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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

7:30 am
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i know everyone who is outburst and deliberately apologetic. navacolle ўўўўўўўўўўўўўўў ўўўўў ў apranaetstsa ў vysnu, amal chuvats yak na sasudah dreva , yak yana gata vybuhnutsya susvet kіpenem kvetak. inspired by the ancient nature, we gatovaya skiravazza ў chargovoy vandroukka, to give a new life to the devils from the past hours. today we are heading out to the folklore... expedition to number 592. things will happen again and again in advance at the past vitsebschyna. yana garzhyta sting. yana garazhyta.
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as i walked and sat, as i walked and sat, sustrakae is the elder himself. you're a bitch elder, you're a bitch, you're torturing me , you were like that, i'm in the fire , i'm in the fire, i'm in the office, i'm in the office, i'm in trouble. i'm
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the cantor, the senior pratacol, the elder, the court, the elder, the court, the guard, the guard, the guard, the guard, the guard, the guard, the guard, the guard, for all i know. this time, as i said, we grew up in the viciebsk region, behind a flying roof for more than 250 kilometers, and we are in babinavichi, which is in the leznitsk region, we will bathe the young one. menavita getuyu zaselnaya abradavaya dzeya pakazha folklorny kalektyў spadaryni. yašče first knowledge of the history of the past. and now we’re waiting at the studio. gukazapis, there are creative
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processes unfolding on the basis of the fire of the song, campsite sergey sukhamlin and bakery kabeta zinaida furor, zina syarzhuk, i’m flying you, i’m flying aksana, i’m flying you , our respected tv viewers, what we know from life and practice, understand the talent, i understood the experience, but i am now a great gumar, and as a dapamagae a gumar to the artists of the stage, let’s talk to you again, tradition, not only the shepherd.
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oh, gannachka, what a jumping sonny you are, like the creature is in trouble, knocked, grunted at the door, knocked, grunted at the door, look at mamanka, it’s not for me, look, mom, it’s not for me. well done, darling, well done. the matchmakers climb into the hut, the harvesters climb into the hut, they look at the stove, they look at the stove, this is thick cabbage, this is thick
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cabbage, this is a vegetable pot, this is a vegetable pot. the first letters of ўspamіn date back to 1884, the book has the experience of writing the magiliy province is assigned to the provincial town of babinavich arshanskaga , where the lakes near the green lakes of iratse luchos are
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located. from the getag it is clear that the status of the city of pavyatova has changed for the past few hours. at the end of 17 hectares, a pack of 18 hundred years ago, the masses of the actual valodal princes of aginskaya. good day at this hut, what kind of hut are we daddying? tuyu, tuyu, good days, good people, kind people, who are you? and we are the ones who look for the flower, the winter flower and the fly. kvetka is with us. yes, not for the skin of yana tsvitse, but you are pakazhytse for us, maybe i’m just starting to bloom, for the demonstration i need to pay pennies, here at a time, all of it, all of it, and the patched ones, and i’m crowing, all of you and the flower, and
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some tsudonnaya, some kind of any, whatever you tortured, no. krokovak!
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in a very early hour, i will be forced to pay attention to the delight of the daughter in the babinavichi of the lezny district. and the brother ransomed the bride. zhytny past from these hours, if there was an inadvertent ritual part of the hanging urachystasts. previously, when people lived happy lives, the bride was chosen from another marriage. and not in advance. stasunki pamіzh them were becoming, there the march for the bride would be on the right until the end of the day. magchyma, this is how the tradition of the ransom of the bridegroom appeared. and the unfortunate brides and in-laws, not eagerly parting with her, have implicated the most hot-blooded secrets of the bridegroom, and if they add, then not tanna. we don’t have anything to replace exactly the same time with cold coffee and panaziratsya for campers sergei sukhamlin.
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which even the radevils and napoleon’s family could not manage to reproduce in volkovysk such an interesting miracle.
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artifacts from centuries of history, real a puzzle for us as time travelers. this is a naming or basting. and in the place where we found it, in this in these in this area, it is called syrpanok. this is the headdress of a married woman. and the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion. presented directly here, oh, this, this is a decoration, number seven is not a decoration, it is a musical instrument, nothing more than a pity, dating back to the 11th century. the task of our guides is to ignite in you a desire to touch the belarusian culture personally. and also, it is imperative that when a new house was built, then from the old one had to take four stones, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, already on them. bet with rubles, believed that everything good that was in the old house will definitely go to the new house, travel with
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the belarus 24 tv channel, the heroes of our program are outstanding persons buried in their documents, when you move on and think about what to do, so that it has a sound like this, so that there are a lot of highs, and a lot of lows, there is a lot of liking for a small instrument.
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maybe you have a little bird, some kind of shchabecha, we have a little bird, some kind of shchabecha, but...
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oh, yes, no, like that, no, we don’t care for such a little bird, no, no, no, we need another one, no, wait, the gaspadars, i don’t want us.. .
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we are in the babinavich leznensky district, after the first step of the padzel of recha paspalitay, the meat has passed to russia. darechy, due to the other mercury, was called the hell of two words: women and new, because people call the queen baba, and the new pasture - the royal city. there is a version that the woman is a stone of clay, and since her founding the woman was famous for her pottery crafts, like dasyagnu raskvita ў 19th, part of the 20th century. unscorched, black-backed and hardened ceramics, garlaches, pots, jars, and bowls were carved out of butchered red clay. i've been working on 20 stagodzia pachali
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edablyatsya rasmalyoўkay. or maybe you have a little bride, you’re jumpy, you’re young, and you’re already walking, as it seems, on the skin’s heel there are 25 treasures and take it, come on, adzin, two, three, five, oh, and eight avesta!
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and from the mountains, from the mountains, far away! chatyry, and all the chatyrs, gray, and all the chatyry, gray, they took away the ganachka, i say so. i don’t sell for pennies, i don’t sell so much for pennies, because i’m lenya, they’re good, because i’m lenya, they’re good.
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and soon we return from babinavich lezny district to minsk. i yashche pra ransom of the bride. it happened that the first perashkoda was strutting her wife yashche on the road and in her hut. the adnavyakians gave birth to the gift. hell, it was possible for them to be adversarial, garelka and prismakami. already at the end of the day , a lot of other fish were working with covered creatures, well, it’s time for us to start working at the studio.
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i like mine, you do it on mine, and the lieutenant, someone, and less fashion is like that,
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such a fashion about flying, no flights yet , but the guys behind me attacked those and you didn’t recognize us and called.
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we are familiarizing ourselves with the past century of babinavichy, who is in the leznitsk region. in 1781 , then the city of babinavichy atrymau coat of arms. the glaciers have two matches with weather vanes. this is a sign that in the area around the city there is a deep carrion forest. at babinavichi there was a melting place and a warehouse of timber that was melted. on the rivers of luchos and the entrance dzvina and rygu. u 1778 years ago, the project of a planned city was completed, which was intended to transfer the population to other banks of the vyarkhita river and forget about the appearance of the right angle from the square in the center, otherwise this idea was never implemented. after the revolutionaries babinavich became important, and yashche, menavita here at the first fall of 19 hundred years of life of marc chagall. vad ispan.
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serbian in babinov style.
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well, the whole record is done, that’s how it’s done, everything
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’s fine, well, let god do it. what do you say? well, you know, everything fell flat for me, so geta, i think, is not disgraceful to budza there kalektyvu, as vykonvav this song ў arygіnal, kali zinaіda furor sleep a little bit, well, in my own way. vyalik dzyakuy spadarynyam babinavicha, well, the song will rock, that’s it. dzyakuy i tabe, taksama chakay yashche. the whole process of creating a new vocal-musical afarbok for recording at babinavich is still ongoing. folk songs, zreshty, like our passions in the lezny districts, will be heard by yana haryzhyt stings in the unpaustorized zinaida furor and, of course, a significant new spatkanne tydzen, zladzim chargova vandrouka pa roznyh regions of the country, kab ubachyts stostsi dagetul nyabachanae. i've
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been stinging for a long time. and in the distance i laid a pile, in the valley i laid a pile, that and laid, that patzerla, i took the bag, and i put the paper, i took the bag, let me paper, oh, oh-oh-oh, as i came and sat down. sustraka, i'm a senior woman myself, sustraka , i'm a senior woman myself, oops, sustraka, i'm a senior woman myself , let me torture you, you were there, oh-oh, let me torture you, you were my boss, and sapraudy, but i was there, i'm stinging in the face . three times
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of my own, three times of my own, i was in the office, the office of the pratakola, and my dear, the office of the pratacol, oh, dzeuki, well, no i’m sorry people, well, i gave away the garages, i...
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it was all such a mess, all right, for the first time, we’re sleeping, we’re sleeping, i’m jumping from such parameters, but the slops don’t fuck, let’s go, it’s clear to god , zgіnuў snow from
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damp earth. popsala hell of a road, the transitions of revelry, the sun is warmer , the ice is worn out, the springs are falling, the gloom of the last ones jumps upon us, all and sundry is visible, the geese are crowing, the spackling on the oak tree is crumbling, wow. and winter is like smoke gone, the meadow is greener, like hell is pain our native land began to sink.
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breakfast should not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our mood. and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure, that ’s exactly what we have: today’s guest at the breakfast is the champion, an international class professional in bodybuilding and fitness, ivan sharpilov.


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