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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 6:20am-6:36am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] in advance is a folklore expedition with paradoxical numbers 590. the vitsebsk region has happened and passed away many times before. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let's jump in honor of the greatest glory of the church of the holy trinity. geta temple was built in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish school. so let's go to the grassland, let 's go to the heights, let's hum in the spring, let's walk in the winter. come, come, come, spring, come, come, red, spring rye skates, wheat snaps, and yes to the old traditions a new life. time with projects ahead
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died on tv channel belarus 24. dear brothers and sisters, today the orthodox church celebrates one of the great twelve holidays, the entry of the lord into
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jerusalem. this event is one of the main ones in the last days of the earthly life of the lord jesus christ. the arrival of the savior in the holy city of jerusalem on the eve of easter preceded his suffering and was the fulfillment of old testament prophecies about the messiah. the holiday that the entire orthodox community celebrates today is dedicated to the memory of this event. church, here the lord's day in jerusalem is celebrated on sunday, immediately preceding easter, and opening holy week. holy week ends great lent and occupies a special place in the church calendar; this is the time of remembering the saving suffering of jesus christ. every day of passion week is called great
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and reminds us of the last days. the earthly life of jesus christ, about the betrayal of judas iscariot, about the trial before pantian pilate, finally, about the crucifixion of the lord on golgotha, the position of the lord in the grave. let's remember the gospel story that formed the basis of today's celebration. 5 days before the jewish holiday of passover, the lord jesus christ approached the village of ephagia. in ifan, near mount elion, together with his disciples, he instructed two of them to bring him a young donkey, which no one had sat on before. when they fulfilled the command, christ sat astride a donkey and began to descend from the mountain to jerusalem, to the welcoming cries of the disciples of the people who met the lord,
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spreading their clothes cut from trees. branches on his way. at the same time, people are happy they exclaimed: “hosanna to the son of david, blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord.” hosanna of the most high. hosanna means give salvation. why did jesus enter jerusalem riding on a mantle? the gospel itself tells us that in this way christ fulfilled the old testament prophecy, according to. to whom the savior of the world will enter the holy city of jerusalem, meekly, riding on a colt. on the one hand, the lord’s entry into jerusalem is a joyful event, because the old testament prophecy is fulfilled, christ enters the holy city to accomplish our salvation. that is why orthodox christians on this day imitate those people who saw and met
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jesus with their own eyes. also greets him by illuminating the palm branches. in the russian orthodox church, according to established tradition, palm willows are replaced by willow branches. therefore, this great holiday among our people is called the faithful resurrection. but there is a hunched side to the feast of the lord’s entry into jerusalem. the enthusiastic cries of the crowd, who greeted christ with honors, planting palm branches along the way, just a few days later gave way to unbearable cries of demand. crucify christ. many expected life from christ. material goods, they expected him to lead an uprising against roman rule, but when it became clear that christ did not come to bestow earthly blessings and
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the majesty of israel, but came for other purposes, incomprehensible to the people who met him, to save man from eternal sin death, many... did not accept it, did not understand. today we do not just remember the gospel event. the church tells us that in the lives of each of us there are moments when we glorify christ with our lips in prayers, as if we greet him with palm branches. but often these moments are replaced by periods when, with our deeds, words and thoughts, we again crucify christ. like that crowd of people, we sometimes replace our requests for everyday well-being with cowardice and lack of faith. the faithful resurrection reminds each of us that in our
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lives we must follow christ, not because we expect the benefits of help from him in everyday affairs, but because we have accepted him as our savior for eternal life. of course, god knows about our lives. needs, because he said in the gospel: “ask, and it will be given to you.” at every church service, we offer prayers, including for the abundance of earthly fruits. we ask god to grant us everything we need for earthly life. but first of all, we must not forget why christ came to earth, why today he enters jerusalem. the lord became man so that we could have eternal life, have it in abundance, so that by accepting him as our savior and having worthily walked our earthly path, we would enter the kingdom of heaven. in one of
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his parables, the lord jesus christ compares the kingdom of heaven with a mustard seed, which at first seems to be the smallest among other grains, but when it grows, it becomes. behind a big tree. what is the meaning of this parable? among the cycle of everyday affairs, problems, difficulties, our daily aspirations. the message of salvation and the coming kingdom of god may seem to a person to be something insignificant and of little importance. however, with the end of his earthly life, a person will lose everything that he managed to acquire on this earth. all that will remain is what you have already purchased. his soul, virtues or vices. it is then, during the earthly journey, that what seemed unimportant will become paramount, significant, like the large
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mustard tree from the parable. if in his earthly life a person did not accept christ, did not believe in him, did not live according to the gospel commandments, did not live before his eyes. then the entrance to the kingdom of god will be inaccessible to him, everything that is so valued in this earthly life, wealth, fame, influence, success and so on, will not open the gates of heaven to the sinner, therefore today we not only glorify the willow lights of the one who looks into jerusalem is the savior, but we also accept it in our lives. like a heavenly king. we remember that the event of the lord’s entry into jerusalem was followed by passion week, his suffering and death. but thanking the lord for his feat on the cross, we ourselves try
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to carry our life’s cross with dignity, glorifying god not only with the words of prayers, but also with our daily good deeds. and while glorifying christ, we should not then join. among his tormentors, falling into various sins. the apostle paul gives us instructions about what the present lifestyle should be like. believer. human. so, imitate god, as beloved children, and live in love, just as christ loved us and gave himself up for us as an offering and sacrifice to god. but foul language and idle talk, ridicule, are indecent for you, on the contrary, thanksgiving. the event of the entry of the lord jesus christ into jerusalem. his journey to golgotha ​​begins.
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the holy week following the holiday is a special period of great lent and is not included in the so -called holy pentecost. we put aside our holy week we care and empathize with the lord, we stand at his cross. but we must remember that the holy week of calvary is followed by the bright resurrection of christ. so? in the life of every christian, persistent spiritual work is rewarded with heavenly joy, the presence of god’s grace, and this eternal joy overshadows all our everyday sorrows and heals spiritual wounds. dear brothers and sisters, i cordially congratulate you on the great feast of the lord’s procession to jerusalem, i wish you spiritual strength in the coming days of holy week. let the coming easter joy
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of christ's bright resurrection illuminates and strengthens our hearts on this path, happy holiday, happy holy day. we do not tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in an era of clarity that grows with its roots upward. approximately the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted using the exclusive planting method, which even the radevils could not achieve, and napoleon’s family managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle here in volkovysk. artifacts from centuries of history are a real puzzle for us, like travelers. this is a namitka or namitka, in
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the place where we found it in this, in this area, it is called syrpanok, this is the headdress of a married woman, and the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion, is presented directly here, oh, this, this decoration, number seven, this is not a decoration, this is a musical instrument, not a pity, dating back to the 11th century, the task of our guides is to ignite in you the desire to touch the belarusian culture personally, and it is also mandatory that when they built a new house, they had to take four from the old one stones, them they laid it around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, a frame had already been placed on them; he believed that everything good that was in the old house would definitely go to the new house. travel with
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the belarus 24 tv channel. we confidently step into a new day, and we do it to the music of our own, the music that sounds inside each of us, it is everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, at the tips of our fingers, music inspires. makes us think and opens thousands of roads before us. music can change the world because it can
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change us. music is inside each of us. from the depths of ours. mighty family, your hands, eighth of the earth - this is my people, blue eyes, blue eyes, strong hands, not you generous,


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