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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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we are glad that today 16 regions, say, the republic of belarus and the russian federation, are connected by flights, but today there are more than thirty requests, at least today there should be such destinations. railroad communication, if we are talking, then why not, tourist trains, something that can work, that is, from point a to point b, we need to deliver our tourists as quickly and comfortably as possible. belarusians also actively travel around... russia in the twenty- third the number of trips doubled, dagestan is becoming a popular destination. in the near future , air will be added to bus tours, a direct flight from minsk, the house of khachkala. during the days of the exhibition , the second belarusian-russian tourism congress was held, among the participants were representatives of government administration and business of the two countries. experts spoke about the harmonization of legislation, the development of organized tourism, as well as investments in belarusian infrastructure. any investor is interested in expansion and new ones. the belarusian market is attractive.
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moreover, from a tourism point of view infrastructure, within the framework of unfriendly countries under sanctions pressure, belarus, for example, is much easier to enter than even, say, uzbekistan, so this is of interest. these guys came to understand and hear what conditions the republic of belarus can offer for their investments. and then we, the belarusian side, must reach out to target investors, no longer potential, but targeted.
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which contains more than 100 items, for example, a portrait gallery of veterans, drawings by military artists, personal belongings of participants in the great domestic. a separate section is devoted to the work of the writer front-line soldier sergei smirnov, author of the book brest fortress. it was he who first attracted attention to the heroic epic of the defense of the citadel. the exhibition presents his personal diaries with recordings of interviews with eyewitnesses who defended the fortress. it was thanks to the activities of sergei smirny that many received awards. in particular, the man who led the defense of the fortress, gavrilov, since he was dismissed from the army and only thanks to sergei smirnov he received a hero’s star, and thanks to his book, in many ways we now have such a wonderful memorial complex in belarus, where we can come and really worship this feat. visitors to the exhibition can watch archival photos and newsreels, as well as listen to audio stories of participants in those events, privates, officers and nurses. through their personal impressions, everyone learns about the heroic defense. fortresses, as
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well as the liberation of belarus. the immortality of the feat is a joint project of belarusian and russian museums. it opens a series of events that will take place in the run-up to eightieth anniversary of the great victory. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results of the analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program. main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the belarus24.bbi website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best.
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i give you the line at 11:29. the belarusian substation supplies voltage to the line going to ukrainian territory, a forced step, rather a gesture of goodwill and a helping hand. the work completed to date makes it possible to provide voltage on the objects of the chernobyl nuclear power plant. it’s clear that no one expected thanks from the ukrainians, much less payment for electricity; here is the chernobyl nuclear power plant, a modern bird’s-eye view. although the station is not operational, but... nuclear waste requires the required temperature in storage facilities, the tea left without electricity again posed a threat, and the ukrainian media and personally the head of their foreign policy department trumpeted this to the whole world. the chernobyl nuclear power plant has lost all power supply, and diesel generators are designed to last 48 hours
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operation, after which the cooling system will turn off, and this will threaten a radiation leak. the neighbor’s shoulder, as has happened more than once in recent history, was nearby again.
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not our catastrophe, but our misfortune. the belarusian liquidators, along with the ukrainians, risked their lives. alexander borsukov, who served in the gomel police and was originally from vetka, took on the challenge personally. he was only 20, and this photo was taken literally 2 years later. here is an excellent student of the police then, who received, here he is, the third there, an excellent student of the police, yes, for me this is the highest reward. hail as a chronicle of service to the homeland in the eighties, it was possible to protect public order on the passes in nagorno-karabakh, when the name of the ukrainian city of chernobyl thundered throughout the world, volunteers volunteered for the exclusion zone. the most important thing for me is the medal for excellence in maintaining public order. that is, in fact, where we started,
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right? yes, yes, yes, yes, this is our police award. all these pictures from the past often disturb those who have seen it with their own eyes from falling asleep. the largest in the history of mankind - radiation disaster. about two hundred different radionuclides entered the atmosphere, resettling people is a task with a great psycho-emotional load, resettling people from a fenced-in area, a person is accustomed to his area, where he still lives, especially those who are elderly, you can imagine, you know that place where you went to school for the first time, there was some kind of line, something else, well , you met someone, a vegetable garden, a garden, there... everyone quickly gathers, without warning in advance , something there also, quickly everyone get together, yes, take it only documents, you can imagine, some kind of shock for people, as if this
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were happening to you, as if some unreal events were happening, people were loaded onto a bus, there was silence here, 3,678 is the number of belarusian settlements where it settled. radioactive cloud, more than 2 million people lived in them, and you and your partner arrive, a huge village, almost urban-type, yes, it will be saturday, yes, there should be some kind of dancing in the club, people usually gather in evening period of time to relax there after work, working week, yes, but there is no one there, just silence, the wind is blowing quietly in general, there are just some cases of gates, you can even hear the sound of walking through the village, yes, somewhere you turn to the side a little and look there.
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265,000 hectares of land were taken out of economic use, 340 enterprises reduced their productivity, 138 thousand people were resettled, 2000 left on their own. zhanna chernyaskaya grew up in one of the villages in the khonniksky district. after the accident, i had to finish my studies no longer in my hometown, but before the black sea, it’s just a stone’s throw away, about 60 kilometers in a straight line. soviet times, no borders, who worked in that area, who at the station, life.
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today belarus is a world-recognized expert in the field of liquidation of the consequences of the chernobyl disaster, but at that time it was necessary to study the unknown, there was no experience, and the large-scale work done was on the account of the state, and not of those who were just trying to catch hype on the disaster of the chernobyl victims. this is ours. general pain, april 26 is
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presidential day in the chernobyl regions, well, this is my land, this is it. bring the surviving lands back to life, teach
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people's safety, this is how the first chernobyl state program appeared, the annual costs of overcoming the consequences of the disaster are about 3% of the country's budget, by the way , belarus is the only country among the victims that has such a state program, while some continued to persistently call for help from the west for the same payments for chernobyl victims, belarusians built housing, paved the way. roads, in the affected regions - this is a whole science, they built gas pipelines, because the use of local firewood and peat is a big question, built water pipelines so that people could drink clean water and created. entire sectors in science, medicine, industry, which are in one way or another tied to the chernobyl theme, it was necessary to figure out how to protect people, how medicine should work, how to repurpose agriculture, because it was really necessary to select those crops that accumulate little or do not accumulate radionuclides, so this is literally the first state program,
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this is such a serious tool, huge gratitude... to all those who decided then, yes, payments were payments, double salaries were there, everything else, but money needs to be accumulated in order to develop these territories in the future. scientific experiments in the polessky nature reserve provide an understanding of how radiation affects nature, how dangerous elements accumulate in which parts of plants and animals, and they have learned how to obtain standard-pure honey. there are plants around the perimeter of the apiary that accumulate radiation to a lesser extent, fish are dangerous, it turns out that not every fish is either, you need to know its species and habitat. in special meadows experimentally raising bogatyr horses noticed that coniferous trees accumulate radiation in the tissues closer to the bark; if it is removed, the wood will be clean according to standards.
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we have a scientific unit there of 42 people, people work on a rotational basis, they travel from minsk, they were carried out. additional studies of forest areas located in the experimental economic zone and these studies showed that there are additional reserves so that more wood can be harvested and processed, somewhere around 450 thousand. these are all experiments, but the operational situation often itself suggests what should be emphasized, where to prevent any mistakes, so the bitter experience of ukraine, which cannot... independently cope with fires in the chernobyl zone and this situation is repeated, pushed to appear in the union program, and belarus and russia already have five of these fire-fighting complexes to fight fire in hard-to-reach places, we are also talking about protecting rescuers, these are fire breaks, the creation of mineralized strips in order to prevent the spread of fire over large
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areas over large areas, so that it is possible.
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much tougher than anywhere else in the world, this is really our wealth, belarusian gold, our polesian gold, today we produce more elite cheeses than all the enterprises in the gomel region, this is parmesan, this is francisco, this is gruver, analogues, for example, cheese, parmesan in general not in the republic, in fact, the entire assortment of the plant is exported,
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what does this mean, correctly, about quality, polesian cheese is the driver that sets the tone for the development of the enterprise, but... buys it and dry whey, and this is already deeply processed, as they say, down to the drop. we employ 269 people, the average age of the enterprise is 42 years, there are family dynasties, and we provide housing for young specialists, so we try to interest them so that they will continue to work for us. the average salary for the company is more than a thousand, plus a social package, housing for employees and comfortable workplaces, but not only. this attracted process engineer svetlana otroshchenko, although when she first arrived there was still manual labor, now almost everything automation, by the way, she is one of the recipe developers. the same elite francis, how long have you been working at the plant? 19 years. oh, what did you like here? everything from the team to
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development and implementation. the khonniksky enterprise is known in vietnam, japan, china, with their strict standards and approaches to quality; working at such an enterprise, says svetlana, is now a dream of many, although after the emergency it seemed like there was no life here... by dmitry rutkovsky , five chernobyl programs behind rehabilitation and revival territories, sixth. program, belarus has already switched to their active development, and the economy here is the very driver that, following it, pulls up social services, the money from the chernobyv program goes in addition to protected items, this is
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the agro-industrial complex, protective measures, these are social payments, these are benefits, these are pensions, this is health improvement , well, one of the main directions that is now in the chernobyl program is the development of the territory by creating new industries so that people earn money and stay in these territories and felt comfortable, secondly, we are already improving the recovery of those who live in contaminated territories, they have the opportunity to leave, the course of treatment is 24 days, during which time the body is cleansed,
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children undergo fairly high qualified recovery in these centers. the chernobyl topic is still on the agenda of zhanna chernyavskaya today; she is a deputy, deputy chairman of the relevant commission of the house of representatives, konniksky district, her home constituency. and today people no longer ask the question fear. in the eyes of what will happen next, i wonder what kind of development this corner of belarus will receive, farming is successfully developing in the region, people believed in their lands and their strengths, as my fellow countrymen say, and the voters who turn to me, yes, i would like some more production, this very topic is being discussed, because the head of state, literally a year ago, he spoke and said that it is necessary now... to develop the revival of these territories, in principle, this is the program, the sixth state program, it just few people know about this, but the approach to social facilities here is also special,
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for example, stadiums can only have a special coating so that dust does not rise during training, what can we say about medical centers, from medical centers to republican scientific and practical centers and children's clinics, the construction moreover, filling them is not cheap, but since people need it, then this is a mandatory item of state expenditure. for example, every year we buy medical equipment, equipment for school canteens, so that children can receive quality food, one of the main stages in the development of the black ob program is the retention of young specialists, quite a lot of attention is paid to housing facilities to retain young specialists, we are building about 100 apartments a year so that people who come to these territories can settle in , to live, that’s actually it. the walls of the phonon house are already plastered, the slabs are even, and very soon these products will leave for minsk. we are at a local concrete factory, a young worker with
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roulette, controller dmitry, says there is no better place in terms of wages in the area and they value jobs here. in our city, one of the most interesting jobs, it seems to me, provides everyone with a high salary. all the brigades are very united right on the line. very friendly, good attitude from management, everyone is always provided with tools, always purchased. sergei sobolev, who has been a builder all his adult life, believes that the plant of reinforced concrete products gives the khoiniki, to some extent, a new life, the company builds apartments for employees from slabs of its own production, and this is not rental housing, square meters with the right to buy, a good help.
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we need to release high-quality products to the market, this is the first thing, and secondly, we need to release them so that we, plus ourselves, do the installation. the chernobyl program provided the enterprise with initial capital, and further development was carried out using working capital. judging by the equipment, italian hydraulics, things are going well here, at least until the sanctions on price increases construction materials were going well. the products are now in demand, we have now started construction. in the city of borisov, we supply products for the mozar dsk in the city of minsk, we are building poiniki, khonikas, we are probably already building our seventh or eighth house, we are building in bragin, we were building in loev, we were building five houses in zerzhinsk, our first abroad, it was in kaluga, all problems can be solved, we are sure at the plant, there will be jobs for those who want to work, with
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the influx of khonik labor. over 20 years in the gomel region this is about 16 thousand hectares. is it a lot or a little, that's all subjective, but with each such hectare. is added from knowledge about the atom, dangerous and peaceful. belarus is an expert country in this topic, since we received the greatest pollution, the greatest economic damage , including, so the main developments in this topic, of course, are certainly located on the territory of the republic of belarus, and i will say that in the republic of belarus the leading institutions are located on the territory of the gommen region, this is the institute of radiobiology, the institute of radiology, but now it is a united institute, it is the republican scientific and practical center, a medical institution. and
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thanks to these developments, they are now used, including in agriculture, to obtain normatively pure products. every spring, the vetkovsky district also blooms, it suffered greatly, but on the lands closest to the exclusion zone, life is already in full swing. i remember what it was like then and what it is like now? well, the city is blossoming, i’ll tell you, when you arrive, you look, the soul rejoices, just to return to one’s homeland, it takes you, yes, it takes you by the heart, by the soul, how much it’s worth, you understand what will happen...
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since your departure i have been living with a heavy burden in my soul, unbearable, saulitta brigita from kaliningrad, you never told me that you were in kaliningrad, and who is this handsome man next to you, this is your grandfather, a courageous submariner, who tragically died in the arctic long before me birth, ivan, let me take a photo for you, let me, just not me, us, everyone on the water, put you and the child, he didn’t know about the child, maybe we’ll give up this idea, no way, i’m flying to koleningrad and i’ll find my grandfather. yes, olga is my grandmother, she was friends with brigitte, you know something, if something happens to her, i’m risking my party card, albrecht’s bible disappeared, and how you wanted to smuggle the bible abroad, i wasn’t going to smuggle it anywhere, she was offended by you, for what? so you are from her...


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