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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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an important decision for the country. in accordance with the decision of the sixth all-belarus people's assembly, a draft of a new concept of national security has been developed. the military doctrine of any state is the basis of its military policy. only together. being a delegate of the supreme council means, first of all, being responsible for the fate of the country. we will be a true national front. we'll show you.
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the main thing. there are still many uncertainties in the situation with the help of the united states, ukraine, israel and taiwan. the american media is trying to interpret them based on leaks from the authorities on the sidelines. for example, the washington post reports that 80% of the money allocated by congress will be spent in the united states, and we are even talking about the purchase of humanitarian food, and 18 billion from the package that congress approved will be spent on... financing the activities of the us intelligence services, while the political magazine informs that 6 billion of the allocated money will be spent in the coming days. the contracts have been prepared, all that remains is to sign them. we are talking about transferring the largest aid package to ukraine, which will include drones, missiles air-to-air, as well as petrit air defense systems. finally, the new york times explains the situation with the 300 km-range atacom missiles that were secretly sent to ukraine several weeks ago. the americans allowed it. their
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use for purposes in crimea, but not in other regions of russia. advisors will be assigned to the ukrainian units that will launch these missiles. they insist that washington will only advise, but not participate in the launches. against israel's policies in defense of palestinians, french students are holding increasingly massive protests protest. the country's authorities moved from persuasion to dispersal. the day before , a mass detention took place in the tent city near the walls of sarbona. batons were used against protest participants, as well as other forms of violence; similar protests are taking place in the united states; they are dealt with using the same means as in europe; the police stopped a massive pro-palestinian protest at the university of atlanta; there were arrests here. not only students, but also
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teachers who demand that their government protect the rights of palestinians, in against which, as many believe, genocide is being committed. belarus today remembers the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. 38 years ago , a major man-made disaster occurred, which divided the lives of millions of people into before and after. the radioactive cloud affected over 20 countries, but belarus suffered the most, almost a quarter. throughout the territory. more than half a million people took part in eliminating the consequences of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. the first to face an invisible but deadly danger were the nuclear power plant employees themselves. stations, as well as rescuers. shutting down equipment, clearing debris, eliminating fires, and much more. one of the first rescuers to arrive at the scene of the tragedy was twenty-five-year-old vasily ignatenko, a native of the gomel region. commander of a paramilitary squad.
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the belarusian youth hockey team continues to compete at the cup of the future after a crushing victory over their peers from kazakhstan 7:0. our guys today are preparing to play with the stars of the student hockey league, the starting throw-in is already at 11:30 live broadcast on tv channel belarus 5. in the final match we will play with the russian youth team. i would like to note that belarusians are the current winners of the competition. in addition, all teams will play a format three tournament on saturday. further economic news, let me remind you that the projects of the television news agency are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you at 8:00.
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the ministry of economics continues its dialogue with business on issues of entrepreneurial activity. belarus plans to start producing dishware cars, and the number of electric vehicles on the roads continues to grow, we will not only talk about this in the coming minutes. you are watching economic news in the studio alina lopot, good morning. there is an active dialogue between the authorities and the business community on issues of doing business in belarus. the ministry of economy provides detailed explanations to entrepreneurs on innovations. work on preparing documents continues. development of the law. let me remind you that by july the government will determine a list of activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out. for the areas that won't go in added to this list, a transition period is established until january 2026. this is the time when they can continue to work in the usual format, and also move into the category of legal entities.
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the state will more actively support manufacturing businesses with an attractive package of benefits and preferences under the idea of ​​small enterprises. belorussian. the refrigerator driver will produce planting machines - said the general director of the enterprise dmitry kharitonchik, noting that the first half of the year is going well, exports are growing, foreign consumers they are increasing purchases of belarusian products if there are turkish and chinese analogues of household appliances on the markets, this makes it possible to plan the release of new types of products, including a chest freezer, a business plan has already been developed, it is planned to bring it to the market next year, and combinations are also among the new products. the universal commodity exchange platform has attracted interest from manufacturers of machinery and equipment from china. the belarusian site took part in the specialized fair in guangzhou. according to the butb representative, not only export to belarus, but concluding transit transactions with companies from third countries. let me note
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that in the first quarter of this year, the amount of transactions of chinese companies on the belarusian stock exchange increased 7 and a half times. at the same time , the celestial empire has become the second largest sales market after russia. domestic goods through the exchange platform, providing about 20% of the total volume of export supplies. and now, following the results of foreign exchange trading, the dollar and the chinese yuan have fallen in price, while the russian ruble has risen in price. so, the following rates have been established: a dollar costs 3 rubles. 24 kopecks euro exchange rate national bank - 3.47. 10 yuan costs 4 rubles, 44 kopecks. and 100 russian - 3.50 belarusian. in belarus, the number of passenger electric vehicles doubled over the past year, he calculated. belstat, while more than 80% of the total number are cars owned by citizens. the charging infrastructure is developing dynamically; there are already more than a thousand stations. as for the global market, experts from the international energy agency note that this year sales of electric vehicles and hybrids may
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grow by more than 20%, to 17 million units. a to by 2035, the green car market will account for 2/3 of global car sales. and finally, the countries participating in the construction of the international north-south transport corridor evaluate the benefits of connecting the route with africa and sea communications. this initiative was put forward by the russian side, noting the interest of exporters in this market. currently , grain, food, lumber and cement are sent from russian ports to iran along the transport corridor. a multimodal route with a length of more than 7.00 km is being built as an alternative to the sea route route connecting europe. countries of the persian gulf and indian ocean through the suede canal. freight turnover along the north-south itc last year increased by almost 20%. at the same time, in maritime transport it doubled. this was the economic news, have a nice day and be productive in your business, see you later.
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we tried to save our money by declaring it in a special account, and the result was -12. rub. four menchan residents fell into the scammers' trap at once. the scheme is not new; an unknown person called the victims’ phone and introduced himself to the bank’s security staff. people were informed that suspicious transactions were being carried out from their accounts; to avoid criminal liability, they needed to declare savings, open a bank account and transfer all the money to it. to protect your data, you should also install a remote access application on your mobile phone. minsk residents followed all instructions and as a result, a total of more than 12 thousand rubles were written off from their accounts.
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criminal cases have been initiated for fraud. a couple from minsk lost more than 170,000 rubles. scammers also helped in this story. by according to the investigation, in january , a fifty-two-year-old minsk resident found an interesting offer on the internet. tempting advertising promised passive income from trading cryptocurrency on exchange platforms. after registering on a specialized website. menchanka was contacted by a man who introduced himself as a broker and part-time financial analyst. the specialist kindly offered the woman his services to assist her in the system and spoke in detail about further actions. from january to march, a woman follows the instructions, actively bought virtual currency. for several months, she replenished the balance of her electronic account, while her personal consultant noted that things were going uphill, now is the time to invest as much money as possible for a significant increase in profits. after displaying a decent amount on the balance sheet, the victim wanted to withdraw the earned
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capital; due to a technical error, the operation became impossible, and to troubleshoot the problem, the site administrators offered to deposit another $5.00 in the usa. after discussing the situation, the couple came to the conclusion that they were deceived by cyber fraudsters. in just a few months, gullible spouses from minsk transferred more than 170,000 belarusian rubles to the scammers. it is worth noting that for the development of investment activities, in addition to credit. and the couple mortgaged the apartment in installments. the investigative committee opened a case of fraud committed on an especially large scale. in the veleisky district, a drunken lawless man was stopped with shooting. the incident occurred on wednesday. the day before, footage of the incident was published in guy. so the police received a message that in the veleisky district a drunk man drives a toyota. when inspectors noticed the car, they signaled to stop. however, the driver only increased speed, damaging the service vehicle. when... the chase began, the offender swerved from side to side while driving, creating a danger for other
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road users. the traffic police had to use weapons and shoot out the tires. the driver was detained; he turned out to be a thirty-seven-year-old local resident. the examination showed almost two ppm of alcohol. it also turned out that the man had never received a license before was cited for drunk driving. nine protocols were drawn up against him. more than 6,000 rub. was appropriated by the seller in mogilev. area. a major shortage was discovered during an inventory of the rural trading floor. abep employees determined that an employee had a hand in the theft. it turned out that the thirty-one-year-old controller cashier had been using the store’s products for six months, mainly taking money from the cash register for groceries for personal needs. a criminal case has been opened. several mining farms were immediately identified by russian police in novosibirsk region. the equipment was illegally connected to local power grids. found the criminals after analyzing information about the abnormal load on electrical networks in the city of novosibirsk and the region. it was established
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that cryptocurrency mining farms were located there. a thirty-five-year-old resident of novosibirsk, who was one of the owners of several mining complexes, was detained. in order not to pay for electricity, he turned to an employee of one of the specialized institutions. for a monetary reward he took advantage of his official position and organized a connection to high-voltage power lines. total. this is about 500 units of various equipment. at the place of work of the official who contributed to the illegal activity, investigators seized documentation, communications equipment and other items of evidentiary value. according to preliminary estimates, the damage caused by illegal activities amounted to more than 190 million rubles. investigative authorities have opened criminal cases against one of the defendants. suppression in the form of detention in relation to another in the form of a written undertaking not
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to leave. currently, all efforts to identify accomplices in illegal activities are ongoing. in st. petersburg , a car sharing driver tried to drive across a raised bridge, but only crashed the car and then ran away. the incident with caenn was caught on camera. the driver ran a red traffic light in the oncoming lane and rammed the descending wings of the bridge. as a result, the wheels and... of the car were chewed by a comb, after which the driver and passengers ran away from the place road accident.
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and maryana marenkova are starting this friday with you today, by the way, the last friday in april, so how should you greet it, friday, we hope that you woke up, yes, friends, you will 100% wake up, because today we have amazing, cosmic guests, we are expecting in our studio any minute the hero of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, together with ivan buchi, who
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actually supervised this space project for almost a year and a half, we will talk about the achievements, that belarus is a space power, space is ours, i can do this continue endlessly, but in the meantime, i wanted to emphasize that do you understand what an exclusive exclusive awaits us, so don’t get involved, don’t blink, don’t go get coffee, just sit like the screen, just like that, just like that, tight, not going anywhere leave, otherwise we will come to you, friends, but while we stop threatening our viewers, let's tell you that tomorrow an equally wonderful program with svetlana borovskaya awaits you. it will leave tomorrow at 9:15, we’ll see in the announcement now. this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to minsk region. how can this be so? believe it or not, it was. and only the cat shouts: thank god, that’s it. and
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then he immediately understands that cossacks live here. how does a historian attract young people to study the past? about what? cossacks are singing in the new courtyard and which artists are home to the city of smiloviche you will find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya tomorrow at 9:15, did you have a great day, thank god for everything, you emerged from this talking cabinet, i don’t know if it’s necessary beauty to put on a second beauty, let's do this, you know, such a very handsome real artist, what even better can you say on your birthday? i have a shoot, dear, i can’t tell you, goodbye. oh, how lovely. this has never happened before. good morning belarus.
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we are dealing with expeditions in the depths of our country, with the ever-growing emotions and positive emotions. everything that is ahead of the folklore expedition with the paradoxical numbers 590. it happens many times before in the past vitebsk region. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let's jump in honor of the greatest glory of the holy trinity. geta temple was built in 1999 on the basis of the former king.
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my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in selinograd, that is, let’s say there is a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala, everyone found something here for themselves. here is our favorite stage, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came. stated, that is, that i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own
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unique story and his own view of belarus. minsk has very good conditions for living with a family, especially with small children. i love belarus, i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my great happiness. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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april 26, friends, a very festive and very long-awaited morning, the first woman cosmonaut in the history of sovereign belarus, in our studio, the studio of the good ranitsa belarus program. glad greet the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya, deputy head of the department of aerospace activities of the national academy of sciences of belarus, ivan bucha, good morning, good morning, yes,
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indeed, we are very worried, marina, the whole country was watching you, ivan nikolaevich, you were also ours a guardian angel who was always in touch, always prompted, protected you somewhere, marina, from well, really a lot of attention, but did you ever think that you would become not just an astronaut, but also the first an astronaut in the history of our country, of course, all children dream of who they will become in the future, and i remember when in the first grade they asked me this question, and i said that i want to be a teacher, but naturally, life takes its toll and the fate of us leads somewhere into the distance, and fate took me, of course, very high into the sky, i worked.
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it took about six months, however, let’s say, russian cosmonauts have been selected for years, they study more human material, yeah, as for the selection of our cosmonaut, the project was originally conceived with research purposes, and it is clear that they came with demands and...
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were a little sick of smiling, because indeed, everyone wants to touch you, of course, including, we are now seeing the legendary footage when the hero of belarus award is presented, when not only you and your parents are crying, the whole country is crying from joy and from feelings, yes, it really was like that, it was very emotional, i don’t know why, but we all wanted to burst into tears because you know, they did such a thing big, not only for myself, as if for my own fate, but also for the fate of our entire country.
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ivan nikolaevich.
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roscosmos and the russian academy of sciences are an institute of medical and biological problems, an institute of medical and space medicine. the program included seven main experiments, of which five were research experiments and two were educational. our cosmonaut had to, and was carried out with very high quality, communication with zmks via
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a video channel via radio communication, these are events that were aimed at popularizing astronautics, at popularizing our cosmic.
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still to earthly life, marina, such a long journey, let us emphasize once again, almost a year and a half long, but it turned out that now, what are your plans? so what next? now we have just returned from the star city, where we underwent rehabilitation, now, of course, there are a lot of events ahead, i want to share
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this experience, what i received in space for this project, i want to share with people, but i want to tell you very there is a lot to tell and show, and of course i would like work for the good of our country, for the good of ours. walk on earth, i agree, well, in general , recovery takes place for the period of time that you spent in space, but since we had a short flight, and some cosmonauts say that it is even harder than a long flight, because we just arrived and adapted already us back, therefore, but
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now i feel good, rehabilitation continues on its own, i will rehabilitate a little, and take care of myself as much as possible, but everything is fine, thank you very much, excellent. and we were still talking and of course, the whole country saw footage of you giving us a tour of the iss, it was very interesting to see how the cosmonauts are positioned there, the moment with the sleeping bag was amazing, that is, in fact, in order to sleep you had to tie yourself down, marina, but we also know a bunch of details, of course we, the journalists who followed you there every second, we know that you had a lot of different songs playing in your playlist, we were pleased that they were belarusian songs, we have a gift for you, this is the one performer. thank you very much for your creativity, amazing song, really, yes, thank you very much, thank you, but we
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really, really also can’t let you go without a bouquet, oh, thank you very much, thank you, very nice, thank you, we knew that. we have never seen each other before, friends, this is the first meeting of marina and stasia, well, marina, as you understand, now there will be a musical gift, thank you, friends, we will see you immediately after the advertisement, wait for us! she works with the theme of the belarusian borok, the period of the radivils' rule. i love my roots, i love my family, i am interested in these topics, and this very important topics, they affect both me personally and the history of my country, this is just right for designers, for poets, for people of creativity, creativity.
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watch today on our tv channel. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. this taste is actually familiar to me since childhood. if you have never tried squarks, then you have essentially never been to belarus. if you hadn't said it was oatmeal, i would never have thought of it. pull in its structure, it is also
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very similar to our pig ears in this pot. let's find out more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that the residents of magilev once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. i love this soup, all because it is very fatty and rich. having eaten a plate of such soup, you can then simply not eat for the whole day. i want to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish. if you asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say, well, here it is, look project, food anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel. we confidently step into a new day and do
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it to our music, the music that sounds inside each of us. she is everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips. music inspires and makes you think. and it opens thousands of roads before us. music can change the world because it can change us. music is inside each of us.
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