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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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in march 1943, the young hero actually saved a partisan detachment when the punitive surrounded the partisan village; it was marat who was able to break out of the encirclement and bring help. on may 11, 1944, near the village of kharamitskiye , a reconnaissance group of partisans was surrounded by the germans. the group commander, mikhail larin, died immediately. and marat began to shoot back. when it's over. cartridges, the hero threw one of the grenades at the enemy, despite the losses, the germans wanted to take him alive, when they approached, fourteen-year-old marat kazei blew himself up with a grenade. for heroism in the fight against by the nazi invaders, morat kozei was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, posthumously.
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unusual species for belarus, however, just like in the caucasus, but this is ours.
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ruppranit production program i have been mining and producing granite crushed stone for 11 years now. granite is the flagship of the construction industry of our country. in any city, in any village you can see concrete buildings, foundations, roads, our products are present everywhere. mikoshevich's field is
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about 700 hectares, 674, to be precise, 200 hectares are occupied by dumps of overburdened rocks, it turns out to be sand dumps on the eastern -western side, and the rest is all a quarry. our company produces crushed rock, sand mixtures, crushed stone, screenings from dense rocks. you can find granite not only in our republic, but because of it. outside, everywhere there is a piece of our stone , our soul invested in it, we mine more than 8 million meters3 of rock from the mountain range, our enterprise operates 24 hours a day, two 12-hour shifts, the technological process stops literally for an hour at a time shift change, i start every working day with a planning meeting. after that i go to the quarry
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to monitor all the processes occurring in the quarry, the work of excavators, drilling rigs, drainage systems and dump trucks. every time i come to work, it’s a chess game for me, because i need to plan and organize the work so that all this... does not work, that the excavators work, the on-board machines work, it charges, explodes, so that there is a rock mass, in order to provide the plant with rock rocky for subsequent release of crushed stone. the technological process begins with stripping operations, this is the opening of loose overburden rocks. in this part of the cycle we use a walking excavator.
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its bucket capacity is 11 cubic meters. the boom length is 70 m. its weight is 700 tons. this is the largest and most powerful excavator presented in our career. the volume of its bucket is probably enough to put four motorcyclists together with their motorcycles and they will simply hide in this bucket. code walker. hides a layer of sand, we often find very interesting artifacts, in particular, tusks, mammoths, bones, animals, and amber can also be found. we transfer all finds to our museum, which is located on our industrial site, where everyone
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can see what was stored in the depths of our poleska land. after stripping work is completed, we have free space. areas with useful deposits that need to be loosened, we carry out the digging using the drill-and-blast method, wells are drilled within a week or two, then when the wells are drilled, well, the block is considered prepared for loading, a project is drawn up to bring about a massive explosion, the unit is charged the day before. carrying out a mass explosion, which takes place on friday, the ore mass is assembled and exploded, in general, blasting work is a dangerous type of work, therefore, before carrying out a mass explosion, danger
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zone posts are set up, which are strictly controlled so that unauthorized persons do not enter this zone, not put themselves in danger. upon warning signal, people and equipment are removed from the quarry, and posts are set up disengagement, after which a second combat signal is given. viktor stepanovich, we are giving the combat signal. the volume of the explosive depends on the volume of
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the block being exploded. on this block, the yield of rock mass is 87 cubic meters, respectively, the volume of explosive in the region of 80 tons was used on this block, if we assume three such blocks we will blow up, it will be about 200 tons of explosive, which is a fairly large volume. the maximum volume of explosives is 245 tons, which were used in this quarry. we get the breed the one that was taken from the monolith, loosened, for subsequent shipment to belaz to the receiving bunkers of the crushing and sorting plant, we try, we work, we try, we work,
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how many cars are driving, four, four cars, i see the sole is not working well, yes, stones are falling out , clearly, try, and lay out the dimensions so that later he can drive up to you and beat you, you need to throw back more than twenty meters for further breaking, as if the battle is hitting him, breaking him into a small mass, for example, right now... he’s full of almost people, well, in average six, seven the driver is in charge, which means loading, technical condition, excavator, assistant, driver, lubrication,
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cable routing, the lights come on, he already has loading. 90-odd then, at the moment in our career we have 10 working horizons. mark, this is the lowest point in our quarry, if compared with the level of the baltic sea, then we will say 20 m... so that our quarry does not turn into
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a large lake, we have drainage installations, pumps are constantly pumping 24 hours a day water from the receiving water tank zumfaa into a tailings pond with subsequent settling and discharge into the river prikaz. the ability to pump it, at 180 m it produces a pressure , this is an integral part of my daily visits to the quarry, because let’s say, there will be no drainage, there will be no quarry, when coming here, be sure to check the water level, how many pumps are working, is there any point?
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if it weren’t for our pumping installations, our quarry would have turned into a second baikal. along our mining horizon , waterfalls are formed after massive explosions. these are unpaved waters that for some reason come to the surface of the bart, waterfalls are formed and... it turns out very beautiful landscapes, middle of the caucasus mountains, lately
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film studios have been coming to us, such famous ones as belarus film, making feature films. there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is a war in europe. indeed , preparations are underway, the poles for the most part don’t really want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another matter for the elite. built, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall, and in order to start a war, you must first accumulate
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weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then some trigger can lead to the outbreak of hostilities, it’s not for nothing that our president says that yes we are preparing, including for military actions, we are not going to start them at the summit, but this is the only thing they understand, if we, within the framework of a union state , demonstrate an unattractive model for external partners, it will be weak, it will fall apart, we need to prepare something
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specific in advance. people see the eiffel tower or some other object, yes, it matters, but it’s not fundamental. with us, all this can be no less interesting, certainly no worse. you are a very unique country. well, if you ask the average person, yes, he probably heard about the twentieth year, well, he probably heard that there were other coup attempts, you are the only country that survived, tell me the project , don’t be silent, don’t miss the new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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to understand the scale development of our deposits, there’s a car going, yes, it looks like a toy, carrying 90 tons of rock. mining is carried out 24 hours a day, an excavator loads a dump truck, the rock mass, a dump truck takes out the rock mass, the receiving bunkers of the crushing and screening plant. we are located on the ramp of the dszz,
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a crushing and screening plant; the ramp includes three reception areas. this is directly from the crushing and sorting plant itself and two workshops dss-1, dss-2. the rock mass is delivered to the panus by bilas dump trucks and accepted into the receiving bunkers. next, this rock mass goes to apron feeders, then jaw crushers, where the primary stage of crushing occurs. each receiving bin is on one production line, eyes drive up there, there is an operator at the plant who looks and adjusts the load, depending on whether the bin is full or empty using light signals, there are traffic lights there, 1d6, yes,
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most likely now i will say that they gave a load. give the load to 1d6, give the load to 1d6, well, we are launching the plant, we stop the plant throughout the entire shift , monitor the process, how it works, record downtime, let the equipment idle so that the equipment operates in optimal mode, before the crushing and screening plant we have scales on which we weigh and control how much we have shipped, the crushed material was sent to the sorting plant for processing;
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there are three stages of crushing. these three stages are already at the sorting stage, where the crushed rock mass is sifted with the help of screens and then arrives at the warehouses finished products. here we have crushing of rock. the first stage of crushing occurs in jaw crushers, these are the most powerful crushers today, which... installed in the republic of belarus in terms of productivity and even weight, the weight of the crusher is 142 tons. our secondary crushing stage takes place in the second building and cone crushers are installed there. our company tries to be flexible and responsive to every consumer. we are ready
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to build for any customer, to release a certain faction, but... certain volumes so that our company does not suffer a loss. in total, the enterprise produces more than thirty types of different fractions, which have found their place of application, well, i say, everywhere, all over the world and even in the neighboring countries around the republic of belarus. lithuania, estonia, latvia, and the russian federation also buy our crushed stone. each of us can see all these factions in ourselves. even at home, on the road, on the railway track, even in the countryside you can see beautiful painted crushed stone, these are also our fractions, our granite. one of the links between the granite quarry and the crushing and screening plant is the vehicle fleet.
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it is divided into three motor transport columns. the first transport convoy is belas dump trucks, which is working. in a quarry it’s not as easy to work as on a regular road, i mean driving, a loaded one performs more, because
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a loaded one goes, it’s heavy, but an empty one lets through, on average 15 trips per day per shift, 650-700 liters of fuel ignited, are you going to go?
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in the granite quarry mikoshaschiye there are three divisions are a mining workshop, a drilling and blasting workshop, and a mining equipment repair area. everything clings to one another, some kind of strategy is needed, we are planning and trying, together with the heads of the workshops, to organize the uninterrupted operation of the equipment, at first glance, it seems like there is a circle of iron, iron, iron on the one hand, but at the same time quite- the equipment is very complex, and the stone is strong and the wear and tear on the equipment is quite high.
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the surfacing is repaired, that is, we increase the service life of this feeder, because this is an imported feeder, so you have to buy it in foreign currency, but we saw it in time, fixed it, melted it, patched something up, let’s say, and for quite a long time we greatly increase the fear of service, as for our enterprise in general. .. this is a fairly well-known enterprise, it is known not only within belarus, it is one of the largest enterprises in europe. the pogranit group
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produces high-quality finished products, we try to constantly maintain our high quality bar so that there are no complaints from our partners with whom we work. every second sunday in august, our company celebrates builder's day, because we are a construction worker. on builder's day, we try to show all the equipment, all the equipment that is presented at our enterprise, both motor transport equipment, tractors and special equipment are exhibited. anyone can get into this technique. see how the drivers work, go to the observation deck, see how our quarry is growing, how the equipment works. also in
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in recent years , demonstration competitions for figure maneuvering of dump truck drivers have begun to be organized. remembering when i visited the enterprise as a child. my grandfather took me to work, showed me who he works, how he works, we visited the quarry, then even as a child, it seemed big to me, but in fact it was the nineties, the quarry was several times smaller in size and not so deep, as it is now at the moment. the development of this quarry will take another 35 years, now we are currently waiting for the design...
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documentation so that we can go lower, our plans are to get to the -80 mark, this is already more than 300 m down, when we finish development, we will remove all the equipment from the quarry, we will remove the drainage plant, we will naturally form a large lake. an analogue of baikal, it will certainly be interesting to come, see, fish, ride a boat, relax with children on the shore of this lake and remember how we opened it, how we extracted the rock mass, how we released the crushed stone. but that will be in 35 years,
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now we are developing horizons, extracting minerals, producing crushed stone, making money for ourselves and the country, we have big plans. their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting in its own way. and this talent was given to me at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me because it was so. i made my first work, i made it by accident, i
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felt that i wanted more. each story is a motivation to change your life for the better. old old coaches played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, like me, would not want to continue the business that they once started. thanks to the difficulties that i had in life, i achieved what i have now, life experience still won’t go anywhere, you need to live it. watch the belarusians project on our tv channel.
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oscar, a treasured figurine, a skin mark of a cinematographer, what is the connection between her memory and the boys with the swan near the alexander square in minsk? what is the memory of agulnaga, you are trying? nasamrech, their ab'yadnoўvae person, with whose ease in the hands of the famous film award the light appeared. pradzyusar louis mayer, the judge knows, galliwood's sentiments do not stand, at least...


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