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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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the television news agency begins an information day, elizaveta lokotko is with you, good morning, in this issue: consolidation of society, security of the native country, economic development, in the wake of the all-belarusian people's assembly. erase from the face of the ukrainian land, all the monuments in square destroyed another monument to soviet soldiers. the best hockey players and team. who collected the most awards, the closing ceremony of the extra league season. the all-belarusian people's assembly in the new constitutional status has already become sovereign history belarus, from national security to the successful economic development of the country. delegates of the supreme council are now discussing such topics in their teams. the task is to convey to everyone the main messages that were voiced at the national assembly, because much of what the president said resonated in the souls of belarusians. central... there were
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two documents on the agenda, they relate to ensuring our security, this is the concept and the military doctrine. the documents were discussed publicly and widely, and it is no coincidence that their contents are in the public domain. it's kind of a warning to unfriendly states, that belarusians will defend their country by all means. the decisions made at the all-belarusian people's assembly are aimed at consolidating society, and the new constitutional status allows us to jointly and quickly respond to all modern challenges. and at this gathering.
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here today we together accept the main theses of the spiritual and moral values ​​of the institution of the traditional belarusian family, everything that may be somewhere alien in the west, and again, today we are concerned about the preservation of historical memory, because i believe that tomorrow, today, on what informational basis, with what values ​​in what country our children will grow up depends on us, all the young people who were present realized that indeed we participate not only in decision-making.
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the americans are trying to transfer it to the lands of our country, and here we must take all measures to fight. the all-belarusian people's assembly and its decisions continue to be discussed not only in belarus, but outside our country. a new stage in the development of democracy, this is how the russian political scientist elena panomaryova, our people's assembly. that this is truly a unique platform in many ways. a lot here depends on people’s initiative and involvement in this process in general, because the population must give certain orders. voter and thus a completely new quality of civil society is formed, because obviously not only the banks of the coat, but there are also rivers of milk, there are many problems, and these problems need to be solved at different levels of their
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occurrence, the so-called subsidiary level, the problem does not necessarily have to reach the level of the president when he organizes... a new stage in the development of democracy, again, if everything is implemented as planned with a truly serious, maximum full involvement of belarusian society in this process. belarusian youth
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strives to be the conductor of the chosen line of building a strong independent state. the younger generation in the ranks of the deputy. corps and as part of the highest body of democracy. at the seventh vns the voices of youth became vladimir babichev. he says to himself: usually a guy from a small village in the dubrovensky district of the vitebsk region. as for the all-belarus people's assembly, it is already in a different status, and you, as a parliamentarian, can probably talk about it, is this new status more effective? definitely yes. firstly, he raised the status of the all-belarus people's assembly itself, about this. it has been said more than once that this was a meeting, such organizational meetings on topical issues, today it is a body, the highest body of democracy, and then representation of delegates who today work in a team, and this means that now 1,200 people are involved in the fate of our
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country at the state level, not only in some public affairs, no, they have representation, they now have weight in the teams, in the audience, 38 years ago there was a major man-made disaster, then there seemed to be no life, much less talk about the development of the affected areas, but from the first years of his presidency he took control of these regions alexander lukashenko visited enterprises,
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traveled to remote villages, entered the exclusion zone, listened to people, all in order to make a decision together, we will live, a special report by the tv news agency, watch today after the panorama. the accident at the chernomu nuclear power plant forever, well, the station divided our lives before and after. dad ran away, only he warned mom, he said, hang wet sheets on the windows, mom then could see that she was crying, and many did not believe, including us, that it was the heart that kept bleeding, it’s better usually don't go.
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china's representative to the un called for a thorough investigation into the terrorist attacks that destroyed the nord stream gas pipelines in the baltic sea. otherwise, international terrorism will receive a kind of encouragement, and the last red lines for it will disappear. an expert also spoke at the meeting, confirming that at least one state was behind the explosions. at the same time , the information collected by investigators and journalists makes it possible to establish the authorship of the crime. representative of russia.
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the russian representative refused to work on the text of the statement on the issue of the attack on nord streams, while he noted that the perpetrators, no matter how hard they try, will not escape the answer. let us recall that the terrorist attack in the baltic was committed on september 26, 2022, it is already known for certain that the ukrainian and polish special services were involved in it, there is no doubt about the complicity in the crime, also of the americans and others. another monument to soviet soldiers has been demolished in ukraine. this time,
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the city of romno was marked by an act of vandalism. on slavoje hill there was a sculptural composition of three figures: a soldier, partisans and girls they saved. the authorities considered dismantling too labor-intensive, so they ordered to simply throw the monument off its pedestal. over the past two years, the ukrainian authorities have been waging the most fierce struggle against monuments; almost all monuments dedicated to soviet heroes and achievements there have been destroyed. what is the connection between the ideology of nazism and the puppet structures that the west is forming and growing today. one of the threats to national security that experts and guests of the new edition of the editors' club paid special attention. historical parallels that... they make you not only think, but also act proactively. during the great patriotic war, belarus
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lost a third of its population, yes, their plans have not changed at all, these people will come here with the same goal: to destroy the population. if we look at the result of the maidan in 1914 - this is the destruction of the ukrainian population, this is the liberation of the area, excuse me, food supply, you can call it, for those who stand at steering wheel of all these bright ones. 15 million, probably, as well as the anniversary of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, why minsk had questions for vilnius regarding the ignalina nuclear power plant, watch the full episode of the editors club on the youtube channel tv news agency. belarusians are always for maintaining friendly relations, the president congratulated the people of the kingdom of the netherlands on the national holiday king's day. alexander lukashenko noted that... the belos and the netherlands were able to ensure the stable development of their states, thanks to
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exceptional hard work and ingenuity. the head of state emphasized that in today's difficult conditions we must listen more carefully , understand each other, respect the interests of the parties and strive for peaceful coexistence. we invite you to write the modern history of europe with us, through cooperation to ensure our descendants a safe future and prospects for normal development, our president noted. 2,350 thousand residents of belarus took part in the republican cleanup day; almost 16 million rubles. these figures were announced by belstat. as the department reported, this year belarusians earned 13% more money than in 2023. let me remind you that a republican cleanup was held on april 20 in all regions of the country, from big cities to small towns, and memorial complexes were put in order.
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i would really like to popularize astronautics and science in general for us is a new stage in space achievements, so i believe that we need to start even from childhood and would like to visit children’s kindergartens, in schools, in elementary grades, to give a boost to our country in the space industry. a significant day for all mankind, a flight into space, well, not everyone could probably fly into space, but...
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shalagin, the best hockey player of the extra league season, the soligorsk shakhtar striker took five individual awards, and this is a record for the number of statues in one summing up ceremony results of the competitive year. the national champion, zhelbinsk metallurgist, collected the most prizes at the festival; representatives of the steelmakers took six awards. at the hockey oscars our correspondent kristina kamysh also visited. over to her. the extra league season 23-24 is officially over. the closing ceremony took place on thursday. once again, this was a great opportunity for hockey players to take off their leggings, helmets and skates, put their sticks aside, take out their tuxedos from the closets, get together in a wonderful company and say, first of all , thank you to each other for this competitive year, which really turned out to be excellent. the specialized federation of a sport knows how to surprise; it always
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prepares a show that is not banal; this time the participants of the ceremony were asked to hold one more game, those. my designs became legendary arcade games of the nineties, which began to gain popularity again. a lot of distinguished guests are present at this event, these are not only hockey players, but also outstanding athletes in other sports, these are representatives of our government, this suggests that hockey is indeed a great love for the people's sport, everyone wants to be involved in final point. fantastic atmosphere, it’s nice to be here, to spend time, that is, in a circle. hockey acquaintances, like-minded people, yes it’s always nice when some of your successes are celebrated. the main achievement of the entire hockey community is the increase in spectator interest in the extra league. competition in the championship has increased, evidence of this is the phenomenal breakthrough of brest or the sensational elimination in the semi-finals of the president's cup, staffed by the soligorsk miner. the fan went for
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unpredictable results, so during the playoffs 31 hits were recorded in the arenas. the history of championship in this indicator has been rewritten in total for almost half a million people attended all the matches of the season. there is a certain equality among the teams, that is, the matches are all close. our enrollment in children's and youth schools has increased slightly, that is, these include children in the stands and their parents. all this is what gives results, and gives those sold-out crowds in the stands during the playoff matches. a total of 25 figurines found their owners. some of the winners were famous. even before the ceremony, since the hockey players became the best in their roles in the smooth championship and knockout round, but perhaps out of all the nominations, four were the main thing, the eighteen-year-old forward of minsk youth arseniy kovgorenia, for the second year in a row , took the prize for the best young player in 55 matches, the guy scored 31 points. it is noteworthy that the striker was absent from the celebration, as he is now
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competing with the youth team at a tournament in novosibirsk. the award named after ruslan salei, which is awarded to the athlete who has shown the best. that award, thank you for that, it just never happens, but there was a good team, there was no need for unnecessary words, everyone understood everything, the vladimir naumov prize, which awarded to the best coach of the season, received by dmitry kravchenko, the specialist led his carpenters to the third championship in a row; this season, a more titled person on the bridges of the teams was simply not known. that the coach will continue to cooperate with the metal guy, the whole redneck rejoices. this is nice, of course, but this is a team achievement, this is teamwork, this is a team of like-minded people who... rallied and made a result. the main award of the evening - the best hockey player of the season - was in the hands of forward miner mikhail shalagina. 91 points


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