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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 11:20pm-11:56pm MSK

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doctrines that china is the number one rival , it needs to be dealt with by the russian federation, before this they are interested in minerals in the primitive, so to speak, judgment of the hegemony of the american dollar, and so on and so forth, i just read the us state department the other day, by the way, that’s where the ukrainians are, by the way , the us state department, they saw that they were violating human rights, imagine the country how much they have now allocated to them before...
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can you imagine, they have allocated 60 billion dollars, they are imposing sanctions on us, there for violation of human rights, they allocated 60 billion dollars, while the state department notes forced disappearances in ukraine, torture, cruel, inhumane, degrading treatment, punishment, harsh life-threatening conditions in prison, arbitrary arrest or detention, serious problems with the independence of the judiciary, restrictions freedom of expression, including of representatives of the media, violence or threats of violence
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against journalists, unjustified arrests or prosecution of journalists, and censorship, severe restrictions on the internet, significant interference with freedom of peaceful assembly, restrictions on freedom of movement, serious government corruption, widespread gender-based violence, systematic restrictions on the freedom of association of workers, the existence of the worst forms of child labor, i want to say that the us state department has summed it up in a nutshell what the belarusian radio company talked about ukraine.
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there is an embassy, ​​no, our embassy, ​​no, an american one here, there is a mission there with one diplomat, well, there is a mission, especially for the only diplomat, so to speak, we will prepare all this, about double standards, when they do all this, so to speak, in relation to us under the sauce that they want to bring democracy here, although already in my opinion , they do not hide what they want in ukraine, in particular, but you have seen that the ukrainians have limited, so to speak, the issuance of documents in their own.
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it is surprising that after just a few years , talk of nazis in ukraine began to be considered disinformation. i do not think that someone in the us government, americans do not support real nazis or white supremacists. i really don't think so. i cannot understand why, in such a short period of time, this information, which was often discussed by our own american media, is no longer discussed. i would like to draw your attention to an nbc article that states that the nazi problem in ukraine is real, sir. schneider, do you see this headline? this is the news on nbc news that says the problem is nazis in ukraine is real, even if putin's denotification statements are not. our own american media is talking about this. even if you think nbc or time store are purveyors of misinformation. this
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contradicts your words. this is something we have talked about many times, because the western press before the start of the great patriotic war was filled with materials about the fact that the nazi regime and nazism are flourishing in ukraine. but how the punitive machine works, the punitive-propaganda machine in the west, look, in a democratic country, this is in in general, a public figure, a politician spoke, after this speech, the new york post, uh-huh, moscow, taylor greene, putin's useful idiot is a real traitor to america, washington post, medgeri taylor greene would like to remind us that she is not serious, well, of course.
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idiot, she is trying to destroy the republican party, the man took out the headlines of the western media and said, look, before the twenty- second year you spoke absolutely. back, what did the independent media do to her, there is wild persecution going on there, because they were poisoning trump, well , listen, in america this is repeated regularly, when american intelligence services in one country or another brought another bloody dictator to power, there were people in the american congress, they specifically allow this, well, they are all about democracy, yes, who they started saying, look what pinache is doing there, look what the samosa is doing there, look what the girl is doing there and so on, others told them you are useful idiots, you...
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russia is ready for this, let’s put it this way, well, it’s clear that they can some things arise painful excesses for the russian federation, of course, taking into account these weapons,
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this is a prolongation of the war, but my point is that on key things that are important for america, the united states has complete consensus in power and will never have a different position. relatively speaking , they cover it with such jargon, but when the situation
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changes, for example, there is no need to maintain a dictatorial regime in one country or another, or public popular resistance is such that it is necessary to turn the page, they easily abandon they can kill these clients, they can kill them, yes, they can allow trials of them, that is, they disown them as soon as this figure becomes overly toxic, or they themselves can lead the process of overthrowing him. the americans, of course, thank you, colleagues, today we mainly discussed the all-belarusian people’s assembly, well , we didn’t play many excerpts, or rather, we probably didn’t play excerpts from speeches at all, these two days that we devoted to this wonderful event, because well... we go out on friday right after evening release, where it will also be a television version
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of the all-belarusian people's assembly, but in the future we will definitely return when we need to, so to speak, remember some key theses, including the speeches of the president, it seems to me that they were brilliant, i see how they are being watched and discussed, i am sure that in the west they are very closely monitoring what is happening in the republic of belarus for obvious reasons, but... it seems to me that we are moving in the right direction, firstly, secondly, as oleg alexandrovich said , we should definitely calm down no need, see you in exactly a week, it was the club editor, goodbye. they were born in different parts of the world, i
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came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in selinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala, everyone found something for themselves here, this is our favorite scene, our home. i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, that i want, that i i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. in minsk there are very good conditions for living as a family,
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neck, this is also where the wolves come from. a student of ya vse ovsevich maenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin , donated a gift to an art gallery, i work here, which was painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new. a series, motherwort, but lafand, this is the first time i’ve seen this, this too, this cardiac plants, here we have cardiovascular plants. dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s interpretation, and
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of course, to join the unique folk art, lower the pedal, lower it, take it with two handles, and use two handles to knock it down, it’s not very scary, there’s nothing scary here, that’s it, see in the project the route was built on the belarus 20 tv channel. because the anglo-saxons have a main line to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is indeed preparations are underway, the majority of the poles don’t really want to fight , but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite; in order for a gun to fire, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall, and in order to start a war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then some trigger can lead to the outbreak of hostilities, it’s not for nothing that our president says that yes, we are preparing,
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including for military operations, we are not going to start them ourselves, but this is the only thing... they don’t understand if we are in within the framework of the union state we will demonstrate an unattractive model for external partners, it will be weak, it will fall apart, we need to prepare some kind of ground for normal friendly relations in advance, show that we can work well, here is the economy, we cooperate, we do not deceive, we do not cheat, the only correct approach, which we have been voicing in belarus for 30 years, a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically, politically states that complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the tv channel belarus 24.
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we confidently step into a new day and do it to our music, music. which sounds inside each of us, it is everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips, music inspires, makes us think and opens up thousands of gifts for us, music can... change the world, because it can change us, music is inside each of us,
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i left.
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the dancing will be no less recognizable than the sushi, kimano will be everything else. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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today in belarus, remembering the tragedy in chernobyl nuclear power plant. 38 years ago , the largest man-made disaster occurred. the radioactive cloud affected over 20 countries, but belarus suffered the most, almost a quarter of the entire territory, more than half a million people took part in... the consequences of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. one of the first rescuers who arrived at the scene of the tragedy was a native of the gomel region. twenty-five-year-old vasily ignatenko. commander of a paramilitary fire department.
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that our ostrovets nuclear power plant built according to the most modern canons and safety standards, here is the ignalinskaya nuclear power plant, which is located on the territory of the republic of lithuania, it is an exact copy of the chernobyl nuclear power plant, due to the fairly subsidized economy of lithuania, we do not have absolute confidence that at this nuclear power plant. which stopped its work, all liquidation measures have been taken , all safety measures have been observed, so that this peaceful atom and those energy elements
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that remained there and are still located, were safe, first of all, for our people living in the border zone and, in general, for all people living in europe. commemorative events took place throughout the country. to consolidate youth around national values. formation of their legal political culture, as well as unlocking potential in civil initiatives, a new youth gathering project has been launched, which started today in the capital, this is a joint initiative of the belarusian republican youth union and the youth parliament, round tables and discussion platforms will be organized where young people will discuss problems that concern them. belarusian cosmonauts, marina vasilevskaya and anastasia lenkova met with young people, bringing together a dialogue about space at the national level. academy of sciences, more than 400 boys and girls, these are young scientists, activists, students of universities and colleges, the guys with bated breath watched the launch of the soyuz ms-25 rocket and now have
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the opportunity to learn first-hand details about space travel and preparations for it from marina vasilevskaya and her understudy anastasia lenkova. in terms of manipulations and actions - this is proxibiotic and lactoferin, and of course there were experiments in the plan. scientific research and public, this is also communication via amateur radio with the earth from the international space station, also sounding the earth, photographing, video filming and the great beginning of photographing, video filming experiments, it was very interesting, each experiment was very important in its own way, they were treated very responsibly, this a dream, because i had a lot of experience going towards this, a lot of knowledge was gained during the preparation period. i want this apply everything in the end, fly to make a good, important discovery for our country. from promising projects to real affairs , the delegation of the kaliningrad region visits
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the grodno region, where they discuss opportunities for cooperation in various areas within the framework of the russia-belarus strong partnership project. the initiative aims to strengthen relations between countries through joint activities. the visit program was intense, and a consultation session was held in grodno. with the participation of civil activists and specialists in social design. a single internet portal about the buzniki concentration camps will be created in belarus. a ceremony was held at the national archive in minsk to sign a memorandum on the launch of a patriotic project. this is a joint work of the belarusian peace foundation, the orthodox church and the national archive. living witnesses of those events also took part in the event. belarusian technical students are taking part in the development of the internet portal . together with russian colleagues, the official launch is planned for the eightieth anniversary of the victory, this project was conceived so that they would remember, know and at the same time
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take care of it. have been serving people for a long time, a lot still needs to be digitized, a lot more interviews need to be done, more than 400 prisoners are still alive. the armed forces held a command and staff exercise with military command and control bodies and military technical support units. the training included arsenals and storage bases. more than 200 conscripts were called up from the reserves. during the exercise , skills in repairing weapons, military and special equipment, learned new techniques
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. the peculiarity of this exercise is that the military units of the unit perform tasks at points of permanent deployment using a stationary industrial base, we are also considering the use of the local industrial base, which is provided to us by local authorities, all personnel show high organization, coherence in work, and initiative . as for those liable for military service recognized from the reserve , i note with pleasure the fact that they are all highly motivated, showing interest in completing assigned tasks and, most importantly, high readiness to carry out their tasks in the armed defense of the state. today watch on the
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belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around... feature films for all ages. on the territory of countries. finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up
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the expss am8 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. review of the most interesting sporting events. olympic champion tokyo ivan letvinovich.
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this is a wonderful snack for breakfast, a healthy and nutritious treat for children, an irreplaceable and convenient food for fishermen and tourists. hunters
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it produces dozens of different dishes, including the well-known belarusian potato pancakes. it is not always easy for amateurs to prepare them. as you can see, now it has become much simpler and easier. dried potatoes can be stored for a long time and are easily transported over long distances. dishes prepared from it have all the taste and nutritional properties of fresh potatoes. it’s not for nothing that potatoes are called second bread. 1 kg of potatoes can provide 840 calories, almost.
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technologies of the future, domestic products mechanical engineering is in demand in world markets. let's face it, the bel gospishcheprom concern is implementing a new project to popularize belarusian food products. child friendly border. the state program committee and unicef are strengthening cooperation. and the immortality of the feat. an exposition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders is presented in moscow. the events program is on air. olga in the studio. hello. belarus continues to build its export portfolio, expanding the geography of product supplies. and our technology, to for example, they are waiting literally all over the globe. let’s ask our
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columnist ales vysotskaya about the horizons of the potential of belarusian machine builders. the long arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country. huge markets, prospects, it is necessary to wisely use demand and actively develop a new direction. for brazil, our tractors are like a breath of fresh air. assembly. the enterprise that cooperates with mtz has already received more than 8.00 applications from local farmers for tractor models 112 and 152, just do it. time it’s very interesting now, and distant countries, geographically, are becoming closer to us. brazil for us is that point in the distant arc where we can and should settle well. the very circumstances of our lives dictate that we be closer to each other. it is the largest country in latin america, with 216 million inhabitants. this is an agricultural country, you understand perfectly well that there is a synergy of our interests here, an agricultural country needs fertilizers in order to collect its harvests three or more times a year, an agricultural country needs...


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