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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 7:35am-9:00am MSK

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thank you, thank you very much.
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hello, the club of editors on tv channel belarus 1 on tv channel belarus 24 will discuss important topics of the past week, i represent the guests who gathered today in the studio 600 m on makayonka 9, dmitry aleksandrovich zhuk, editor-in-chief of the publishing house belarus today.
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you know, what’s most important here is that there are some of our feelings, but there are facts and there are real things, journalists... we really know that money is used to eliminate those sources that can spread radioactive contamination, are not issued by the european union to lithuania, even though they were promised, these are also facts, there is also, you know, such a section as
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social networks, how much can you trust them, well, yes, probably, but they convey some kind of mood, so... by the way , several topics, i’ll pick up dmitry aleksandrovich, on the one hand, yes, nuclear issues, that’s what the president spoke about at the all-belarusian people’s assembly, this is the degradation of international institutions, this should be dealt with by magathe, a special agency located in vienna, but
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i have a feeling that it deals only with those problems when there is an order from washington, there is a real question, when one state has doubts about another, there are international organizations. open for any inspections, for any checks, but another very important issue is the belarusian-lithuanian border, we see that the lithuanian authorities are of great concern about the belarusian sentiments of those residents of lithuania who are directly near our border, these are precisely those who comes to us according to our rules visa-free entry, so they create obstacles for them, i saw reports from western, even propaganda resources that came, how do you feel about
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climbing out, what is being said, and no comments about how the station was built, how it complies with all international standards, no, so let him go to ignalinskaya in the same way, but i would also like to develop the ideas of my colleagues by saying the following, recalling yesterday and the day before yesterday the president’s speech, where he
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said verbatim that space is nuclear energy is the destiny and result of the activities of intellectually developed countries, i think that... here we can also see a very serious problem, but there is simply no one to service it, even if there was money, resources were allocated, who will do it, where the engineers are qualified, where the competencies are, everything has long been lost, educated, qualified people have long left for europe to the west from lithuania, latvia, and therefore this object, a previously high-tech object, now represents. the european union is a system not only of political, but and economic planning, and of course, by admitting the baltic states into the european union, the supranational
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bureaucracy in brussels determined their economic function. yes, the baltic states should not have been an exporter of electricity, and this region should have imported electricity from the existing energy capacity.
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cooperation with lithuania in this regard, but there, excuse me for this expression, they simply took the position of being offended, which means that instead of constructive interaction we get some regular, which means provocations in regarding the belarusian nuclear power plant, attempts, which means, here to change the information background on the issue of our nuclear power plant, they gave the president as the main task of lithuanian diplomacy, which they failed, they could not fulfill it, she gave them...
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the european union, when we tried our country raised the issue of disposal of waste generated as a result of the operation of the ignalina nuclear power plant, well, our european counterparts then began to become noticeably nervous, so they tried to avoid practical discussion again return to the plane of some abstract human rights and so on. i believe that we need, and i think, that the relevant structures will hear our point of view, including our guidance.
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to the world community, because it’s scary, and it will definitely cause a very violent, negative reaction, that’s why it’s scary, but why is it scary for us, we remember everything about chernobyl, but also vivid memories of how we revived the chernobyl lands, how much effort , how much money was invested in ensuring that these regions not only continued to live, but that they were reaching a new level, one medical center in gomel, a center for traditional medicine, remember what? it was worth it to be built, this is life, this is people’s health, this is a very
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important, presidential position, i remembered this today, this is his will, not everyone even in the state apparatus understood the rationality of the decisions made, here there were a lot of advisers, why are you burying money in the ground, remember these economists on numerous fingers, they tried to formulate this position, this is the presidential one the will that we should not abandon these regions, we must preserve life in these small ones. and it would have been easier to wipe them off the face of the earth altogether, roughly speaking, never to return, on these lands crops are now grown that, well, seem to meet all the requirements there, absolutely calmly, livestock grows, people live, the birth rate is one of the highest, for example in in the same area, in comparison with all other areas , there are always two points behind these areas, there was an increase in a number of areas, here with us worked, by the way, people from there, why once i remember. there was, there was a slightly increased radiological background, yes, there was always an increased birth rate, there was such
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a strip along the chorus, yes, it was different there, it was different, there were, yes, there were moments when there were such demographic holes , all this is understandable, but we managed to avoid this catastrophe, and the head of state still every year on the eve or immediately after these chernobyl events goes to the chernobyl lands, to the chernobyl regions in order to understand and feel, what... compare, look, for many years, our opposition here in minsk carried out the chernobyl gentry. not so, but what the president always did, he flew there to these regions, the presidential helicopter landed in these small villages, supplied gas, looked at how people were equipped, communicated with people, breshchina, gomel region, mogilev, i already forgot what they demanded , no, they were celebrating poznyak’s birthday, it was his, it was his birthday the day before, i had the feeling that we didn’t
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have it then, but what they demanded, they had the classic days they walk on are march 25th, chernobyl.
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the belarusian popular front - in the eighties, late eighties, early nineties, stood, relatively speaking, on two pillars, the first is the so-called truth about chernobyl, which, of course, was overgrown with serious misinformation, but simply attempts by the soviet nomenklatura to sweep this under the rug dust, they led to increased public attention to those who allegedly reported real facts, naturally, grotesquely fanning panic, scandals, without offering any solutions, the truth about chernobyl, the truth about...
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stalin, the state security agencies, then the communists, in principle, which means ultimately russians.
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representative of the twentieth year on the other side, who, well, in plain sight, has already said that yes, the americans and western europe in
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belarus for decades have involved a huge number of people in a variety of initiatives, from birds to embroidered shirts, and under good intentions, often some kind of then they financed with such pretexts, large sums were, i want to tell you, i would call some even huge.
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including the enemy, it didn’t work out, but we must draw conclusions, what conclusions, we must make our political system stronger, if we look at the national assembly, this is like a concentration of what has been done in recent years, and what is the new version of the constitution, our civil society has been renewed, as oleg aleksandrovich says, the big nine, that is, five leading public associations, four political parties, re-registration has been carried out. a legal basis has been created, our civil society is working, the all-belarusian people's assembly has received constitutional status, why this question arose, and it is clear that the president
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thinks about it all the time, here is alexander mikhailovich, yes radkov said, political life, of course, is necessary now so that everything that is written in our laws works, so that this system worked precisely like clockwork, during normal periods, in order to create the ground. for creation, for development, and god forbid, of course, if we are faced with more serious challenges, it is very important that this was openly discussed, this is not only the delegate of the all-belarus people's assembly, there was a full broadcast, here is an honest, realistic conversation about the threats we face, what it leads to, society must mobilize, not in the plan, now everyone is looking at russia, ukraine, military mobilization, no, there is a concept civil mobilization, for each to his own. we work a lot with
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citizens’ appeals, and when i saw it already in our parliament, it means that the appeal, the presidential administration, the secretary of the all-belarusian people’s assembly, means people are already accepting it, so i’ll try for your two to answer the question immediately, of course, is only your own means, there is a huge topic here, but you can highlight many dimensions of this question, as for whether the all-belarusian people's assembly will be integrated into political life, i want to say that... this is a process, we should not expect from first meeting in constitutional status, that it will immediately become the body on which people pin their hopes, but i have no doubt that this will happen quite quickly, why? after all, we must proceed from this, from the fact that any organ takes root and any process in society is experienced when people need it, if people don’t need it, whatever you want, direct whatever resources and forces you want, it will still be rejected, it’s as if the immune
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system will push it away. let’s remember how in soviet times some structures began to reveal their foreignness and were rejected by society, for example, the internet and so on, vns will definitely take root, why? but because it is where those decisions are made that are not just important, that are at the forefront modern challenges and the tasks facing belarusian society, we have now adopted the concept of national security and military doctrine.
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what is our belarusianness, these issues can and should also be resolved at an all-belarusian people's assembly and this gives me the conviction that an all-belarusian assembly will be necessary. colleagues, i would like to emphasize a very important point: i remember the discussions about the all-belarusian people's assembly, when the constitutional commission had to translate it into a normative document, the will expressed by the delegates of the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly to give this:
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these are the powers of power, we continue them . we have no reason now to concentrate around our national leader, and shevtsov, our colleague dmitry shevtsov, who represented the president, focused on his qualities not as a civil servant, president, yeah, but as a national leader, a consensus figure for society, in this sense, this model worked, in the future, the president constantly says:
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we can all now consider what happened, yes, we have just started working, there are obvious things, we are talking about political life, but in the political structure of the country the national assembly has existed for almost 30 years since the year ninety-six, and once again we let's remember this experience, the president then convened the first meeting, essentially saved the country, brought it back from the abyss, that was the name of his program, but...
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the moment is cumbersome, important, but cumbersome and not a very agile body, make it work, work effectively, that's why looked a little differently at the choice of delegates, laid down this order, prescribed it in the constitution in the law, reduced the number of delegates, there were 4,700 and there were 2,300, well, under 300 delegates, now up to...
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every day, these are mechanisms, now meanings, what we talked about and what we considered for 2 days, in fact, the first day was a very detailed report from the president on what kind of world we now live in with its pros, cons, our successes, our problems, the second day , these security documents, the president said: don’t be lazy, re-read it again, look carefully to you, explain them to people, tell them, but the most important thing is that we created, what we talked about, we talked about ensuring peaceful life in our country, because if we don’t ensure peace in
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belarusian land, all other social development programs, ideologies, they are simply nullified, they do not make any sense, but can i be the representative of civil society, the presidium, which has huge. well, as a member of the presidium, a representative of civil society on the presidium, yes, but in general, of course, the president said the key words that any political system, it must be improved, in our country the improvement of our political system must take place evolutionarily, without any shocks, it seems to me that the entire belarusian people's assembly, what is happening now, this is the improvement of the evolutionary political system that we must follow, absorbing all the best, as the president also said, we do not deny anything, even some western european moments, yes...
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because you will have to explain this to people on the ground, firstly, explain it, and secondly, each of us is involved in every word that is written there in what will happen next. this is what it seems to me, the improvement of the political
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system in terms of complete democracy, we no longer just share, well, we came as delegates and just shared some kind of ephemeral responsibility, we bear specific responsibility for everything that will happen in the country, this is in -firstly, and secondly, i’ll tell you that one of these... member of civil society, people who sat and just looked from the side at the live broadcast, they saw the future and the elite, including the political, well, of our country, these are the people who a... we have, yes, because that when they say, well, who are there the same people all the time and no one else, look at 1,200, well, let half of them be completely new fresh faces who today, tomorrow will make responsible decisions and take responsibility for the future of their country, plus these are people from the people, so what? the president drew attention to those who will not remain silent, he said, speak up, argue, well , some questions should be raised, yes, because you are a representative of the people, you came here, you have the right and should.
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what i know allows me to say that we are not even talking about a tenth, the president spoke about this, he and he gives an example of the beginning of the great patriotic war, when they tried to hide all this under the plinth, as a result of which it melted away in six months near moscow, here oleksandrovich, it seems that you answered the first part of my question, regarding construction, but regarding national security, but it doesn’t seem, well, maybe, including this question, that this is also such a demonstrative step on the part of our country to the collective west, look, we are many, we are united.
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with the use of nuclear weapons, that’s what we should be talking about, another thing is that we are in a situation where there is such anxiety, preparation for a conflict, this reminds you of the thirty-ninth, the fortieth not only, here are two periods, we accurately record the beginning of world wars , this is the beginning of xx centuries, when... one crisis gave way to another, they were quite bloody, the russian-japanese war, the bosnian crisis, there were two moroccan crises, then the famous assassination of franz ferdinand happened, with which the war began, but now with gas in ukraine, yes, not only, it was formed in the thirties, too, because many people forget that before the second world war there was a very
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bloody spanish civil war, imagine, a huge country, spain, has been blazing with war for 3 years, the leading powers are involved. european hearth, and not only ukraine, the baltic states, the concentration of troops that is taking place in the area of ​​poland and the baltic states is another direction, but this is all the eastern european theater of military operations, then the middle east, especially the israel-iran confrontation, artificially escalated and the far east, the pacific region, here are three a hotbed of armed
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tension, the same thing happened in the thirties, a european center was formed around hitler’s germany and a pacific center was formed around japan, yeah. we see this repetition, and here it is very it’s important, you know, like in ordinary combat of any kind, you need to show the enemy inner confidence, composure, then you can prevent an open clash, just as in interstate relations, if you demonstrate unity, cohesion, readiness even before the confrontation began to provide means appropriate resistance, and what the president said may hurt the ears of some, but... everyone should know this, they know the character of our president, if only a potential enemy twitches, he will be such unacceptable damage has been caused that will call into question the very existence of their statehood, they must understand this, and you can say in plain text that this could be, these are nuclear weapons, of course,
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literally just one minute, development of the words of vadim fransovich, i would like to spend another historical analogy, this is also important for us to understand, historians speaking about the beginning of the first second world war... use the concept of sliding, sliding into war, this is the emergence of such conflicts, such processes that even, for example, a year or two ago they were unthinkable, pay attention, now there is a slide into war, a parallel, yes, look, it’s hard to imagine, but in the late twenties, early thirties, negotiations were taking place in europe on general disarmament, on general disarmament, several years pass, the spanish war is already underway, a couple more years, the second world war begins, now it’s literally over. this is a descent into war, conflicts that relatively recently seemed impossible, they would not have been allowed, now they look at it completely indifferently, this is what we must understand, so our readiness for war...
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in terms of unity in society, the supreme national assembly resolves these issues, it demonstrates what we see today on the borders with belarus, this militarization, the most terrible, yes, this is an element preparations for war, but this is also an element of pressure on our society, on our consciousness so that we somehow, well, get confused, or something, stop believing in ourselves, in our own strength , then we will say, come in or something, well, what should you do.
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security and military doctrine, believe me, women would not have considered them before, but when they tell you this, explain it, when you understand where the threats are, you understand, and you hear calm, absolute calm, in the words of the head of state, absolute calm in the words of those heads of departments who are responsible for this, you have confidence in the future, you understand that yes, everything is complicated, it’s complicated there, it’s complicated here too, but you have confidence that the country will continue to develop peacefully and you will live with...
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somehow recently a word has spread among us - it's a collaboration in terms of business cooperation, it always hurts my ears, here are colleagues, you know, it seems to me that any normal belarusian, like the word policeman, so the word collaboration is, well, not our word, let’s not use it, it’s just distracting, but this is also important, this is also security, this is humanitarian security, the terms that we use when talking about this, yes, hitler’s germany always formed similar structures before the aggression, so let’s take it.
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photographs, information, statements delegates, there, well, because everything was filled out in the national assembly, it became impossible not to notice, then they began to notice the amazing hairstyles, the amazing hairstyles of some of the delegates, that is, they had a whole article devoted to that, a whole article was dedicated to the fact, which of the delegates had the most amazing hairstyle, yes, you see, here are some moments, they began to talk about how, of course, what kind of presidium of the supreme people's assembly is there if there are no heavy lifts there.
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these evenings have formed, look, and so on, and people flow over, saying: listen to the new faces of the opposition, the same ones who were once there in the early nineties, and whom the people have already rejected a long time ago, and there is corruption, everything is clear, but at the same time, the west is still experienced and insidious enemy, they are constantly rebuilding, they change teams, they are watching, trying to test our weaknesses, and many of the technologies that were developed in belarus...
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a mistake, but this is a conceptual mistake, in our country the cold war was written with a small letter in quotation marks, but in theirs with a capital letter for real, that is, without any quotation marks, they clearly understood that they were waging a cold war, which should end in the defeat of the union, it’s like we have toys, these toys led to the loss of a huge country, underestimating the enemy, underestimating the process that is going on, secondly, i would like you to know, colleagues , i would warn us all, although we don’t have this, but for the future from being calm.
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number than before, this is encouraging, i said that recently leaders of public opinion have appeared in greater numbers , it seems to me that here are the delegates and participants all-belarusian people's assembly, this is also a step towards this, after all, people will arrive fed, they will already be prepared to talk all in groups, well, you see , it will open the eyes of someone there, because the goals that the west is pursuing are absolutely necessary, but they no longer hide it, they help us with this, we don’t need anything.
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problems with the independence of the judiciary, restrictions on freedom of expression, including for representatives of the media, including violence or threats of violence against journalists, unjustified arrests or prosecution of journalists, as well as censorship, serious restrictions on the internet, and significant interference with freedom of peaceful assembly, restrictions on freedom of movement, serious government corruption, widespread gender-based violence, systematic restrictions on the freedom of association of workers, the existence of the worst forms of child labor , i want to say that the us state department briefly summed up what the white television and radio company said about ukraine on over the past 10 years, for which, among other things, it came under sanctions, because the latest claims of the european commission and the council of europe against our company are related precisely to reports about ukraine. and they wrote a report
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on the success of their own investments in the ukrainian state. well, maybe on this basis they gave 60 billion to ukraine, well , it’s clear, we gave it to ukraine like that, it’s clear that most of the money will remain with them, but what they said, well, so you understand, approximately the same document was in regarding belarus, amazing, we are now analyzing it and will definitely make, i think , a clear policy on each point, but of the main ones, which were claims regarding the republic of belarus, because i’m offhand, offhand without the internet for each claim... they will make it under sauce that they want a diplomat here, so to speak, we will prepare all this, about double standards, that’s when
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they do all this, so to speak, in relation to us , this is specifically for the sole purpose of bringing democracy, although in my opinion they they don’t hide what they want in ukraine, in particular, but you saw that the ukrainians have limited, so to speak, the issuance of documents in their embassies in western countries to citizens of ukraine, well, to put it another way. any corrections can only be obtained by returning to the territory of ukraine. i want to remind you, just a couple of examples, i’ll give you that september 7 , 2023. the european commission will study the consequences of the law in belarus to stop issuing documents to citizens outside the country. petharstan stated this. the european union strongly condemns this decision, and we will continue to stand with the people of belarus. ukraine april 24, twenty-four . it is not for us to comment on the decision of the ukrainian government.
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i’ll give you a couple of quotes later, let’s listen to it. it is surprising to me that after just a few years, talk about nazis in ukraine began to be considered disinformation. i don't think there is anyone in the us government that americans don't support actual nazis or white supremacists. i really don't think so. and i can’t understand why in such a short period of time given information that was often discussed by our own american media is no longer discussed. i would like to draw your attention to an nbc article that claims that the nazi problem in ukraine
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is real. mr. snyder, you see this headline. this is the news on nbc news that says the nazi problem in ukraine is real, even if putin's denatification announcements are not. our own american media is talking about this. even if you think nbc or time magazine are purveyors of misinformation. this contradicts your words. this is what we were talking about. many times, because the western press before the start of the svo was filled with materials about how the nazi regime and nazism are flourishing in ukraine, but how the punitive machine works, the punitive-propaganda machine in the west, look, in a democratic country, this is, in general, a public figure , the politician spoke, after this speech new york, post, uh-huh, moscow, taylor greene, putin's useful idiot, a real traitor to america, washington post.
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idiot, she's trying to destroy republican party, man. got hold of the headlines of the western media and said: look, until 2022, you said the exact opposite, what the independent media did to her, there is wild persecution going on there, as they persecuted trump, well listen, in america this is repeated regularly when american intelligence services in one country or another brought another bloody dictator to power, there were people in the american congress, they specifically allow this to happen, well, they’re all about democracy, yes, who they started saying, look what he’s doing there.
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roosevelt, nixon, but he definitely was in relation to the samosa regime in nicaragua, this is a son of a bitch, but this is our son of a bitch, they can even admit that they are committing crimes, yes there are ointments there, but they will do what they need. i was gaining, i was gaining some points, then i spat and yes, excuse me, yes, and that’s how it happened, and they will allocate long-range
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weapons, this was also talked about, let’s say, i also included unconditional conditions.
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there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is a war in europe, indeed preparations are underway, the poles for the most part really don’t want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite, for a gun to survive, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall, and in order to start war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then some trigger can lead to the outbreak of war, it’s not for nothing that our president says that yes, we are ready.
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will surprise and lift your spirits, series of films pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project air 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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in germany , the source of life organization was established, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples. children were taken from their families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take out their own ukrainian children.
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lebedeva’s response to the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.


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