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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 6:35pm-7:05pm MSK

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we forgot about the sala, the next day the good girl was cheerful, if our sala was cheerful, if our caravan were, if our loaf was green, if our young one were, if we were small, he was cheerful, he took a girl there. the soul is begging to dance, but it is not without reason that it is deserved, it turns out that another local band has recently been awarded this high title, let’s go get acquainted, our band is called divaki, we have already existed for more than 30 years, many of us, the majority, are already professional musicians, performers. mainly repertoire
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- these are arrangements of belarusian folk songs, arrangements of our belarusian composers, of course, we perform works by the founder of our group, yuri komissarov, and there is some story associated with the name, here is the origin of the name, yes you know, there is, we chose such a wonderful name like girls, because in belarusian this is a wonderful, amazing person who can surprise, and since we are all very creative, we are always ready to surprise, amaze everyone with our performance.
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mom lived like cherry blossoms in the green sadoshka, ulamki lived, like a cherry blossomed in a green garden, goosebumps gave me a marathon, i’ll tell you this, but girls, you have now definitely confirmed the name of your team, amazing. i'm surprised again. definitely, asipovich is worth visiting more than once, because with each new meeting this city opens up anew. and my name is vika poplevchenkova, see you soon in our beautiful native belarus.
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our flow is mainly used in construction, that is, this.
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the motto of our company: we open endless world of light. by 8:00 in the morning i come to work, and answer the lines, go around the control rooms, go around the cutting department, get acquainted with the papers, then call all the services, see what questions you have, and try to plan at least before lunch to resolve these issues, after lunch, production again , etc. .. until 5:00 pm, my position is the head
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of technical polyron glass, issues of ensuring the production of sheet glass.
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this has quite a noticeable effect in the future, the year of creation of our enterprise is 1933, then the first stone was laid construction of the building, then there was a mechanized glass production plant in the thirty-third year. received the first glass, during the war, of course, the plant was restored, destroyed, taken out, and after the war it was rebuilt, since then there has always been a sugar mill in this place, it was called differently, named after stalin, and named after lenin,
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named after lomanosov, the joint stock company gomel glass is now open, now the optics are excellent, compared to...
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enterprises in the russian federation and abroad. to date, all products gomel glass is in demand. i can say this with confidence that it meets all international standards. the success of any enterprise is its team. we employ professional, clear, competent, responsive people who, with their labor , create glass that brings prosperity not only to them, their family members, but to the whole country as a whole. about the prospects, we are moving forward with confidence, today we are laying the foundation for the future prosperity of our plant for a decade, we are producing major overhaul of one of our furnace lines, this is guaranteed to ensure the operation
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of the entire plant for the next 20 years, respectively the entire workforce, we surprise a lot with quality issues, which is very important today in the year of quality. to prepare the mine, we buy from russia and, in addition to sand, our gomel sgoka sand. we are in a sand warehouse, this is the main component of the charge, 60% is included in
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the mixture, sand of a certain humidity, a certain temperature, a certain size. here are the main components: charge: soda ash, dolamite, field sludge, coal, sodium sulfate. in a certain proportion, all this is mixed , the final result is a charge for the production of sheet glass, all other serving materials are in separate bunkers, containers, from four to 400 tons, then they enter the conveyor compartment, mixed into mixers until a homogeneous mass, we get a gray coat, which then ultimately
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goes to the center in polished glass, glass techipeler, two lines, each line consists of three thermal units, this is a glass melting furnace, a melt bath, a distillation furnace, in order to obtain glass, everything must go through these three stages, and... through three thermal units, at the moment we are in the loading pocket of a glass melting furnace, with the main workshop supplies raw materials, mixed, the so -called charge, and behind my back they are mixed with cullet and, with the help of shifter loaders, everything is fed into the glass melting furnace, the first stage is the stage of silicate formation. here behind me now the temperature is 100-100°, the next stage
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of glass melting then there will be a peak temperature in which the furnace is located 1.515° in the furnace there is 2.300 then from eclamation, and the projected productivity of the pig is 800 tons of glass melt per day, glass melt is already... let's say, molten charge, that is , sand, soda, dolomide, everything, even in color, is bulk materials, but when heated , it happens that melting of glass melt occurs, the furnace works on the combustion of natural gas, during combustion, well, gas combustion occurs with the release of combustion products.
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where there are turbines that generate electricity, and naturally there are waste heat boilers that heat the water and heat it in the winter. the next stage of glass production is the formation of glass matation in a melt bath; glass melt is fed onto the molten tin, where spreading occurs. and longitudinally-transversely stretching and obtaining glass of the same thickness
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and width from the glass melt, now the thickness is 4 mm and the width of the glass strip is 321 cm, this flattened bath allows the production of the first width 3 m 21 cm, the next width is 3 m 60 cm. from 3 to 8 mm in thickness, with you the melt, the glass comes with the following thermal unit: an annealer to the furnace, here the internal stresses are relieved, the glass strip cools, that is, the glass burns, the glass moves to the rotating oxen, with the help of air it cools... naturally, in each zone there is uneven
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cooling, the load is removed from everything, that is , heat is taken in, that's approximately where i 'm now showing 580°, at the exit the glass will be approximately at a temperature of 70° . we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. the temple at mosary - geta dastatkova laconic, navat prasyakny spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsii. let's look at their history and
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basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta just 790. the bastards knew rech paspalitaya, and with this we seem to be familiar, ending with the familiar style of baroka, and all the city's crowns here take us away from the people so stupidly to, because more recently, the documenta- tion for architects would myastsov admyslovets architect chakhovich. who is he ? glyadzitsa is a prime example of the architecture of belarus. kali spachatku.
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it’s impossible, meet archimandrite veniam konstantinov, hello, arina prozarovskaya, veniamin, zoya, bless, the germans are opening churches in the occupied territories, so wait until they occupy kiev, then you’ll go to the commandant’s office, two priests, two novices, katya, mother, promise , that, that you will be alive, mom, now your trinity is for the good of your homeland, you know, the war will soon return to you, it’s dangerous there, well, where will you run?
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now we are in the control room, the central control panel, here all the processes that take place in the glass melting furnace in the melt bath are controlled, and... the glassmakers monitor the temperatures, uh, pressure, the hydraulic mode, welding of the glass melt, and the glass strip molding operators control technological process of forming glass strips on molten tin.
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now we are in the ignition area, an open area where further work takes place. cooling and cooling of the glass tape and here it is here, over the entire time, we already see the tape itself being used, the glass itself, and in the future the glass is taken for program cutting. the glass, which has passed the rejection stage and is cut to size, is then sent to the area in a stack, with the help of cutters to the pyramid, then the glass is checked for compliance with size, defect and with the help
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of forklift technicians, then. special vehicles for transportation of this size, that is, the glass is installed on the pyramid and checked.
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the industrial processing workshop is engaged in glass processing, the construction site glass, that is, there are new lines there, also a type of industrial glass processing. in 2023, we completed a large-scale modernization of this production. during the modernization process, we updated. glass processing, in addition, we installed and put into operation a glass tempering line. today in this workshop we produce
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products for the national economy, these are glass shelves for household refrigerators, for gas stoves, for microwave ovens, we also produce glass for glazing greenhouses, which are in demand in the republic belarus, so beyond. we also produce tempered glass for land transport, also in our workshop there is a special glass section, and in this section we produce two types of coated glass products, which can be either energy-saving, sun-protective, or multifunctional, and here we produce safety glass, laminated glass, for the production of these types of products we obtain glass from workshop polished glass in the form of glass blanks of size dlf or folf. all products are coated, it is used for the production of double-glazed windows, since we have an energy saving program in our republic, and there are certain requirements for the regulatory construction
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of buildings and structures, after spraying, each glass undergoes one hundred percent quality control, both visually and with a control system that is located in one hundred and in line, the optical characteristics are checked and characteristics such as: emissivity are checked, and the energy-saving properties of the resulting product depend on the emissivity, the lower the value of emissivity, the more protected our building will be from heat loss and, accordingly, the penetration of solar energy into the room. today our products are certified for compliance with european, national and cis standards. we produce high-quality products that are in demand in the markets ; they do not stay in our warehouses, we have
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a production laboratory, a laboratory for raw materials, and a laboratory for final products; good raw materials make good products, production laboratory is involved. at all stages of production, we carry out laboratory control, starting from incoming control of raw materials that arrive at our enterprise, ending with quality control of finished products, output control in the laboratory is carried out around the clock , the chemical composition of the charge is monitored for compliance with the established recipe. mines, the content of calcium oxides, magnesium oxide is controlled,
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the content of insoluble residue in the charge is controlled, very often the humidity of the charge is monitored, almost once every few hours, here in the production laboratory the quality control of the finished product is carried out, first of all, these are the optical characteristics, here the most important indicator is controlled - the transmission of solar radiation, here the products of industrial glass processing are controlled, very what is important here is that the coefficients are controlled by the indicator, such as the value of residual internal stresses, this indicator further characterizes the strength. glass, so that its spontaneous destruction does not occur in the future. today we can guarantee that our products fully comply with
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established quality requirements. at each stage there is control from the laboratory, from the technologists, there are services that must control and manage these processes. at the moment , glass production inspectors check glass for optical indicators in reflected and transmitted light, take measurements of metric dimensions and check it for surface quality. our enterprise does not stand still; every year new methods, new developments, new production lines and glass processing are introduced. the company employs about 1,700 people and will be organized in one shift, in four shifts. the glass production process is continuous and never stops. i
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was born to everyone in kostyakovka, i studied here, at school during labor lessons they brought us kids to the factory and showed us, look, this is how glass is made, this is how these cars come with glass, that is, this is from school, and the first since i worked here in 1983, i just came during the holidays and just worked part-time in the summer, all the time. in the second year since then, well, i’ve been near the glass of time, initially the driver came, the machine, vertical glass of the third category, after 2000 i was a foreman, in the sixth year i became the head of the section, the head of the line, i became the head of the workshop probably 7-8 years ago. i worked in delivery for a very long time, so now even among the workers i
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know their parents.
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i help each other, then that’s what will happen the result, i like my job, because i haven’t really worked anywhere else, all the time, i say that i am near the glass, no matter who i am, no matter what i do, i have always been near the glass.


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