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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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very happy, because i have a family of like-minded people, let’s say, my wife and children, we keep pace, we have the same goals, we like farming, we like working on the land, we like growing vegetables, fruits, we like caring animals, cows, so we do a common cause, and this brings us common joy. as they say, homeland with a small letter, for me it is homeland with a capital letter, because here there are so many trees that i planted with my father, i planted them myself, i teach my son to plant trees, a lot of things were done with my own hands, some plans for the future, but the air here is such that you can breathe not only deeply, but probably with two, if there were any.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock. our daily task is to tell the country abroad about belarus; more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant
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and festival-like, lavish, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about iconic events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus. they do everything for its development,
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belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. we are belarusians, peaceful people, sir, fantasy born lands, sacred land, we give strength, you are the temple of the battle of the land, glory to the land.
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they lived forever and belarus, right from the beginning, my husband is nayadami, we are sheep, people, we are in love with you, our howl.
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for the people, the provers union, our beloved matsi, the radian of our forever, belarus, our beloved matsi, the guardians lived forever in belarus, the friendship of peoples, the strength of the people, ours on the victorious, field paths, our mountains in the clearest
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possible ways, the joys of sleep. hail our land, blessed name, hail the people's union, our beloved mother, our slave belarus, our beloved.
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good evening, live panorama, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova about the main events of this friday, new format political structure and country defense mechanisms in two strategic documents. let's summarize the results of the seventh vns in a panorama, immediately after the tv version of the people's forum will be broadcast. the restless dead of the ignalina nuclear power plant or little lithuania are being turned into a big nuclear threat. what is dangerous once... from the country to the peaceful atom. my colleagues have more details. the new status of the people's assembly is important documents that concern everyone. the view of young people, and what they will say to their escaped fellow countrymen. we asked. about national security and
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economic vector of the country's development. the delegates of the all-belarus people's assembly returned to their work collectives. we will tell you in the story about the tasks and decisions made. almost 40 years of overcoming, reviving and developing the territories affected by chernobyl, about unique research, scientific successes, economic activities and clean products, today in a panorama from the polesie radiation reserve. the extra league season 23-24 is coming to its logical conclusion; the fourth closing ceremony is taking place in minsk. let's name the best and nominees in the issue. the all-belarusian people's assembly in a new constitutional status and a new page in the history of sovereign belarus. at different times, the people's assembly proved its worth and literally saved the country. collective decisions, where
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the president and representatives of our society participate in the conversation. and today this format is relevant for belarus; not much was said about the economy at the updated vns, literally. the day before, the president held a number of thematic meetings, all questions were discussed in detail the agro-industrial complex, industry and financial sector are considered. central to the agenda of the seventh meeting were two documents, they relate to ensuring our security, the concept and the military doctrine. the documents are absolutely transparent. the details, on behalf of the head of state, went to the people long before the supreme national assembly; they were discussed by the whole country locally, in work collectives, and in the concept. the doctrine clearly formulates possible threats and ways to repel them, our allied obligations. we, as the head of state always emphasizes, are not going to become someone is a direct threat or to fight, but must always be ready to defend their people and
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country. if something happens, strike the enemy immediately. ilona krasno collected the main theses that were voiced during the two days of the people's meeting, with comments from delegates. 24 04:24, a beautiful date for a historical event and a new slogan: time has chosen us. at first it was unusual, i’ve been through more than one strong, prosperous five-year period. are binding, everyone’s voice
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makes the most important decisions for the country, they are the deciding delegate from top officials to the village workers are very young guys who have someone to learn from. all the youth who were present realized that indeed we participate not only in decision-making, but also bear incredible personal responsibility for these decisions; of course, we are ready to make every effort to do everything in our power. for the future of our country, not only people in uniform, not only people of the relevant government agencies ensure our safety, each of us must work in our places, and even taking into account education at school, we must form the consciousness of the younger generation, we must show young people what directions they should choose in order to develop and make our country more beautiful, now the supreme national assembly approves the main documents, everything related to economic development and the security of the country. the assembly received the exclusive power to block the decision of any body or official, thereby becoming
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a defense against any processes that run counter to the interests of the state. delegates of the supreme council will elect judges of the constitutional and supreme courts, members of the central election commission, and if suddenly a state of emergency or martial law is introduced, these decisions are also for the supreme national assembly, including recognition of the legitimacy of the elections. remember, you must always keep your word. where no one dared to criticize, well , lukashists gathered there, as they write now, and
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you see, here they are, whatever he says, they will do, yes, lukashists gathered here, there are no enemies here, and there won’t be, it turned out without a sensation for the post of chairman of the supreme national assembly alexander lukashenko was unanimously elected, well, well, experienced politician. turned out to be stronger and more united, remember, i warned them that we love our
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small, compact country very much, we love it very, very much, but they won’t give up what we love, we warned them, but we didn’t give it up, believe me, we won’t give it up, no matter what they... did not make any efforts, the president, to the maximum extent possible, always shares information with the public regarding possible or prevented threats, no, not to intimidate, but so that people know the real situation, once our citizens, today from the ranks of fugitives, openly declare , do not mind repeat the crocus in belarus or seize part of the country’s territory, i don’t know why they chose the kobrin district, they talk a lot about it there, so take the kobrin district.
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who will liberate our belarus from dictatorship, there is nothing left, the second one will be.
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that arise at one or another stage of development of our country, it costs a lot, we must listen to each other, we must hear each other and undoubtedly do everything in order to preserve the sovereignty and independence of our country. security and defense sovereignty are key tasks for the commander in chief and the security forces, here is the well-known presidential thesis: ensure the economy - this is up to each of us. in the year of quality, a task with
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special meanings. let's be honest, we have never lived like this before. okay, as it is now. yes, sanctions, growth, have been restrained. yes, without them, that is, in an embrace with those who led them against us, the west and america, there was a chance to get rich, but not everyone. exclusively for a few belarusians. we did everything to prevent the stratification of society. and as best they could, and let them do better after us others, knowing like no one else, geopolitical risks, weighing our
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geographic and resource capabilities with the efforts that we have made together, i am proud of our achievements, thank you to everyone who in the nineties led the country out of the crisis, bringing it back from the abyss. work for results, maximum output from everyone at their workplace, faith in yourself and your country, its future, now more than ever we need unity, we know that any mistake can be costly, we must, no matter what, be above personal ambitions sometimes current circumstances, our the task is to protect our sovereignty and independence.
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participants of the all-belarusian people's assembly continue to share their opinions on the decisions made by the highest bodies of power of the people. on the geopolitical map of the world, tectonic changes that pose new threats to our country and the documents adopted at the supreme council are timely. deputy head of the presidential administration vladimir pertsov shared this opinion in an exclusive interview with our correspondents.
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observing what is happening along the perimeter of our country, which, by the way, the president spoke about yesterday spoke, takes a personal active part and we, for our part, always ask and the head of state addressed conscious citizens of whom the vast majority, probably 99.9% of the inhabitants of our country, to be vigilant at this moment, yes, special services, law enforcement agencies are doing everything possible and impossible in order to ensure safety. but the threat comes along the entire perimeter, from the west, from the south, from those states that do not plan anything good for our country, we
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are watching what is happening now in geopolitical map of the world, tectonic changes, hot spots that are emerging in the middle east, and in ukraine there is a hot conflict, which, as announced by the president, the americans are trying... - watching the live broadcast conducted by the tv channels belarus-1 and belarus-24 listened carefully and actually participated
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in the discussion of these conceptual and extremely important documents at this time, especially since the discussion of the concept and doctrine took place on dialogue platforms, more than 80 meetings took place in various regions of the country, and the concept and doctrine were published in every regional newspaper on... the supreme national assembly does not replace the work of parliament, nor the work of the government, nor the work of local executive authorities or local, village, town councils, it does not intend to solve any household, communal , social issues, although in previous years, when six previous... belarusian people's assemblies were held, the secretariat received many requests, phone calls, telegrams from people asking them to repair the roof or resolve some issue
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along the central one. district hospital, many other questions now have people living in our country, our citizens, delegates , guests of the all-belarusian people's assembly, there has been a completely clear understanding of the role and place of the vns in the political system of our country , the delegates have an understanding of their role and their responsibility for decisions taken decisions before the people who live in our country, before our citizens and before... future generations, because we are laying brick by brick the future development of our country, the future of belarus is being built and laid already at this seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. our country has everything you need to live and work and earn money. today, young people are entrusted with the construction of iconic historical objects.
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their voice is heard, vladimir babchichev made this statement at the vns, noting that he is a simple guy from a small village in the dubrovensky district in the vitebsk region. so, a guest of the panorama. vladimir, the entire belarusian people's assembly, and you were not just a delegate, you were a person, who was able to express his point of view, his position. how they chose the words, did they know ? initially, what do you want to say, or has it already happened, having heard the opinion of your colleagues and comrades-in-arms, then you drew the line? you know, when the candidacy for chairmanship of the all-belarusian people's assembly in the person of our respected president was introduced, without a doubt, the words came to mind immediately, because they came from the heart, honestly, exactly what the head of state initially said in his speech , i touched on this point because i
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was born in the ninety-first year just...
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make decisions, be leading and unknown, analyze, do not go out onto the streets, that is, security worked and the information component worked for absolutely everyone who really always loved the country, always loved the homeland, always followed the course of development of the republic of belarus, someone stayed here, and today continues to live in a developing independent state, someone who always thought only about himself, this is exactly what worked,
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to find life only personally. the best of myself we must say, probably, that these people were probably never involved in management components, never engaged in diplomacy, they never worried about the fate of other people, but worried only about themselves, and even their possible trips abroad and earlier , which they carried out, they were just having a good time there, they liked this whole interesting corporate history, they were convinced that most likely it would always be like this there, naive fools who were shown beautifully.
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on some social workloads, no, they have representation, they now have weight in teams, in the audience, they are inclined to make decisions, they are inclined today to broadcast the agenda that needs to be conveyed to people today and take feedback and include all patriates in the presidium in order to improve our country , to improve the development program of the republic of belarus, because well , we are going, we are going for the better, this is the right path, which is the best time that exists, this is the one in which we are now with you. these are the documents not about war, these are documents about peace, it is there that it is laid out in detail, how to maintain peace, how to maintain stability, as a case
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of challenges to introduce the state, it is very important in work collectives, in the family, at the table, at dinner to talk about what today , dear residents, dear members of my family , everything is calm in belarus, everything is regulated in belarus, and this is how belarus today remembers the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. 38 years ago , the largest man-made disaster occurred.
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commemorative events are being held throughout the country today. in the capital's peoples' friendship park , delegations from the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of internal affairs came to honor the minutes of silence and lay sacred blessings on the victims of the accident and the heroism of the liquidators.
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rescuers were among the first to honor the memory of those killed during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident. according to tradition, the meeting took place at the memorial plaque of the hero-liquidator, vasily ignatenko. the rally participants honored the memory of the chernobyl heroes with a moment of silence and laid flowers. time will pass and a forestry-ecological reserve will appear on lands unsuitable for life in the gomel region. he became unique. scientific base, entry is strictly limited, but scientists have direct access to an area of ​​more than 200 thousand hectares. it is there that belarusian biologists are conducting unique radioacological research to overcome the consequences of the chernobyl accident.
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natalya ignatenko will continue. a universal research site that arouses the interest of scientists from the most advanced countries. before the accident , 20 thousand people lived on the territory of the reserve; they were relocated.
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there were their own incidents, which were also studied for many years, after the accident at fokusim japanese scientists and they were most interested in our experience, what can be grown in these territories there and after how long, an area of ​​200,000 hera, more than a thousand species of plants, hundreds of species of animals, birds and fish, this is the belarusian part of the chernobyl exclusion zone babchin, territory they didn’t abandon every hectare in work, on experimental horses... the experiment was precisely about
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whether it is possible to obtain pure products in connection with the dietary factor in a given territory, today we can say, yes, it really is possible to obtain, intravital dosemetry of horses is carried out, if it passes all the standard levels, then accordingly it can be sold, and here they process wood, experimentally grow ornamental and fruit trees, breed bees... the reserve has 500 bee families in ten apiaries,
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we plant photoli, we plant donnik, we hand over honey and sell it to the population, this is absolutely pure honey, if there is a deviation, then it cannot pass in any way, first we hand over the laboratory, then only we can give it for sale, about the history of these lands the museum says that it was renovated for the twentieth anniversary of the disaster, in four halls there is everything about life before the accident and after, instruments that were used in the first... years after the explosion, photographs of babchin residents before the tragedy during the emergency, samples of entry certificate passes from different years to the territory of the evacuation zone, each exhibit preserves the history of the tragedy, and also gives an understanding of the colossal work carried out by belarusian scientists. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, television news agency. and once it seemed like nothing life, especially about the development of affected areas of speech. and cannot, but from the first years of his presidency
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, alexander lukashenko took patronage over these regions, visited the enterprise, traveled to remote villages, entered the exclusion zone, listened to people, all in order to make a decision together, we will live, special report from the tv news agency , watch tomorrow after the panorama.
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the belarusian experience in eliminating the consequences and accident at the chernobyl ips is in demand in the world, but unfortunately, some countries are politicizing issues of cooperation in such important area. our lithuanian neighbors refuse to cooperate on issues of safety of the ignalina nuclear power plant, while there is complete confidence that all conservation work and the plant are being carried out properly, unfortunately, no, our country’s foreign ministry is concerned. our neighborhood causes us
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legitimate concern, the main thing we don’t have is that we don’t have the proper level of communication with the lithuanian government on the safety of the ignorina nuclear power plant, this is a complex technological facility that, like a fire pit, you simply can’t cover with turf, even after once it is taken out of service, a long, serious investigation is necessary. technical experts. the station stopped operating at the request of the european union, which considered it unsafe. before this, no country had engaged in the smooth decommissioning of plants of this type. there is no absolute certainty that all liquidation
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measures have been carried out at this nuclear power plant and all safety measures have been observed. from national security to the successful economic development of the country, such topics are now discussed in their teams delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly. the task is to convey to everyone the main messages that were voiced at the people's meeting. yuri kornilovich will continue. without exaggeration, the entire team was looking forward to the morning meeting at the mostov drev enterprise. representatives of workshops, departments, and managers gathered to hear first-hand about the most important tasks for the country.
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in order for wages to rise, there would be peace on earth. recently, enterprises in the industry have undergone large-scale modernization. today they use the latest technologies and produce exclusive products that compete with european manufacturers. after the introduction of sanctions, the factories did not stop; they reoriented themselves to eastern markets. now the main partners, for example, bridges of the tree, azerbaijan, turkey and china. the markets are large, so production is only increasing. after modernization , the enterprise processes 1,500 cubic meters of wood per day, about half a million per year, with more than 80% of the products being exported. successful economic development of an enterprise is a contribution to the common cause. there are trees on the bridges, it's clear realize. and today we understand that our important contribution to our well-being, to
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the well-being of our country is our good work, so that there are economic prerequisites for there to be peace in our country. this was discussed at the people's meeting: the industry is developing comprehensively, and simultaneously with the modernization of production , the area of ​​forests is increasing; over the years of independence, they have grown by almost 1 million hectares. today forests cover 40% of the territory of belarus. we have serious competencies in advanced wood processing, by producing products with high added value, we have become a prominent competitor in a whole range of products, from matches. to furniture and pulp, well, that’s why the west, first of all, imposed sanctions against us in this sector; we are strong and unnecessary competitors for them. naftan's team of thousands began this working morning with a discussion of theses. the gigant plant was represented at the vns by the head of the slow-burning plant, vasily
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zhizhov, who says it is important that belarusians determine the future together. i realized that i had a great responsibility for... our colleagues, for their families, for the future of our children. i am convinced that the results of the meeting became the basis for the achievement and prosperity of our country. this once again proves to us that in our country everything is being done to ensure that we live in a peaceful country, calmly go out onto our streets, and work for the benefit and prosperity of the republic of belarus. not only a delegate of the supreme council, but also a person of the year 2023, a laureate of the brest regional executive committee award, as well as a special fund. president of belarus, and also a mother of two sons and a grandmother. already 30 years irina gorbatsevich works as a computer science teacher. today i started my lesson with a five-minute informational session. as a teacher, she is especially concerned about education issues. patriotic education of youth is a priority. if every teacher thinks about what we can do
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bit by bit, part by part, then, of course, we will get a result that we don’t even expect ourselves, because the main value. now there is a lot of work ahead to implement the decisions of the tasks adopted at the all-belarusian people's assembly, the main goal of which is - successful development of the country. yuri kornilovich, marina romanovskaya and the television news agency at these minutes in the capital, in the midst of the most striking
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event of the year in the extra league, the closing ceremony of the hockey oscar is being held for the fourth time. 25 awards will find their owners, of course, the closing ceremony is a good tradition, when everyone involved in our hockey can get together in an informal atmosphere to... sum up the results of the competitive year. the season turned out, as you already said, interesting, unpredictable, and one might say unique, because neither each season is not like the next. a year ago we were thinking about how we could make the previous season better, and today we see that a lot has been done in hockey, a lot has been done in the regulations, a lot of work has been done in the media component. the most colorful one. the ceremony of national sports can be seen on air on belarus 5 this sunday at noon.
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we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should not only satiate, but also delight, because food, oh, how it affects our mood, and if you cook it in a pleasant way company, then it’s double pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, will it happen today? a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare a quiche with mussels with you, i hope that we will have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast of a champion.


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