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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 6:45am-7:31am MSK

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an idol and a favorite of the public, he made belarus a jazz mecca and left the brightest mark on the history of the belarusian stage. he was a non-standard, unusual musician on the stage. it was later, when
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the lon strem orchestras appeared, they had already arrived, this was a slightly different sound of jazz, it was a voracious vigilance. superior edzi rosner trapi in belarus in 1939 . rosner left warsaw, acquired the nazis and białaštok, which were then located in the territory of western belarus. given to minsk, edzi rosner had a genuine sensation. the orchestra was staffed with the most brilliant musicians, and this band had everything. and
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a variety of musical instruments, and new stage scenes, enriched in the latest fashion, that sit on their needles, such elegant white tuxedos, and the sound of the hour linear equipment and navat dancers and the warehouse of the archestra. adzin chynounik... from kamiteta on the right mastatstva neyak rosner said so pagardliva: well, i’m already such a fan of paryzha, for which adziroznir yam adkas: bachyli is issued, so cyper give it to others. rosner is very pleased with all the polish people. shautsa,
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among the four-year-olds, they already played on the skriptsy, the talent of iago was cut over the ram, by that time the fathers had already moved to berlin, and at the age of 17 rosner finished the cannery on the skriptsy with a patched medal, then this is already an excellent musician, and as europe continues to enjoy a jazz boom, rosner takes up the trumpet, and over the past few years has become a renowned trumpet player. at the end of the twenties, at the beginning of the 30s, edzi rosner played in various jazz bands.
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adzin from such jazz kalektyva is called weintraub's bands, these were the most popular jazz orchestras, dance jazz from berlin, and these orchestras often made films, zyakuyuchy hetama, sennya we can bachyts zusіm yashche young, bezvusaga edzi roz nera, back then my name was adolf. in the countries of europe, they knew how the undiscovered jazz trumpet player and partnered with the famous louis armstrang. kali ў 30th year armstrong visited europe, he didn’t expect such a mischief here. belam
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armstrong is a hell of a black man, and rosner, he would be the same with humaram chalavek, he is already known and its written, black in size, hell-belaga, it was like that, i don’t know if it’s such a legend. already at the end of the 20s, edzi rosner was one of the most not-so-sleek, venerable trumpeters in europe, aka... with the passage of hitler , life in germany became soft. don’t change your name, lest hitler say so, try to change your name. adolf is featured on the posters of adzi, who was begged as edzi. and all of these
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couples are essentially stage pseudonyms, edzi rosner. unfortunately, rosner left germany and moved to poland. i'm there. stavary ulasny jazz orchestra, with yakіm and tour. many villagers from this group then migrated to belarus. in poland yon sustrakae svayo kahanne. rud kaminska, the most beloved polish actress ida kaminska, who was the head of the japanese theater, became iago. ruth kaminska became the singer of the edzi roznik archestra. yashche in warsaw, and then in minsk the taxama sang in the jazz orchestras of the bssr. at the age of 43, they became happy with eryk’s dacha. among other things, rosner's future colleague, ida kaminskaya, has not immediately introduced edzi rosner to the party
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for your dacha. yana treated rosner among easy-going chalaveks, womanizers, criminals, and adventurers. and of course, the most galoin thing is that he was an artist, a great artist and a great musician, and he, of course, melted sir ida kaminskaya. like rosner and rud, then the yans, sustreўshys in warsaw, then in ’39 , did not leave each other until the end of ’46 . belastoku has a success with her. the german's galloin and each one: i'm an aryan, my mother and i'm an italian, i'm guessing here, yes, i'm telling you, and this german is getting out of the wheelchair, and the carriage was put on the hedgehog, on this matatsykle
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the rose and arrived at savetsky sayuz, well, one can say that everything is on the right lunge and that... the pro-slavic dzyarzhany jazz orchestra of the bssr at the menavit edzi size and yago archestra elk savetsky sayuz.
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the selection of a number of musicians there was given to the most outstanding pianist, composer, arranger, graduate of the warsaw conservatory jerzy and a russian, a belarusian,
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yury davidovich vyalizatsky. geta chalavek zrabіў for belarus velmі shmat for the development of variety jazz music, well, ale geta it was then already a sad hour. and then yuriy bialzatsky thought that if the orchestra had some kind of admiralty, some kind of market. the new kalektiv needs a former leader, a musician whose name... would be written on the posters of exuberant singers: a showman, a virtuoso, who would become his own brand, a decoy for the public, for this role. only adzin chalavek, edzi rosner, and all rosner a telegram was written, because at that time it appeared in lvov, and after sending this telegram, it appeared here in minsk and the original archestra. u the minsk archestras were graduates of the vienna
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canservatory, berlin, warsaw, leningrad, masko, minsk, that is , this was a super-archestra, if in other archestras there were self-students, then there were educated people and of course, they played like that , and so did roznazh himself. jumper. arkestar edzi roznir gives its first concerts to krasavika in 1940 and is the only publication of the opera theater. there were some unforgettable concerts. skin numar sustrakaўsya brown avatsyyai, krykami “brava, bis.” the public was simply captivated by such jazz minska nikhot nikolі is not chu, geta
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sapradna tryumf, i cane pantzeli panamarana, the velmi-velmi tasks are plansky , with getaga oyn robitza sapra-ropyun dzarzhana jazzarkestra of the bssr. any problems, any tortures were solved in a safe way and without any problems. let's go on a trip around belarus. this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. it is unique in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. oh, don't even count. i miss you your bread, but in general it’s very cool that it’s available, we know where to buy wax and
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eggs, we all sit and do creative work, visit the bright sights of our country, in 1800 graffelix patotski zaklaў here mlyn, here usya akruga amal shto hadzila da mlynara, whoever produces flour, whoever grinds grain, if a person comes and prays with faith, he turns... to this miraculous icon of the mother of god, he begins to see this face very well, it always helps. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. club editors. every nation needs bonds. and this flight is a bond. the bond of our society. we lived with this topic for 3 weeks.
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arkestar edzi roznera became the card of the panamaranks of the fatherland and the first decade of the belarusian maststva in muskva. the geta would be the most violent. forum of the belarusian savetskaga mastatstva, napeўna, there was no such thing in history, such unique views of the creative forces of belarus, the main concerts took place in opera theatres, theaters, public hall, stalin's
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box, all the great afitsyina, chynna, press , і ў these are the most hours... in the program of the official concerts of the decade and the summer theaters of the hermitage garden we are giving our jazz concerts of edzi rosner and all muskva laminated to these concerts. instead of the planned ten days, there were ten days. at the top, the archestra performed in the 1940s from the memorable stage of the summer theater of the hermitage gardens for a whole month and the public did not know these concerts. i tell you that at one of these concerts leanid utsyosa was present, and when i paid attention to what happened in the scene, on another day for the rehearsals of yours the archestra and said: “well, that’s it, guys, we have a lot of work to do here.” edzi rosner would not
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only be a brilliant musician, he would be an artistic showman, a chalavek , what a lethal vibe he has in his life that was the best of jazz music, and menavita unfelt freedom in the pavodzinah, in the manner of the scene. for example, the karon numbers had a game on two trumpets, at the same time. the song was simple for the ears. to your musicians, what do you need to laugh ? , yon kazau: "smiling, panov, smiling, psya krev, hallera is clear, smiley, he says, i am a musician, and you are musicians, the public of the whole world, what is in your souls, navat kali velmi drenna, you are smiling, smiley, i am artists, i am laughing, i am grateful to you tsene, kali getaga patrabue abstaviny ". nature.
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pit to such chyns. belarus gave edzi roznar everything, success, fame, money, money, a lot of business on the right, and grace of jazz, with highly professional orchestras, which have a bad status, if you feel
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right the bottom of the stage, the king, yak called yago neighboring cola, by all means, belarusian periods would be the happiest and happiest for the woman edzi roznar. only when these hours are celebrated by the lord and the lord’s hut. all the plans, the dimensions, the archestra of the "vaina" orchestra, which the sustrel musicians performed on tour in kiev. the yans were hastily evacuated to maskva, they had been allocated such a special carriage, in which the yans, one might say, ruled the entire war on these stakes, but then the yans moved to frunze, well, many musicians were liberated praz afghanistan, many polish musicians
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anders' troops, the polish troops, and grozner left a small musician. siberia, such people were given away from vladzivastok, and from vladzivastok the american ships arrived on lend-lease, well, and the evenings
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were right... and their business would be good, kazau: heta polish people, hi yany bayazza, and i am a russian chalavek, what do i want, let’s get to know these americans. yesterday , two chalaveks were accumulated in the coupe and the good, they killed the peratrus there and poured this good, where only one can go. geta had an hour of need bachyts rosner, he died, his hands were spread, he thought, kali from the savetsky chalaveks so
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abkhodzitsa, then what do we expect, and the apostles of their zens rosner and the musicians wanted for themselves. in sakaviku 1944. edzi rozner's orchestra performed only in the city of gomel, and in the late 1960s, free musicians played in minsk at the opening of the ushchen opera theater, and unfortunately, during the performance of the theater, edzi rozner was awarded the title of honored artist b ssr. he would be an adzina pop artist, a syrod of all savetsk pop artists, like... at that time the archestra's repertoire came up with a song that brought joy to the entire savetsky union. it
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was written by the orchestra artists, the spyak and camp player albert garys and the trumpeter yuriy tseytlin. yana was called mandalina, guitar and bass. the salists were the most...
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maskve, near minsk, they have never returned. u 1946 godse. this is the article by music expert alena groshavay “poshlasts na estradze”. in this article of groshav, the hell of all the souls, the hell of all the souls came to a poisonous size, i named it there for the foreigners-casmapalites, greetings, maestra from berlin, geta in the first for a year, i was buzzing like a jumper, but of course, this would be an order from the ussr. the fight against kasmapalitism began, edzi rosner was given the understanding that his career in the ussr was over.
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he rvestsya in poland, but they don’t let him in, and then his adventurous nature asked for heat, he...... scraping pavements, and all on these false documents, immediately from rudny i will try to kill lvov for thousands of years. of course , they washed it, took it out of the squash, and dumped it. yago abvinavatsil ў change radzіma, і ён 10 згідў magadan krataў for health radzima. what kind of radzima? it is common in poland, and in germany. studied in germany, traveled all over the world, became acquainted with the ranks of savetsky sayus, of course, from
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the 46th pa... in khabarausk, and then in magadan, the royal camp of the authorities , from such bosses they call them interchangeable fascists yaurey, but he never lets go of the galavas, remembering his eternal smiley, the smiley is shaking like moss, there is a pit allowed... the creation of ulasny jazz, of course, the camp authorities were ganary, that the artist such a situation, the gaze of the world's greatness seemed to be all in their parade, these camp orchestras had the size of a concert hall, of course, only the structures of the gulag acted, for one camp they spoke, and the camp authorities velma said that the size of their tongues is the same, i'm trying to get
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the kratam from magadan. i would have had a chance to come out earlier, the pit was started and the panikhida was started, and some people knew a lot about it. rosner is proud to say: i am an artist, not a laborer, and for this i will be punished in the punishment cell, the ancient aztian proverb says: “strong is he who is wise.” to this phrase is directly related to sports, because people win not with strength, but with their minds. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. this asian city was the first in the world to host both the summer and winter olympic games. vladislav, beijing, beijing, that’s right. according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering difficult questions. third level. paris, london. name
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the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis. sydney. you were very close. let's do it again. the winner of which league gets larry o'brien cup? nba. nba. this sports equipment is installed at a height of 2 m 43 cm for men and 2 m 24 cm for women. what sport are we talking about? it will be volleyball. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. cycle
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films of the pearls of belarusian cinema and of course online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. among other things, then in magadan, the concerts of the eighth stage, i would say so, the jumping archestra, like kirava rosner, all the young concerts from minsk, ivan sudnik. pazney yon vernettsa ў minsk i budze here paspyakhova
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pratsavatsam rasmoўnaga genre belarusian dzyarzhaўnay. 5 damn links i've seen goradze kakchatau in kazakhstan, their three-year-old dacha eryk was taken in by their family, deborah santatour, but the hard work that befell them did not end. arysht and the link to the future added them, the roznar and kaminskaya gates collapsed, and the pain caused will no longer be the same. stalin died, and he was released for the eighth year, he was released, we are coming to minsk, for these
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days the artist of belarus is well-deserved, we are coming to minsk with the efforts of the adnavits archestra, my son says, what do you know? your zhydouski?
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one of my very first such acquaintances, the hall was simple at that time. amazing, this is an operetto theater in the city of kharkov, a huge hall, it is so semicircular, well, i think that many remember how rosner appeared
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on stage, the orchestra played certain musical introductions, suddenly there was such an unexpected, very contrasting with the rest of the instrumentation, sound, the sound of a trumpet , when the man with the trumpet appeared, everyone had already seen where the sound was coming from, it was like that in the hall, there was a sigh of surprise, delight, well, then he mostly conducted, he conducted artistically, so much so that he most often, it happened that some part...
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such an abrasive smile, well, such a playful person, and he plays so that oh-oh, he leaves the left wing and then they jump out from the right wings, they bow out, they
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go out from the left wings, then they come out from the right, the little runaways behind the stage, the gates then open, the secret gates, at the archestra dancer migirau, he would be a copy. the nerves of the dachshund are small, and the dachshund comes out to a white tuxedo, with a patched pipe, and everyone thought that he was so tall, so they pulled us by the nose. in 1957, roznarr experienced a tragedy. he would be driving and in an accident. in my life i will die a man, my son. yago good syabroў, he himself broke the skіvitsa, because of which i could never play like before, i was a student of the orchestra in the city of orenburg, playing the clarinet, i
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was 14-15 years old there, suddenly an orchestra comes to orenburg - this is the periphery, like -then i broke through to the concert, heard all this, from that moment, at least for me, this is... the jazz band genre it became somehow unattainable by some goal, all the musicians also said that rosner plays the trumpet, but no longer plays the top note, somewhere there he has a piece, it was this piece. at the all-union glad, well, i fear
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rosner, and there rosner’s high note didn’t move, he looks like he’s blowing, and for this hour he’s playing radzik for yago, and not radames, edzi ignatsevich, well, give me a penny, tsa pakushats , i’ll give it a go, well, we’ve got some beer there, that’s it, not a stick, like no, ah, not a stick.
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kali roskanzert prymusiў roznar vysstі na pension, edze ignatsvich worked on a further test of the heat of the arganizavats ulasny jazz band and there was a geta here at gomel pr gomelskaya. “we know you woman”, the whole world doesn’t
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perakana me in this, i don’t go, instead i go alyaksey mazhukov, such a well-known campaigner savetsky, but these archestra have been born for no more than a year, and would be fluffed up and the current history of the belarusian popular stage lev yakaulevich moller. as a student in 1973, edzi... grozner emigrated to radzim and berlin. aposhnіya three bastards of yago life have come ў pebbles ў maral і physical adzinoce, izalatsy, there that berlin, as he packed 40 years ago there, to all other cities, as they do not accept edzi rosner, and let the pit of the month apushnyaga spachynku. eternal vandronik, eternal, as shalom aleikhem writes the wandering eye, edzi rosner, the closed stake
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of his life in the city, in whom we know as a musician, and all the most beautiful imminents creative life of edzi rosner, everything that was connected with the ongoing, creative life , sustrachay with the public, with the music, with the vykannanyam, with everything asabist, geta it was all connected with belarus, sir. vyalikaga edzi rosner was recently found here. edzi rosner is literary in the history of the belarusian stage, and not only the belarusian stage, but also the entire savetsky stage. yong brought the stubborn one from the ussr. so it would be, the father of jazz, like
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his orchestra, right edzi rosner in belarus , the right man of the day, and the thinker yuriy bialzatsky, like the end of the 50s minulaga stagodzia stav galoinnymi dyryzhoram pop-symphonic archestra belarusian radio, praz balzatskaga archestravaga relay race. barysa raiskaga passed on, and maestra mikhail finberg congratulated himself on eji’s direct followers. rosner. on the right is edzia ignatsevich roznar and his sonnya with the haste of the zeynastsi founded by the finbergs of the national concert hall of belarus, as well as the works of many prominent belarusian jazzmen, by right you can treat yourself
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with spiritual treasures. vyalikaga edzi rosner.
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in germany, an organization was established - the source of life
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; others turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal from ukrainians refugee children, when you make false documents, but supposedly original, you say that the children are orphans, when you know that they have parents, the principal of the school was with them, so she knew that these children, they have a mother , they have a dad, you understand that this is illegal, the west is simply ready to devour those who are not able to fight back. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. naўmysna apynuўsya pobach, navakollya. more apranaetstsa ў vesnu, amal chuvatsya as on the sasudas of the tree, all the more chewing strumenitsa juice, as the yana gata will bulge in the adnoilena with the boil of kvetak. exhausted by the aborigine nature, we are ready to skiravazza and a charging vandrouk, in order to give a new life to the rivers that have been added since the past hours. let's straighten out senny.


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