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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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and even well, the parliament, like the parliament there, is a runaway parliament in exile, something needs to be done, and they even got to these kolinovites, a break has already occurred there, they can no longer agree there, especially on political issues, they don’t know who to nominate, they are nominating one tonight, tomorrow morning, they are removing him from office, expelling the so-called...
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there is such a hillock, a hill, i look at our land and think, well, what else do people need, what do they need to sit in this mud, unwashed, dirty, like in ukraine? , our youth must understand that god forbid war, you, i and youth, we will be the first there, on the line of fire, dirty, dirty, perhaps...
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to embody the ideals of the future of our country , to determine the vectors of development of the entire belarusian society, now in the power of the youth, who not only followed the live broadcast, but were among the delegates in vns. their voice and progressive outlook contribute to the formation of a strong state. yesterday , two main documents, fundamental documents, were adopted: the concept of our national security and military doctrine. of course, in conditions like the current geopolitical situation is very important for us, as for belarusians. and of course, i would like to note that these documents are important for us, both for customs officers, both for civil servants, and for citizens of the country. the new youth gathering project, which started today in the capital, is a joint initiative of the belarusian republican youth union and the youth parliament, aimed at consolidating young people around national values, forming their legal political culture, as well as unlocking their potential in civil initiatives. a lot of important things have been said for these. 2
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a defining day for finding the right path for the future life and development of the country. election of the chairman, presidium, as well as approval of the concept of national security and military doctrine of the republic of belarus. we will collect the most important and interesting things from the all-belarus national assembly for you. vivid quotes, impressions of delegates and much more today in the purpose of the vns version. watch on belarus 1 at 19:45. the main event of the country is on the screens. a historical moment that cannot be missed. the first meeting of the seventh all-belarusian people's the meeting is declared open. you are not just a general assembly, you are the national conscience, you are the voice of the people. i, an ordinary guy from a peasant family, keep my word today, here, on this... the time is coming strongly,
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our security is our future. the main real risk is created by a hot spot in the region. country, we will be a true national front, we will show the main thing. a shelter for migrants was set on fire in ireland. the incident took place in
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the town of newtown mount kennedy, 160 illegal immigrants were supposed to be brought here, but they intervened local activists who do not want to accept uninvited guests on their land. the shelter building was set on fire and was also damaged. police car, arrests were reported during encounters with law enforcement officers. paris, on the eve of the olympics, has lost another symbol. the blades of the legendary cabaret moulin rouche have fallen off. this happened for the first time in the 135-year history of the building. the chip happened at night for an unknown reason. the falling wings tore off the first three letters from the club's sign. fortunately, no one was hurt except the image the cabaret itself. so those who want to see the famous parisian mill will remain. enchanted, there may not be enough time and money for repairs, given the number of problems in the capital of the olympics with bugs and mice, there was also an outbreak of dengue fever. abnormal heat in thailand has killed 30 people. in bangkok, temperatures exceeded 40 degrees, with
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thermometers expected to reach the 50 degree mark in the coming days. other parts of south and southeast asia, including the philippines and bangladesh, were also hit by high temperatures. warm returns to belarus this coming weekend, while weather contrasts are still expected, so on saturday night in the country it will reach +6, in the vitebsk region frosts down to -3. during the day, most of the territory will experience comfortable weather and temperatures up to twenty degrees. the rains are on pause for now; only minor precipitation is expected in places on sunday morning. on sunday it will become a couple of degrees warmer. lows will be between +2 and +9, with daytime highs at +5. according to preliminary forecasts, the temperature background at the beginning of next week will also show positive dynamics. we will greet may with warmth and no rain.
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my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best and have a nice weekend. that for belarusians, the usual life may seem real exotic to others, but i told you that this is the cultural capital of belarus, now you can play right on the street, you can meet people, it’s a great trip, it was my first time riding in such a car, alone, how was it for you?
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there was a forest, people were afraid of it, they believed that evil spirits lived there in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, a horse shoe was nailed over the door frame, and a knife or sickle was very often stuck into the door frame. watch the travel show like at home on our tv channel. good evening, on the air economic environment on belarus-1 and satellite tv channel belarus 24. we traded for 23 million dollars, the balance of foreign trade of belarus for the first 2 months of the twenty-fourth year was positive, the national bank reports. according
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to the regulator, foreign trade turnover increased by 1.3% compared to the same period last year. belgospischeprom based on the results increased in the first quarter. analysts cite rising gasoline prices, higher rents and car insurance as the reasons for the growth. already, the level of consumer prices is far from the forecast 2% for the year. gold and foreign exchange reserves have increased again in belarus. according to the national bank , international reserve assets increased by $134 million in march. as of april 1, they exceeded $8.3 billion. the key reason is the increase in gold prices by more than 8% in march. belarus' gold and foreign exchange reserves are growing for the second month in a row. industrial release
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production increased by almost 40% over 3 years. last year it was produced for almost 30 billion rubles. that's just about 113%. these figures were announced at a large meeting on industry with the president. but there are also problems. decrease in production at a number of industrial giants, stocks in warehouses, search for new markets. the head of state has set serious tasks. what will you have to work on? work for the industrial sector in the near future, how to reduce inventories, replace imported components, increase exports and ensure accelerated modernization of production. we will discuss the task of industrial development with competent experts right now.
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today in our studio we have experts who are well versed in issues of industrial development, alexander ogorodnikov, first deputy minister of industry, andrey kartun, first deputy minister of economy, our president emphasized this, he called ensuring the quality of products and proper
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service a key issue for enterprises, and facts when new equipment fails even before use, unacceptable, let's listen to our president, here is the quality, yes always, the products produced must be at the highest level, and nothing else, this is not a whim, but a severe vital necessity, a question of the future of the country of the people, ours... at the minimum price we will lose not only quality final products, but also the production of our own component base.
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well, we heard, in fact, yes, from an economic point of view, the head of state aims our manufacturers to ensure competitiveness in terms of quality, that is, not in price, precisely in terms of quality, this is a well-known pricing strategy that many successful manufacturers implement in practice. please tell me: at the top level, he creates a system that allows you to prevent the release of low-quality
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products or determines the level of quality of products manufactured at a particular enterprise, here you need to consider this process as continuous, starting from design, already at the design stage you need to use a risk management tool and ...anticipate or provide for the likelihood of failures due to some design flaws at the stage of introducing prototypes.
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year, but only produce little, as our president emphasized at the meeting, the main question is to sell the products and get money. alexander sergeevich, well , we know that at the end of the year the industry as a whole worked well, but nevertheless there are declines in certain economic indicators at a number of large industrial enterprises, they were voiced at the meeting, in particular, i will quote that with... the growth of warehouse stocks is fixed, this is + 23% in total year, please tell me what are the reasons, is it insufficient demand for products, and either it is problems in the operation of networks, that’s what you think, how to unload the warehouses of our industrial enterprises? first, you probably correctly noted that industry was, is, will be
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our driver of the economy, because it pulls with it a lot of industries that work for industry. who consume the results of our industry, we have been growing for the last three years, and we must understand that we are working for the world market, because the system the ministry of industry sells more than 70% of the produced volume to the port, yeah, to the external circuit, accordingly, we are subject to all cyclical changes, all open processes in foreign markets, and accordingly the level of management, which can be assessed by itself... the main thing is to predict and predict with a certain accuracy processes that will take place in the future, this is where this, let’s call it, the root of our success lies. why am i talking about this? because products in stock are the end of the production cycle, and in general, the production cycle itself, it includes not only the production of products, it includes
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the production cycle of cash flows that go to suppliers who must produce their products. and if, for example, we take different enterprises, then different enterprises have different production cycles, for example, microelectronics, which today determines a lot in many industries, then the production of individual microcircuits according to the technological cycle requires a nine-month production cycle, respectively, if the supplier says to give nine-month period for production, then this scheme should be in the warehouse, on the other hand, we have seen a lot, for example, the assembly line we understand:
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and the financial feasibility of, let’s say, competitors of suppliers the people’s republic of china, the republic of turkey, who entered the market with a similar product with the possibility of providing financial mechanisms for installment sales of these goods, well, in a certain way they also affected our manufacturer; in principle, we did not lose our share last year, because the overall market for refrigerators and freezers has decreased, but we have lost in production volumes and in order to maintain a certain economic level there. minimum level, so as not to fall into the negative line, we have something in our warehouse, but we remember the situation three years ago when covid times began and our atlant
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, thanks to the warehouse, worked it out to zero, when they were buying up what else was not produced, indeed warehouses can also grow due to the fact that we change the marketing strategy, and this is normal it’s also a situation where we talk about the need to develop our own distribution networks and open more stores then. some kind of hubs for our equipment so that
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this equipment reaches the consumer faster, so to speak, today i took the advance payment, tomorrow i received a tractor, this is an ideal design, this of course means that we need to increase warehouses, and where is this figure, opinion the experts were divided here depending on production, that’s what i said. there about microcircuits and so on, but even, for example, in light industry, even 200%, those who have a developed distribution network - this is a normal level, it’s even small, so here, uh, by the way, about warehouses, we already have the results of the first quarter and we actually have warehouses, even despite the fact is that our prices have increased, producers by more than 6%, in general, but our warehouses have already decreased from the average monthly production volume.
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we know that in the far arc, in foreign countries, the situation with exports is worse than in traditional markets, although in general, it should be noted, it is moderately positive, please tell me, this is what you think, thanks to which domestic producers can occupy additional niches in the markets of africa, asia, latin america, these are the economic mechanisms necessary for expansion. exports to stimulate exports, we, of course , relied on the african market, the market of latin america, where we practically do not exist, well,
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the result is not very good, and the markets are huge, if the same african market, conditionally, even if the reference points are taken there four or five countries, conditionally egypt, nigeria, equatorial guinea, an african republic, in fact, the market volume is more than 100 billion dollars a year, this market is growing 10. well, of course, we have already prepared the appropriate tools, they are constantly being modernized, we are talking about financial instruments to support exports, the so -called pre-export financing, and now it is not financial instruments that are actively developing, but the so-called compensation trade, which is essentially barter transactions on cross-border markets, conditionally, african counterparties often tell us that, well, due to currency
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legislation, we cannot strictly for...
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our enterprise eliminated the risks of finding counterparties there, so that there would be no non-payments there, and so on, so this is of course a complex issue, we are all government agencies involved in this work. last year, the export geography of the ministry of industry's enterprises included 65 countries; sanctions taught our industrialists not to focus on certain markets, but to work with those. who open to mutually beneficial cooperation, what are belarusian exports and what difficulties do our manufacturers face? in the context section , elona volynets discusses. please. last year , belarusians produced industrial products worth approximately 30 billion rubles. we increased the production of electronics, combines, cars and trucks. against the background of forced withdrawal from western markets, enterprises of the ministry of industry continue
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to increase exports. dollars, and this is a record for the last 10 years. supplies have been reoriented to the markets of friendly countries, primarily russia and the cis countries. last year, the volume of industrial supplies to the russian federation amounted to about $6 billion. the export piggy bank has become heavier in many ways thanks to belg, bmz, mtz, bilaz, maz, horizon. they are already called the big six. key goal for everyone. manufacturers should think more globally and expand their export geography. last year, plus six new markets: argentina, turkmenistan, kenya, colombia, kuwait and japan. by the way, our agricultural machines were there, tractors, pumps. huge demand for industrial products in africa, asia, latin america. that’s why it’s important to have time to occupy your niches there? for example,
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food security is a matter of life and death for african states. there is a great need for agricultural machinery and equipment, and we have something to offer. there are already agreements on the supply of over 3.00 tractors, 80 combines and thirty dump trucks to zimbabwe, and more than 150 tractors to the togolest republic. equatorial guinea is eyeing the belarusians. the seriousness of intentions is eloquent says exchange of visits at the highest level. in the contractual process, slippage is unacceptable. competitors are on their heels. in general, for export. the roads are not without problems, there are not always stable payments for the delivered products, that is, they want belarusian goods, but not everyone can buy them right away, here the manufacturers themselves need to avoid accounts receivable, this is the turnover of funds and investments, let’s be honest, there are difficulties with unloading warehouses, inventories over the year increased by almost a quarter, and if some enterprises formed an export portfolio even
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partially the next year, while others, to put it mildly, sank and began to produce less refrigerators, tractors, loaders, and engines. however, in all cases , the engine of development is technological sovereignty. without investment and technology , neither mtz, nor mas, nilas will go further than their home field. no less important is who is driving progress, be it the ceo, designer or mechanic. the economy is in the hands of man. all that remains is to act. well, things are being done, export deliveries are being made, this is a labor-intensive task, andrei mikhailovich said how many people in the country are working to ensure that one conventional tractor reaches foreign markets, but colleagues, developing the topic of export potential, we understand perfectly well that from an economic point of view, in order to
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benefit the country, well.. the economic effect from exports was maximum, we need to work to reduce the share of imports in the price of our products, reduce intermediate consumption, and so on. uh, here’s the issue of import substitution, it was also raised at a meeting with the head of state, this is very it is important why, because this is the key to technological independence of protecting the economy from external factors, external challenges. please tell us, sergey ivanovich, tell us a secret for viewers of the economic environment, what is the share of domestic components in belaz dump trucks, and if you have... a strategy to increase the level of localization, the head of state at the meeting set such a task for all industrialists, to develop such strategy, have you developed it, or are you just starting to develop it? ok, let's outline the current situation, of course we have
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the model range is very wide, so it’s probably wrong to talk about average localization figures, i’ll say this, our level of localization for domestic components ranges from 60 to 75%, i’ll say it carefully, 75% are cars with hydromechanical transmissions, 60% is a car with electromechanical transmissions, if we consider the national economy and enterprises within the republic of belarus, about 40-60% is produced directly at production sites, the level of localization directly of our holding companies area
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if we look at the level of localization taking into account the share of the union state, then the picture here is quite optimistic, for example, for vehicles, for individual vehicles, while we are talking about the 30-45 t class, the localization level exceeds 95%. well, this is serious, but if we are talking about individual prototypes of mining dump trucks with a carrying capacity of, for example, 240 tons, the picture is the same.
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map for the development of cooperation between the russian federation and the republic of belarus in part of the tool machine industry, and this means that the agreement provides for the implementation of joint programs, projects, mutual exchange of scientific developments, and the road map is
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a step-by-step plan for cooperation to create competence centers in russia or in the russian federation on the basis of these machine-tool enterprises of ours. the roadmap provides for the creation of machines with 100% localization on the territory of the republic of belarus and the russian federation. well, if we talk about the industry in general, you must own with these figures, what is the level of localization as a whole in the sled construction industry of our country ? if we are talking about the belarusian component, then it is about 50%. if we are talking about a union state, then... here we reach even up to 90% for a number of equipment, not well, for a number of equipment, on average a little 80, 80, some of the main non-makers of industry, mechanical engineers and the mining sector, about the work of various
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mechanisms of a large industrial machine, in the story of alexey kondratenko, let's see, loaders on dairy farms... or feed mixers, distributors, wide-cut sowing units or grain cleaning and drying complexes. the products of amkador holding enterprises contribute to the maximum. returns in the agro-industrial complex. moreover, our machine builders also offer effective technology for land reclamation work. this year , amkador plans to supply more than a hundred machines for work in the regions of belarus. we have developed a line of machines for the construction of open drainage systems and for the construction of closed drainage systems. this is a trench digger. this unique machines, no one has produced them in the republic of belarus before us. this is an excavator with a bucket volume of 1.2 cubic meters. tipper trailer. thirty-ton, that is , it is such a serious cargo transport vehicle
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that replaces eight to ten conventional tractors, that is, it increases the productivity and efficiency of work in agriculture. our machine builders are strong in the production of forestry equipment; by the way, the woodworking industry itself operates practically without waste.
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european countries, such products are considered highly profitable. the beltop gas enterprise, which consists of 15 plants in the regions of the country, plans to produce about 2 million tons of peat this season. from these raw materials , approximately a million tons of fuel products will be made , mainly briquettes, as well as 150 thousand tons of various covering soils and nutrient soils, which. used for agricultural needs, the products
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are in demand, today they are supplied to 21 countries of the world, over the past year we supplied 150,000 tons of various peat products worth $12 million, with in this regard, the asian vector is also actively developing, in particular, several full-fledged trains have been sent to china. import-substituting...
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that is, machine tools, please tell me, is the domestic machine tool industry today capable of providing our industry with modern, high-tech equipment? yes, i would like to note that over the past 2 years, the demand for products from the tank-tool industry of the republic of belarus has increased several times, well, those restrictive measures, sanctions adopted by unfriendly countries in relation to the russian federation and in relation to...
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technologically advanced processing centers, where a workpiece, a part is loaded, and several technological operations are performed automatically there, today at the ongoing exhibition in april of this year one was presented of high-tech
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equipment, this is a five-axis machining center made in belarus, this is a gomel machine tool enterprise, it is planned at the exhibition in moscow in may
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it’s not easy to imagine, however, over these 8 years it has proven its technological level to be quite reliable. we also participated in a competition in the russian federation, which means we were selected at that time, it was the selected spanish manufacturer, when russian colleagues came to us, and we took them to the enterprise to show the line in action, they were surprised by the percentage of low-quality products that were produced there. it amounted to a fraction of a percent there, and if we are talking about the spanish line, then it was a percentage, so the quality of the directly produced products on our equipment is very high, it’s nice to hear, it’s nice to hear, dear experts, time is short, there are a lot of blocks, but i can’t help but ask,
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i’m sharing my observations, i carefully looked at all the available video materials, meetings on industrial development under the leadership of the head of state, it was read: here are the meetings, our president, in fact, put forward an initiative, i will quote: it is reasonable to return to what i drew attention to, that in the end specific production tasks, do you think the time has come to introduce a comprehensive system of state planning in industry, in our compact republic of belarus, we have all the opportunities to plan very clearly, taking into account. disposal of equipment at our enterprises, as for machine tools, taking into account the disposal of agricultural machinery , we can plan not for a year, not for two, but for three, that is, we can easily write a production program, absolutely clearly the head of the enterprise and his entire team will understand what he is doing for the belarusian market, this is planned
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production, this is planned procurement, respectively, what we talked about today is of appropriate quality, when there is no distortion on the assembly line at procurement... we understand what will clearly happen in our market , we understand that the demand was generated by the external
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market, but falling volumes always have peaks, demand sometimes falls, this is the art of a manager, to predict in order to smooth them out as much as possible. separate fragments, separate elements of planning, they are certainly present, the ministry of industry and the regulator in this area in order to complete some tasks and so on, andrei mikhailovich, what do you think, because yesterday a meeting was held on the development of the agricultural-industrial complex, and there was similar thesis.


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