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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 5:50am-6:20am MSK

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at the velma hutka you can make delicious puree. potatoes are rich in starch, proteins, salts and vitamin c. you can prepare hundreds of different nutritious dishes from it. this is preparing crispy potatoes, a new, still unfamiliar dish to many. and all the bread and crackers are healthy and tasty products. crackers are timid with a very large bulb. boil the mixture and stir the puree, then add starch and salt. before eating , lubricate them with salted oil. yanas are immediately consumed in carbohydrates, carbs and egg whites. kalyryna 100 grams of crackers calories: 250 g of meat. crispy potatoes are in great demand. this is a wonderful
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snack for breakfast, a healthy and nutritious treat for children, an irreplaceable and convenient food for fishermen and tourist hunters. it produces dozens of different dishes, including the well-known belarusian potato pancakes. it is not always easy for amateurs to prepare them. as you can see, now it has become much simpler and easier. dried potatoes can be stored for a long time and are easily transported over long distances. dishes prepared from it have all the taste and nutritional properties of fresh potatoes. it’s not for nothing that potatoes are called second bread. 1 kg of potatoes can provide 840 calories.
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hello, the program of truth is on air, i’m ingabelova, all creativity is essentially a prayer, all creativity is directed towards... the almighty - wrote joseph brodsky, and
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indeed from the gospel parable it follows that talent is a gift of god. today we will talk about an amazing family of artist-soldiers, whose lives are intertwined with faith, love and art. the town of rajtsa was first mentioned in historical documents in 1511. in the middle of the 16th century , the famous european family of dunins became the owners of the land.
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he conducted radio in the belarusian language in australia for the belarusian diaspora. today, the raedsky estate is a clear example of the history of western belarus, associated with four iconic coats of arms and genealogies. the fact is that in the middle of the 19th century, ludwika rajecka married józef vereszczaka, the brother of adam mickiewicz's beloved maryla, and thereby transferred the estate into new hands. then both of their sons sold it. house of the count under camera, again we return to morela, because it was her grandson who bought this estate in order to give it as a dowry during the wedding of his daughter, yanina. she married zhultovsky. adam zheltowski was a professor at the university of krakow, so the young family rarely visited the rajce lands, but the vast agricultural land...
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this catholic order is very interesting, they had a theater, they read poetry here, sang songs, we seem to continue their traditions, here are already taking place, very interesting here, was 225 years old, for example, jan chichot, our father read poetry here, then editor znich from... also a lot of artists, writers, directors, cultural workers, friends come here, and we have such cultural gatherings here. the estate is interesting because its appearance is very
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characteristic of the structure of that period. here you can plunge into the quiet atmosphere of provincial life of the 19th century, feel the elusive breath of noble belarus. the house was built in a classical style, it reminds us of many houses - that century, colonial, everything was preserved, but the porch was a little different, the house was slightly modified, but the main features remained, and we decided to preserve them, so that our descendants would also see how what is amphilate for building rooms, what is a house that is in the classical style when it comes ... called a hall, there is a living room for guests, and there is a reading room, and there are some other rooms that serve for everyone. the roetsky estate is not only a monument, classical architecture of the 19th century,
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but thanks to the efforts of the soldatov family it is also cultural and historical site, the spouses are engaged in restoration work on their own, the main task. i was born in gomel, and there we have the palace of prince paskevich, and this is my childhood, and i never thought that a drop of history would be in my family, in the form of such a house. i immediately fell in love with the park, with the house, and when this house was still being decorated, i was driving to the farm, looking at it all the time from the bus, and thinking, my house is cold without me. now i’m warming him up, and thank god, alexander vasilyevich agreed to this, because of course, more than a piece physical work is his doing. another feature of the estate is a large exhibition hall, where many
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ancient objects are collected, reflecting the life and everyday life of the 19th century. however, the heart of the house is the author's collection of products made from belarusian straw. i arrived with... traces of decoration from the 19th century, ancient parquet, which today is more than 200 years old. it is here that the couple plans to open an art hall in the near future, where the icon paintings of alexander soldatov will be presented. each person has his own
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the road to faith and god. someone creates mercy, someone heals with words of the soul, someone brings bright joy through creativity. more than 30 years. soldatov, a professional artist-painter, is engaged in painstaking and virtuous work of icon painting. today his life - talent and skill, is closely connected with the parish of the church of the holy great martyr barbara. alexander vasilyevich developed a love for painting in early childhood. today the artist recalls how his relatives, who worked in the printing house, brought him the first sketchbooks. previously, you couldn’t buy albums in a store as freely as you can now for drawing, they just made an album at the printing house, especially for me, brought it and told me to draw, then they came next time, show me how much you drew there, i that means
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i showed them when i had already drawn all the sheets, they gave me another album, so alexander vasilyevich was born. from the far east, it was there that his path as an artist began, but soon after moving to belarus, his creative vision turned to a new and special direction of icon painting. i just at one moment felt that this was real art too, and i became interested in studying, understanding, and in order to understand, you have to try everything, and in order to try, you have to believe in what you are doing, believe in god, just be baptized, although would have been, but i wasn’t baptized, well , of course, by that time. felt that god exists, it seemed that this was enough,
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to discover for himself the path of faith to comprehend the basics of icon painting, alexander vasilyevich went to the monastery, he spent more than two years teaching at the st. elisabeth monastery. naturally, the life of monasteries is a completely different life, and that’s the most important thing. what i learned in the monastery is prayer, you know, without prayer, life is different, you constantly feel god, that he is with you, you write here, and he is looking down at you, well, that’s the impression i had at the beginning, well, now i just know that he is here, i feel him, you feel him all the time, alexander vasilyevich is serving in panamara.
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you can pray to god everywhere, god is everywhere, to live you have to go to church sometimes, although some people think that god is only in the church, and when he leaves the church it seems like there is no god, i noticed such things, but... so as soon as we settled here, naturally i went to church , and my wife and i went. today in the church of the holy great martyr barbara, there are several icons that were painted by alexander vasilyevich. this is the facade fresco located above the entrance to the temple, images of saints installed in the iconostasis, but the main thing is a revived image that was lost. the icon of the mother of god of raitsevskaya is revered locally,
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the priest there with the parishioners found out what plan it was, well, the very account of how the mother of god sat there like a baby, based on this i already drew there, made a sketch, then always focus on ready-made samples, like the trinity, well, this icon, let’s say, but it’s also me... i was guided by what was already written, that is, the church has already done everything a long time ago, we just take it and, as it were, reproduce it basically. in addition to artistic talent, icon painting is an established set of techniques and rules, for with which the soul, eyes and hands of the master stand. an icon, this is what it is, this is what it is, it has taken place, it stands here, here it is, there are clear lines, here... you see, there is a line on the icon, you draw it, then
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based on this line, that is, it holds , that is, she already establishes, while working on the food, everything superfluous is cut off, all the folds are specified, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, the turn there, the faces there, how it’s all turned where, then you just transfer it to the board , main stages of creation icons can be divided into preparatory creative work, the first includes preparing the base, applying primer, painting the image, preparing the emulsion and paints. let’s say i’m writing on the basis of an egg emulsion, i take the yolk and dilute it with water, with vinegar, maybe with dry white wine or with good beer. it’s written more softly, the colors apply differently, well, there are such nuances,
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the finest nuances on which it all rests, in principle, this is, in principle , paint, but this is lapis lazuli, lapis lazuli, it’s, uh, crushed in a mortar, it’s a little hit, yes, this is hematite, it comes in different shades, if you wipe it off with water, then pour it with water and stir it like this, and then it settles, the bottom is the darkest, the top is so red, when it’s all solid, it’s so blue, almost, well with with purple. a shade of up to black , but not black, the black color in an icon is used in few places, for each icon its own palette is created, the necessary colors are mixed and selected, after which the master moves on to painting ; the final stage is strengthening the protection
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layers of paint, for this purpose the finished icon is covered with drying oil and a board. you lay it down horizontally, pour it all in so that it’s all covered and walk around in circles here, you know, well, you can do something there, but remember that it’s drying there, then you collect all this excess, then you completely blot the rest so that the bodice only the one that was absorbed remained, there was no drying oil on top, this surface was already varnished.
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way alexander vasilyevich worked not only with canvases with paints; in his life there were also metal, and ceramics, and wood, the ability to handle various materials are felt in everything, in artistic, economic, and restoration work. vera evgenievna soldatova is a straw weaving master, teacher, member of the belarusian union
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of folk art masters. her name is inscribed in the history of belarusian culture and is known to many. including outside our country, and the unique works, attracting with their originality and national flavor , have been repeatedly exhibited in various parts of the world. at the age of 14 i was lucky, i entered the arshan pedagogical college, we had a great head alexander alekseevich dasuzhev. and he united us, gathered us yellow-mouthed, into a club of friends. and we made an applique of ivan the fool, who catches the firebird, i caught the firebird at the age of 14, that’s when i came to school at the age of 19 in the high school drawing work, and it seemed to me that i needed to go the same road, and in order to find some for the children - a string of soul,
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i began to lead circles, they have been with me all my life, my straw... keeps me afloat all my life. straw weaving is one of the oldest crafts. the roofs of dwellings were covered with straw and made shoes, clothes, and also created household items and decorations. today, belarusian straw is presented in the form of decorative and applied art. i am happy with the students, besides the fact that i led these clubs in schools. i taught at the university of culture, here six people are prepared for higher education, they all studied for free, there are restorers, even in decorative and applied arts, i still give master classes, travel to villages, show straws, and here i’ve already been to schools, to all of them, to raitsevskaya, to oronchanskaya, so and schoolchildren come to see me, so the teacher in me has not yet died. for a long
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time, vera evgenievna dreamed of opening a museum. designer straws, and today in one of the main halls of the ancient estate a collection of amazing variety is presented. we still need to collect information about where the works were scattered, but insofar as i know that in museums there in california, london, moscow, in our national museums there are works in private collections, for example, hillary clinton, with nina yeltsena i i met in person, here. kocha’s weight hit my bison, so well, this is the way it turned out, well, in the end, it’s very happy that our straw... is on the unesco list, including mine, so there is some kind of life outcome. among the numerous works, special
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attention is drawn to skillfully made bison, openwork spiders, ancient wedding crowns decorated with fine straw embroidery and unusual icons dating back to the beginning of the 19th century. these icons appeared in our collection by accident. old man.
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engaged in various types of applied art, this includes ceramics, wood carving, sewing, weaving from wicker, however, all these skills became only an addition to the main skill, the creation of unique straw images, i was the first to weave straw, and in order to make the ascension, i imagined , that when something ascends to the sky, then some... thinnest threads break, some knots break and remain on the ground, in the form of a person it ascends to the sky, and this image was made using
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weaving. preparation of working material vera evgenievna studies on her own. first , the rye is sown, then grown, after which it is reaped and collected into sheaves by hand. the artist lovingly calls this straw blank my gold placers. here is my beautiful straw, my reserves, in minsk i didn’t have this opportunity,
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now i’m a happy person, i can prepare and choose which one i need, shorter sheaves, longer, in thickness, in texture, this is rye, this is wheat , from the word to live, this is my beauty. vera evgenievna does not have her own workshop, but she has a favorite the place, which is located in the residential part of the estate, is where the creative magic happens. this is withdrawal into oneself, and in order, for example, to hear your husband, you need to be included in this world, this is very interesting because you balance yourself psychologically, forget about everything, about the outside world, about problems with the children. there you can say goodbye to your grandchildren and your own problems too, two hands work, very often older people are advised to do
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this kind of work, because these are symmetrical, symmetrical identical movements, and both hemispheres work. international exhibitions, festivals, competitions, all this is part of vera evgenievna’s creative path, but the main event is the artist’s most important work. reads the creation of a straw iconostasis and the reconstruction of the 18th century royal gates for the church of the holy prophet john the baptist in the dudutki museum complex. the ways of the lord are inscrutable; we ourselves never ask for anything. the lord god really gives us everything, just take it and use it. just, yes, you really need somewhere to listen to you, what do you need. you need, well, naturally, to do something for this in order to find out who needs it, work, just work, then, probably, a little later you will understand that this is not just
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like that. art is so diverse and there is so much of it, like drinking a spring, it’s still a full cup and you want to drink and you will never get drunk, so art is constant.
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work and work, perhaps before the end of our lives we will revive this estate and work off what was originally given to us, this was not a surprise for me, i knew that with me i would end up somewhere, where exactly, you try to turn in the right place , in the right direction and i never even dared to dream that at the end of my life i would get such a piece... of history, creative people are able to change the world around, they create beauty and harmony, inspire others, bring new ideas and enrich the spiritual life of society. alexander's wife, vera soldatova, is a vivid example of multiplying talents, because they live in faith and
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love, serve god. belarus captivated them at first sight, the first thing in general when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, having now lived i’ve been here for 7 years, i understand that this is, in general , the merit of people, such, well, hospitable people, well, you don’t always meet those who are ready, that
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’s all for you. the future of the viciebsk region has passed away many times before. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let's jump in honor of the greatest glory of the holy trinity. geta temple was built in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish school. so let's go to the pragalinka, let's go to the heights, let's hum in the clear, let's walk in the winter. come, come, spring, come.


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