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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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the enterprise produces 100-120 cars per month, the bulk of the products are sold to russia and kazakhstan, the enterprise finished last year with a plus and started this year on a positive note, five thousand people work here for results. the number of large families is growing in belarus; today there are already more than 122 of them. pays great attention to the implementation of programs to support large families, one of them is family capital. from january 1 of this year, its size is 31,480 rubles. to date, more than 136 thousand deposit accounts have been opened. families received possibility of early use of support funds. basically, the money is used to build housing, pay for education or necessary treatment. if we talk about the benefit system, it has also been reformed over the years. throughout this period, first
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with the basic social standards from which benefits were calculated, the main benefits were in connection with births and for a child under 3 years old, they were calculated from the minimum wage, then the standard was changed from the minimum consumer budget for a family of four people, subsistence budget, since 2013, our childcare benefit for children under 3 years of age is calculated on the average monthly salary for all recipients, both insured and uninsured. the key to a strong country is a strong army. these days , cadets of the air defense faculty of the military academy are undergoing field practice. before the final exams, future officers launch combat missiles from anti-aircraft missile systems. the training system at the air defense faculty makes it possible to train air defense specialists, who will subsequently pass on their knowledge and skills.
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socio-political talk show in essence, today we will once again talk about how our country is protected and what truly belarusian defense is? in the studio kirill kazakov and alena syrova, we will work today together with our experts, if you want to join us, point your phone qr code that you see at the bottom of the screen and join the conversation that can be counted behind our backs, well and if you want to subscribe to our telegram channel to find out what the presenters are thinking about? off-
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air program editors, subscribe to the second qr code. so let's begin. hello. we haven’t gathered in our studio with such a military composition for a long time. everything is somehow about peaceful, peaceful affairs, but in general, let’s start with them, with the routine ones. although somehow, with the military situation, or rather with the statements of our opponents, they are still connected. look, recently they have been actively circulating the story that belarus and russia are not just aggressors in the context of ukraine, but we we pose a great danger to our neighbors, lithuania and poland, in general, everyone is aware that, according to some comrades, we are going to attack them, conquer them, in general, of course, everyone wants to see what he wants to see, is looking for it definite confirmation, the head of state had a personnel day today and...
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he said, i’ll tell you honestly, no one has officially talked about this, as if no one really spoke, we don’t seem to be under a blockade, look, the buses are leaving for yours, they go to vilnius, by plane you can even go through moscow, but in europe to fly away, excuse me, but let's remember that interview, the ant that made such a noise on the territory of the lithuanian republic, although in fact the ordinary interview was based on... the principles of international law, where he simply explained that from the point from the perspective of international law, a blockade of a state is equal to a declaration of war. when this was said, lithuanian officials were a little stunned that it happened, although they themselves did not
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read the treaties that they themselves signed when they joined the european union, because not only is our blockade a blockade of transit to kaliningrad... until the middle of the year, then there are two more exercises, in fact, the impression is that some troops are coming there, others are leaving, others are coming, german, american, lithuanian themselves , this is a teaching, or it’s some kind of rotation, or maybe, you know, they came just stood at the border, scared us, left
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again, well, actually, this already looks like a circus, but the situation is like this, so we are already they are used to everything, they are already afraid of them, they carry out constantly, here we are. you will remember, when the electoral campaign related to the election to our parliament was taking place, suddenly a training exercise began, which was called a griffin, yes, oh, i’m correcting myself, not a griffin, but a dragon 2024, it was poland that conducted these exercises, as it were it’s clear, they influenced us psychologically, that’s it, we’re starting an all-belarusian people’s assembly, the question is who they influenced, i just ask every second person here, no one knows that they were, no, that goes without saying, but the question is they are aimed at those who should know it, that is, they affect those people who?
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we know there is trouble on the western borders, there is trouble on the southern borders, but the task
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that the head of state set is to ensure security, i want to say, the military organization of the state in general and the armed forces in particular, they will carry it out, var nikolaevich, but what is happening on our air borders now, how is the situation, well, i want to assure our entire public that the situation is controlled, this is, firstly, so that reassure people at the same time tense, the number of reconnaissance aircraft flights increased. we see it all, observe, note and react in accordance with the situation that is developing, from us, so to speak, we see everything, how they fly, what planes fly, what they reconnaissance, and accordingly, well, we understand why they are doing this, they are to a greater extent mastering the airspace near our border, they have been flying like this for the last few years, which they have not mastered yet, it turns out that there is no way have not mastered it, they are afraid, they are afraid our answer, we always give a note. through the appropriate channels, our pilots are preparing to use weapons, we are not afraid
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to do this, remember the nineties, when a hot air balloon was shot down, what was it, some kind of wrong decision, no, it was a correctly weighed decision, someone shot down ours flew, no one, now they are getting bolder, now they are flying into our territory, testing whether we can react correctly or not, we will do everything that is necessary, and the head of state told us not to spare anyone if...
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they can answer, and states such as iran and such as israel, but they are odd,
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for example, the same for european countries, such as poland or lithuania, the aderation is over, well, today, when they were talking about the need to install air defense for ukraine, the europeans are no longer shy, they say that we don’t have it, we don’t have it for ourselves anymore, maybe they’re being disingenuous, of course, but on the other hand, it’s like the official press is coming out with these very statements that air defense not in europe, kiril, well i think they create exactly. anatoliyevich, look, we talked like this with journalists before the program, well
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, maybe we just have such a fantasy, maybe there’s already a professional deformation, we’re talking about the fact that there is some kind of feeling on the border, maybe not fear, the smell of war, let's call it literary, at the same time we have an all-belarusian people's assembly this week, and we will discuss, among other things , fundamental military documents, military doctrine, the concept of national security, these are things that... again same, well, as if a journalist, when he talks, they say: we will be one of the first to accept these documents, that is, the feeling is that the military leadership, in fact, is stating that or that.
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and if earlier the interest of these documents was limited to narrow specialists, let ’s say, military, relevant, specialists and those who are directly involved in defense issues, then the current edition is designed in general and is based on the nationwide nature of our defense countries, we are more afraid or we are less afraid, this is how to interpret your words, we are not afraid, we are real.
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it seems like everyone should mind their own business, which means the military theirs, the farmers theirs, the journalists theirs, and if we are talking about military documents, and the ones we are talking about are primarily military documents, then doesn’t it seem that we are too we dedicate a lot of extra eyes, hands, ears, roughly speaking, to these documents, like...
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parts of our population, which should be a strategic document where everyone is represented know the situation, b, understand, know where it is going, and the head of state clearly outlined, including...
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that, well, let’s just like we just talked with andrei petrovich about what, for example, europeans very often say about the fact that they don’t have enough air defense, in fact, let’s say it’s one thing publicly, but here with us, so that no one knows, here is the same story, we talk, we protect, we tell, but at the same time we must understand that there are probably some documents that, well, well, probably aren’t it is necessary to endure publicity, maybe this excessive publicity is frightening precisely because we...
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food security, i would also add complexes that ensure ours , i would add that the openness of this document is precisely related to the fact that read, watch , how we react to the situation that
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has developed, and what we will do in the event of the emergence of those very risks, challenges , threats to our state, our national interests, and not only for our population, this is an aspect of the message that should study, read, remember, as they say, get it on your nose, including western partners, how we will...
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he said very correctly, he said that neither the russian federation nor the republic of belarus are interested in this. belarus, as the arsenal of the russian federation, as it can be said, is the rear, a country that works for the russian federation 24x7, the russian federation needs it much more on the problems of our joint defense than if belarus directly struck, as they say, through the polesie swamps, given it's wooded swamps.
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events in ukraine, belarus will act as a party to the settlement, therefore, of course, our non-participation in direct military actions, interest in a peaceful settlement,
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at the same time, a common position with the russian federation allows us to say that belarus can act as an organizer, as a platform for these peaceful negotiations with the ukrainian regime that can come to the current one, in place of the current one, and be interested in preserving its country, its people. but under the current regime this is impossible, of course, alexandrovich says that perhaps the military will come who will be more interested in preserving their people than the current regime, oddly enough, yes, here it is important, probably, to remember that to understand that despite the fact that yes, we have clearly defined that belarus should not enter the war is objective, unambiguous, because for our state it would be a huge blow, but we are still being tortured.
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leadership for our entire country, so here you need to understand that the goals of the western tasks are for our head of state, for our partners, as lavrov, the russian foreign minister, likes to repeat, there is only one: this is to destabilize the situation, and it can be destabilized, among other things , by dragging us into a war, which, of course , is unacceptable for our state, and as for ukraine, but here you need to clearly understand that... those troops-forces are located along the state border on the ukrainian side, this is also such a huge military potential, today it can be transferred, including taking into account macron’s crazy statement when he says: it is possible to deploy part of the force of assets, including the composition of the united armed forces of nato or the national armed forces of france, on the state border in order to transfer the group to the southeast. so today this group, which stands near our borders, is quite
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powerful. which represents the territorial defense forces - these are the warring troops, they are exactly what they are, and the republic of belarus, among other things, provides, as it was correctly said, the flank, rear, of our strategic and military allies of the russian federation, including holding back at our borders, a group of territorial troops, which directly, which is up to 18 thousand at the border, and in general the entire group of more than 100 thousand, who protect the state border and solve problems in the central part of ukraine .
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official minsk, official moscow, this is basically the same thing that happened in europe, well, at a stretch, modern times, before the second world war, this is the third world war, even if we don’t know when will it start, but still people say, there will be a war, now, here it will be, to what extent it will be, this is one hundred percent certainty, or, let’s start with the previous quote from our president, which was already here, yes, that the russian federation ... is not interested in the republic of belarus participating in a special military operation, now let’s rephrase, yes, that is, the enemies of the russian federation are interested in involving the republic of belarus in hostilities, and now we look, yes, how many sabotage and terrorist groups are trying penetrate into our territories and are preparing in neighboring countries, but it is clear that those
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special services of the kiev regime... that is, the game is much broader, expansion of the conflict zone at the expense of belarus, at the expense of moldova, perhaps at the expense of the baltic states, i’m not sure that nato today needs some kind of stable baltic states, it is designed to ultimately break these land ties between the west and the east and hit, first of all , the people's republic of china, which
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is watching very, very closely. well let's say so, if they want to drag us in, but have not yet pulled us in, most likely the time has not come, we can clearly say, two pain points, and today we are optimists, so i’m only talking about two pain points, but optimistically, who in general, we are such optimists today. or about a pessimist, the question is: look, if we say that we are slowly entering the era of proxy wars, then here we have a clearly defined southern flank, yes, that is, the southern operational direction, in which we already know acts of sabotage in which the corresponding structures are being prepared, and the head of state has said more than once that we have two interesting directions, these are malorita and kobrin, and in which we can wait, in general the whole south poses such a significant danger for us
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if we are talking about some cool your headquarters...
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the first sixty of these ammunition are there from the fourth, fifth, from the seventh series to the twelfth series, that is, these are already gliding, adjustable ammunition, this is very serious indeed, and most importantly, the carriers are transferred, including to poland, the deployment of new f35 type aircraft there, they are capable of performing these tasks, you see, that is, in fact , today we are getting a little closer to this war, but we need to understand that we must react accordingly, our state is reacting. i have already said, i must say thank you many times to those people who dealt with issues of military development in our country, in particular the construction of the armed forces, because we created missile defense, air defense, because we eventually had our own
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missile systems, very serious, and air defense station systems, which we practically control the entire european part of our continent, in the end , the return of tactical nuclear weapons is what guarantees us for the most part. we are missing two points: the first point, the first point, if you carefully read the concept of national security, which will be adopted and discussed at the all-belarusian people's assembly, then it will give answers to
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many questions that we are now discussing here, a priori we have a lot of things provided for, the second point, which for some reason we somehow forget here and don’t remember, as if europe...
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and the fact that they are not officially declared does not mean that these, therefore, attempts will be abandoned, to our territory also has something to answer, these are... euro-strategic nuclear weapons, iskander operational-tactical complexes with a range of 500 km, and the warhead of which is from 5 to 50 kilotons, so it is clear that if tactical nuclear weapons appear on the territory of poland, then poland will become, well, a real target for tactical nuclear weapons not only of the republic of belarus, but also of the russian nuclear triad,
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for american nuclear weapons, clinton conducted an exercise a few years ago, he had an exercise here, in the scenario of this exercise there was a strike on the territory of belarus, and it should be done to intimidate the russian federation, that is, belarus is in no shape or form, a conflict between the united states and the russian federation, but the first act of this conflict should have been against the objects of the russian federation. territory of belarus, this is a station warnings of a missile attack and
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the communications station of the submarine fleet , tactical nuclear strikes were carried out, that is, belarus , due to its important geopolitical and strategic position , is initially a target for american nuclear weapons, in general, tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of poland will not add anything new, so to speak, the only thing , that two such front-line...
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the shortest distance, as they say, from the whole point is that belarus is located from warsaw to moscow, so we always, initially, all centuries were territories in which aggressors began to grow, through which both charles x and napoleon walked. i would add a little here, since
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i am now deeply involved in polish issues, today we must raise the question that today’s polish leadership and the republic of poland are neither a sovereign nor an independent state, this is the fact, unfortunately, when the polish elites changes in the places of their components, when they make some decisions and build strategies, these elites... use and do not come from national interests of poland, and from the interests of the so-called “euro-atlantic solidarity” quote, which prevails and determines decision-making, to be frank, belarus and russia benefit from the sovereignization of poland’s policy, at least according to the hungarian scenario, when the polish elites, the polish management.
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there are tusks and so on, they have long had all their real estate in poland, and for them poland is just a tool for personal gain, poland is not a sovereign, independent state, but at the same time, here’s ruslan anatoyevich, remember, when at the beginning of the year the head of state gathered the entire security bloc of the country in the officers' house, he gave publicly and several non-publicly quotes from some interceptions, and negotiations, where specifically we are talking about how...
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with the threat of another conflict, but we are talking about a large-scale conflict, like the third world war, unfortunately, i would not do this here, you cannot underestimate the enemy, everything that is being done on the territory of poland, lithuania, latvia and european countries in general clearly indicates that advance preparation for the use of military force, and this... everything is confirmed not just by some unfounded words, these are actions that, again, we assess as risks, challenges, threats, and all this, including, again, this a conceptual document called military doctrine, and this is what we are talking about, but can you interrupt for a second, you said about advance preparation, when they began
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to close the border crossings, there was such a story, yes, that they will do it on purpose so that people simply do not observe.
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serious things, because within the framework of these exercises, the largest, by the way, which are taking place, defender 2024, the prosuvalka corridor they said, kolriga 2024, these exercises have just begun, they are going on to protect this corridor and attract the national armed forces of lithuania, a contingent of participants, including the composition of these thirty-two countries, these are serious things that must be assessed, understood, and nothing less than a demonstration of readiness to use military force. it is impossible on their part, this is exactly why we are talking about ensuring our national security, that we need to soberly assess the situation, and underestimating it will lead to... the president said that wrong decisions will be made, today what we see, what is happening in the adjacent territory, is
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unambiguous those things that fit into that road map, which is about one thing, they are preparing for a major armed conflict, against the russian federation, against the republic of belarus, others, they have enshrined this in their conceptual, strategic documents, yes, they are not enemies they see, china, understandable. the russian federation, including its closest ally, the republic of belarus. can i make a small remark about this, by the way, of all of them, this is what is happening today, well , figuratively speaking, since about the twentieth year, you can take it a little earlier, a little later, there is only one thing that has suffered so far - the real state is poland, it suffered as part of these imperial ambitions that were not realized, and you remember what they were like, they were in the twentieth4, and there are three seas, everything you want, but today there is nothing, and then... who today she begins to frantically grab a weapon, look, this happened to her after what? yes, when these tactical nuclear weapons were eventually introduced into belarus,
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they now understand that let’s now add a little optimism to all this, if you look at it like this, it will soon be 80 years old, like no other state on whose territory there are nuclear weapons, there has never been an attack in these 80 years, there has never been such a case, it was the introduction here tactically... these are those imperial such global requests to seize the initiative in europe, today they
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are trying to become the only global player on the territory of european states who will solve problems, including security, and they said here, dependence, independence, definitely, and the european union, including poland, is this is already a wrapper of nato and the united states, that is, they...
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when several exercises were combined into one, which in terms of the number of troops and military equipment involved significantly exceeded these restrictions, well, in addition, it means the united states has stockpiled a large number of heavy weapons on the territory of european countries so that later, in the event of a threatened period or on the eve of war, they could transfer them by transport aircraft.
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fortunately, he is very often ahead of time and that is, we take some steps very well in advance, although someone there may say why, why, why, then
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it turns out that, in general, we were equipped with large weapons on time - long ago systematically they did it, well, even regarding air defense, but the situation in ukraine and those events with attacks on neighboring states associated with drones, this is where our situation stands, are we protected or not? i want to tell you right away that these questions, based on the experience of the russian federation conducting a special military operation on the territory of ukraine, show that... very little attention was paid to this issue by all states, and we see that neither the russian federation was ready for such a confrontation , neither ukraine, nor the same the most united states of america. 2 years of this conflict have led to the fact that it is necessary to take into account, it is necessary to change the methods of conducting combat operations, in particular to pay attention
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to air defense specifically to unmanned aerial vehicles. now they are small, they are large, they fly at high speeds, they do not fly at low speeds, they fly night and day, and so to speak, it is possible to find an antidote to this in modern conditions, but a constant change in the form of the method of application makes it necessary armed with the force of any state, in particular the armed forces of the republic of belarus, to test these methods. the exercises that were carried out recently, which included gathering activities with one of the denitor missile brigades, that people who had recently left for civilian life, or those people who were recently in the ranks, are now performing tasks in the civilian field, returning to our ranks, they they say that yes, the training system has improved, new simulators have appeared, we are using new methods of defeat, so talk about prodrones in a little more detail,
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to civilians in general.
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keep up with the times, use all the experience here, it can be positive, it can be negative, but we are not afraid to say that here we have succeeded, but here we have not, we draw conclusions, analyze, and this work is ongoing. in disassembled form, cross state borders; recently , a stock of unmanned aerial vehicles was discovered in one of the companies in moscow, and there is every reason to believe that some of these devices were used to attack
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civilian infrastructure, military... because the attack on the flying radar in machulishchi was carried out from within our state, we remember, we remember this episode, and there is reason to believe that many attacks on oil refineries of the russian federation were carried out. russian federation, collected, prepared for action, based on a tip from hostile elements, they were used against national economic facilities. anatoliyevich, well, in general, you probably also know more than one case when they are looking for traitors among the citizens of belarus
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who will be ready. do something like this kind of act, well, this is a worldwide practice, probably, and i am a supporter of the fact that today we are in a state... a kind of state of war, we are in combat operations, including you in the information sphere, and here, like in any war, there are probably traitors, there are some victims, but that’s not what’s important, what’s important is that we evaluate everything correctly, we understand that our opponents are ready to play for the long haul, well , maybe i’ll say it in an exaggerated way, to infinity on the outer contour on...
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we are constantly fighting with someone, constantly exposing someone, well, actually looking and studying, as if working now on the polish side, already specifically understanding that you are such an intelligence officer on the other side, information war 2024, what is this? now, if we are talking about the uspo, yes, that is, drones are a kind of modern history that has to be taken into account, because progress is still determined by war, and in our case, in the information war, what kind of drones are they...
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the main thing is to remain vigilant give rise to such a thing in society that, yeah, you scared us, scared, but nothing happens, that means you were saying something stupid, you can’t be trusted, but in fact you can’t trust those who have repeatedly deceived, we won’t point fingers at some of our neighbors... we won’t and we’ll just draw conclusions and concentrate on that within our state we have never deceived each other. day means armed, well, actually speaking about this program, the fact that we have an information
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war, the fact that we are in some kind of dead end, no. travel is not only about getting to know history and sights. which flows through volkovysk is one of the key points of the support of this city, actually volkovye in the translation of the slavic-baltic wolf's neck, hence also wolves. uchenikichaenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin donated the gift to the art gallery that was working. artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new. sequence, motherwort. but lafand, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant. well,
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this too, this is a cardiac plant here we have a cardiovascular plant. so, dear friends, to your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author's interpretation. and, of course, join in. everything, look in the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarus captivated them at first sight, the first time in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand , that this is generally the merit of people like...
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describes the use of apple cider vinegar to treat cancer, it simply can have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why. let's share interesting facts. however, there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers; for example, galen believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. the ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions. we are looking for
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answers to them, and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body. we have created in the clinic a long time ago, we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses, this absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the project science nearby, on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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