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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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veterinarians treat humanity, we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work, our uniqueness is that we present more democratic genres, more understandable, see on the tv channel. belarus 24, we were pioneers in order to pay tribute to the veterinary profession, and to those specialists who take care of the health of animals every day, it is not for nothing that they say that artists should be like children, naive, to stay at this childhood age, oddly enough, the role of mary poppins gave me the impetus to think about whether i’m too...
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in the new issue of the ether 24x7 project, we’ll talk about rating news and landmark dates, find out why it was customary for our ancestors to pat each other on the back. let's take a trip to the amazing polesie city of pinsk, get acquainted with its sights, and also don't forget about the review of the most exciting programs for...
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viewing with the whole family. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world see our traditional friday project. in the section your choice, we get acquainted with news from the world of economics, public life, sports culture, the positive dynamics of the belarusian economy, material assistance for may 9 and the bright victory of zhlobin metallurgy in the president's cup. the belarusian economy maintains stable positive dynamics, with inflation in the first quarter of the year amounting to 2.1%. all this is within the limits of forecasts, the ministry of economy noted that the current price increase since the beginning of the year has already included the traditional increase in prices for seasonal vegetable products, housing and communal services and some excise taxes. and then it is expected that the inflation rate will slow down in the future. overall , economic growth was ensured; it amounted to 4.1%. the drivers are
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industry, agriculture, construction and retail trade. regarding exports, he also added. the growth rate is low, but export prices are recovering from previous levels. lost about 13% over the past year. this means that selling domestic goods abroad becomes more profitable. belarusian metallurgical plant increases exports products. this year it is planned to supply 200,000 tons of steel to the countries of the african continent. the company also works on import substitution. over the past year, we mastered more than 60 types of products. this is a new product for the automotive industry and steel grade. the work of the agro-industrial complex. discussed in the government. the main task is to mobilize all resources to increase the rate of agricultural production to 67%. as well as receiving foreign exchange earnings of at least $9 billion. this was stated by prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko at meeting where issues of
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the agro-industrial complex were discussed. this dialogue is a continuation of the conversation that began the day before at the president’s meeting; in general, the tasks for the entire industry have been set for a long time. today it is important how we relate to their implementation; much attention was paid to the construction of new dairy complexes, the development of one optimal project and its scaling across all farms. by may 9, 8,400 veterans will receive financial assistance. on the anniversary year of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders the amounts have increased significantly, almost doubling. so for 4.0 rubles. disabled participants of the great patriotic war, as well as those who participated in battles, will receive it. against the japanese army, those awarded orders and medals of the soviet union for selfless labor and impeccable military service in the rear and other citizens for merits in wartime are provided with 2.0 rubles. family members of missing military personnel, as well as former prisoners of fascism, will receive one thousand
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rubles. payments will be made from april 25 to may 4. in general for material 10.5 million rubles are provided for assistance to veterans. the premiere screening of the film dugout took place in brest, the film was presented by the creative team led by director mark gorobets and the leading actor alexander metelkin, the main line of the film, which will certainly make every viewer think, sincere and even fraternal friendship of young people, representatives of two nations at war with each other in the great patriotic war, russian and german. the main message of the film is conveyed both through the performance of two talented actors and through the created the atmosphere of the picture. the entire film was shot on location in the forests of the pskov region, trenches and bunkers of the two warring sides were built in a pine bar, and the battle was recreated with the participation of dozens of units of retro equipment, but to understand the full scale of russian film work, you need to see the dugout with your own eyes, in wide release, the picture was released
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on april 25. zhilobensky metallurgist won the president's ice hockey cup. the long-awaited sports intrigue was resolved in the fourth match with... metallarga defeated the brest team 4:0 and won for the third time in a row national trophy. for the first time in history , the team that took sixth place in the regular season became the national champion, and the brest hockey players took silver. for the southerners, this season was the best since the club was created. for the first time in a quarter of a century, the bison won silver medals at the belarusian championship. april 28, exactly a week before the bright holiday of easter. the orthodox world will celebrate palm sunday. why exactly did the willow become a substitute for a palm branch for belarusians and why did our ancestors treat each other with willows? with rods? about this and much more in the ethno section. palm sunday or verbnitsa in
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orthodoxy is one of the great two- tenth holidays. the moving holiday is celebrated exactly one week before easter, the bright resurrection of christ. according to the holy scriptures, christ rode into jerusalem riding a donkey. crowds of people greeted him, many showering his path with flowers and palm branches. such honors were given only to kings in jerusalem. but the mission of christ was not to gain earthly power, to atone for the sins of mankind. on this day, instead of cheerful celebrations and songs, people observe fasting and convert. to their inner world, visit temples and illuminate willow branches there, as a symbol of the renewal of all living things. the consecrated willow was believed to have miraculous powers. the belarusian folk calendar talks about the tradition of beating each other with willow shoots,
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while saying: it’s not i who beat, the yarba beat, the healthy yak is the water, the rich yak is the earth. the original symbol of easter was the evergreen palm branch. there are no such plants in our climatic latitudes, so verba came as a replacement. its branches were decorated with dried or artificial flowers, ribbons, even toys. the tradition of slapping the willow on the back has an important purpose: to convey the life-giving powers of the plant to people and the whole world. such branches among different peoples were called branches of life and truce. it was believed that after people in disagreement were beaten with a willow, they would no longer quarrel in life. about four dozen different species of this plant are known in our country. it refers to sacred trees and... having a feminine the beginning, sung in songs and poems, there are many legends about it, according to one of them
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, a girl who did not want to marry a horseman, an old man, turned into a willow, and became a willow of her own free will, when she went to the river for water, she turned into stones its buckets, and the rockers in the spring, that’s why willows grow, most often near the water, and stand a little sad, hanging low in their branches towards the water, like braids. perhaps the ancient tradition of slavic women is connected with this. they broke off a twig from the common bouquet and said a sentence. until the willow will lie behind the icon, until then my husband will not stop loving me, he will not forget. amen. it was believed that this ritual would help preserve the warm feelings of the spouses and family happiness. the willow is the main symbol of the holiday. it is not surprising that most signs are associated with her. sanctified. our ancestors attached special importance to the branches of this plant; they believed that the touch of a willow
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heals and saves from damage from the eye. if you stick the branches into the ground before the start of the field work season, then the harvest will be rich. if you lightly smack the blessed willow livestock, animals will not get sick all year round. based on the weather during this holiday, our ancestors could predict the extent of the future. and make forecasts for the whole year, it was believed that good weather on this day would certainly lead to a rich harvest.
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her mother is a television director, her father is a film actor, so her path into the profession was
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predetermined. elena graduated from the faculty of journalism of bsu, despite the fact that her school teacher tatyana vasilyevna considered this a huge mistake, noting the future tv presenter’s natural inclination to science, elena borisovna’s debut took place on belarusian television, she was entrusted with the presenter. bridge with moscow, in 2021 she celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of her first appearance on the festival stage of the slavic bazaar. alena's name. dovich is inextricably linked with many prestigious national and international festivals, competitions, television projects, and film forums. on july 13, 2023 , the personal star of the belarusian tv presenter was lit on the alley of stars of the slavic bazaar in vitebsk.
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april 23, 1886 in the lagois region. samuil plavnik was born into a jewish family, in the future famous poet, prose writer, translator, zmitro gbyadulya. since childhood, he was drawn to literature; the boy was not afraid of the distance of several tens of kilometers that he walked on foot to the nearest library. in 1912, having arrived in vilnia, he became friends with famous writers, his aunt, lostovsky, yadvigin sha, and the lutskevich brothers.
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did translations. april 24 marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding jazz pianist, composer, arranger, and teacher arkady eskin. he was born in kharkov in a family of musicians. he started playing jazz at the age of 13 in restaurant. during his career, he changed many famous groups, including accompanying leonid utesov. in 1980 , vladimir mulyavin invited arkady borisovich to join pesniary, as an arranger and performer, he took part in the creation of legendary pesniary programs: a song about share for the poems of kupala, at the top of his voice to the poems of vladimir mayakovsky and others. later there was work in the state concert orchestra
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of mikhail finberg. 3.5 years under contract, the pianist worked in europe as part of the ural dexelend, with whom he shone at many iconic festivals. here the lungs of europe breathe, the heart of belarusian woodland beats. our path lies, of course, to pinsk. we will learn more about this amazing region in the traditional section for travel lovers: place on the map. we are in pinsk, one of the oldest cities in our country. the blue and white river station, a wonderful example of polesian wooden architecture. every spring it is towed to the city's pier. pinsk river station is a real symbol of river navigation in belarus. pinsk has always been at the crossroads of waterways.
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canals, on the famous route izvoryak to the greeks. the pina river, connecting with pripyat, yasi. centuries , there were more rivers than roads in the pinsk region, and local residents more often used boats than horse-drawn carts. today , little remains of the former glory of the port city, but now there are ships plying the popine, one of which you can take a trip on. the motor ship pinsk makes excursion routes every day, except mondays, departing not from the river station, from the embankment in the area of ​​the pripyat hotel. everyone can enjoy take a charming boat trip to admire
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the natural beauty. franciscan costume. the church of the assumption of the virgin mary, another one of the main attractions of pinsk, as well as one of the most important catholic shrines in belarus. the cathedral is the main part of the architectural complex of the franciscan monastery, which also includes a separate bell tower and residential buildings. the entire ensemble is one of the largest baroque architectural ensembles in belarus. the cathedral and monastery are included in the state list. historian of cultural values ​​of our country. among the original paintings of the pinsk church of the assumption of the virgin mary, the pinsk madonna attracts special attention. illustrated with loose hair under the developing painter, a young woman in a blue cape, a scarf, carefully holding a baby in her arms in a motherly manner, only by a bright
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ray of light, as if coming from the sky, as well as a subtle halo above her head, one can understand that this is not just the mother of man, she is the madonna. it was not by chance that madonna was named pinskaya. firstly, the prototype was a city woman with 1894. the painting is located within the walls of the church, more than one generation of townspeople saw and admired it, the author of the pinsk madonna, artist alfred romer, towards the end of his life, after many years of study and work in krakow, munich, paris and rome, this man writes in the provincial poleskoe town, a picture about the eternal and simple, life-giving maternal love. the pinsk madonna is a kind of spiritual testament of the master to his descendants. the pride of the franciscan church is its organ. it has 1049 votes. wooden pipes up to 4 m. together with metal ones, there are
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1,498 pieces. the instrument is unique in that there are no such ancient, let alone functioning, organs in belarus anymore. welcome to belarus. in the guide section you will find the best projects of the tv channel, an acquaintance with a person who has not only an excellent voice, but a beautiful soul, a trip to a city that is known to all lovers of railway travel, as well as a review of the most interesting international news. whose outfits remain relevant even after decades? the style is timeless and iconic. wow, these can be worn today
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business meeting, and tomorrow to the academy awards ceremony, in tandem with the owner. there was a cross-country race with dogs in moscow, a fast dog. participants, there were about 250 pairs of them , ran a distance of 2 km in the bicep forest park. the winners were determined. in two categories : men and women. the main condition is that pets had to be on a leash. the sea of ​​fire is an impressive coincidence. the night sky near the icelandic town of grindovik was illuminated by a volcanic eruption against the background of emerald and crimson tints of the northern lights. nature created views of wondrous beauty: a column of smoke, glow and red-hot lava. for the most interesting international news, watch the program around the planet. what a unique exhibit you can find. in the local history museum of the city of osipovichi there is a very interesting towel, it is a wooden towel, it is also the oldest towel in our collection, there is also an old grammar,
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when there are ers and yati, that is, yes, royal glory, here is an embroiderer, let’s find out what the city owes to a private railway line , built by the daragan family. they this thread it took 9 months to build, it was accepted in 1896 on december 28, and this branch was so good that it was accepted into the treasury, perhaps if their branch had not existed, the rest would have been and we would have been a small station, as it is now, past which everyone trains pass and only some electric trains become, now we are a major road junction, a folk ensemble of the folk song vyazanka, not quite an ordinary group, in addition to singing, we mastered folklore, we also mastered the skill of hand embroidery on linen, since we rise from the depths everything is folk everything is real, our creativity was appreciated , and just recently our ensemble... received the title of honored amateur ensemble. let's visit a city that has gone down in history as the site of the largest land transport sabotage during the second world war in
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the "route built" program. is there a limit to perfection in artistic skill? an artist is a person who, i don’t know, well, he cannot be satisfied, then it will be interesting to watch him, because well, even the desire to constantly, constantly conquer public attention is the desire to do better and better, that is. in fact , this profession is built on ambition, so to speak, and can any vocalist become a soloist in an opera house, but some material is given priority, it can be developed, embellished, brought to some level, but it is very difficult to increase its size, then well , you can add a little weariness to it, but it doesn’t matter what it is, it will be like that, so there is such a concept as chamber voice, chamber singing, that is, well, not for large spaces, so let's say, not only stanislav trifonov.
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for a long time, like the cult of leopold, remember, i can’t be angry for a long time, kind, i’m terrible, that ’s roughly how it all happens, let’s meet a man who has come a long way from not wanting to make music to an honored artist and the number one baritone of the bolshoi theater in the program of belarus , watch these and other projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the audience, the very first sites of primitive people, they
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opened precisely in polesie. historical milestones of europe, they are all connected in one way or another with polesie. happy childhood and youth, calm and measured life. they have what many strive for. this is my favorite place, not only for relaxation, but also for fishing, just to come, look, listen to the sound of the water. already in middle school, just like that, we developed such an aristocratic interest. we were just watching. the flight of large birds of prey, eagles, was watched to see where their nests were. the project is about how modern poleshuks live. love for the homeland, homeland is everything that is around us, we must live in it and must love it, treat it like a human being. this is cohesion, unity, understanding of the pain or needs of another person; it is in the character of the palishuko. watch on belarus tv channel.
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24. how to surprise a foreigner in belarus? have you ever tried it? never? of course, national exotics, for example, birch sap, sap from trees, from ancient trees, from vetik, i don’t know what it is, how many liters can one birch tree cry, how do you like it? oh, i look at his reaction, yes he really had shock, where the juice obtained is checked for safety, and what do you see there, raya, tell us? nothing yet, nothing yet, and how it is brewed on an industrial scale, from here, yes, yes, maybe we can help, come on, the whole journey of birch sap from the forest to the store shelf in the new project belarus 24, this saturday we will organize a master class and we’ll tell you how it’s done, everything will be interesting, the main order has been issued that
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the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international federation has been suspended, but at the same time, everyone who needs our assistance, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries, we provide humanitarian assistance, thanks to the legislative work of our parliament, today our security forces, our law enforcement officers, have all the necessary legislative tools to effectively prevent and be tough.
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than sushi, kemono everything else. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on belarus 24 tv channel.


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