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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 1:35am-2:00am MSK

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increasing our production capacity to 1,200 units per year, depending on the model of the mining dump truck, the localization level ranges from 60 to 80%. much attention is also paid to the 130-ton hydrogen fuel dump truck, for now it is a prototype, but by the end of the year the new product will be made into a prototype for work primarily in russian quarries; the belgospishcheprom enterprise also announces the implementation of a strategy to enter a new one. then we managed to gain a foothold in africa and began supplies to somalia, brukino fasso, ganna, equatorial guinea. this year, in the first quarter , exports of products increased by more than 25%. our presence in china is also growing, but the key task remains to saturate the domestic market. to promote products , belgospischeprom launched the “zrobim zamom” project . over the course of two months, opinion leaders on social networks will share production secrets with subscribers. both new and
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proven products. belarus remains among the world leaders in food supplies. our sausage and milk are known in hundreds of countries. china, cuba, africa, all this exotic destinations are no longer exotic. in addition to the quality of products, we now need to improve the quality of marketing. many of our consumers, seeing a wide range of products on their table, have at least once wondered how it is produced, how the quality of the product is maintained, how such high quality indicators are achieved, so of course, this project will help our consumers understand how much work, how much care and attention at our enterprises is invested in obtaining such a quality product? and
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to bring the consumer closer to the final product, to see our concern for our people, for the quality of the products produced, therefore, of course , this project should serve to integrate the end consumer and the manufacturer, the project will last for 2 months, its results will be summed up by the largest agricultural exhibition in the country, belagra, this summer. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from: the economy and not only on the website of our tv channel the main political event took place in minsk all-belarusian people's assembly. more than a thousand delegates and over 700 invited guests took part in it. we discussed the strategic development of belarus in various areas, from economics to security. what is the meaning of the new status of the vns and what are the expectations from? people's assembly of the society, let's ask andrei
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sych, political commentator aten , belarusian radio company, political scientist, director of the center for social research, science and technology, andrei, hello, hello, so, is it possible to talk about the vns as a new page in the history of our country in overall, what is its significance for us, for belarus? you know, based on the fact that this is already the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, it is probably worth asserting that this is an already established form of democracy in the territory.
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stated what needs to be done over the course of five years, because with the advent of alexander lukashenko , we reached this form of fairly serious strategic planning, which today many critics who do not understand how the entire belarusian people's assembly operates say: that in belarus everything happens right now, some decisions are made based on some seven-minute circumstances, in fact there is a strategic plan, this is strategic planning.
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firstly, the new composition of the supreme council, it has the ability to approve the composition of the central election commission, judges, cancel decisions made by government bodies, and even give its... assessment of the actions of the head of state, we understand that these are all the functions that are included in the supreme council , they are most likely done for the long term, because in the current situation, we have a fairly balanced system, a strong leader who is ready to take responsibility, will do it, has proven himself, we are confident in him, we understand that in the current situation such functionality will most likely not be in demand, but in the future, this is the one a strategic basis in this legal sense of how it... how we will be able to restrain certain movements in a destructive direction on the territory of the republic of belarus, as for directly the delegates of the supreme council - this is again enough a serious burden of responsibility, so we understand that the people there are not ordinary people, not from the street, relatively speaking, but these are those who
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have proven themselves in the work collective, those who are initiators, innovators in this or that area within the framework of their specific work activities , here... we do not present ourselves and do not consider anyone as some kind of potential enemy, especially as regards the peoples that surround the republic of belarus. in this sense, we also let our neighbors understand our plans for the future, how we see this future and how we
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we will respond in certain circumstances, including possibly to potential actions that will be directed as a threat to our republic, to belarusian society. therefore, again, you need to understand in what format these documents were adopted, because quite a serious public discussion took place, in addition to the fact that they were adopted at the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is, let's say, such a milestone in the long journey of preparing those very documents, because they were discussed in labor collectives, including including scientific experts, in the political science community, so we can note that these are quite seriously developed documents that not only meet the challenges of our time, but also... again look far ahead at the possible circumstances that may arise, and one of which is the very biological threat that first appears in our documents reflects the very level of danger that is associated with the spread of the pandemic, we also declare that we are more
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we will pay close attention to this issue, and alexander lukashenko, among other things , indicated that there is a need on biological safety to form some kind of conference on... personnel lift and personnel potential for our country, because firstly, the people who attended at the all-belarusian people's assembly, they were supported by their work collectives, which means they have quite serious authority, and for a certain period of work as part of the all-belarusian people's assembly, they including will receive a fairly large amount of knowledge
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and practical experience of interaction from ordinary, conditionally workers of a particular enterprise, with parliamentarians, with deputies, with civil servants, so i think that we... will still see representatives of the all-belarusian people's assembly as quite serious representatives of government agencies . it is important to note the very bright speeches that are heard at the all-belarusian people's assembly, we are not only talking about the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, at each such congress we see enough bright, young people, balanced deputies, let's take zharas alferov, who at the all-belarusian people's assembly, the forefather of all micro...electronics, says that belarus has chosen the right path for economic development, that we are investing in the development of high-tech industries, and are an advanced state in this direction, this is important, it is worth paying attention to, of course, when you are making the groundwork
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for the upcoming development of your state, such people, they literally determine and the course of development of our state, well, the key meaning of the form is probably precisely that all the most important decisions, they are made together, are there similar examples in world practice, and do you think, can the belarusian experience become indicative ? an example for other states. in a sense, in political science it is believed that in part the all-china people's congress may be some kind of similar option, but in fact, yes, there really are elements that intersect, but as an all-belarusian people's assembly, we have invested such a foundation of experience of previous generations in building such a popular, say, analysis that balances between the branches of power, knows about the problems of the state, knows...
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the representative of the west really has a lot to learn in this sense, because we see how much the this is the same political system on the territory of the european union, in the united states, in which officials live somehow... their own views, their own lives, and ordinary people are increasingly forced to go out to protests, and
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these are narrow protests, ranging from farmers, ending with doctors, teachers, railway workers, that is , a huge layer of problems has accumulated and the absence of such a body as the all-belarusian people's assembly does not allow us to build this bridge between people in power, in our case, in our case, such a problem doesn’t arise, well , in fact, if you think about it, it’s inherent in our mentality, and to discuss, these are the general most important for society and strategic issues, including, yes, what is included in the national assembly, issues all together, talaka, like us we often say, why is this important today in the current realities, in your opinion? again, because the challenges that we face are truly unprecedented, for a long time, even a decade, i would say, there was a balance of power between the soviet union and the united states since 2001, the united states unilaterally began to destroy this. .. a balanced system, which was built by andrei gromyko, a famous native of belarus, my compatriot
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from his small homeland from the gomel region, so this the system was based on literally three treaties, this is the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, on the non-deployment of missile defense and on the reduction of strategic range missiles. today, these treaties practically do not exist, for belarusians it is important in this coordinate system not to get lost in understanding how they will be... in fact, i
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thought about this for quite a long time at one time, because this is also one of the core topics for my research: today this balance between truth and lies has practically disappeared, because machine learning, artificial intelligence make it possible to create an absolutely distorted reality, which a person with a simple glance is currently no longer able to distinguish, the same deep fakes are a strong threat, including on the territory... the union is currently considering legislation to attract criminal liability, i think we should think about it, but first of all , i emphasized for myself the very recipe that the head of state announced: it is necessary to meet with people and speak directly, it will be quite difficult to convince an ordinary person, for example, that this or that deputy, politician, representative of government, government agencies is some kind of scoundrel, relatively speaking, or he is doing...
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the state border committee of belarus and unicef are strengthening cooperation. the prospects for cooperation were discussed in minsk. our columnist, elena puntus, will talk about the results of the negotiations. the parties agreed on the importance of protecting the rights of minors , regardless of citizenship and immigration status. children crossing the border must be under special protection; in cases where
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pregnant women or mothers with babies stand in queues for a long time, they will be excluded. minors must stay at state borders. be comfortable, of course, children who cross the border or are near the border also need help, they have special needs, especially children, migrants, refugee children, let's say, vulnerable children, and of course we hope that together with the state border committee we could provide this assistance more systematically, interact more systematically, and also strengthen the potential of the state border committee, employees who communicate with children, including: issues related to psychology, issues of identifying unaccompanied children, well, in general, we hope to improve the material and technical base of the state border committee, with special equipment and working conditions with kids. following the meeting, the parties signed a memorandum of understanding. its main goal is to establish a long-term partnership to
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create and develop a friendly environment for families with children. it was also achieved agreement on the need to carry out. joint monitoring at the state border. unicef’s cooperation with the state border committee of belarus began several years ago with a pilot project on a child-friendly border. at the minsk national airport , corridors were allocated and special conditions were created for children. in minsk, issues of reforming the union media were discussed, which was included in the information agenda. issues of increasing the efficiency of the media, as well as the creation of a union media holding. its main task is an objective and truthful reflection. it should become the hub and heart of interaction between belarus and russia in the information sphere, especially in the current time of confronting challenges and threats. it is necessary to bring the system of providing
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the union state, information support of the union state, in accordance, firstly, with the spirit of the times.
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resolution on the creation of a media holding of the union state on january 29 following the results of the meeting of the supreme state council held in st. petersburg. on the eve of the holiday season , a big tourist week took place in minsk, tell us about its main events. this is the second belarusian-russian tourism congress and the traditional international exhibition fair "rest". this year it brought together more than 300 participants from nine countries. belarus was represented for the first time by all 118 districts. today the country is developing 13. one of the priority areas of union tourism - the development of transport accessibility. we are glad that today there are 16 regions, let’s say the republic of belarus and the russian federation, connected by flights, but today there are
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more than thirty requests, at least today they should be such such directions. railroad communication, if we are talking, then... why not, tourist trains, something that can work, that is, from point a to point b we need to deliver our tourist as quickly and comfortably as possible. belarusians also actively travel around russia. in twenty-three , the number of trips doubled. dagestan is becoming a popular destination. in the near future, air, direct flights from minsk to makhachkala will be added to bus tours. during the days of the exhibition, the second belarusian-russian tourism congress was held. among the participants are representatives of government administration. and business of the two countries. experts spoke about the harmonization of legislation, the development of organized tourism, as well as investments in belarusian infrastructure. any investor is interested in expansion and the new belarusian market.
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items, for example, a portrait gallery of veterans, drawings by military artists, personal belongings of participants in the great patriotic war. a separate section is dedicated to the work of the writer front-line soldier sergei smirnov, author of
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the book brest fortress. it was he who first drew attention to the heroic epic of the defense of the citadel. the exhibition presents his personal diaries with recordings of interviews with eyewitnesses who defended the fortress. it was thanks to the activities of sergei smirnov that many received awards, in particular the man who led the defense of the fortress, gavrilov, since he was dismissed from the army and only thanks to sergei smirnov he received a hero’s star, and thanks to his book, in many ways we now have such a wonderful memorial complex of belarus where we can come and really bow to this feat. visitors to the exhibition can watch archival photos and newsreels, as well as listen to audio stories of participants in those events, privates, officers and nurses. through their personal impressions, everyone learns about the heroic defense of the brest fortress, as well. liberation of belarus. the immortality of the feat is a joint project of belarusian and russian museums. it opens a series of events that will take place on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the great victory.
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thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results-analysis of the main events of this week in information and analytical program atn. main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the website belarus24.bbi, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best. the organization "source of life" was founded in germany. its task was to stimulate an increase in the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples. children were taken from their families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis are taking their own ukrainian children to countries european union, but that's different. in one case, they
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forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugees. by the way, you make fake documents, but supposedly the original ones, you say that they are children. orphans, when you know that they have parents, the headmistress of the school was with them, so she knew that these children, they have a mother, they have a father, you understand that this is for illegals, the west is simply ready to devour those who are not able to give them sex, ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch on the belarus-24 tv channel.
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