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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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puts everything in its place, both for you and me, and for our opponents. now everyone must understand that our love of peace is not pacifism, and we will defend our national interests by all means. the time has come for a fateful confrontation and consolidation of the entire society in the name of the prosperity of our homeland. this is the main message of today's final day of the all-belarusian people's assembly, which... has already gone down in history, having received a new status as the highest representative body of power of the people, and as our president noted, in the chronicle a new page has been written in state building. in the studio, sergei lugovsky, hello. such military issues were never discussed publicly. vns became the first platform in the country to open. talked about
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the real geopolitical situation around belarus with examples given by the kgb, the security council, and the ministry of defense. it was not the easiest discussion, but as a result, the delegates adopted both documents: the concept of national security and the military doctrine, which spell out strategic decisions that will influence the actions of everyone in the country during any situation, from armed to nuclear conflict. these are the realities of today. the world is entering a global conflict. america confronts china and russia. europe has been chosen as an ally temporarily. washington, in principle, does not need rivals, but it is too difficult to fight with everyone at once. therefore, there is a strategy - to pit the slavic peoples against each other, then deal with china in the pacific ocean, one on one. belarus has already passed.
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this is how the second day of the all-belarusian people's assembly will begin. most of the information indeed, she has never been in the public sphere, so as not to strain society, on the one hand, on the other, belarusians are so accustomed to the feeling of security that it began to seem easy to provide it. we have prepared materials that are usually heard and discussed exclusively at the security council level in silence, at meetings with the president, and closed meetings with the security bloc. but today we have to
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consider and adopt documents that define the strategy for countering risks and threats for the next decade, so without further ado lyrics and emotions, facts on the table. listen, draw conclusions, think, make decisions. the fact that the military-political situation in the region, and in the world as a whole, is assessed by politicians and experts.
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and moscow have turned ideologically and geopolitically, on the one hand, into a coalition, this is about our internal affairs, on the other, into a collective enemy, unfortunately, this is about part of the external contour. the west is considering. thanks to space reconnaissance, but on earth. it is obvious that the territory of poland and the baltic countries is purposefully turning into a military a springboard for its possible use by nato. taking into account current realities, one must understand that the system of ensuring
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national security in belarus objectively cannot remain unchanged. it will introduce a new topic: nuclear deterrence. those who pushed us towards it should know about this soberly, look at the clear consequences of their, but to put it mildly, careless decisions. officially, kiev and its reluctance to agree in many respects within ukraine have long been considered as the interest of only the political elite, despite the potential for negotiations in belarus in istanbul, which can be returned if desired, washington, of course, will not allow this. what do belarusians see? president in detail.
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in my opinion, if we don’t negotiate, ukraine will lose its statehood over time and may cease to exist, so i know that after these conversations of mine there will be a noise again in ukraine,
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various bloggers and journalists will start harassing me through all these channels, well, i’m already used to this, i express my position, mine, and if you agree with it... i ask proceed from this: peace is needed in ukraine today, evidence of this is the flight of more or less healthy, sane ukrainians from the country so as not to go to the front. this is an information war, to the extent that minsk sometimes takes even inconvenient steps towards peace, everyone in belarus knows about this, just as our neighbors are forming the image of an enemy in the person of us and moscow, on tv, on the internet, among controlled opinion leaders belarus and... all co-aggressors and in general are to blame for everything. of course, this increases the degree of hostility of the nato bloc by east direction. they recently accepted finland and sweden into the alliance in line for other european countries to join. and it has a purpose. along the eastern line everything should be in flames. once again i ask you to pay attention
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to my thesis expressed yesterday. people always have a question: what do these bastard americans want? i repeat again, they just want. to drown russia in war, to tear it away from the emerging alliance with china, this alliance does not exist, but it is emerging, circumstances have developed in such a way that both russia and china need to be together, the americans understood this, they need to drive wedge, but this is right, how to drown in ukraine, so 60 billion dollars, for them this is not money, fight, kill each other, but...
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they want to kill several birds with one stone, weaken russia, overload europe, weaken it as well, well, there in the pacific ocean, as i said, deal one-on-one with china, involving in this fight, first of all india, but england there, australia, god forbid ukraine and south korea, against china. but we need to understand that the situation requires the strictest
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control in all spheres, from information to military, and if the situation will become threatening, russia will use all the arsenal it possesses. it will be an apocalypse. the use of nuclear weapons is possible, this is no longer a secret; unfortunately, preparations are being made for this from all sides. 64 military personnel. the united states has more than 3,300 nato soldiers permanently stationed in europe, up to 2,000 of them are concentrated in poland in the baltic countries, that is, literally across the fence. this is intensive militarization of europe, and even if this ends badly for europe, this arrangement is also convenient for washington. data troop groups are equipped with modern strike weapons and are capable of delivering high-precision strikes against targets on the territory of belarus and the west. regions. the corresponding tasks are currently being worked out.
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the aircraft used are the strategic bomber aircraft of the us air force, which regularly fly in the european and continental region. for example, four american b1b strategic bombers are stationed in spain , including training in the technique of bombing nuclear warheads. on our territory country is training to use nuclear weapons. this is a response to those who are howling abroad with us, especially the fugitive ones, criticizing us for placing our nuclear weapons here. 18 alliance states, including poland and the baltic countries, intend to increase the volume of military expenditures to a level above 2% of gdp this year. field guide.
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more than 200 such munitions are stationed at air bases in europe, if not in general, but specifically in belgium and italy, by the way, the most. 90 at the gedi avian airbases, in turkey and the netherlands, this path can also be taken britannia. in the second half of the year, the white house is planned to be transferred to the forward airbase of leiken heath in the uk. f-35 multirole fighters capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons. if we don’t want escalation and are against the use of nuclear weapons, why is all this being done? as for our neighbors, poland has commissioned us missile defense bases, from which you can conventionally fire
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cruise missiles that can hit targets throughout our territory and the european part of russia, how should we feel about this? you you should know that since last year the intensity of reconnaissance aircraft of the joint armed forces of nato has increased significantly. on average, this is 40-50 sorties per week. we record them in real mode. since the nineteenth year for radar control of the airspace of belarus and the western regions. the russian federation is attracting aircraft from the australian air force, they too, what do they need here? all this is happening against the backdrop of high military activity, and poland intends to create the most powerful ground forces in europe, of course, with the help of military-technical
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support from the united states. warsaw is steadily increasing the number of its armed forces. the readiness of which will be achieved by september of this year, for non-military people, i will explain what operational readiness means, it means a formed corps, even tomorrow into battle, as at the front. in fact, the southern western border of belarus is in a difficult situation on the ukrainian side, everything is mined on their side, in the west poland is going
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to spend 133 on the army in the foreseeable future billion dollars, this will of course be included in taxes, but in the north on the... border, as the president will say, history has taught the germans nothing, they are unfolding in lithuania, tiny lithuania itself, which has already had a falling out with china, is going to create its own armed forces the formation of a divisional level, tank brigades supplied with german leopards, artillery and ground brigades, plus unstable kiev - this is the ground for a hot conflict. the coalition of western states is purposefully delaying it, why do i tell you also expressed his point of view.
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years, you feel how the americans are shifting the financial burden onto europe. contributions for these needs are planned to be divided in proportion to the gross domestic product of the nato countries. this is the deal that i spoke about yesterday, in other words, this is the payment for the ability to continue the confrontation with the russian federation after an active one.
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that is, we must fight for this, we must work for this, that is, we must adjust all the forces that must be applied, we do not feel any kind of threat, we live in peacetime, this
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thanks, of course, to our structures, we ourselves must bring our security concept and doctrine to life by probably being more attentive to each other, to the environment, thanks to our military, our...
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chain, so security was looked at as broadly as possible. events surrounding the special military operation in ukraine have increased the intensity of the discussion on issues of biological weapons and the risks of the functioning of western biological laboratories in sub-soviet countries. therefore, complex issues of ensuring biological safety are included in the relevant sections of the draft concept. thus , there are now nine security areas in the new document. about cybersecurity separately. the president will say, everyone who conducts business in one way or another, not only on paper, must have minimal skills, at least information hygiene. pay attention to cyber attacks,
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a lot of them succeed because we are outrageously negligent in working with all kinds of systems, computers, and so on. some don’t even have passwords for 2-3 years change in their networks and computers, someone will be held criminally liable for this... the concept of national security was not hidden, unlike others, some countries do not believe that such openness in intentions and actions to protect their state is for the benefit of general security, but belarus is not among them from the audience will ask that armies win battles, yes, but wars are won by people , that is, the entire people must, if necessary, stand up for the defense of their country, and in order to stand up for the defense , they must understand what is happening, what is the situation? what are the national interests, what areas of security, what are the threats today in each area of ​​national security and how to neutralize these threats, the concept
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of national security, this is all ... the secretary of state of the security council will remind you that the current concept comes from 2010, it seems, during this time the world has changed beyond recognition, as the concept will tell, the main thing is to answer what to do for literally all occasions. how far do you think we managed to look beyond the horizon and for what period of time it was designed. while working on this document, of course, we they tried to create a margin of safety, first of all, so that the document, for at least 10 years, would be in demand, they could. be guided in all countries, similar countries, neighboring countries, in the russian federation, such documents are adjusted by special national security laws, we do not have this law, maybe we will propose to the president to form such a law, but in my opinion, probably not entirely this is what is needed, why today we have a belarusian people’s assembly, if life changes, we can always make adjustments, and the president is sure that although you can’t
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tell everything about security, people know about the concept.
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containment, which is what we are doing now. it is now definitely easier to contain the enemy; the arsenal of weapons has expanded, including nuclear weapons, depending on how they are used.
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everyone is talking about it. the law that is. and the military doctrine speaks directly: this is not nuclear blackmail or intimidation, this is an opportunity for belarusians to ensure peace for themselves. this is our effective response to the aggressive policies of states unfriendly to us. and we we hope that the leaders of these states will listen and stop escalating this situation. also, thanks to the deployment of nuclear weapons on our territory, we have received a full arsenal. we consider the deployment of non-strategic nuclear weapons of the russian federation on our territory as an important component of preventive deterrence of a potential enemy. hoping for the best is preparing for the worst; this logic requires new military budgets. in belarus, this is no secret, it also
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increases costs...
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the trains were loaded and taken to armored vehicles, everything was cut into pieces, germany was melted down. the most valuable thing that could be was the armor. that's why. we have been thinking for a very long time about how to inflict this unacceptable damage, and many say: russia has placed something here to put us at risk, but before the deployment of nuclear weapons here, i told you and publicly declared and addressed the leadership of russia, the president of russia there may be no need to return nuclear weapons and strategic weapons to us.
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seriously, you can and should be against it if there are arguments, this is the task of the people’s council, make balanced and error-free decisions, in conclusion alexander lukashenko will address the audience, today i managed to look at our media, it may not be customary for the president to quote his subordinates, but nevertheless i remember the usual, maybe even banal, but very accurate phrase said the head of our first national channel, ivan...
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who the hell knows, it’s far away, dear friends, not far away, everything is very close, so it’s better to know and prepare in advance, it’s the main thing is, i appeal to you once again, carefully look through and read those documents that someone may have glanced at, someone may have glanced at them, refer to them, maybe you will find something right, wrong, or yes...
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the finale of the anthem, thank you for organizing in essence , this vns did the main thing for its form, worked clearly in a very representative composition and essentially resolved the issues that today are the foundation for preserving the belarusian anti-war reality. this is important in 2024, what will be important in 2020.
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open and public, this is also our example around the world, this was noted by secretary of state of the security council alexander volfovich in an exclusive interview with our agency. moreover, the discussion of these documents by the highest authorities of the people is the highest form of democracy. belarus is not building an offensive strategy; we focus exclusively on the defense of our country in order to avoid red lines. threatening our sovereignty, a clear analysis of the situation in the world is given in the concept of national security, which precisely sets out those threats in the sphere of national security that today threaten not only belarus, but also the world as
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a whole, defines strategic national interests, what we need to live and exist for in general, basic national interests, one of the chapters reveals the measures that need to be taken, as we see, to neutralize these challenges, not to outgrow . discussions are currently underway, and later the concept will be put on the table of the leaders of belarus and russia. the secretary of state of the security council also spoke out on the escalation of the situation in our region. and not only germany is transferring, but on the territory of poland declares that let's deploy nuclear weapons on our territory. why today are there nuclear weapons in europe, in general, in eastern europe, there are only american more than 150 warheads, which they are improving today. for what? even more, remember, look at the lessons
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of kheroshima and nagasaki, bombs, which are several times smaller in volume than the wasted equivalent, took so many lives, what will happen if we apply this today on the territory of neighboring states, because there will be no one left, america is far away, and europe will be erased from the face of the earth. yes, now is the time of a great redivision of the world, and in order to please their overseas master, small western countries are ready to do anything, they are already throwing their people into...
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in the field of security, the situation is extremely unfavorable, we are seeing a further deepening of escalation in international relations and relations between the leading geopolitical actors. in this regard, our country needs to bring strategically significant documents and doctrinal documents in the field of security into line with reality. so that we have the opportunity and provide an opportunity for our law enforcement agencies, security forces, and army to protect the republic of belarus, to fulfill their constitutional duty, so that they have all the necessary mechanisms for this. i was a member of the constitutional commission of the republic of belarus by decree of the president, so we took the issue of the new section of the constitution that related to the belarusian people’s assembly very seriously, this issue took a very long time to be resolved and was quite problematic, so... today we saw the practical implementation of the new editorial staff
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the constitution and, of course, the issues that were brought up for consideration today, this is the concept of national security and the military doctrine of the republic of belarus. probably, after the constitution, these are the most important questions, given today’s political situation within the country around the republic of belarus. decisions that are very important for the country have been made; now we need to comprehend this and, of course, convey it to our people. the priority of security and protection of the information field, the documents adopted today define, including completely new information threats and risks, we need to respond to them by unarmed means, ideologically, by telling the truth. experts in our on-site studios shared their opinions. what is the west doing? well-known tactic, divide the vlass. as for information policy, they
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generally act on two fronts: firstly, work within the collective west, all mainstream media, even public opinion leaders, were taken under complete control; we remember how the white house press secretary collected bloggers, we tell them how to cover events in the country in the world, then they go on to pump up their population with compromising information. certain countries, it’s just that everything is built, well, almost everything, let’s not go overboard, almost everything is built on lies, on openly, on bias, on outright rudeness in order to incite the population.
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what is really happening, to provide alternative information to those thousands of media that , let’s say frankly, have not been democratic for a long time, work for the collective west, this is the first, second, to convey our position abroad, which is what we are basically doing, they want to drag us into this war, and they are doing this in all ways, from provocations to this same information war, because today’s modern war without... an information war is impossible, we see that when they want to invade a country, information preparation begins, it can last for months, years, plus a fifth column, plus an attempt to split it from within, because no one can attack so easily wants, we must first split from within, and then do it, that’s why these documents are the most important, the fact that the vns is dedicated to exactly this,
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it’s precisely we who are fighting for peace, because the only way to avoid war is to be very strong.
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the all-belarusian people's assembly is in the spotlight of the world media community; discussions have gone far beyond the borders of our country. dozens of foreign media outlets have expressed interest in co-revelation, including tas, cgtn, al-jazeera, reuters and many others. information resources drew attention to the bright statements of the head of state traditionally dissected the president’s speech into quotes. materials are published in... russian, arabic, chinese, english. the xinhua news agency, citing a statement by alexander lukashenko , reports that belarus will strengthen its military potential against the backdrop of growing threats. large-scale publications were published, including on news portals in egypt and azerbaijan. the president's speech caused a wide resonance in
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the social networks of the television news agency. users from different countries do not hold back emotions, express their support, and celebrate. the president's confidence and wisdom in making decisions. well done that this people's council has received constitutional status. this is a new, long-forgotten government. if it works, it will indeed bring the nation together even more. a very smart solution at the present stage. i’m very happy for the belarusians, that’s where the power of the people really lies. even the ukrainians say, if we had such a dad, we would. old man is the best, i have been living in israel for 25 years, i was there in january 2024, he preserved and improved belarus. stay being a donor to international and regional security at this time is not at all easy. hence such a wide response in the media. as
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our president noted, the security threat is multiplying almost every day, and the peacekeeping mission of international structures is being lost. an example of a peaceful creative agenda is our allied relations with russia, proven over the years. the unity of the leadership, the unity of the 1,159 deputies of the all-belarus people's assembly, which showed today.


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