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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 9:45pm-10:01pm MSK

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the president caused a wide resonance in the social networks of the television news agency. users from different countries do not hold back their emotions, express their support and note the president’s confidence and wisdom in making decisions. well done that this people's council has received constitutional status. this is a new, long-forgotten government. if this works, then indeed, it will unite the nation even more. a very smart solution at the present stage. i’m very happy for the belarusians, that’s where the power of the people really lies. even ukrainians say, if only we had one like this dad, we wouldn’t have had either a maidan or a war. old man is the best, i have been living in israel for 25 years, i was there in january 2024, he preserved and improved belarus. remaining a donor to international and regional security at this time is not at all easy. hence such a wide response in the media. as our
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president noted, security threats are multiplying almost every day, and the peacekeeping mission of international structures is being lost. our allied relations with russia, proven over the years, are an example of a peaceful and creative agenda. cohesion leadership, cohesion of 1,159 deputies of the all-belarus people's assembly, who today showed unity.
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yevgeny gorin talked to journalists at the press center of the supreme soviet of people's assembly and found out which topics on the belarusian agenda are of the greatest interest to foreign media. if we talk about the interest of foreign media in the topics of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly, then several points can be highlighted here: this is media from such countries as russia, china, turkey, a nato country, i will indicate, that is, a fairly diverse representation.
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day, for example, talking with colleagues from the chinese media, they told me that belarus is a strategic partner for the prc in the region, we are connected by an iron brotherhood, and the chinese audience is interested in what is happening in our country, the personality of our president is interesting, they listen very carefully to what he says. the implementation of such a form of democracy as the vns is also interesting. by the way, other foreign media, including russian ones, who work attentively pay attention to this experience.
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the best people in the country take responsibility for the whole country, only they decide how to live further, of course, this is very important, this is very interesting all over the world, because well, we are tired of the imposition of democracy, this is our form. he has a very big life, he has a lot of life, so today we listened very carefully, we won’t write the rest. of course, represented in the press pool of journalists of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly and representatives of regional belarusian media,
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by the way, some of them are delegates to the supreme people's assembly, which can be noted here, first of all use, in addition to such traditional means of disseminating information as tv, radio. broadcasts, printed editorials, the use of modern technologies such as the internet and social networks. the popular ones for young people are tiktok, instagram, but we also don’t forget what is traditionally close to our residents, this is vkontakte, classmates, yes, where they also read us, where they leave reviews, naturally, this connection, let’s put it this way , helps us focus on what is interesting to our subscribers, and... i think that upon arrival directly in the area, yes, we will prepare general information, the opinion of our delegates, including sharing our opinion on how it was all organized, some nuances, but we also worked for 2 days, took photographs somewhere,
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asked someone, and i think that this will be interesting to our readers, i am, as always, impressed by the words of the president, it is so bright, so emotional when you feel... his support, you understand how important this is, it gives strength, and it gives confidence, and every word of his - this is a call, a call to action, we as journalists, of course, we are constantly at work here, despite the fact that we are quite remote, and the gomel region is far away, and we are in minsk, but we transmit news online very quickly and quickly directly from the scene for our subscribers, for our audience, for our readers , just for...
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the most important and interesting from the all-belarus people's assembly we will collect for you vivid quotes, impressions of delegates and much more in the tv version of the vns, watch tomorrow on belarus 1 at 19:45, the main event of the country on the screens, which you can’t miss. historical moment. the first meeting of the seventh all-belossian people's congress.
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a draft of a new national security concept has been developed. the military doctrine of any state is the basis of its military policy, only together. being a delegate to the supreme national assembly means, first of all, being responsible for the fate of the country. we will be a true national front, we will show the main thing. well, tomorrow the delegates of this strategic forum will share their impressions in their work teams,
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however, thanks to the broadcast organized by the bel tv and radio company to our information channel, the whole country had the opportunity to follow the vns live. and already now. consonant theses are actively discussed, this is especially important for those who are responsible for the security of the entire state, our economy, and the education of future military personnel, doctors, and scientists. marina romanovskaya - those for whom there are no impossible tasks. i order you to go out to guard the state border of the republic of belarus, a vigil squad, a patrol to check control equipment. time chose them to guard the state border our country, which means peace of mind for every belarusian family. 24x7, border guards are on duty so that we can work calmly, build a life, and raise children. of course, catch the border guards watching.
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we are faced with the task of protecting the state border, we look up to previous generations of border guards, all our citizens can be sure that the border is in good hands. the theses voiced at the palace of the republic were heard in all departments of the border service. belarusians are a peace-loving people who, now this is especially important, he knows how to stand up for himself. belarusian border guards, like all structures of the security bloc, serve in the difficult conditions of the geopolitical situation. mistakes are not allowed. that is why such enormous efforts are aimed at identifying and suppressing
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challenges to the national interests of belarus. time has chosen us - this is a slogan that is relevant at this time. and those who are now serving to protect borders are the most worthy, those who have been tested , those who know what to do, how to do it. the knowledge, skills and abilities of border guards will allow we must carry out the order at the state border guards completely and on time. and these are the future officers closely watching the second day of work of the vns. observed by the cadets of the gomel school, because soon these young people will become professionals whose calling is to defend sovereignty. cadets master drill training, hone their skills, handling weapons and look up to real heroes. i want people to always live according to the law, first of all, of course, they also respect each other, that is, mutual understanding, the most important agreement, that’s all, that is, it’s like the foundation of our relationships within our country.
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has always shown a peaceful attitude towards all states, while we were building good neighborly relations, cordially welcoming
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guests without a visa, european politicians, on orders, began to erect roadblocks to prohibit their own citizens from visiting our country, suddenly you like it, but even despite the broken logistics chains and not stories about belarus, ordinary people continue to come to visit, even on weekdays in the border town of braskov there are cars with latvian license plates, going to buy groceries. neighbours they confirm that our quality is better and cheaper, and even more democratic, in the baltics they haven’t asked for a long time what the people want, if possible, maybe we’ll move, i really like belarus, it’s a gorgeous country, in general, everything is wonderful, belarusian quality is a brand, at the grodno milk processing plant today the daily routine has been adjusted in order to clearly understand what strategic tasks have been set, each employee is responsible for...
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for those who ensure the protection of borders and for those who educate patriots or is responsible for the economic security of the country, there are no impossible tasks, with their devotion to the country and people, labor, intellect, desire to create, belarusians are building the world, confirming that this is the strength of the nation. marina romanovskaya, natalia ignatenko and yuri kornilovich, agency.


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