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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 7:35pm-9:01pm MSK

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participants, representatives of government and business of the two countries. experts spoke about the harmonization of legislation, the development of organized tourism, as well as investments in belarusian infrastructure. any investor is interested in expansion, and the new belarusian market is attractive. moreover, from the point of view of tourism infrastructure within the framework of unfriendly countries under sanctions pressure, it is much easier to enter belarus, for example, than even, say, uzbekistan, so this is of interest, these guys came to understand and hear.
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international exhibition center, its opening is expected in mid-2025 . the immortality of the feat in moscow is an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. what can you see at the exhibition? more than 100 items, for example, a portrait gallery of veterans, drawings by military artists, personal belongings of participants in the great patriotic war. a separate section is devoted to the work of the writer front-line soldier sergei smirnov, author of the book brest fortress. it was he who first attracted attention. heroic epic of defense citadels. the exhibition presents his personal diaries with recordings of interviews with eyewitnesses who defended the fortress. it was thanks to the activities of sergei smirny that many received awards, in particular the man who led the defense of the fortress, major gavrilov, since he was dismissed from the army and only thanks to sergei smirnov he received a hero’s star. and thanks to his book, in many ways we now have such a wonderful memorial complex in belarus, where we can actually come. exhibition visitors can
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watch archival photos and newsreels, and also listen to audio stories of participants in those events, privates, officers and nurses. through their personal impressions, everyone learns about the heroic defense of the brest fortress, as well as the liberation of belarus. the immortality of the feat is a joint project of belarusian and russian museums; it opens a series of events that will take place on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results - analysis of the main ones. main broadcast, all projects of our tv channel are on the website, and also on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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hello, club of editors on tv channel belarus 1 on tv channel belarus 24, we will discuss important topics of the past week, i represent the guests who gathered today in the studio 600 m on makayonka 9. dmitry aleksandrovich zhuk, editor-in-chief of the publishing house of belarus.
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was going to the program for comments from the deputy head of the presidential administration of belarus vladimir borisovich pertsov, a member of the editors club, a person who often comes here, and he reminded me of a topic that... we had been discussing for a long time, we knew this topic about the ignalina nuclear power plant, which is located on the other side of the republic of belarus, which poses a real huge threat to our country. let's listen to these words. we would like to remind you that our ostrovets nuclear power plant was built according to the most modern canons and safety standards. but the ignalinskaya nuclear power plant, which...
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journalists of our newspaper belarus today dealt with the issue, watched how it went this is what the european union demanded of them - the closure of this station, but in fact it is a huge problem, because the experience and protocols on how to do this safely simply do not exist, and they did it as god put it on their souls, right, good, not i think i mentioned this today and...
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here, by the way, there are several topics, i’ll pick up dmitry aleksandrovich, on the one hand, yes, nuclear issues, that’s what the president spoke about at the all-belarusian people’s assembly, this is the degradation of international institutions, this should be dealt with magate, special agency, which is located in vienna, but
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i have the feeling that it deals only with those problems when there is an order from washington, there is a real question, when one state has doubts about another, there is an international one. organization, we are open to any inspections, for any checks, but another very important issue is the belarusian-lithuanian border, we see that the lithuanian authorities are of great concern about pro-belarusian sentiments among those residents of lithuania who are directly next to ours borders, these are precisely those who enter us under our visa-free entry rules, so they create obstacles for them. i saw reports from western, even propaganda , resources that came. how do you feel about belarus? everyone says: okay, great, lukashenko has put things in order, these are the people, the border is close by 5-10, 15, 20 km, many have relatives living, they come to our stores, they say, belarusian television is also watching there, watching, that’s 100%, there was one, i’ll tell you an interesting episode, here’s andrei
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evgenievich krivasheev, our friend, leader the council of journalists will confirm that several years ago we came to ladgalia, this is the eastern territory of latvia, yes, the former vitebsk province, by the way,
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is open to cooperation with lithuania in this regard, but there, excuse the expression, they simply stood in a pose here are the offended people, which means that instead of constructive interaction we get some regular, which means, attempts to provoke provocations regarding the belarusian nuclear power plant, which means here to change the information background on the issue of our nuclear power plant, they also gave gribouskait, the previous president as the main task of lithuanian diplomacy, which they failed, they could not fulfill it. she set them the task of stopping the construction of a nuclear power plant, but in itself it looks ridiculous, this is how they could influence
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the decision of a sovereign state, well , of course, they filed complaints to these international institutions, we willingly received all the inspectors here, showed them everything, to demonstrate our transparency , but we really have questions about the security of ignalina, and i’m in this connection, i remember when we still had a certain dialogue with the european union, the work of coordination work.
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there is a world community there, because it’s scary, and it will definitely cause a very violent, negative reaction, that’s why it’s scary, well, for us, why is it scary, chernobyl, we remember everything, but also the vivid memories of how we revived the chernobyl lands, how much effort and how much money was invested in ensuring that these regions not only continue to live, but that they reach a new level, one medical center in gomel, a center of traditional medicine, remember what it cost to be built, this is life, this is people’s health, this is a very important presidential position,
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i remembered this today, this is his will, not everything even in gosarat. livestock is growing, people are living, the birth rate is one of the highest, for example, in norovlyanskoye in the same district, compared with all other districts, curiously, in these districts there are always, there are two points, there was an increase in a number of districts, here with us worked, by the way people who came from there in advance, i remember once, there was a slightly increased radiological background, yes, there was always an increased
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birth rate, in such a strip along the cusp, but there were seven, eight children ,
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a very famous representative of the twenties on the other hand, who, well, in plain sight , has already said that yes, the americans and western europe in belarus for
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decades have involved a huge number of people in a variety of initiatives, from birds to embroidered shirts, and often under good intentions of some kind they financed with such pretexts, there were large sums, i want to tell you, i would even name some...
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directly from the feelings from the hall and what people told us, i immediately after the meeting went to a meeting with voters at a school in my district, the interest was very great, people listened carefully to the results that the meeting gave, but what ’s important, well, vladim franovich shows you, let’s not emphasize this , yes, what’s important, the concept is the same national security, it’s not only the issue of protection from threats, this is a development program, this is a reflection of those.
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the meeting was fully broadcast, here is an honest, realistic conversation about the threats we face, what it leads to, society must mobilize, not in the plan , now everyone is looking at russia, ukraine, military mobilization, no, there is the concept of civil mobilization , for each in his own workplace, well, since you are the first to get the first results, well, at first glance, even from the feelings, from conversations with people, to build political life into the national assembly in order to protect.
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i want to say that this is a process, we should not expect from the first meeting in constitutional status that it will immediately become the body on which people pin their hopes, but i have no doubt that this will happen quickly enough, why? after all, we must proceed from this, from the fact that any organ survives and any process in society survives when people need it, if people don’t need it, whatever you want, whatever resources and forces you direct, it will still be rejected, that's how it seems
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the immune system will... repel him, let us remember how in soviet times some structures began to reveal their foreignness and were rejected by society, for example, komenterns and so on, the ans will definitely take root, why, but because those decisions are made on it, who are not just important, who are at the forefront of modern challenges and the tasks facing belarusian society. now we have adopted the concept of national security and military doctrine.
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and, probably, not everything we can now consider what happened, yes, we only began to work, there are obvious things, we are talking about political life, but in the political structure of the country the national assembly has existed for almost 30 years since 1996, and once again let us remember this experience, the president then, having convened the first assembly, essentially saved the country, took her away from the abyss, that was the name of his program.
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at that time a bulky, important, but cumbersome and not very agile body, to make it work, work efficiently, so we looked a little differently at the choice of delegates, staked out this order was prescribed in the constitution in the law, they reduced the number of delegates, but there were 4,700 people meeting there and there were 2,300, well, about 300 delegates. now up to 1,200, this is already such an asset, you know, there is no ballast among these delegates, absolutely none, and the most important thing is that this body has received regularity in its work, yeah, if something is not used
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constantly, forgive rust, it doesn’t work well, this body will work, then they elected a presidium, which, from my point of view, is endowed with very important and enormous powers that will...
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the system must proceed evolutionarily without any shocks, it seems to me that the all-belarusian people's assembly and what is happening now is the improvement of the evolutionary political system that we must follow, absorbing all the best, as the president also said , we don’t deny anything, not even some western european aspects, but we just refract them as if on us, on our mentality, on our culture, on our traditions and we also try to implement them, so i’ll tell you that on behalf of the civil society in which doubted, as alexander said...
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said: you make a decision, each of us is responsible for the concept of national security, for the military doctrine that was adopted, and not only did we read them, and he repeatedly drew attention to the fact that even if not you got it there , read it, because you will have to explain this to people in the field, firstly, explain it, and secondly, each of us is involved in every word that is written there, in what... what will happen next , this is it, it seems to me,
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improvement of the political system in terms of complete democracy, we no longer just share, well, we came as delegates and simply shared some kind of temporary responsibility, we bear specific responsibility for everything that will happen in the country, this is firstly, but secondly , i will tell you that from these members of civil society, the people who sat and just looked from the sidelines at the live broadcast, they saw the future and the elite, including the political one, well, of our country, these are the people who.. .we have, yes, because when they say, well, who are there the same people all the time and no one else, look, 1200, well, let’s say half of them are completely new fresh faces, who today tomorrow will make responsible decisions and take responsibility for the future of their country, plus these are people from of the people, which the president also drew attention to, who will not remain silent, he said, speak up, argue, well, some questions should be raised, yes, because you are representatives of the people, you came here, you have the right. and must speak out in order to so that there is also such a balance, yes, so that
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there is also a system in place that will balance, probably all such critical issues, like well, regarding disputes, so that someone does not think that we have gathered, we were presented with two one concept, and one doctrine and we all raised our certificates, voted, how much public discussion, more than 2 flight phase, that’s when the dialogue.
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in this case, the argumentation set out in the concept of national security in military doctrine is so obvious to any person, to the patriot of the republic of belarus, who is in modern realities, that it would be strange if these documents did not pass approval, one could confidently predict that they would be approved, another simple question is that olga alexandrovna, each of us now bears personal responsibility for further development of our country in accordance.
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their implementation involves the involvement of the entire belarusian society in many processes, not only what we call civil society, but the belarusian society as a whole and state, a good correct phrase was said that the army wins the battle, the people win the war, it is very important that these documents and their subsequent implementation will
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orient people to perform some tasks, functions that will not allow any external forces, be it in the information sector. ..
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who spoke nikolai evgenevich buzin agrees, he is an experienced military man, doctor of military sciences, he says: the third world war - it is clearly defined, this is a direct clash of major powers or their coalition with the use of nuclear weapons, that’s what we should be talking about, another thing is that we are in a situation where there is such anxiety, preparations for a conflict, this reminds you of the thirty-ninth, the fortieth, not only, these are two periods that we accurately record the beginning of world wars , it's the beginning of the twentieth. centuries, when one crisis changed another, they were quite bloody, the russian-japanese war, the bosnian crisis, there were two moroccan crises, then the famous assassination of franz ferdinand happened, with which the war began, now with gas ukraine, yes, not only, was formed in the thirties too, because many people forget
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that before the second world war there was a very bloody spanish civil war, can you imagine, a huge country, spain, has been blazing with war for 3 years, the leading ones are involved... tanks, planes , it was a rehearsal for the second world war, in ukraine, with all its bloodiness, there is a rehearsal, god forbid, of course, for a major clash, three centers of armed tension have formed, this is the eastern european center, and not only ukraine, the baltic states, that concentration troops, which is happening in the area of ​​poland and the baltic states, this is another direction, but this is all the eastern european theater of military operations, further closer. the east, especially the confrontation between israel and iran, artificially escalated and the far east, the pacific region, these are three centers of armed
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tension, the same thing happened in the thirties, a european center was formed around hitler’s germany , a pacific center was formed around japan, we see this repetition, and here very important, you know, like in any ordinary martial arts forceful, you need to show the enemy inner confidence, composure, then you can. their statehood, they must understand this, and you can openly say that this could be, this is a nuclear weapon, of course, literally one minute
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development of the words of vadim frantsevich, i would like to draw another historical analogy, and this is also important for us to understand, historians speaking about the beginning of the first and second world war use the concept of sliding into war, this is the emergence of such conflicts, such processes that, for example, a year or two ago were unthinkable, pay attention, now there is a slide... parallel, yes, look, it’s hard to imagine, but in the late twenties, early thirties, negotiations were underway in europe on general disarmament on general disarmament, several years have passed, the spanish war is already underway the war, a couple more years, the second world war is beginning, now it’s underway, i’ll literally finish it, this is a descent into war, conflicts that relatively recently seemed impossible, they would not have been allowed, now they look at it completely indifferently, this is what we must understand, so our readiness for...
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the leaders of the armed forces, state security and the kgb in the first place, ivan stanislavich tersel, they tried to say with their speech: “know that we know.” that is why the speech of the kgb chairman, which i recommend to everyone interested to watch carefully, was so detailed, right down to, yes, right down to the identifying information of the leaders of the gangs, their location, and time. and locations for combat training , it was detailed exactly therefore: you know what we know, we are ready,
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our documents, these ones, which are open in nature, the concept of national security will be adopted in its development , closed legal acts, but the military doctrine and the concept of national security are political documents in including, they are open, they are now being analyzed by our counterparts, and there are very specific instructions that in order to ensure the security of the belarusian state... it is always afraid of any military action or something else, because we are perfectly we understand, they are also afraid, well, we understand perfectly well, we are mothers, we are wives, and for us this
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is absolute pain, so - i’ll tell you what, for example, our women say, that it is very good that nothing is hidden that the whole society is absolutely calmly informed of all the moments that exist, and the threats that exist on the perimeter, and what can happen inside, and the concept of national security and military doctrine, believe me, women would not have read them before, but when you they tell it, explain it when you understand where the threats are, you understand, and you hear... calm, absolute calm in the words of the head of state, absolute calm in the words of those heads of departments who are responsible for this, you have confidence in the future, you understand that yes, everything is complicated, it’s complicated there, it’s complicated here too, but you have confidence that the country will continue to develop peacefully, and you will live in peace, so this unconditional openness, which is also for this purpose the all-belarusian people’s assembly, to me seems to play a very important role because
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it is an open open story about everything that is happening and open. such outright scoundrels are sometimes pulled out from under the plinth that you wonder how they could have formed in our society at all, you know, recently some citizen was sitting, placing a flag with a swastika on his desk, they were celebrating the terrorist attack in crocus city hall and didn’t hesitate to go on youtube with this, you understand, that is , relatively speaking, such people can do
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anything, anything, anything, there is no such thing crimes. i just wanted to talk about these people, vadim frantsevich, when he drew parallels between the events of this year, last year and the events of the last century, he missed another important thing that he was talking about, it seems to me, let me correct you, anislavich said tertel, here are just a few of his theses, a scenario is being implemented in belarus, an example of the consequences of which we see in ukraine, with its destroyed cities and so on, more than 40 channels for the transfer of weapons have been stopped.
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come off, we have something like this lately the word some kind of collaboration in terms of business cooperation has spread, it always hurts my ears, here are colleagues, you’re just stories, yes, no, well, you know, it seems to me that to any normal belarusian, like the word policeman, the word collaboration is well not our word, let’s not use it, this is just getting distracted, but this is also important, this is also security, this is humanitarian security, the terms that we use when talking about this, yes, hitler’s germany always formed similar structures, here. let's take belarus, in 1941 they came here, they brought with them in the convoy someone, former leaders of the bpr, the same ivan yarmachenko, many others, they later found local traitors, but then they formed them. the next moment, they liberated the territory of belarus, they began to create, so i mentioned what the dalwitz battalion is, these are precisely those traitors who were put together, given them
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training in order to be thrown here into the territory of belarus and after the war... jewish pogroms were carried out by gangs bulak-balakhovich, the savenkovites are the same, well , savenkov is not their hero, but bulak-balakhovich, the same mikhas vitushka, yes, who is directly related, kushel, that is, hitler’s minions among the current traitors are a hero, a direct continuity of evil, meanness and betrayal, but tell us also the development of vadim frantsevich’s thought, because this tactics and strategy were continued by the united states in
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the second half of the 20th century.
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attracting the service of scum, traitors and traitors to the motherland, as a result of this policy during the great patriotic war belarus has lost a third of its population, but their plans have not changed at all, these people will come here with the same goal, to destroy the population, if we look at the result of the maidan in 1414, this is the destruction of the ukrainian population, this is the liberation of the area, excuse me, the food supply, we can call it for those .
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have already proven it many times, first of all , this has been proven by our national leader, the head of state, and we are next to him on the information front, on the military, on the economic front, we will not give up an inch of our land and will not give up a single position, so
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i remember here the words of the commander of the internal troops, nikolai nikolaevich krapinkov, i really like them, very succinctly, if they cross into our state border, these are these clowns, which means they are from these gangsters, we have destroyed them, they will not see a lelchitsa or a kobrin, i exactly like this. i wanted to say, of course, it seems to me that in the west vkom vkom, but in the president of belarus they have no doubt how this will all end for them, if this is still a topic in your plan, the president said about it that they received a command, so i wonder how the fugitives react, they received an order not to notice the entire belarusian people's assembly, they are doing something there , they are stabbing themselves there, that they are exhausted, no no, this is amazing, they all checked in that day, even those who were there for several times showed up i haven’t entered the information space for weeks.
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they have nothing to say, you know why, it’s very difficult to argue with common sense, everything that was done in that room for two days was subject to common sense, absolutely.
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this is the appearance, yes, it is reflected, of course, on the culture of life, on political behavior, there are a lot of deviants, a lot of deviants, a lot of people with perverted sexual behavior, this will later, i am sure, if such research is not carried out, will subsequently become the object of a separate criminological study, here is a social portrait of an active participant in mass riots, and you will see what is the number of previously convicted people who have been charged with a crime?
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let them not be offended by me, but what they say and since they sat down causes me concern, i don’t care at all, what you say and how you behave, so that you understand, sitting there abroad, that this does not affect us at all, but you are so strong in general, it finished us off in 1920, now i am telling you responsibly that this does not affect almost anyone , who is 99% of those 97% who are against you, and so ivan mikhailovich, well, vadim francevich, i have a better memory.
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from the point of view of historical events, i admit, but i remember the attempts to overthrow fidel castre in cuba, where it began, the same thing, they gathered this gang of emigrants on territory of the united states, the tenth, just like that, gathered a gang, which means they armed, trained, landed them, the cubans destroyed them to hell, the cuban state model exists to this day, all these fugitives continue there, that means from there, and from florida, send some .
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there, dynasties were formed in just these evenings, look, and so on, and people flow over, they say: new faces of the opposition, listen to the same ones who were once there in the early nineties, and whom the people have already rejected a long time ago, and there is corruption, everything is clear, but at the same time, the west is still an experienced and insidious enemy, they are constantly rebuilding, they change teams, they look, they try to test our weaknesses, and many of the technologies that they have been working out.
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the fact that they will give up will not happen, and the president says: don’t wait, they won’t lag behind. understand that the enemy is very, i would like to develop the thought of dmitry aleksandrovich, i completely agree with him, you should not make several mistakes, one mistake was made in soviet times, it may seem to you that this is a philological error, but it is a conceptual error, in our country the cold war was written in small letters in quotation marks, but for them it was written in capital letters for real, that is, without any quotation marks, they clearly understood that they were waging a cold war, should be proud of the defeat of the alliance, it’s as if we have toys, these toys led to the loss of a huge country, underestimation of the enemy, underestimation of the process that is going on, secondly, i would, you know, colleagues, i would warn us all, although we don’t have this, but for the future from
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tranquility, we are monolithic, we are united, the twentieth year taught us, i think that this process should be constant, well , it is customary to say, a permanent process of what, mobilization, maintaining unity, i would like to say something else, here are a few points: the current socio-political situation, two trends: with on the one hand: the improvement of the mood of the majority of society, the result of our acceptance of peace in various spheres, in law enforcement, in information, and so on. the second trend is the radicalization of the minority. this is the radicalization of protest minorities, that is, we are no longer talking about the political, about some political protest practices, terrorism, sabotage, banditry, crime, the willingness to commit crimes in order to achieve their political motives. and one more thing, of course, it’s twenty-fifth year, god forbid that the head of state decides to run for office, which means there is definitely no doubt that he will win, society is for him, the people are for him, which means what options do they have , well, they will throw these bandits at us, of course it will be social shock, but i am sure that our security
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forces will destroy these bandits, and then we will protect their relatives living on the territory of belarus from popular anger, so that their people will not be torn to pieces for trying to speak.
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the prosecutor general's office opened a criminal investigation into the theft of an american grant allocated to fight corruption in the prosecutor general's office. can you imagine, they allocated 60 billion dollars and impose sanctions on us.
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belarus, because offhand, offhand , without the internet, for every claim, i’ll give a dozen examples from the united states of america, just recently, i think that the americans will, if anyone else, we still have an embassy, ​​no, our embassy, ​​no, the american one is here, there is a mission.
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bring democracy here, although in my opinion they do not hide what they want in ukraine, they will do it to us under the guise of what they want in particular, but you saw that the ukrainians have limited, so to speak, the issuance of documents in their embassies in western countries , citizens of ukraine, well...
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since they were poisoning trump, well listen, in america this is repeated regularly, when american intelligence services in one country or another brought another bloody dictator to power, there were people in the american congress, they specifically allow this to happen, well, they don’t care about democracy, yes, who began to say, look what they’re doing there otherwise, look what samosa is doing, look what duvalier is doing there and so on,
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others told them, you are useful idiots, you are spreading soviet propaganda, and this is the term that was born, there are disputes over who it belongs to. roosevelt, nixon, but he definitely was regarding the samosa regime in nicaragua, it’s a son of a bitch, but it’s ours, they can even admit, yes, they are committing crimes, yes , there are massive massacres there, but they will do what they need, regarding, excuse me, regarding democracy in the united states america in western countries, i always say that they will have democracy when, for example, the communists come to power and announce that they want to join the union state, well then it will be russia and belarus, that’s how much?
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russia is ready for this, let’s say, well it is clear that some painful excesses may arise for the russian federation, of course, taking into account these weapons, this is a prolongation of the war, so, but my point is that on key things that are important for america, the united states has complete consensus in power and will never there will be a different position, you know that here in this case the belarusian people have such a good bait, for us that’s all.
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they criticize regimes, they document their crimes, they actually finance them, they are their inspirers, sponsors and, relatively speaking, such jarganisms are the roof, so they cover them up, but when the situation changes, for example, there is no need to maintain a dictatorial regime in this or that country, or public popular resistance is already such that it is necessary to turn the page, they easily abandon these clients of theirs, they can kill, they can kill, yes, they can allow trials of them, that is... they disown them as soon as this figure becomes overly toxic, or they themselves can lead the process of overthrowing him, this is such a subtle policy , even rooted in the british medieval politics, the heirs of which in the true sense are the americans, of course, thank you colleagues, were mainly discussed today in the belarusian people's assembly, but
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i didn't play many excerpts, or rather, we probably didn't put excerpts from at all...
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only for our tv viewers, we choose. the best routes, we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city highway was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, local. the guy himself caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish blende weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show
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how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but the term for floating stations has not yet been invented. landscapes full of thoughtful sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. this is a panorama, a live broadcast, i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you about the main events of saturday, april 27, hello, before and after the all-belarusian people's forum, precisely its fateful strategic decisions, now our path of development, what to hear .


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