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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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that it is for the illegal west that it is simply ready to devour those who are not able to fight back. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, good day, watch in this episode. chernobyl, life before and after. commemorative rallies dedicated to the thirty-eighth anniversary of the chernobyl tragedy are taking place throughout the country. when a nation is united, it is able to solve the most important problems, mobilize to concentrate efforts on priority directions, tv version of vns, today on belarus 1, 19:45, watch. on the eve of the olympic games, the famous mill in france was left without wings, and dengue fever joined the mice and bedbugs. they installed fake registration plates. customs discovered a scheme for importing cars from poland, and a criminal case was initiated. belarus today remembers the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. 38 years ago , a major man-made disaster occurred, which divided the lives of millions of people into ...
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delegations from the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs, parliamentarians, representatives of public organizations, veterans and youth will pay tribute to the feat of the liquidators of the disaster. participants honored the memory of the heroes with a minute of silence and laid flowers. today, the restoration of the affected regions and their sustainable development is a priority .
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were put in order for and we are doing this, probably not for ourselves, but for future generations. the belarusian state has invested enormous amounts of money, implemented several state programs aimed at restoring the damaged lands, and until now the entire country as a single mechanism, systematically and comprehensively works to eliminate these consequences. much attention is also paid to the healthcare system, rehabilitation of citizens living in the affected areas, and restoration of the national economy. these
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days, when we are still receiving jabs on the topic of nuclear power plants from western states, eu states , primarily the republic of lithuania, we would like to remind you that our ostrovets nuclear power plant was built according to the most modern canons and safety standards, here ignalinskaya nuclear power plant, which is located on the territory. of the republic of lithuania, it is an exact copy of the chernobyl nuclear power plant, due to the rather subsidized economy of lithuania, we do not have absolute confidence that at this nuclear power plant, which has ceased its operation, all liquidation measures have been carried out and all safety measures have been observed so that this peaceful atom and those energy elements that are there...
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suffered by the country for more than 35 years to return the land to circulation and obtain clean products - this is our country’s contribution to the common world experience. this was stated by the deputy minister of foreign affairs at a meeting of the council for sustainable development in minsk, dedicated to the international day of remembrance.
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the station stopped operating at the request of the european union, which considered it unsafe, and gave half as much as promised for the closure process. in addition, the work on decommissioning nuclear power plants has been associated in the last 10-15 years with several corruption schemes, the situation is aggravated by the fact that lithuania no longer has it.
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that they want to have their own energy system, they even want to export electricity, in light of the latest, so to speak, climate summits in glasgow, abudhabi, dubai, ah, the topic of decarbonization in the european union is becoming more and more relevant, it turns out that these are the small model reactors that he wants, for example, if they are built in estonia, they will meet these eu green energy criteria. they will receive financing, they will receive investments, guarantees for business, for industry, this is how it turns out - at the same time as if yes, that one side is talking about not safety, but unsafe electricity,
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so to speak, about dirty electricity, which is what nuclear power plants produce, while at the same time these same countries themselves are planning the construction of new capacities according to projects that are only still largely on paper. it turns out that lithuania, in fact, due to political circumstances, exchanged its energy independence for handouts from its western allies. hence the economic consequences: rising tariffs, prices and the overall cost of living, which in a global the energy crisis is only getting worse. a two-day marathon of opinions, decisions, initiatives. the main political event of spring is already out. history, but the country continues to talk about the vns of the first platform in the country, where they openly talked about the real geopolitical situation around belarus with examples given by the kgb, the security council and the ministry of defense. it was not the easiest discussion, but in the end the delegates accepted both documents. the all-belarusian people's assembly is a united
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front for strategic planning of our future, the future of our country. new powers and broad opportunities. that is why the delegates of the supreme council are responsible to the whole society. which means they must convey the results of the congress to every belarusian. the president placed special emphasis on this, especially since modern challenges can only be overcome by acting together. alexander lukashenko called for vigilance and assistance to belarusian law enforcement officers. it's all about the growing hybrid threat. the recruitment of radical belarusian citizens continues, the corresponding units, and also their training in poland, countries. baltic states in other european countries, we know the location down to the millimeter and the quantity, they practice the acquired skills , including by participating in hostilities on the territory of ukraine, they would not want to
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fight, of course, they would like to study in camps, but ukrainians are not fools either, if you want to get experience at the front, if you don’t go to the front, we won’t feed you, so they fight. well, it’s clear, you have a lot of them, practically all of them.


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