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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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sprinkle with starch again, cooks, don’t skimp on the starch, if i were you, i would have done it differently a long time ago, do you want me to show you how i would stretch this dough until it becomes very thin, look, everything, and nothing is needed , how much diameter can there be, and several, it has already torn, we have a tradition, if a person does something badly, they give him a slap on the wrist, just like that, but to improve it. program script, to bring the dough to look, through this dough you can read such a state, strength is needed, so in the east sweets are prepared exclusively men, by the way, you don’t need to roll out the dough for pohlava, in our country it is sold frozen in stores under the name phyllo, but those who know... say that it is not so
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wonderful, because it is rolled out by machines, and not by the loving hands of a cook. we place incredibly thin layers of phyllo dough on the baking sheet, one by one. the first layer of dough is placed so as to cover the side of the baking sheet, the layers are sprinkled with powdered sugar, when half of the sheets of dough are laid, a layer of some nuts is added. we had walnuts with cinnamon sugar. here this is a beauty, it’s a whole visual experience. now this needs to be carefully distributed, yes, can i help you, yes, oh, listen, this, this is very nice to do, cover the nuts, this is seven more layers of dough, then cut into pieces. olan cuts the poklava very quickly, all because he doesn’t let it dry out; if it dries out, nothing will work out for us. why exactly this size, such small, almost matchbox -like squares? baklava - it can be any
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size, that is, as you want, it can big, maybe small, it’s only when you drink coffee and you want sweets with coffee, you can eat one, two pieces, i have long suspected that baklava and coffee are made for each other, it’s nice to be right, and also alan’s words about coffee prompted the idea, in childhood, when i was making dumplings, my mother and i made a happy dumpling... coffee, whoever gets it will be happy all his life, maybe without a tooth, but happy, let's do the same, and tomorrow in grodno, someone will find him, which one, come here before send the soup to the oven, you need to do one more thing, this is the magical moment when the soup is filled with syrup, right, it’s sugar syrup? but you don’t add honey here,
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honey is only in greece, in turkey, not in turkey, not in turkey, they talk, this is honey, then they talk, this is belly honey, only this is sugar syrup, of course, we do everything honestly, because if it’s myod, it can’t be 1 kg of food for 40-50 rubles. pokhlova goes into the oven, and here another difference in the palestinian version appears. from everyone else, it bakes a little longer, becomes dry and brittle, we baked it and filled it with syrup, but i guess that it still needs to be allowed to brew a little, how long should it stand, soak in the syrup, we have to wait until it’s all there, well, not only cold, but not hot, i didn’t wait, i decided to postpone the tasting until the day of the festival. alan and i, when
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we were preparing it, according to an old family tradition , we put a coffee bean, whoever gets it will always be happy, he will always have good news, the sun will shine above his head, let's pray that it will come to me, let's try, i close my eyes, let's choose any piece, try, suddenly i can do it like this, the happiest, luckiest person in the whole world, it was worth the patience to try this pufflava, it is very sweet, it would really go well with a cup of black coffee, but the taste of cinnamon nuts makes the taste of the chowder subtle, despite the fact that it was soaked, you can see that it was well soaked, each layer remained crispy, remember why, because we did you keep it in the oven a little? and
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for good reason, there is a secret in this, after all, i found one drawback in this soup, it’s difficult to eat more than a couple of pieces, then it doesn’t get into you anymore, although you really want to, a lot, a lot of our dear ones from the terrible guests we tried it, yeah, and praised this baklova of ours. i will regard this as a compliment in my direction, after all, i put my hand to her, both hands. palestinian baklava: add salt and oil to the flour, gradually add water so as not to mix with the consistency of the dough, add sugar syrup, roll out the dough thick. paper sheet or immediately buy frozen phyllo dough, place half the sheets of dough on a baking sheet one by one, sprinkle each layer with powdered sugar, put a layer of nuts mixed with powdered sugar and cinnamon, put the remaining dough on top, also one by one each sheet and also sprinkle
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with powdered sugar, cut into pieces, bake in the oven, then pour in sugar syrup and let cool. the end of the festival of national cultures was still far away, but i had made the main conclusion. well i'll tell you what the festival was a great success, for me it was several days with the taste of sweet palestinian pohlava, exotic moldavian shurpa and lush jewish challah.
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isai pavlovich kozenets. one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground. in the summer of 1941, he created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group
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of oil workers. for the sake of secrecy, he took the name of his deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka he went down in history. minsk anti-fascist underground. oil workers established contact with other partisans detachments operating in the vicinity of minsk equipped an underground printing house and organized sabotage at the minsk railway junction and other objects of the occupiers. in march 1942, the minsk anti-fascist underground failed. how sd agents were infiltrated into its ranks. despite all the measures of secrecy, they failed to protect themselves. almost all members of the first minsk underground were arrested and tortured to death in fascist dungeons. after prolonged
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torture, on may 7, 1942, isaiah cozenets was hanged in a city park in the center of minsk. in 1965 in 2006, isaiah cozenets was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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millions of belarusians perished in the hollows of the great agricultural war, but their memory lives on. in the different parts of the country, there are tragedies and incitements every month. remembrances have been created for the heroes and heroes. vyalikiya and small yans want historical
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justice and satisfy that which is why they remember the meetings. memorial complexes of belarus in the cycle memory of the land of may. kascelna gara - the historical center and the sertsa garadskog. pasochka zelva. time and again, geta and the highest part of the settlement, the most bachnae of the month of zelva, which goodness is seen from the side of the shasha vaukavysk slonim. there is a seventeen-meter stele here. vyalichny memories are known to the memory of the great fellow countrymen who died in the late 1944 battles for the hell of the german-fascist buryings caused from the elven region. i remember the geats. the same hill, which is known for the month of the warrior's magic,
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which died sometimes called, sometimes called from elvenshchyna, and the forest, and the hill are crowned with sculptures of the savetsk soldier, the caller, the partisan, the woman of the city kharkі, pr vybary kascela. placed on it can float to the creative glance of the architect uladzimir kuzmenka. in another palova 15 years ago, the kastsel would have been pabudavana, and the kastsel would have been adabrany.
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there they plowed the bambi temple and the vaisk harmats, mixed vakol yago. paselak by ushchent are built, adzinochny and fraternal plowing of the abarons of zelvenschyny are scattered throughout the whole region. in order to remember the memory of those killed in 1958, the reconstruction of the castle at kaścielna gara installed a standard sculptural campaign of the war that caused the target and dzyauchyny partisans. in the 70th year, rekanstruktsy herbs were grazed. from all the religious ceremonies of the brethren, the parashts were moved and there
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began rallies, days of relief, holy days of remembrance, taxes and celebrations, celebrations, events, and celebrations. on taxama alley, which was sluggish and remembered, it was called peramogi alley, a new one appeared the street, the street of peramoghi, the taxa was languid yes... i remember, but i myself remember the languid amount of care and the great people loved their medicine. in 1985, the minsk handicrafts department of the deputy deputy minister the reconstruction remembers the war and the partisans. architect uladzimir kuzmenka and sculptors came to look at the massacre of the land: ales shaternik, yuriy platona, ruslan darin, exalted fleshiness, which dominates all the garadian pastures, the halma looks
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like the truncated pyramid of uladzimir kuzmenko. yes, he knows, earlier the tsarva melted on uzgorka. this is a fact and indicates to the architect the outlines of the future manument. three truncated trapezoid-like, sounded adzinatsimatrovy steles, planes of such animals create roofs. steles, yakiya... and the people who perished in the hour of the slow, hellish war, and i remember that there were two joyful incidents, which were divided into six forest flights and five dances, and the last of them , the most intense, was destroyed ў it looks flat in front of the halogen manuments, at the center of the sign
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there is an angular podium with an eternal flame in the eyes of the sharp-eyed, the shadow of three poles ... the meshes are exactly on the brotherly magic called for the purpose of the zelva, it is made of concrete paste with 12 granite memorial slabs, on which the nicknames are embossed ishchy plowed ones. here the idea of ​​honoring the hero is removed, which is here they were captured, at the cost of their life, they were called for the getag.
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all the memories of these dead people, the wind’s advice, and enthusiasts, local historians are searching on the old pages of the internet, in various memoirs, mentioned in the past and people connected with the history of zelvinskaya district, and pastupa geta list of unknown people in skarachaets. vyarshyn stel is not vostrakantsovaya, yany cut, there i can help you to achieve the required zdabyts, right then, what a hardship for the sake of the kavali abaronians of radzima tell the sculptural campaign “mats of the warriors” partisans", placed in the niches of steel. people, the most unknown and the people who have not learned anything about the right to war, who look at the
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geta remember, we understand that our rulers are all tired of the abaron, and old... young, and women, and the bridesmaids and the boys, as we passed through this memory, we always remember that these people added to their lives, so that we lived well, in peace, under clear skies, i am great, i am so bronzed and sprayed i am sprayed as something we need ... stand on guard, look and think about those who will die for us, you guys the figures symbolize the sustrech, the sstrech war and the meat-loving population, which was thirsty for the hoots
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, the hoots, who caused the hell of the german acupation and...
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the shamans and the ghanaians of our history. and our fellow countrymen, all those who have been in the green region for a long time. in the common image of soldiers and partisans, there is a figure of a maiden, which symbolizes the rajima matsi. i remember the great one well, you uradzhanni, which i looked at, looking at these bronze, languid, mournful, sahben. dachshunds, as if they were in my arms, in my arms, in my shoulders, in all my figures. pozirk
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the ladies are looking forward to a bright, peaceful future, and the saprauda, ​​in front of it , the tiny landscape, the utulny square, is spreading, and the response behind it is the greatest we give to the grodzen region, the zelskaya water supply. sapraўdy, matsi glyadzіtsya, yak bodta... 14 lyutaga 2014 adbyla padzeya, yakaya
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became a popular moment for the creation of paunavartasnaga memorials to the bayava glory complex. during the war, foreigners installed memorial signs with the names of those killed in the afghan war. sergeant uladzimir lyakh. and lieutenant mikhail babila, who passed away without news. expansions of great technology began to be transported here. for such people, the two artillery units will flock to the hidden dances. d-44 - bmd-1p landing vehicle, reconnaissance aircraft su-24 mr. all the expanses that are placed on... from the hill, the potency of the villages, the tall ones, can themselves be used, how much labor is required, the strength required to
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work like this, unnecessary in war, airplanes, bmd, tanks, harmats, and so on. and that's where the labor goes people, if we can abaran our independence, independence. skin ekspanataў bayavoy tekhnіkі - gata adsylka da padzej vaennaga minulag zelva. so, installing the d-44 garmats will be used in memory of the soldiers of the 311th order of the chervonaga gunner -artillery stick. the great bmd-1 landing vehicle is well known to the foreign wars of afghanistan, which were fought in afghanistan by airborne troops and special forces.
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found here, the guards park their words on the side of three great figures, and the inner voice of the skin is expressive: we, our heroes, will not
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forget your encouragement and secret story m pra yago to our dzetsyam: we, suchasniki, are dedicated to the preservation of our agul memory, and as we know, there is no shmat, asabliva, kali geta memory of the earth. we are working on the news of the city and the region. darya tarasava is with you, good evening, and happy hour on the air. the pain of charnobyl affects all of belarus and this tragedy.


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