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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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“since your departure, i have been living with a heavy knife in my soul, unbearable, saulitta brigita from kaliningrad, you never told me that you were in kaliningrad, and who is this handsome man next to him, this is your grandfather, a courageous submariner, who tragically died in the arctic long ago before my birth, ivan, let me take a photo of you, please, just not me, us, everyone on the water, “how could he leave you with the child, he didn’t know about the child, maybe we’ll give up this idea, no way, i. i'm flying to kaliningrad, i'll find my grandfather, yes, olga, my grandmother, she was friends with brigitte, you know something, if something happens to her, i’m risking my party card, albracht’s bible disappeared, and how you wanted to smuggle the bible abroad, i wasn’t going to smuggle it anywhere, she was offended by you “why did you refuse her?”
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and i am for moving around your country, getting to know it better and telling others what we should be proud of. you are on the road 300 days a year, work and my personal life, but this is the same thing. at one time you once wrote for yourself and... for
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for those who may find this useful, 10 rules of life, these rules, it was not in vain that i publicly voiced them, so that people would understand what to expect from me. in 2014, you organized the all-russian tourism award route of the year, our special project, yes, a joint memory train with russia, this is very important, when young people travel, they see the truth, here are stories, including about belarus. your favorite region, it’s time to travel around the union state. hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, in the studio are tatyana shcherbina and victoria popova. and our guest is the laureate of the government of the russian federation in the region.
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tourist or business trips? somewhere around the age of sixteen, work and my personal life are approximately, well, it’s the same thing, the same thing, because i can’t imagine myself without work my whole life, that is, i don’t have it there, like everyone else there vacations or something, i constantly travel up to 290-300 days a year, the only thing less was, this is the twentieth year, this is a pandemic. reasons, yes it was 250 days, i was traveling anyway, i didn’t i stayed on the twentieth and twenty -first, so of course, most of it is related to work, but even when i choose, we have there for a few days, well,
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to relax or improve our health, like there, for example, and i flew to buryatia, to treat my back there, or now the may people have decided to relax there for a few days from the first to the 4th of may in crimea, but i have already drawn up a schedule for these days of meetings, discussions, negotiations, there i need to look at the excursion program, there i need to discuss the upcoming festival , that for me it’s all combined, voluntarily or involuntarily, work and rest, you name 2016 as the starting point of some changes in your life, it all started in the sixteenth. they came up with some idea, but what did they do before they were sixteen? well, in the field of tourism, i started working in the twelfth year, first there was an award in the field of event tourism, then the route of the year award, and in the fifteenth year, tourist souvenirs, that is, the three main
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federal tourism awards were invented by the sixteenth year. we have already acquired an ecosystem as a general-scale project, it was in the sixteenth year that, closing the season of awards in the field of event tourism, i first coined the slogan, yes, which became the name of our project, it’s time to travel around russia, from that time even more active movements around the country began, well, in 2012, you organized, so to speak, a national award in the field of event tourism, called rush and event awards, for some reason in english, but why did you decide to focus specifically on event tourism?
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there are tourist events, that is, for us it was in its infancy, as people we are used to, well, there is a festival, i’ll go and go, well, but in order for people to know, we need to promote it, so that they return to this territory , we need to take into account
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the characteristics of the territory, we need to change something and we need to actively invite, those who invite go to those who don’t, but why are we going if we don’t know about this festival, here... season 13 is starting, we are already we have already started collecting applications, it just shows that event tourism is the driver of tourism development in regions, individual territories, individual cities, here, events, high-quality events, good events from a tourism point of view, have a number of advantages over other types of tourism, including some equalization.
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yes, it is 120 km from yekaterinburg, they come to attend this festival, this holiday, to buy products made from semi-precious stones, than... slaven, yekaterinburg, yes, and the sverdlovsk region, the urals, in particular, yes , gems, so they come there in order to buy it, in 2 days, last year it was more than 5 people, while the population is 150 people, or the same, you know, the great bolgar festival, which takes place on the territory of the bulgarian museum of the reserve, this 180 km from kazan, there is a settlement there of 6.00 people, and people come there.
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the season was ending, they were idle, that is , they had to make a profit
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all year round, yes, yes, they started, the same thing we have now, yes, we have all ski resorts, we meet with many, they do wonderful festivals in the summer, they are already moving into the category of not ski resorts, year-round resorts, but what to provide, just like at the resort in our kusbass, several festivals are held, including business events, last year it was a forum, but in this year will happen, people will fly in, this allows hotels to ensure the resort is occupied for the summer period, which means staff do not need to be fired or reduced for the summer period, well, anyway, you serve this hotel, but you bear the costs, so this is not of course, it’s very effective, precisely through an event, but the fact is that just an event and a tourist event
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was very cool, but i liked a lot, there is something to work on, there is something to expand on, including with colleagues from samara, since sister city, samara-vitebsk, that is, many, but one of the festivals i definitely want to visit is our grunwald, because it was recommended to me not only by my friends in belarus, but also by my friends in russia who are involved in history. .. reconstructions, most recently they were you at the opening, here in podkova, there -
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but you have a lot of festival reconstructions, and you will have foreign ones open, but they are more for professionals, yes, a closed community with tickets, which is very important there i definitely want to get there, but there’s something connected with -
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i need it because i have problems with a clogged blood vessel, so i had to put on a hat and put on a hat , then one of my colleagues even created a picture like this and there’s a traveling person like logo and there it is in my personal print, it ’s used and i show that you know , it doesn’t necessarily move...
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well, he goes to shlyopansk, well, it’s not like a resort town, well, you know, well, you yourself, the fashion is like this now, i understand, but i’m a conservative in this sense, another of your brainchild is the all-russian festival, a competition for tourist souvenirs, you even published a book on this topic, that’s what it’s called, a tourist souvenir, well, it would seem, well, work is now underway on the second one in december of this year continuation, well, it’s interesting that in the idea
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of ​​where you were, it’s not easy to bring it from somewhere, but again, if you saw it, if you felt it, you felt this energy, and it’s not just magnets, although you know, over the years a certain opinion has been heard there that i’m tired of magnets, no matter how, no, no, in no case, the theme of magnets is forever, it will continue, they
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change, their materials change, their shapes change, i have enough... there are a large number of them, yes, that’s why this not only magnets, plates, there are a lot of them now, thanks to the fact that our competition, which this year, the tourist souvenir competition, is 10 years old, and very much so, i just returned from the trans-baikal territory, we were just holding a competition specifically for the trans-baikal territory, the tourist souvenir transbaikalia, well, these are new ideas, new dolls, dolls, national, buryat costumes, these are also edged weapons, but only from specific territories, that is, either this is a buryat knife, if you are in the buryat or on the buryat territory where the buryats live, or a yakut knife, because it is special, because it is special, no one else has something like this, it has a one-sided sharpening,
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that is, therefore, if we also let’s say, go back to belarusian, say, souvenirs, belarusian themed, i liked it... only collectors can afford something like this history, that’s why i bought it, it’s small, yes, but the memory, the authenticity, i’ll be talking about it in the second book.
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more than thirty regions are participating in your exhibition, this is already joint and you know, plus it’s very important here, why i paid
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attention to this, and also that from at least 10 regions now have direct transport links with belarus, this is very important, including for nizhny novgorod residents or bashkir longevity, bashkir pensioners went already becoming popular. yes, that is, you see, and there was no need to pay obligatory attention to this trend, to start promoting it, including through the invitation to participate in belarusian projects in our tourism awards, we have already seen events, yes, tourist routes also participated, i didn’t manage to come last year in 1923. authors, souvenir products were announced to the craftsmen, but things didn’t work out a little, but we are sure that this year yes, moreover, the same
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slogan that i said is that it’s time to travel around the union state, well , because having arrived here, first in april to the congress, then in the summer the slavic bazaar, then there are already 12 of us, we are not families there...
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for tourists, we even have glubokoe condensed milk , you already know, they are branded with it in the tombov region, the vishnevarova cherry festival with which glubovo cherry the festival is friendly when i was there, it’s in the tabov region, i got it from there, i ’m familiar with this famous condensed milk, they also took part in the award in everyday life.
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invite guests, we are in touch. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should what does a person do to achieve success? he thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, but this, this is very difficult. i really didn't want my kids to go down that path. the main task is to answer honestly. to all
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original and sometimes uncomfortable questions: do you see illness and death every day, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel, what to surprise?
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infrastructure is worthy, i think, in russia exactly the same problem, yes, there is such a thing, there is such a thing, moreover, there is simply not enough infrastructure, especially in those places that are the most attractive, the same baikal, the same baikal, for everyone who wants to come to the shores of lake baikal , and they simply don’t even have enough room stock, not to mention its quality, but for this... in russia for just a few years now, this is a national project of the tourism-hospitality industry, and this is in the field of attention of the president, vice -premier chernyshenko, who even all their trips are related to infrastructure solutions and the russian tourism corporation, the first bet is on infrastructure, accommodation facilities, of course, first of all, because i say, in those iconic places there
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are simply not enough of them. this is kamchatka, when the question was about launching charters there, aviation for tourists, it turned out that there was nowhere to live, yes, there was nowhere to settle, or a small republic, which is where i like to visit, in recent years i have often been there, and we began to actively cooperate with the region this year only twice was the republic of mariel, yeshka karala, there now... there will be a trace of the russian drug industry and a problem with accommodation facilities, so the city is only for excursion so far, it is the smallest republic and no matter how actively they are engaged, but people let's go, people went, just recently, just a month there, less than a month later, a new hotel was launched, that is , there is movement towards this, more is being built,
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the recreation center around is being reconstructed. here are a few good things like this accommodation will be introduced, but still this is not enough, there is a demand for that, because what is baikal, it is a world treasury, a world treasury, i really love visiting the republic of buryatia, that is
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, since the sixteenth year i have been in this region in the republic was 20 times, we already mentioned it was 2016, it was then that you first made such a statement that let’s travel, it’s time to travel around russia, but then this call of yours was received quite skeptically, so let’s say, yes, that’s what you to this skepticism they then said that skepticism towards our land, culture, history is our national trait, and we need to get rid of it, this is how you think this trait is, this is how it, in principle, arose , suddenly became national, and how from you can get rid of it, you know, it’s not only there in relation to tourism, for some reason you always start saying, for some reason it’s better there, we’re always there, well, it’s even good to say something good where we’re not, or you know , we always like this in everyday life caught up with the fact that that oh, the neighbor there or the neighbors are better,
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but it would seem there, but not with us, for some reason we are used to underestimating ourselves a little, we say, come somewhere in the city, i say: oh, how good it is here, but here, you know, there are no roads, all this is there, although here it may be even better, we get used to it, and as if you don’t really notice, well, it’s good, it’s good, but in comparison you know, this is skepticism, yes, it was, especially, especially i addressed this first of all not only just to residents of the country that it’s time to travel around russia, first of all
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they have stopped or we don’t know how, maybe, but it’s good, now we’ve started, you come to the region, you say, look how
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great it is here, this, this it’s interesting and so on, but what is there to see, we have nothing, yes, we have nothing, i say, why don’t you talk about it, you just said it when i was dying, but here you are at the coral, and you know that.. there are meadow mori, there are mountain mori, they speak different languages, you know that in the mori there are hedgehogs around the territory. republics there are about 200 official birch gauze groves, because they have a national mari religion, oh well, it’s true there, what’s still preserved, that is, we don’t have much...
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now many in russia already know what’s there wonderful thermal baths, i mean tyumen, for a long time, when they began to actively promote tyumen thermal baths several years ago, everyone laughed, said: what are you doing? everyone had it in their heads: tyumen is oil, there is no oil in tyumen itself, it is to the north, and there are kermas, there is a natural spring, moreover, this is there is a colossal amount of wealth there, now they are planning to build a large thermal resort or hotel there already, summer summer, which they have there, you go there, you know, the occupancy rate there is already 85% for the year, everyone found out and now they know it, and before that you said , where are we going to celebrate the new year in tyumen at
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a thermal spring? it scares me that they started building, because prices like in sochi, you know, will skyrocket and become for oil workers, and not for us ordinary tourists, you know, here i agree with you that there is such a thing, moreover, there are many regions that have begun to be in demand, prices are rising, here is one of our leaders, mine, that’s where we are... but there was a problem with hotels, yulia,
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moreover, like this, lower, last year it turned out that he had there is an almost 30% increase in prices for hotel services, because it is in demand, it is very difficult to buy a ticket from moscow to nizhny novgorod there, and even this is not only for the weekend, i arrived on a weekday, but i think so here, that is, five-point. the shraton hotel, which had a fairly high price tag, and well, when there was no traffic yet, it, well, let’s say, it wasn’t very busy, now you’re in it, it’s just problematic, yes, i agree with you, but you see, the birth of a new price, it still affects others, but with this is opening up a lot of accommodation facilities and... for, well, let’s say budget, somewhat
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budget, well, at least, at the very least , this private sector market is starting to come to life again in russia, including in all popular places, very yes, of course it would be nice if it moved from the gray zone, well, i mean to pay taxes and so on which is very important, i think that this will also come to this, just like we need our own youtube and our own rnb, that is true. you just need to put this in place so that the state, with the help of the state, can create a normal instrument through which, among other things, you must admit, it is safe for the person who books this accommodation, because there are enough cases when they paid, booked, and then it turns out, well , of course, this is the question and what stops, as if in 2014.
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here is the train of friendship, in my opinion, this is very an important route, memory, this is something that is very important, especially for me there... well , the older, let's say, generation, yes, grew up in the soviet union, i am very glad and was helping that a group is being formed, and schoolchildren in including from voronezh we went to brest, for me you know, this is very important, well , taking into account our entire history and reminders of the role of our great country in the fight for victory over nazism. over fascism, this is very important,
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when young people travel, they see the truth, here are stories, including about belarus, this is very important, and for me belarus has always been damp, i’m glad that the route talks about it, it’s connected again with the partisan movement, because for me i was still a soviet schoolboy, and films , books, that’s a lot, i’m a lot, but finding is generally the most important story, last year, i say, i went three times, but i didn’t make it to brest, i definitely plan to be there this year. because in june, june 22, i really want to go to the festival in tatarstan in tatarstan, the village of elbden, and the lbj festival is taking place there in honor of the hero of brest gavrilov's fortress, many years later
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gavrilov was recognized there, his merit and so on, in this village... for several years now there has been a festival, there is a small river, yes, it starts at 4:00 in the morning, through this it’s like a reconstruction festival it looks like the fascists are being transported, they made a little bit of elements there, well, like the buildings for the brest fortress, this is the story, there is a small museum dedicated to this, i was in this museum on... i haven’t been, i’ve already been to the village , that ’s where i helped them, they took part in our awards, this is a significant story, and now i want to go and see it all, because well, this is a great story, it’s no coincidence that, probably, last year in ufa in the final, and the route of the year award,
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the belarusian project won the grand prix, again, a connected tourist route with patriotic education, a route with... a cross-section of iconic cities that are known to us, they are well known to the slightly older generation, even from history, that’s how well they are known to our younger generation, but this is a question, here it is very it’s important, about the train, i would have done it, you know, more regularly, yes, its only problem was that not everyone got there and it was somehow quick. yes. and very, we have another cult place, like a city, in which it is very difficult, to arrive on the ninth on may 9, this is volgograd, the battle of stalingrad, it is very difficult, trains are also formed there with tourists, but it is very
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difficult, everything is crowded, but i want this train to function again and more. saved europe, not in vain, even in the telegram channel there was information that, like on the eightieth anniversary of the landing of the allied forces, the french still say: “ this cannot be carried out without russia.” yes, of course, but how can you hold
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a festival dedicated to the victory over fascism without russia, without belarus? yes, that is, how long did it take for those who knew how to turn everything off? well, yes, as they are trying to do, but okay, they can do it there, although we have to knock and tell them there too, but within themselves, within our country, you know, they are playing, especially since now the information channels are available, there are different ones, yes , we must, at least especially to the younger generation, we owe it to ourselves, or the middle generation, which, especially there, and who are now 30 there, who grew up.
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to our telegram channel say, don’t be silent, look for all our releases on the belarus1 youtube channel. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest today is the laureate
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of the government of the russian federation in the field of tourism, gennady shatalov. gennady vasilyevich, in one of your interviews you said that i do not accept the word patriotism in the meaning that we have today. if you love your country, prove it with deeds, create something useful for her, organize your business, put things in order in your yard. when you choose where to go on vacation, then buy tickets not to barcelona, ​​to kazan, yaroslavl or petrozavodsk. you still hold this point of view. yes, that's why i travel around russia. well, of course, i’m not against outbound tourism, i’m certainly for it, but in order to see that sometimes it’s possible to compare, that we ’re no worse, but still, you know, the first trip is probably especially...
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then we don't understand, we are so rich people - there are attractions for everyone,
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you come, you have even already traveled many times, or i have visited some regions more than once, that’s how i said there in option 20, every time i discover something new for myself, that’s new emotions, new impressions, again, time passes, you look at different events differently, i am for the fact that a patriot is not someone who just says this is our country and so on, but who says it with the consciousness of the matter, and loves it , and also says that he’s traveling it helps, again the economy, again the economy, having earned a tav, he goes there, he buys souvenirs, the entrepreneur ulanude receives them, and a cycle occurs, that is, here, you know, here, first of all, i... for the first journey of a person in life , it was in russia, there or
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in the union state, the second, that is , to come to you, that is, you understand, we must know what it is, how we live, how our people live, you can often hear when coming to the region, it they say we have more than 100 nationalities there, you understand, this is what it’s like plast.
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especially about event tourism, especially “let’s tell me something, tell me something, a book has been published, a very important one, which has already become a textbook, an important reference book for a large number of organizers of tourism events in all regions, they are already taking them there and conducting classes, and now they adhere to the rules, predictability,
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then what to expect, there are no new ones, not yet, but the most important thing is one of the rules there, again, not every one is important for me in principle and hurry to live, because even all of them are mine. hashtags, that’s how they sound there, hurry up to live, hurry up to live, this doesn’t mean you need to rush, no, you just need to try to get as much done as possible so that there are 25, for example, hours in a day, it’s simple, you just have to get up an hour earlier, everything, or when you change, the day before yesterday there was a 6-hour difference from moscow, when you move, that day i had 6 hours more, because people there were already starting to rest, so we finished a working meeting there around 22 local time , and -6, in russia it was 16, well, in the central part, and there people write,
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the process begins to amaze me. year in a little bit in minsk, but then we had relatives living, well, like my uncle, then he returned to voronezh, he was a military serviceman in the city of slutsk, so that’s why the topic of slutsk belts is for you, thank you again, well, we hope that they are really ours conversations, your meetings at the forum, at the congress, they will be productive, and the fact that today we
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have identified some pain points and the continuation of the topic would be that we not only meet halfway - cities, new places, but also these same cities open up towards tourists, because it seems to me that this process should be so reciprocal, i think we simply have no other way, we just have to understand that we are together, and a human life alone is not enough for a person to see all the best. parting words and autograph. it's time to travel around the union state. gennady vasilyevich, well, some
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i hope that it’s time to travel through the vessels, written in this picture along with your other wishes, you will probably be prophetic, and more we will actively begin to move, belarusians to russia, russians to belarus, and i am sure that we will succeed.
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in germany, the organization "source of life" was established, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase... the population due to the naming of children from the slavic peoples, children were removed from families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take their own ukrainian children to the eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from their parents, who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia. in others, they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries in...
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12:00 pm


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