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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 3:50am-4:21am MSK

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bright plots, characters, incredible stories and adventures. for the purpose of belarusian culture, these films have become our soul’s soul. and sadly, in the hours of perabud, the minchuks had long-lasting songs and movies, to rejoice and cry at times with scarlet hara and rat butler, the undying images of the beginning of the century of hallywood. she is not here, next to the boys, who are hugging the swan’s neck. we are confidently stepping into the new. and we do it to
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our music, the music that sounds inside each of us, it is everywhere, in the sun, in in timid movements, at our fingertips, music inspires, makes us think and opens up thousands of roads for us. music can change the world because it can change us, music is inside each of us.
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hello everyone, it’s the long-awaited weekend, which means it’s time to discover exciting travels. my name is vika poplevchenkova and i suggest you spend this time fun, useful and interesting. and where? where am i today, who guessed? that's right, i'm back in asipovichi, because there's still so much here everything interesting, so let's not waste precious time. so, today i will see unique exhibits of the local museum. i’ll find out who was at the origins of the city’s railway history, and i’ll master two folk crafts at once. i'll sign up for the table tennis section and hear about it. sounds of beauty, but a little
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patience, friends, in the meantime, road information, the fastest way to get to asipovovich is by rail, electric trains run on schedule and regularly, travel time from minsk will be from 1:9 to 2:45, ticket price starts from 3 rubles 92 kopecks to 30 rubles depending on the class of service, also osipovich literally everyone. minibuses and buses run for hours, a ticket will cost from 8 rubles 73 kopecks, you will spend 1 hour 40 minutes on the road, from the capital to osipovichiy it is 103 km, so owners of personal cars will be at their destination in about an hour and a half. well, our journey begins, where can we learn about the history of the city and even a little more? well, of course, in history. the osipovichi museum
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is a place with a special atmosphere, compact and cozy, it contains as many as six halls, and the exhibition tells the story of the history of the city and region from the stone age period to the great victory of 1945. maria, tell us a little about the history of your museum, how did it all begin? well, it didn’t all start out quite standardly, as usual in a museum, because it’s usually about handing over collections.
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correspondence, she even worked as a caretaker, now she is already retired in this building, when she arrived, she says: it is so romantic for me and family, here my husband made a confession to her on a telegram, he wrote to her, he offered to become his wife. such is the romance, but from a private time let’s return to the big story, here we have the period of the russian empire, it begins in 1793, when the minsk province was formed, the babrui district, which our territory is part of, ends with the seventeenth year of the revolution, pay attention, a very interesting towel, it still devolutionary, the oldest towel in our collection, there is also an old grammar, when there are eras and yati, that is, yes , royal glory, here is a master embroiderer. by the way, they copied it from us, that is, they took it sample, examination. many unique exhibits survived and appeared in the museum simply by some miracle. a very interesting rare exhibit, the only one in the area, generally the only find. we are walking into the jewish pale of settlement. the fact is that this is a fragment of a handwritten testimony of the torah. this is
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the holy book of the jews, an analogue of the christian bible. they take great care of their tori. they have rules associated with them, they dropped a torah, there the whole community fasts for a day. it cannot be sold unless izlena buys it out for someone, for example. the most spectacular hall and loved by visitors, because, after all, a museum is about documents, such a conventional exhibition, here we decided to make it in the form of an interior, because the era is already closer to us, in addition to documents, we already have a lot of well -preserved objects. so, let's fasten the seat belts of our time machine and transport ourselves to the beginning
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of the last century. we have an apartment here, an apartment, and a railway station worker, probably an ordinary worker, not a laborer, it was determined by what items or features of the interior there. prosperity of that time, you can even to determine whether we have furniture, firstly, the furniture was different, simpler and cheaper, the furniture could be made to order, for example, this buffet was made to order by a master, mirrors at the same time were large and interesting, not everyone had them , a meat grinder, it’s american, most likely this kind of meat grinder is kept in one family because it was sent, there are western things, such a beautiful and interesting graphic service, this is western europe and we have a very interesting chinese wicker bottle, you see there dragons and. .. she’s so interesting, yes, the beginning of the century, someone brought a trophy, as is usually the case, well, not everyone could afford a putifon, in fact, it’s standing here, we have very interesting shoes, leather, women’s, look, these low shoes, and no little bits, that’s all the interior items are authentic, therefore they speak in a special way without any words,
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but we go further to study history, a separate exposition of the local history museum is dedicated to the road family. a unique collection, personal belongings, household items, photographs and documents are stored here. most of the exhibits were handed down by the descendants of this glorious family. tell us a little about who the dorogans are and why this surname is so significant on this earth? the toragans are a cossack family, first of all, their distant ancestor, 300 years ago, helped peter i fight the swedes. peter ii simply awarded him some kind of order, a medal.
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all the trains pass through and only a few electric trains become, now we are a large railway junction, and the roads gave this impetus in many ways, that’s why we appreciate them so much, even the station that they were built, but numerous estates , alas, have not survived to this day, so the exhibition is built in the form of the house of this family, the interiors are recreated in detail from memoirs, all the objects here are exclusively originals, we have such a common office for the men of osipagan and his son dmitry, a prefabricated one, and here are the things : things that osip had at the same time that were already on the desk of dmitry, his son. please note, she saved this photograph, and it is now unique for belarus, this is a ceremonial photograph of the last russian emperor, let’s say, not alexei's heir. considering that dmitry
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daragan, the son of osip, was a career naval officer and he took the oath to the sovereign, and it was also his sovereign, after nicholas abdicated, so this photograph hung in his house, even in exile, along with photographs of him.. . this photograph is perfectly preserved, it is more than 100 years old. furniture, paintings, personal items, toys and even bottles of medicine, all items are in perfect condition and collected here. about sipovichs from different parts of the world, we have such a boudoir dress for the morning and there is a night one a shirt even with a monogram, this is the latest acquisition, the daragans bring something every year, and this was given to us by the russian faith, badya’s descendants who live in moscow in st. petersburg, two items that belonged to the maid of honor of our empress, badya daragan just got married to us on one of the preils, in the twelfth year, so these objects precisely date back to the twelfth year, what we see on the table is a service, a dinner service and this... a repetition of the famous pattern that was invented at the mason factory, but mason porcelain very expensive, so many factories repeated
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this pattern, only of course their porcelain was cheaper, and this is a hybrid, you can see not even an onion, but a pomegranate, onion, something else like such and such fruit, but this is not a ceremonial service , and an ordinary family dinner, a large family, so they gathered around the service, and so they ate and dined very beautifully. the exhibition of the daragan family in asipovichi is unique, this is not it. only the history of a large family is a reflection of an entire era, the collection of happiness is only growing, so it is imperative let's look here again.
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from the first cosmonaut to participation in the creation of the station, with such projects we will shake up the industry. i think that we will see joint flights of russians and belarusians more than once. we carried out everything according to our program, and did it well, we already have results. space is yours, we understand. of course, you could guarantee our food security. main topics
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on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. i remember when a man described in ten pages using apple cider vinegar to treat cancer. this can simply have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why. let's share interesting facts. however , there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers; for example, galen believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. the ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to prolong life, the main organ of the human body. we have long established clinics... we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses, this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic
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parameters from western models, see the science project nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel . and asipovich is also a city of artisans and skilled craftsmen. if in ancient times the secrets of mastery were kept secret, passed down from generation to generation, now everyone can master them. and a clear confirmation of this crafts center. and there’s just so much to see here, it’s simply eye-opening: handicrafts, pottery, and ceramics. everyone will find activities to their liking, and the ornaments and... costumes are simply fabulous. ekaterina, tell me, what kind
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of beauty is this? this is my future scarf, it's large. wow, this is exactly linen and hand embroidery on linen, with mule threads. did you do all this, embroidered it yourself? yes, absolutely true, but before you start embroidering, you need, of course, to overcast the edge, to make an edge. next there will be lace, a very labor-intensive process. i suspect, well in fact, yes, i timed it, that is, i got it in one direction, just a continuous row of 38 minutes, that is , just open the crosses in one direction, right? before in my life i had never cross-stitched at all, in this we are very similar, but as often happens in life, everything was decided by chance, and we went with the team to the spring bouquet, it’s a fair in minsk, so i saw work there, exactly towels, shirts of our folk craftsman irina petrovna zabavskaya, then, as they say, off we go, embroidery, that’s it,
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addictive, captivating, i know that many people do manual work. business, but they say that this is a certain type, like meditation, it calms them down, what do you think about when you do this? absolutely right, meditation is a kind of meditation, well, it just helps me to take my mind off everything, that is, i embroider and just relax, but maybe i’ll try, well, at least a couple of crosses, i’m incredibly interested in understanding the principles of this work, it’s possible, the main thing now is nothing spoil it, well, you can later, if that happens. of course, yes, i think that's it it will work out, look for three threads, there are three from this edge down, uh-huh, yes, and what next, straight, straight, calm, just calm, we are looking, aiming, right here, right close, yes, that’s right, yes, to the next row , well, it’s clear
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why you did it for a year, sorry, it’s not a matter of practice, but... the fact that you need to be so attentive and careful, yes, hand embroidery is of course not easy, but very interesting, especially when in the end you see the wonderful result of the work, but shouldn’t i try some other type of folk craft? alexander, tell me what for the beauty you have here? i weave linen, here a four-nut weave is tucked in. is this a separate type of quality that is specific to your region? our grandmothers wove four-strand four, what is its feature? probably from the threads, as you press the leggings, a pattern opens, these are our shuttles, and uh-huh, this is our patterned thread, this one comes next, as if securing our pattern, but for me this is higher mathematics,
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i’ll tell you, that’s all these threads, it’s like there’s nothing complicated here, you’re all right. say, and uh-huh, when you sit down at this device , the first difficulties begin, but the difficulties don’t scare us, really, we’re trying, now we’re pressing on the extreme, here’s the leg here and here, oh, uh-huh, listen, well, every time is like the first time, this is not a bicycle , so that she learns, and now we interrupt, once, again, twice, now we’re tucking in with a colored thread. boat, we make sure to watch the thread so that it doesn’t get tangled and carefully correct it and nail it again twice, once twice, and why do we do this twice, so that we can be sure, so that it was denser, when the children nail it thinner, it becomes looser , the pattern becomes looser, rearrange the legs and nail the thread
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again, then pass a shuttle of a different color, continue endlessly, as they say, internal harmony, you can this list you need to apply patience, calmness, patience is the mother of learning i'm sure it will definitely work out better next time. the physical culture and health complex is
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a new modern site where there is everything for active recreation and leisure. well, let's go ahead? swimming pool, slides, fitness, what to choose? do you want something new and definitely active? table tennis is a great idea to pass the time without getting bored. alexander nikolaevich, tell us, how much interest does this sport generate among children and teenagers? because this is a very attractive game, it is quite accessible, very interesting, and children develop. physically during this game, and also mentally psychologically, how much sex work do you have at the moment? i have two groups, 22 children, and osipovichi and several people come here from villages, which there are several people,
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the boys’ successes, by the way, are very solid, we are repeated prize- winners of regional competitions, as well as republican ones, last year we became champions of the republic in the boys’ team born in 2009? absolutely right, since i'm here, teach me a few tips, said, done, let's start with the basics, here's the racket, first
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of all you need to be able to hold it correctly, yeah, grip of the racket, uh, we take it like this so that the index we have a finger was on this side, on this side three fingers of the thumb clasped the racket close to the base, let's try it with you, come on. it looks easy, i naively thought, but we continue to learn, it means that the movement is from below, forward, up, below, forward, up, it’s very interesting, but nothing is clear, well, let’s try, okay, come on, it seems to me that it’s not bad, but the first missed goal doesn’t count, but let’s call the coach for help and urgently, let’s do it like this together with you, let’s put the ball, i let it go, we let's take this shot, come on, get yourself together, come on,
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come on, let's center the ball, just a little, not very carefully, it seems that something is starting to work out, not for long, however, by the way, i like running after the ball more than hitting it. oh, well, almost, it seems to me that you are somehow seriously approaching this process, don’t spin, don’t spin, what are you spinning there, something else, have pity on me, like i didn’t beg, i didn’t ask, but my opponent still doesn’t took pity, that’s the true champion’s trait, to fight for every ball until the end, regardless of pressure, in general, in general, it is possible to master the skill, it will just take a little more time. than i expected, well, nothing, no defeats, no victories, as they say, i’ll train for a couple more years and definitely take revenge, and we’ll move on,
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the osipovichi land is rich in talents, when these talents gather in one place, you can’t miss this, let's get acquainted, irina petrovna, hello, tell us a little about the history of your group, this is the vyazevsky vyazevsky folk song ensemble rural house of culture of the osipovichi district , vyazye is a land rich in talents, it is simply nourished by nature and therefore. an ensemble, like everything else on this earth, could not originate, it had to be something special. 9 years ago, by some
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coincidence , a duda appeared in our ensemble, so in addition to singing and mastering folklore, we also mastered the skill of hand embroidery on linen. this is what talented people mean, talented in everything. well, share your successes. because we we raise from the depths everything folk, everything real, our creativity was appreciated , just recently our ensemble received the title of an honored amateur group, which we are very proud of, we will try very hard to live up to, well, i want to ask you to perform something, but it’s easy. it would be cheerful if our caravan were green , it would be cheerful if our caravan were green, if our caravan were young.
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the soul begs to dance, but it’s not without reason that it’s deserved; it turns out that another local group was recently honored this high title, let's go get acquainted, our team is called divaki, we have already existed for more than 30 years, many of us, the majority, are already professional musicians, performers, mainly the repertoire is arrangements of belarusian folk songs, arrangements of our belarusian composers, of course , we are performing a piece by the founder of our group, yuri komissarov. is there any story associated with the name, the origin of the name? yes, you know, there is, we chose such a wonderful name as girls, because that in belarusian it is marvelous, amazing.
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a person who can surprise, and since we are all very creative, we are always ready to surprise, amaze everyone with our performance, our voice, our movements, so here is such a wonderful name, divas, how can you not ask to surprise us, the canna has come, you went young, with luxury you went to the mountain... at your mother's house you lived like cherry blossoms in a green garden, at your mother's house you lived like cherry blossoms in a green garden. "goosebumps
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gave me a marathon, i'll tell you this, well, girls, you've now definitely confirmed the name of my team, it was amazing. i’m surprised again, definitely, asipovich is worth visiting more than once, because with each new meeting this city opens up anew, and my name is vika poplevchenkova to quick routes in my native beautiful belarus." getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work: distinction our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting
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in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that. we will achieve your goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. hello, i’m vasya chekhov, an ordinary resident of a big city. i can’t imagine my life without high-speed internet, an electric scooter and coffee in the morning on the terrace of a coffee shop, lata machiata. every week i will try to understand why more and more people are changing their life in the city to the countryside. 30 liters of borscht, 20 liters of side dishes, 160 cutlets and 200 pancakes, our heroes prepare daily. it is understandable, they are raising 13.


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