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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 1:50pm-2:05pm MSK

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for a month, not for two, in principle, they form a production program for long-cycle goods, well, in an amicable way, the same belas, in order to start production and do it, this means that today the basis of the production program of the twenty- fifth year is beginning to form, accordingly, this is also, to a certain extent, a planned economy, the one we are talking about, well , there is always this, let’s say, resultant, we understand what will clearly happen in our market, we understand that the external market has formed the demand. but falling volumes there are always peaks in demand, there are drops, this is the art of a manager to predict in order to smooth them out as much as possible, but individual fragments, individual elements of planning, they are certainly present for the ministry of industry and the regulator in this area in order to complete some tasks and so on, andrei mikhailovich, what do you think, because yesterday there was a meeting on the development of the agrarian-industrial complex, and there was a similar thesis.
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goal in a long-term program and to expand it to annual programs, here in annual programs, for the third year in a row we have already been working on so-called target planning, a target plan, when the main macroeconomic parameters are approved by the president, we deploy the so-called target plan, where there is a breakdown for industry, how many tractors and combines need to be produced.
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we are engaged and we are pushing it to sell, this is the key task, to constantly sell in new markets, and most importantly, after the first sale, return the buyer to our products again. andrey mikhailovich, i support thesis, you need to sell and you need to restructure from a manufacturing enterprise to a marketing and production enterprise, that is, the first word is still sales, and here it is... you need to develop it more actively, and of course form it, you had a good thesis, culture -quality, yes, there is a thesis that is important in business architecture, this is a corporate culture, when there is a company mission, company values, when every employee already feels his importance and significance, he cannot simply make a mistake, because the image of the enterprise suffers, of course. here
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we have something to work on, of course, this will shape the overall picture and increase the country’s competitiveness. the meeting was set with the task of taking us out of our comfort zone, maybe even to some extent the leaders, because the results of the last 3 years indicate that we have achieved tangible success, yeah, the goal of the meeting was just to draw everyone’s attention to those well moments that... are causing concern there now, our task is to correctly perceive all this in the light of enterprises and maybe work proactively somewhere to avoid the negative aspects that were noted at the meeting, that is, the main message is that you should not be in your comfort zone, you should constantly look for ways to improve the efficiency of enterprises, and sell clearly. but
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it’s impossible to sell effectively without changes within the system at cost, quality, or increasing production volumes. for the radio company, we thank our guests and say goodbye to you, set ambitious goals and confidently implement them for the benefit of our country and may the economic environment be favorable for you, goodbye.
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the quality code for our company is an opportunity to express ourselves even more loudly by demonstrating high-quality products. my career at this enterprise began in 2009, by a happy coincidence. yes, i am very glad that i connected my activities with this particular enterprise, it became a mentor for me not only as a means of realizing some of my professional qualities, but... also gave me some kind of life hardening, i am glad to represent the plant large tires, which is part of the structure of our enterprise, especially this year. 2024 has been declared the year of quality in our country; our entire team works every day to achieve high-quality performance
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of the products we produce. spring has finally burst into the hearts of our belarusians, but this time is closely connected with the preparatory and sowing... work of the rural lands of our country, in every corner beyond its borders, so we understand and appreciate the importance of the contribution of each agrarian to this work, and we try together with them, preserve the fertile layer of our soil. that is why the development of an innovative line of wide-profile agricultural tires is our priority today. thus, we are with...
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that our enterprise is worthy of a quality mark, in general, as a form of reward for the painstaking, productive and effective work of such a huge, large-scale and numerous enterprise. cosmonaut before participating in the creation of a station with such projects we will shake up the industry. i think that we will see joint flights of russians and belarusians. we did everything according to our program, we did it well, we already have results. space is yours, we understand.
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our space, more accurately predict the weather, track air pollution, a belarusian matrix for a huge camera on a satellite, a retina for the cosmic eye. integral produces its crystals in such conditions that even a speck of dust does not get in. we can see different crystal elements. and each contains millions of components, they are like dust, 5,000 times thinner than a hair. the far arc is undoubtedly important vector for our country. huge markets and prospects. has the assembly plant that cooperates with mtz already received more than 8,000 applications from local farmers? of course, you could guarantee our food security. main topics. on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. the volkovaya river, which flows through volkovysk, is one of the key pillars of this city. actually, volkovye in the
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slavic-baltic translation, wolf’s neck, from here too wolves. all students of ovsevich moiseenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin donated the gift to the art gallery. i am working on a drawing, which was painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new. a series, motherwort, but here it is. lafand, this is the first time i have seen such a plant, but this is also a heart plant, here we have a cardiovascular plant. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s interpretation, and, of course, to join the unique folk art, we omit pedal, lower it, grab it with two handles, and use two handles and push it hard. it’s scary, there’s nothing scary here, that’s it, look at the project, the route was built on the
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belarus 24 tv channel
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. since your departure, i’ve been living with a heavy burden in my soul for the unbearable brigita from kaliningrad. you never told me that you were in kaliningrad, and who is this handsome man next to him? this is your grandfather, a courageous submariner
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who died tragically in the arctic long before i was born. ivan, let me take a photo of you? i allow it, just not me, us. all on the water. how could he leave you with the child? he didn't know about the child. should we give up this idea? never. i'm flying to kaliningrad to find my grandfather. yes, my grandmother, she was friends with brigitte, you know something, if something happens to her, i’m risking my party card, albracht’s bible was missing, and how did you want to smuggle the bible abroad, i wasn’t going to smuggle it anywhere, it was i’m offended by you, so what, you abandoned her, i’ve traveled so many kilometers, spent so much time, and you don’t even want to listen to me, watch the series two silhouettes at sunset on the belarus 24 tv channel .
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a lake that was huge. what you don’t know about the internet will be ruined for you.


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