the commission of terrorist attacks, sabotage, extremist actions, and armed invasion are considered. on the territory of poland, in belostotsky, mozovetsky and some other
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voivodeships, the so-called polish-lithuanian commonwealth, consisting of eight harugvias with a total number of over 300 people, is steadily and consistently increasing its numbers, their leaders, burzhinsky, bespalov, asadullaev, komlikyama. the last two in bialystok and others, by the way, well-known to the state security committee, work closely with the polish intelligence services, conduct combat coordination training to seize administrative buildings, government agencies, law enforcement and security structures in grodno, brest, minsk. direct quote from one of the fugitive extremists in poland. we have only two options: war.
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system of assessment indicators of the state of national security of the republic of belarus in the biological field. in addition, in 2023,
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a biological safety council was created under the council of ministers with the participation of key stakeholder departments. all these measures together contributed to increasing the efficiency of national coordination structures in this area. i am confident that joint efforts will improve our country’s protection from the effects of both known and new dangerous biological factors. it is important to note that all new provisions of the concept have a clear scientific basis. all questions tested by us, they now give concrete practical results. for example, this concerns countering the spread of invasive species of plants, animals and microorganisms that are alien to our country. increasingly, in our society, at home, at work, questions are being discussed: will there be a war, is it possible? modern society to ensure security, preserve sovereignty and
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independence. in one of his speeches , the head of our state stated: peace is the most important, absolute and worldview. all this gave special relevance to the request value for belarusians. and it is impossible to disagree with this statement. belarusians. like no one else, they know the value of the world. peace allows us to give clear outlines to society’s guidelines and builds confidence in the future. for the younger generation, this is an opportunity for self-realization of success and recognition. for older generations, this is the well-being of the family, the future of children and grandchildren. unfortunately, maintaining peace is impossible without. readiness for war, everyone knows the expression: if you want peace, prepare for war. that is why in the republic of belarus close attention devoted to the fulfillment of a sacred duty. defense
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of the homeland, people, land with arms in hand. our love of peace is not pacifism; the words of alexander lukashenko fully describe the belarusian approach to ensuring the security of society and the state. official minsk is open to dialogue and the formation of a new, fair security architecture. as we have seen, we live during a great redivision of the world, where western countries are small.


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