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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 7:05pm-7:36pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] a lot also depends on everyone, that is , it’s not just one person who does everything, it’s the team that does it, the team does it, but if a good team, a good team, they know what to do, they understand, they help each other, then from there there will be a result. i like my job, because well, i haven’t really worked anywhere else in the mansion, i say that i am near the glass, no matter who i am, no matter what i do, i have always
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been near the glass. marat kozey was born on october 10, 1929 in the village of stankova near minsk. his military the biography began immediately after the death of his mother, when he and his sister joined the partisan detachment named after the twenty-fifth anniversary of october, where he became a scout. for the battle in january 1943, when a wounded marat raised his comrades to attack
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and fought his way through the enemy. ring he received a medal for bravery. in march 1943, the young hero actually saved a partisan detachment. when the punitive forces surrounded the partisans near the village, it was marat who was able to break out of the encirclement and bring help. on may 11, 1944, near the village of kharamidskie razvet, a group of partisans was surrounded germans. the group commander, mikhail larin, died immediately. amarat began to fire back, when the cartridges ran out, the hero threw one of the grenades at the enemy. despite the losses, the germans wanted to take him alive. as they approached, fourteen-year-old morat kazei blew himself up with a grenade. for his heroism in the fight against the nazi invaders, morat kazei was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union.
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posthumously. technologies of the future, products of domestic mechanical engineering are in demand in world markets. let's see, belgos food industry concern is implementing a new popularization project. belarusian food products. child friendly border. the state border committee and unicef ​​are strengthening cooperation. and the immortality of the feat. an exposition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders is presented in moscow. the program "events" is on air. in the studio olga onishchenko. hello. belarus continues to build its export portfolio by expanding the geography of product supplies. and our equipment, for example, is awaited literally all over the
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globe. horizons potential of belarusian let’s ask our columnist oles vysotskaya for machine builders. the far arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country, huge markets and prospects, it is necessary to wisely use demand and more actively develop new directions. for brazil, our tractors are like a breath of fresh air. the assembly plant that cooperates with mtz has already received more than 8,000 applications. from local farmers on tractor models 112 and 152. just do it. it's a very interesting time right now. and distant geographical countries, they are becoming closer to us. brazil for us is that point in the distant arc where we can and should settle well. the very circumstances of our lives dictate that we be closer to each other. this is the largest country in latin america, there are 216 million inhabitants, it is an agricultural country, you understand perfectly well that there is a synergy of our interests here, an agricultural country needs fertilizers in order to
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harvest its crops. three times or more per year, an agricultural country needs technology to cultivate the land, how can we not remember the belarusian technologists, our our experience that exists not only in latin america, i’m talking about ecuador. firstly, it will be attractive if the price is right, because one of the biggest difficulties that farmers face is the use of large amounts of manual labor, since they cannot afford to purchase expensive equipment, so if
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belarus there is affordable equipment that we could use, this would be an ideal entry point into our market, i know you are in large volumes exported all over the world, so i think. what is known about this? one of these is already being tested in brest, it is a machine with 350 horsepower, experts are studying the system. security, navigation, and other characteristics so that the drone can work in the field. there are a lot of tasks themselves, from artificial intelligence for analyzing the situation, to building maps, analyzing the risks that arise during operation,
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to specific cases of how a tractor should behave with this or that unit, that is, this is all a large field for research. first an unmanned tractor is being studied at a technical university, where it was transferred by the minsk tractor plant. special emphasis during
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development. appears at the allied electric truck, what kind of car will it be? the new belas heavy truck with a lifting capacity of 120 tons was seen in action by representatives of leading russian mining companies: the battery for the dump truck is produced at rusatom, and the dump truck can operate for up to 8 hours on one charge. the belarusian automobile plant continues large-scale modernization of workshops, which will be completed in twenty this year. this will help increase the production of quarry equipment.
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more than... mining dump trucks per year, with a load capacity from 30 to 240 tons. we are currently working to modernize our production facilities, which we plan to complete in the twenty-fifth year, increasing our production capacity to 1,200 units per year. depending on the model of the mining dump truck, the localization level ranges from 60 to 80%. much attention is also paid to the 13-ton hydrogen fuel dump truck. this is a prototype for now, but by the end of the year the new product will be made into a prototype for work primarily in russian quarries. the belgospischeprom enterprise also announces the implementation of a strategy to enter new markets. let us remind you that it started in 2023. what are the progress? then we managed to gain a foothold in
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africa and began supplies to somalia, brukinofasso, ganna, and equatorial guinea. this year, in the first quarter, exports of products increased by more than 25%. our presence in china is also growing, but this is a key task. the domestic market remains saturated to promote bilgos pishchiprom products launched the project at once over the course of two months, opinion leaders on social networks will share with subscribers the secrets of producing their favorite delicacies, this is the case when you can find truthful and objective information on the internet, but in a lively, interactive form. each blogger will be assigned a company, each one will surprise you with both new and proven products. belarus remains among the world leaders in food supplies. our sausage and milk are known in hundreds of countries. china, cuba, africa, all this is no longer exotic directions. in addition to the quality of products, we now need to improve the quality of marketing. many of our consumers, seeing a wide
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range of products on their table, have at least once wondered how it is produced, how the quality of the product is maintained, how such high quality indicators are achieved, so of course, this project will help our consumers understand how much work, how much care and attention at our enterprises is invested in obtaining such a high-quality product, bringing the consumer closer to the final product, to see our concern for our people, for the quality of the products produced, so of course this project should serve to integrate the end consumer and the manufacturer. the project is planned to last for 2 months, its results will be summed up by the largest agricultural exhibition in the country, belagra , this summer. thank you, the review was prepared by alesya
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vysotskaya. more news from the field. countries, especially eminent
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belarusian historians, declare that it originates there from the polotsk veche, from this form of interaction between belarusians in our earth, since ancient times, so today we are saying that this form of democracy has proven itself and has repeatedly been a restraining factor on the territory of the modern republic of belarus in our sovereign history, helping, among other things , to balance the branches of power. stated what needs to be done over the course of five years, because with the arrival of alexander lukashenko , we reached this form of fairly serious strategic planning, which many critics today who do not understand, how the belarusian people's assembly operates, they say that in belarus everything happens in seven minutes, some decisions are made based on some seven-minute circumstances, in fact there is a strategic
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plan, this is strategic planning... to cancel decisions that are made by government bodies and even to give our assessment of the actions of the head of state, we understand that all these functions that are included in the supreme national assembly are most likely done for the long term, because in the current situation we have a fairly balanced system, a strong leader who is ready to take responsibility, will do it, has proven himself, we are confident in him. we understand that in the current situation such functionality will most likely not be
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in demand, but in the future, this is the very strategic basis in the legal sense of how we can restrain certain movements in a destructive direction on the territory of the republic of belarus. as for the delegates of the supreme council directly, this is again a rather serious burden of responsibility, so we we understand that the people there are not ordinary people, not from the street, relatively speaking, these are those who have proven themselves in the work collective, those who are initiators, innovators in one area or another within the framework of their specific
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work activities. we do not represent, we do not consider anyone as some kind of potential enemy, especially as regards the peoples that surround the republic of belarus. in this sense, we also let our neighbors understand our plans for the future, how we see this future, and how we will react in certain situations. circumstances, including, possibly, potential actions that will be directed as a threat to our republic, to belarusian society. and... therefore, again, you need to understand in what format these documents were adopted, because quite a serious public discussion took place, in addition to the fact that they were adopted at the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is, let's say , such a bold point in the long journey of preparing those same documents, because they were discussed in work collectives, including scientific experts, political science
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environment, so we can note that these are quite seriously developed documents that not only meet the challenges of our time, but again... look far ahead - at the possible circumstances that may arise, and one of them is the same biological threat, which appears for the first time in our documents reflects the very level of danger associated with the spread of the pandemic, we also declare that we will take a closer look at this issue, including alexander lukashenko after all, it indicated that there is a need to form
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some kind of conference on biological safety on the territory of conditionally workers of a particular enterprise, with parliamentarians, with deputies, with
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civil servants, so i think that we still... suggests that belarus has chosen the right path of development economy, that we are investing in the development of knowledge-intensive industries and are a leading state in this direction, this is important, it is worth paying attention to this, of course, when you are making the groundwork for the upcoming development of their state, such people, they literally determine the course of development of our state, well, the key meaning of the form is probably just that... all the most important decisions, they are made by us together, are there any similar examples in world practice, and do you think the belarusian experience can become a good example for other states? in a sense, in political science it is believed that in part the all-china people's congress may be some kind of similar option, but most
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in fact, there are indeed elements that overlap, but as an all-belarusian people's assembly, we have invested such - the experience of previous generations in building such a popular, say, analysis that balances between the branches of power, knows about the problems of the state, knows how to solve these problems, by and large , the all-belarusian people's assembly is the salt of the belarusian land, and people who take responsibility know about the problems and challenges, they are actively monitoring, they are on the agenda,
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in this regard, we understand that... we can learn, because we see how much that very political system is stalling on the territory of the european union, in the west there really is something in this sense in the united states, that officials live somehow then yours. views, their lives, and ordinary people are increasingly forced to go to protests, and these are narrow protests, ranging from farmers, ending with doctors, teachers, railway workers, that is, a huge layer of problems has accumulated and the absence of such a body as the all-belarusian people's the meeting does not allow power to build this bridge between people, in ours, in our case, such a problem does not arise, well , in fact, if you think about it, this is inherent in our mentality, but to discuss here... such common things that are important for society, strategic, including, yes, what is included in the national assembly, questions, all together, talaqa, as we often say, and why is this important
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today in the current realities, in your opinion? again, because the challenges we face are truly unprecedented, for a long time, even a decade, i would say, there was a balance of power between the soviet union and the united states since 2001, the united states
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unilaterally began to destroy this... today , legislation is being considered to bring criminal liability, i think, that we
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should think about this, but first of all , i emphasized for myself the very recipe that the head of state announced: it is necessary to meet with people and speak directly, it will be quite difficult to convince a simple a person, for example, that this or that deputy, politician, representative of government, government agencies is some kind of, well, scoundrel,
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relatively speaking, or he does some... related to issues of psychology, issues of identifying unaccompanied children, well, in general , we hope to improve and strengthen the material and technical base of the state gravity committee, with special equipment and conditions for working with children. as a result of the meeting, the parties signed a memorandum of understanding. its main goal is to establish a long-term partnership to create and develop a friendly environment for families with children. an agreement was also reached on the need for this. local monitoring at the state border. unicef’s cooperation with the state border committee of belarus began several years ago with the pilot project child friendly border. at the minsk national airport , corridors were allocated and special conditions were created for children. in minsk, issues of reforming the union media were discussed, which was included in the information agenda. issues of increasing the efficiency of the media, as well as creating
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union media holding. its main task is
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an objective and truthful reflection of the process. on the creation of a media holding of the union state on january 29 following the results of the meeting of the supreme state council held in st. petersburg. on the eve of the holiday season , a big tourist week took place in minsk, tell us about its main events. this is the second belarusian-russian tourism congress and traditional international exhibition fair of recreation. this year it brought together more than 300 participants from nine countries. belarus
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was represented for the first time by all 118 districts. today in the country 13 species develop. tourism is in demand for everyone, primarily from neighbors; last year , more than 5 million russians visited the republic; one of the priority areas of union tourism is the development of transport accessibility. we are glad that today 16 regions, let’s say the republic of belarus and the russian federation, are connected by flights, but today there are more than thirty requests, at least today there should be such such directions. railway connections, if we speak, then... why not, tourist trains, what can work, that is, from point a to point b we need to deliver our tourists as quickly and comfortably as possible. belarusians also actively travel around russia. in twenty-three , the number of trips doubled. dagestan is becoming a popular destination. in the near future , a direct air flight from minsk to machkala will be added to the bus tours. during the days of the exhibition, the second belarusian-russian tourism congress was held.
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among the participants, representatives of government and business of the two countries, experts spoke about the harmonization of legislation, development organized tourism, as well as investments in belarusian infrastructure. any investor is interested in expansion, and the new belarusian market is attractive. moreover, from the point of view of tourism infrastructure, within the framework of unfriendly countries under sanctions pressure, it is much easier to enter belarus, for example, than even, say, uzbekistan, so this is of interest, these guys came to understand and hear what conditions might be. .. to offer the republic of belarus for their investments, then we should already go out, we the belarusian side to target investors, no longer potential, but targeted, with clear conditions, clear programs, clear government programs, loyalty systems, and most importantly with a specific offer.


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