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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of saturday, april 27, i will tell you, sergei lukovsky, hello, before and after the all-belarusian people's forum, precisely its fateful strategic decisions, now our path of development, what the delegates heard, what the audience realized and what is the mood in today collectives we will hear all opinions, this is as if for all of us, a clear example of when to power. completely random people come, at the behest of the anglo-saxons, the kiev regime continues to erase the historical memory of the slavic people, they demolished another monument to the soviet soldiers, among our values ​​there is also kindness and responsiveness, as well as the motivation not to pass by trouble to help a person, the project “start your heart” continues, see also in our issue, a new page in the chronicle:
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the people’s assembly not only caused a wide all-belarusian discussion of the belarusian statehood, but also became a large-scale event within the regions. let's discuss together the seventh congress of the all-belarusian people's assembly. the core theme of all-belarusian meetings is security. the current forum is, of course, no exception. maybe on the agenda fateful issues of protecting the country. the potential and prospects of the army are also in the sights of the disposition project. time has chosen us, and this is the time. great achievements, the key theses of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly resonate in the country's labor collectives, we will hear voices from the minsk region. the traditional desire of belarusians for justice through popular power has determined the appearance of the modern belarusian economy. why is there no economy without the power of the people? i'm alexey avdonin, i'll tell you how democracy affects everyone's well-being from u.s. simple economics in panorama. a new
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flight under the wing of belavia from minsk to makhachkala is only 3 and a half hours of flight. emotions of the first passengers on our air. maria gnetchik wins the third stage of the modern pentathlon world cup in budapest. hockey players of the belarus youth team win silver at the future cup in the 3 on 3 tournament. about this and more in sports day. historical. week of april 2024, the attention of the whole country was focused on minsk and the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. the delegates of the supreme council approved the most important strategic documents, national security concept and military doctrine. the thesis: to live peacefully and invest one’s strength in further development became the main leitmotif of all speeches. our president once again emphasized that we want... we don’t want
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to fight with anyone, and this is the position of each of us, which means our security, the area of ​​​​responsibility of each of us. moreover , the hybrid form of aggression is becoming one of the main challenges to the supreme national assembly, it will be noted that geopolitical hawks are increasingly trying to rake in the heat with the wrong hands. recruitment practices are expanding people through threats and bribery, while the person can be used. even in the dark, without explaining the ultimate goal of his activities. transfer a parcel from one point to another, photographing a military facility or the movement of equipment during an exercise. similar incidents are constantly recorded by kgb officers. fundamental documents in the field of security, which were approved by delegates to the supreme council, help mitigate such challenges. the president will especially emphasize this. we do not want
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war, but any aggression will receive a worthy response. visiting places in belarus, and living in the village, in the forest. i go out there to a hillock, such a hill, i look at our land and think, well, what else do people need, what do they need, like in ukraine , to sit in this mud, unwashed, dirty, our youth must understand that god forbid there is a war, you, me and the youth , we will be the first there on the line of fire, dirty, washed up... perhaps lousy, unwashed, hungry, half-starved, sitting in these trenches, our life is good, comfortable, they live in america no worse than in europe, why are we fighting, why is this we must, we must
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live and develop peacefully, especially with such a neighbor like belarus, we don’t want to fight with anyone, and i’m sure we won’t fight. they understand that we can seriously respond, this is death, the simultaneous death of millions of people, this is a new war, and i have said more than once, if anything happens, we will all stand up as a bresst fortress, but we will defend our land, a large-scale nationwide forum has caused a serious international outcry, the congress was followed far beyond the borders of our region, and the theses that were heard from the podium became the subject of wide discussion: this was also discussed guests of today's panorama. hello, colleagues, we are discussing the all-belarusian people's assembly, the event was widely held, and i think it went far beyond even our
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region. sergei mikhailovich, were there any congratulations or reactions from your international colleagues? just on friday we met with the delegation of the communist party of vietnam, which is visiting belarus, and they congratulated our entire country. the people, the leadership of the country, our party, with the fact that the all-belarusian people's assembly was really successfully held, really important things were discussed questions, they support, expressed solidarity with us about the concept, the international policy that the president spoke about, i mean our version of what the world should look like and what place belarus should occupy in the world, who is around this new concept, concept different countries must unite for peaceful, fair coexistence, before this our chinese comrades also congratulated us. our people, belarus, the communist party of belarus with the successful implementation of the form, so indeed the echoes went all over to the world. alexander ivanovich, the pressing question is: what’s next, this is where it all ends, or the work will somehow continue, this includes the possibility of evolutionary development, because those decisions that were made, those postulates that were voiced in
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the speech of the head of state, they give us the opportunity to develop sustainably, evolutionarily, now it is important that delegates hold meetings in work... collectives at their place of residence, in their environment, in order to convey not only the atmosphere, but points of growth, to determine, and naturally, peace, security, evolutionary development - this is a need that has received a public request and is implemented in the decisions of the all-belarusian people's assembly, so the activities are just beginning, we have many achievements ahead, a lot of interesting events ahead. by the way, yes. literally on monday , a permanent forum of history teachers will begin work in the city of minsk. we will gather all the history teachers of the city of minsk and discuss historical memory, the preservation of historical memory, attempts to falsify our history, primarily from the position of the concept of national security, where such a concept as historical memory
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is mentioned more than once, so such work is practically beginning, today we understand perfectly well that a history teacher, a history teacher at school, in college , at the university - this is the one who today...
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must, among other things, pay attention to what is happening around him and signal to
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special services in order to eliminate the possibility of some unhealthy activity within the belarusian state that you do you think about this? indeed, the time is today, one might say, military and security, by the way, the concept affects not only the security bloc, but a variety of socio-economic spheres of belarus and, in fact, today we can ensure national security effectively, we will be able to connect everything.
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belarus is located at the junction of tectonic political planes, which is why the updated us-security strategy is the number one strategic document for the country. this opinion was expressed by the candidate political sciences, associate professor of the academy of labor and social relations pavel feldman. president lukashenko, who relies on the people of belarus, manages to do the almost impossible.
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about building up industrial potential, about technological sovereignty, therefore , the adoption of a national security strategy in an updated, improved form is a transition of the state to a new, qualitatively different principle of functioning of all its institutions. strategic decisions
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were made at every all-belarus meeting, every people's forum became in a literal... sense, a turning point for the country, for example, the first vns helped us move away from the edge of the abyss, this also applies to the army, which was not in its best shape at that time, to put it mildly, having felt support, the military themselves stood at the forefront of transformations, so today our army not only ensures a peaceful sky, but also guarantees stability tomorrow, about progression, security, project disposition. on air disposition egarin let's go. at the current people's forum, one of the key topics is, of course, the defense of the country. and it’s good, by the way, that we are talking about the topic of the forum, and not about reports from the line of combat contact. by the way, the peaceful status of today's belarus is largely a consequence
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of the decisions of the all-belarus meetings. literally every milestone in the formation of the army. yes, it really started. the development of the armed forces just after the first veche in ninety-six, then the young leader alexander lukashenko received the support of the entire society in matters of national security. by the way, these questions, for those who don’t remember, were extremely pressing. the west welcomed only an unconditional reduction armies literally, with autogen, without taking into account our national interests, and equipment was cut into scrap metal, and the whole formation was dissolved, one might say, in the mud. the prestige of military service. collapsed, but there was already a gap, the autogen was stopped, the sad ending became a positive beginning, i’m delayed, it’s a shame, i’m ashamed, it hurts to look at my regiment, mixed clothes, as i say, uniform number eight, what’s left is what we wear, but this is it is unworthy for our time,
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the president raised these questions, these problems, if he raised it, then i think these questions will be worthy.
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the officers' skin did not grow any more from the sight of a soldier; the country had a different army and a different mood in the ranks. as a military man, i am very pleased to hear what attitude our commander-in-chief has towards the armed forces. the issues of defense and security of our state are specifically and clearly defined. and today i am also pleased that the authority of our armed forces has grown many times over this five-year period. public support gives us, the military, new strength and stimulates development the best human qualities, devotion to one's homeland, selflessness and patriotism. the second meeting, despite recording tangible achievements, was not a siesta for the delegates. as for the army, the people gave it energy during the most ambitious stage
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of reform. new types of troops and associations developed, and their own was formed. the military education system started its own army science, and in general, aviation flew, tanks fired, large-scale exercises came into practice, including with the armed forces russia, for the first time it was voiced and began to be filled with specifics, the idea of ​​​​building a strong and prosperous belarus, about strong, so the military turned the installation into a constant, at all subsequent all-belarusian forums , horizontal and vertical proposals were not just met, but... built into the common highway strengthening defenses. in 2016, at the last meeting before the storm events, the president uttered prophetic words with a philosophy that made it possible... to preserve the republic. history has taught us that any a peaceful policy must be supported by the real ability of the state to protect
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its people. when touching on safety issues, i constantly repeat the thesis: gunpowder must be kept dry. the presence of god-ready armed forces, a territorial defense system, and effective law enforcement institutions is a guarantee of peace and tranquility on... our land. in the past, everything in belarus, when the clouds were just gathering over us, collective defense was chosen as one of the strategic vectors in the field of defense. first of all, we activated cooperation with russia. efforts to rearm the army received a serious impetus. without forgetting about time-tested systems, the troops were equipped with new technologies. the appearance of the armed forces has changed before our eyes in recent years. units and formations have mastered the mi-8-mtv-5 helicopters. 35m, su-30 cm aircraft, modernized tor, polones complexes, rtv, electronic warfare stations, unmanned vehicles for various purposes. in
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response to the openly aggressive steps of the west, threats, provocations and the build-up of nato forces borders, minsk was forced to place nuclear weapons, potential carriers, su-25 attack aircraft and iskander missile systems on its territory. revolutionary changes, especially after the start of the northern military district, took place. in the forms of use of troops and even the tactics of units. the new reality was completely ahead of the position enshrined in the concept of national security and military doctrine. for this reason, both documents were actually completely rewritten. by the way, the process quite unexpectedly received an unprecedented public outcry. the provisions were discussed throughout the country at dozens of dialogue platforms. and therefore it is quite logical that the last word in the matter of approving the concept and doctrine. the people are now at the all-belarusian meeting, of course there are many nuances in the field of defense capabilities being considered at the supreme national assembly, course adjustments will take place afterwards,
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but as for me, the key event, taking into account the emerging nuclear resources, is connected with the fact that the belarusians are clearly and openly making it clear the course towards a peaceful sky will continue, but checkmate cannot be put in our country now. the main theses that were voiced during the two days of the people's meeting, what was discussed on the political sidelines and what the delegates were treated to, as well as unexpected footage and exclusive comments from the very thick of things. even more details about how the all-belarusian people's assembly took place. you can find out from the section the time of the first, tomorrow on the main broadcast. an important event of the year, even
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malt in the tie. i think i 'll be working here today. voice of belarus and lukashenko. i vote, i put a bird in each cell. who's against it? no, no, you're wrong understood, it’s not me, it’s kochanova. why vns today? today we don’t need any discord, as lebedev and mezentsev whispered about during the president’s speech. so you talked about this? yes yes yes. political sidelines. it’s hard to be a collective lukashenko. and why exactly kosenitsa.
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justified restrictions that lead to continuous losses. alas, ukraine can burn even hotter. haven't the locals had enough of this european integration? are they really still ready to die for the interests of others and completely alien to them, because their countries there may not be one at all. as new york times journalists found out, american officials simultaneously persuaded congressmen
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to provide military assistance to the armed forces of ukraine. insisted on the adoption of a new mobilization law, until the last ukrainian. washington’s logic is like that of the nazis: if there are no people, then there is no need to supply weapons. but there is a downside: there will be weapons, which means that soon there will be no people. as for the states’ money for the war in ukraine, let me remind you that the officially announced figure is $61 billion. it turned out that most of these funds. traditionally, they will not leave the united states; they will spend some on replenishing their own arsenal, and some on financing the activities of the intelligence services of american bases, which train militants for the armed forces of ukraine. and after all this spending, the change will go to the kiev regime. the first tranche of $1 billion was announced earlier this week, and the pentagon said it could receive some of it within days.
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this is partly due to the fact that a number of measures were taken in advance. long-range atacoms missiles, but put forward conditions that they should only use them against targets in crimea, but not in other regions of russia. and by the way, they already used it on april 17 at an airfield on the peninsula. it is located approximately 165 km from the ukrainian front line. corruption in war and thieves from washington. what happens when evil crosses the border, like the white house
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plundered and destroyed the state.
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and in addition to the destruction by the americans
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by the british in ukraine. in the country , historical memory and the heroic legacy of the victors are being erased; in ukraine, another monument to the soviets has been demolished... laughter behind the scenes once again reminds us who authorities in ukraine. over the past two years, the kiev regime has been waging the most fierce struggle against monuments. almost all monuments dedicated to soviet heroes and achievements have already been destroyed. what is the connection between the ideology of nazism and
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the puppet structures that the west is forming and growing today? this is one of the threats to national security that experts and guests of the new issue paid special attention to. historical parallels that make you not only think, but also act proactively. during the great during the patriotic war, belarus lost a third of its population, yes, their plans have not changed at all, these people will come here with the same goal: to destroy the population. if we look at the result of the maidan in 1914, this is the destruction of the ukrainian population, this is the liberation of the area, excuse me, the food supply, it is possible. to name for those who are at the helm of all these saints how much she left us in the post-soviet space for infrastructure maintenance, probably 15 million, as well as the anniversary of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. why did minsk have
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questions to vilnius regarding the ignalina npp. for the full episode of the editors club, be sure to watch the tv news agency youtube channel. today is a sad day for belarusian sports. the capital said goodbye to konstantin koltsov. the funeral ceremony took place on the indoor rink of minsk youth in gorky park. the choice of location is symbolic. it was at the school of this club that the striker began playing hockey, and after that he had a bright professional career. over the years.
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in recent years, the athlete worked as a coach and really loved working with young people, especially when our young stars, suvorov, kuzmin, pyshkaila, denisov, kovgarenia, martynov, klimovich, kolosov, caught fire with him. many of these guys in the current convocation of the national team also came to say goodbye to their mentor. the flow of loved ones and relatives, friends, fans, hockey players, coaches, functionaries, representatives of other sports, journalists, did not stop today. a delegation from solovat yulaev arrived from russia along with head coach viktor kozlov. let me remind you that as part of the ufa team, koltsov was the first belarusian to win the gagarin cup. exactly this club became
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konstantin’s last place of work. we say goodbye to a great hockey player, a great friend. kostya was actually a good person, a great example for many hockey players. he truly loved hockey. devoted himself to it without reserve, lived, in my opinion, a very bright hockey life, never left hockey, i never wanted to leave it, became a truly worthy coach, unfortunately he left so early, of course we are all grieving, it’s hard to realize this, to this day since then, probably completely, i don’t realize it, we started working together in molodichno, in the national team, we went through this road with him, what can i say about him that... he always tried to pay maximum attention to the young people. konstantin koltsov died on march 18 in miami at the forty-second year of his life. he will be buried in
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his homeland in the village of chudenice, lagoisky district. belarus. schoolchildren joined a unique interdepartmental project; now high school students will know how to provide first aid in case of cardiac arrest. launch the next classes within the project. heart passed today, a vital course started on march 16 and about 25 thousand children are expected to participate in it by may 18, students are taught to provide basic medical care, classes are conducted by volunteers from departments of the belarusian medical university. today the intensive was held at school 205 in minsk. the institution was visited by the ministers of health and education. each of us should.
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there is an intensive course using modern mannequins, a master class on starting a heart for schoolchildren, and the head of the minister of education conducted it. with this problem, with these difficult life
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situations, of course, this allows us to carry out, among other things, psychological preparation of the children, if god forbid, there will be a situation in their life when they need to provide first aid. this event is dedicated to teaching tenth graders to provide first aid, in principle helping people who need it, because situations often happen when human life is at stake, and... even before the ambulance arrives, we can lose valuable time , for which we can provide help. thanks to the republican clinical medical center and with the support of two ministries, the ministry of health and the ministry of education , such a wonderful educational project is being implemented, start your heart, which is aimed at children learning the basics of first aid, of course the direction is extremely important. today we understand that in addition to the exclusively
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educational process, at school children must learn to acquire certain skills in providing first aid help. the final event of the start your heart project is scheduled for may 18 at the minsk arena, where project participants from all over the country will gather. belarus is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of accessibility to medical services. thanks to domestic scientific developments and new diagnostic and treatment methods, our doctors can perform any operation. the international medical exhibition of healthcare in belarus 2024 has completed its work in minsk . our oncologists presented the latest achievements at the large-scale forum. thus, in the republican scientific and practical center of oncology and alexandrov medical radiology uses cartic cell therapy to treat lymphomas, as well as various types of reconstructive surgery. for more than 5 years
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, the center has been using a gamma knife, which helps in the treatment of brain metastases. by the way, today this is a minimally invasive practice worldwide. we have introduced endoscopic surgery techniques for the larynx, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, and collaboration between head and neck specialists and neurologists. surgeons who allow you to perform operations that have not been performed before, thanks to the use of new modern equipment. i would also like to say that head and neck tumors have taken leading positions due to their high incidence throughout the world and also in our country. about 70% of patients with head and neck oncology consult a doctor already from the third or fourth stage of the disease, as doctors note, special attention. the area of ​​the mouth and pharynx should be given attention.


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