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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 10:05am-10:36am MSK

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of course, of course, yes, it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful today, oh, thank you very much, you know, you plunged into a completely different world, just like i visited paris, smilovichi, your school, you know, you made such a wonderful world here in you exist, you live, it ’s great, it seems to me that every person should give themselves such grace around, thank you very much, good luck to you and thank you happily. well, that’s all for us, this is how the morning of saturday april 27 turned out, take care of everyone and take care, especially those who are close to you, thanks to everyone who helped us cook this program, see you in a week, always yours svetlana borovskaya, and look forward to visiting! believe it
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or check it, but yesterday i dreamed that a prince came after me on a silver horse, you see, we were just greeted by dancers and a drummer. trumpeter, 48 terezors, one gray-haired violinist, believe me, check it, it was wonderful. nebal and the artist
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drew my portrait on the cuff, said the famous sage, we all live and work in a bunker, we are all sent back to childhood all the time, that i will love the composer, songs for me, and the poet composed poems parara. believe me, check it, i danced the square dance so hard that 13 gentlemen couldn’t catch their breath. and the orchestra was on fire and all
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the people were laughing, because the king himself was playing the dialect on the piano, you are literally my kin already, happy birthday,
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the quality code for our enterprise is an opportunity to express ourselves even louder than demonstrations. quality products. my career at this enterprise began in 2009, by a happy coincidence. yes, i am very glad that i connected my activities with this enterprise. it became a mentor for me not only as a way to realize some of my professional qualities, but also gave me some kind of hardening in life. i am pleased to represent the large-size tire plant, which is part of the structure of our enterprise. spring has finally
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burst into the hearts of our belarusians, but this time is closely connected with preparatory and passive work on the rural lands of our country, in every corner beyond its borders. therefore, we understand and appreciate the importance of the contribution of each farmer to this work and try together with them, preserve the fertile layer of our soil. that is why the development is innovative. lines of wide profile agricultural tires are our priority today. thus, we try to be relevant in the global market and meet any requirements of our consumers. specifically for me, my
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work, if you imagine my whole life as 100%, takes up 70 percent, this is without undue modesty. it turns out that all your friends, relatives, family... efficient and effective work a huge, large-scale and numerous enterprise. at the end of june 2022, a guy and a girl are walking in a forest belt near the capital’s goretskogo street, the man walks ahead, his companion films the location on her phone, at some point they pass by
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two strangers. alice, look, the robbers take the couple’s things, phones , car keys, then run away, the beaten guy goes for help and calls the doctors, soon police investigators will begin to understand the situation, they will have to find out the identities of the bandits, their motives, and also find out what the couple was doing in the vacant lot and what drugs had to do with it. the attack took place on june 22, 2022, in a vacant lot, in broad daylight, the guy
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was diagnosed with multiple bruises, abrasions, and bleeding all over his body, including on his head. the girl was even less lucky: broken bones, facial skull, and hemorrhages. both eyes, as well as a cut off finger, while the raiders’ only catch was a phone bag, damage was a couple of hundred rubles, but why such cruelty? during the inspection of the scene of the incident in the forestry where these events took place, a bag containing a substance, presumably a narcotic, and also blood were found. based on the situation, he said that most likely this person... igor makarenko, deputy head of the first investigative department of the frunzinsky city of minsk, rosk. at the time of the investigation, he was an investigator for particularly
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important cases, starting an investigation into the case of sportsmen. the sportsmen could have simply confused them with some kind of drug couriers. subsequently, the girl was taken to the hospital, and further investigations were carried out with the young man. investigative operational activities. in the course of the carried out operational measures, two suspects were identified who were involved in this crime, criminal cases were initiated, and then, let’s say, investigative and operational measures were carried out. investigators had no doubt that so-called sportsmen worked here. essentially, these are collectors. who work for drug addicts, their responsibilities include maintaining discipline in the criminal group, collecting debts from dishonest pawnbrokers, and punishment of negligent employees of shadow markets. when the girl comes to her senses, she
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begins to testify, and then everything falls into place. she said that she actually worked for an online store selling prohibited goods. acquaintance with drugs occurred at the beginning of 2022, hashish alpha pvp. soon alice is already working for the scorpio internet platform. hours before the attack, the curator wrote to the girl that she needed to make up for what she had lost. as the victim said, a week before the events, she took away a large treasure in the capital's stepyanka. according to her, at some point she suspected surveillance, dropped the drugs, and then ran away. when i returned to the place, the goods were no longer there. alice wrote to the store curator about this. but he didn’t believe it. often, the victims were also
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employed in the online store as couriers, pawnbrokers of the online store, and during their activities they repeatedly committed violations of working conditions. they, as a rule, stole the drugs that were trusted to them for their own consumption, since they were often users themselves narcotic drugs. dmitry boranenko, senior. an investigator of the department for investigating crimes against information security and illegal drug trafficking of the investigative department of the usc of belarus in minsk, was investigating a criminal case about sportsmen, when they took the drug that they purchased before using it together, along the route bolshakovy followed, wrote the curator of the online store. the curator wrote about the need to take drugs from the cache for...
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cases to intimidate the victims. before investigators were faced with two important questions: who were the perpetrators of the execution and whether they were really sportswear from the scorpio store. and chance helped. the day after the attack, the victim alexander kozik saw one of the bandits in the courtyard of his own house and immediately reported it to the police. a few hours later, both suspects were detained. year of birth, that is, you recognize him, i understand correctly, and you said
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there were two people, who was who, that is, well, in light or dark clothes, this one was in dark clothes, this one was in dark clothes, yes , yes, okay, okay, you recognize the second person, the second one, well, they are kind of similar, but it seems to me that this is more, that is, you don’t recognize the second one, i understand correctly, okay, huh? despite the difference in age, the first was 38 at that time, the second was 26, the men agreed on the topic of sports, worked out together on the street playground, and later began working together, mainly on construction sites.
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friends shared details of their criminal earnings, it was in may 2022 that the younger stanislav received a telegram message from a user with the nickname dictator, he offered work of a forceful nature, namely to punish the non-radio courier. the prices for hard workers are pleasant, from $100 per outing, duties ranging from humiliation to dick sabotage, they performed an unusual role. in the specified online store, that is , they were not directly related to the sale
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of drugs, that is, they did not transport it, did not package it, did not put it in hiding places and did not actually sell it, they performed their function, this function consisted of a physical psychological impact on other participants in the organized groups. maksim dikterev, head of the department for investigating crimes against information security and drug trafficking of the investigative department. oska in the city of minsk monitored the progress of the criminal case regarding sportsmen. as correspondence on the phone showed, it was with the same user, the dictator, that the couple was attacked.
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they uploaded their photographs to show the employer that they were in good physical shape, since they were constantly involved in sports, had significant dimensions, in all cases the accused themselves looked for a place where it would be most convenient for them to cause bodily harm to the victims, they went in advance to... the right place in order to inspect the surrounding area, select a place where it would be most convenient for them to wait for the victims, often such places were in sparsely populated areas forested areas or forested areas. the first episode happened in the same may, a few days before the events, the man took a treasure with drugs in him, wrote it to the store, saying he didn’t find the stash. at the direction
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curator, the guilty pawnbroker doschinsky arrived in the forest not far from the mka. they took him to their car, which was parked nearby, and later , using threats to demonstrate a pistol, they took him out to a forested area located beyond the moscow ring road, in the indicated place, doshchinsky was subsequently inflicted with bodily injuries, blows were inflicted with both hands, feet, and also with a wooden stick,
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the blows were directly inflicted by the accused lukashevich, while the accused kovalevich. i recorded everything that happened on my mobile phone. phone, filming video. at the same time, kovalevich filmed the massacre on his mobile phone. dashchinsky was hit with a stun gun and pepper gas was sprayed in his eyes. in addition, the courier was forced to chew through a stick. finally, they threatened the beaten man: if you go to the police, we will kill you. why, in general, there are people who, so to speak, undertake... such criminal actions, this is their conviction that for the crime they commit, apart from the consequences that they can cause to individuals, they will not bear any other responsibility, you see, not all victims are at the hands of sportsmen, for obvious reasons, due to the fact that they are also actually participants
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in certain organized drug sales groups, will go somewhere to complain, write a statement, or otherwise. disclose at all what is going on. the second episode is dated july 19, 2022. kavalevich and lukashevich similarly found a convenient place near the drozdy reservoir. the geolocation was sent to the employer. all that was left was to wait for his victim. soon another courier will appear here, crossing the path of the scorpio store. his name was alexander mikhalenok. together with a friend, he arrived at the place he was given. the dictator pointed out, when the friends were going to the geolocation, they noticed a man in camouflage in the bushes, it was kovalevich. and when mikhalenok and his friend approached the right place, uh, the accused came out to meet them. uh, comrade mikhalenka was the first to notice this, uh, who reacted in time and managed to run away. however, mikhalenok,
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hesitating a little, remained next to the accusations that began to hold him back. subsequently, the accused also caused bodily harm to mikhalyonok, in this case in addition to punches and kicks, they also used blows with a metal twist, which they had purchased in advance. and again, the victim did not contact the police, because he understood that the operatives would have questions, he would have to tell him that he was a drug courier, however. a few days later, he nevertheless went to the hospital due to a broken arm, told everything to the doctors, and then the story reached the law enforcement officers. in addition to the fact that they physically influenced other members of the orc group, which implies
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the commission of a crime stipulated part four of article 328, that is , the illegal sale of narcotic psychotropic substances as part of an organized group, they also committed a number of other crimes, in particular kidnapping, this is article: 182 part three as part of an organized group, when under - under threats of violence in relation to the victim, also showing the pistol to the victim, which the victim perceived as a combat pistol, he was moved from one place to another, where bodily harm was caused and he was forced to bite through a wooden stick. and how it turned out that the episode with the beating and cutting off a finger was the third on the record. sportsmen. for that very finger, the dictator promised 1.0 dollars for two, but the perpetrators did not have time to receive the money while testifying at the crime scene;
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the counterfeiters described in detail how they carried out the order. here i had a bat, i threw it, struck her with the first blow, the second, now record the first blow, where the first blow landed, stop, now let me take a video from the other side, please, so that it can be seen. that is, the blow was from the side, i understand correctly, demonstrate once again how the blow was only slow, well, like this, the second gift, the second gift, boom, on the other hand, that is, here it came here, the second, yes, yes, where, somewhere here, then she fell, hit with something or not, she somehow fell on her right hand, when she fell, she attacked her right hand, that is , how it turns out, somehow, somehow like this she must have fallen, i think her face was here,
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like this, like this, she was lying there, her face there, her legs here, on her right hand somehow all distorted, okay, what happened then? that’s it, then i went up to him, yeah, and stas came to her, yeah, he started talking to her there, explaining who was doing what, i went up to him, yeah. so he said, well, don’t turn around, he was lying like this, yeah, with his face over there, stas, he said, don’t turn around with your head, he turned his head, me already and i took the bat like now, so what did they do, well , holding the bat very lightly with your right hand over the edge, it’s just that it’s somehow like it’s in his face, right here, look, the beaten chick, well, he kind of turned his head, you can to say, it was not a blow, but a show. i turned my head, i said, look at the ground, here you go, you can put the doll in the same way that this trembler of ours cut it off, you put it like that, that’s how it is, they’re leaving it, just the hands, where the face was
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directed, it’s up, look, right here , that is, he looked like that, and over there, yeah, and i, well, if the pita is in my right hand, that’s how it is in my right hand, i came up like this, i said, look down, and how much did you get one hit? beat it like this, look down, yeah, that's it, now apply it, and then i something became like this, here somewhere, i don’t remember exactly, maybe he was lying here, maybe he was lying here, maybe here, i don’t remember exactly, but in this area, somewhere here, or this there were cigarettes, or it was a phone, and i took it there, that is, it flew either there, or there, or there, i don’t know how... far, maybe nearby, maybe further, but what kind of cigarettes were there? okay, where the blow landed, here, offer a stick, here on your face, where
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the blow landed like that, here, screw it, with the edge, uh-huh, took your leg away from this guy, i approached this girl, she started asking something, she was filming her, alexander went, stood on this guy, but he... what did she ask, asked me questions, who ratted her out, there was such a thing, then alexander came up and put her hand on her leg on her hand, i took out the scissors, cut off the tip of her little finger, they all got up to run, where did you put the little finger to finish, i don’t know, with the scissors they started to run away like that, alexander took the scissors from me, by the way they also had this one on them the tip of the little finger. he threw it somewhere, that is, well , i don’t know further, that is, i ran, i’m imprisoned i had no idea at all, maybe he didn’t throw it anywhere, that’s where he put it, well, that is, i have no
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idea, i was looking for the car keys. ran into the car, when they ran to the car, were there scissors, was there, no, there was nothing, there was a broken pistol, they ran into the car, got in without anything, drove away with only the run-down food, the fate of the girl, when after the incident when she was beaten , let's just say, these two are our suspects, she ended up in the hospital, after the hospital this girl left her on her own, without going through the full course of treatment, let's just say, she really came to us for investigative actions - but she told me that yes, i use drugs, sporadically, as if i had no addiction about it, but during interrogations she explained that yes there, because we found it on the spot simply a bag, she said this bag was lying with me, i bought it, later i already said that i bought it together with my friend this taxi driver and we, roughly speaking, wanted to use it together and...
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after a while, when, roughly speaking, it passed investigation within the framework of spotik, our district department received a second criminal case filed against her under similar circumstances. in the first two episodes , lukashevich and kovalevich did not admit their guilt, moreover, they in every possible way denied that they were working for the scorpio online store, they say that the dictator approached their users and offered to make money. however, the work carried out by the investigators as well.
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activities to assist the organizers of an online store for the sale of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the investigation proved 17 episodes of criminal activity; during this period , the organizers of the online store sold the specified substances both in the city of minsk, and in the territory of the minsk region, more than 25 criminal cases initiated by territorial divisions were studied on the fact of the sale of psychotropic substances to citizens by the specified online store, from of them... those that fit the period of activity of these persons were selected. as a result of the investigation , the defendants were charged with the fourth part of article 328, a total of 17 episodes. also under articles: kidnapping, causing bodily harm, robbery committed by a group of persons. the ending of this story, although fair, is not so rosy, and for all the heroes, both athletes and victims. according to the verdict of the
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leninsky district court. minsk lukashevich and kovalevich received 15 years in prison, in turn, the victims did not learn their lesson; after the events, each of them, to one degree or another, earned a sentence under the drug article. from the first cosmonaut to participation in the creation stations, with such projects we will shake up the industry, i think that we will see joint flights of russians and belarusians more than once, we have done everything our way. the program
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was carried out well, there are already results, space is yours, as we understand it, space is ours, predict the weather more accurately, track air pollution for a huge camera on a satellite, the belarusian matrix, the retina for the cosmic eye, the integral produces its crystals in such conditions that not even a speck hit, we can see different crystal elements in each millions of components, they like dust, 500 times thinner than a hair, a distant arc undoubtedly. an important vector for our country, huge markets and prospects, an assembly plant that cooperates with mtz has already received more than eight thousand applications from local farmers, of course, you could guarantee our food security, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel , since your departure i have been living with a heavy heart, unbearably, saolita
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brigita from kaliningrad. you never told me that you were in kaliningrad? and what is this handsome guy next to him? this is your grandfather, a courageous submariner who died tragically in the arctic long before i was born. ivan, may i allow you? i’ll take a photo, if you’ll allow me, but not me, us, everyone on the water, but how could he leave you with the child, he didn’t know about the child, maybe we’ll give up this idea, for nothing?


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