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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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eat those who are not able to give them a waste. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 244.
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telenova's agency begins an information day, elizaveta lakotko is with you. good morning to this episode. the orthodox celebrate palm sunday. a week before easter, believers remember the lord's entry into jerusalem. cancel visa-free negotiations and stop negotiations on european integration. the european parliament adopted a resolution condemning the georgian one. about foreign agents. the denouement at the future cup in novosibirsk. will belarusian hockey players be able to overcome the russians, live broadcast to belarus 5. time has chosen us. the historical event of this spring continues to be discussed in belarus. the thesis for our state and society - peace, an absolute value, was heard in all speeches at the all-belarusian people's assembly. the head of state noted that we do not want to fight with anyone, and this.
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the position of the entire belarusian people, but the west is increasingly viewing the eastern european region as a theater of military operations. plans to destabilize belarus formed not only for the period of the 2025 election campaign, but the groundwork is being created for 2030. the head of the state security committee shared this information from the podium of the supreme national assembly. fundamental documents in the field of security, which were approved by the delegates of the supreme council, help to neutralize such challenges.
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life, so for health care it is demographic security, and for industrialists it is economic security. the general director of the belas holding, sergey, also received a kind of charge of energy from the people’s meeting lesin. he took part in the vns as an invitee. the plant has a clear understanding of its unique role in the development of the country's economy. bulas, like no one else, was probably the first to feel the pressure from external forces, we got caught in the twenty-first year.
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and naturally, without serious investments, without serious investment projects, without new products, it is impossible to look forward to such a period with confidence. the minsk region is becoming economically stronger with each passing year. today the most populated region of the country is more than 270 thousand inhabitants, among the leaders of the agro-industrial complex. people want to invest here and it holds high standards in culture, education and sports. with the chief physician and delegate of the vns.
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the barsamyan river is subordinate to nine clinics and 24 outpatient clinics. the days after the people's meeting are busy, you need to discuss the results of the vns with the activists. one of the most important tasks of such a medical holding. social sphere from the agro-industrial complex and light assembly will cover all sectors of the economy and discuss the results of the all-belarusian national industry to culture, education
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sciences. the source of power in any democratic country is the people. therefore, such a connection between civil society and the government, which is the all-belarusian people's assembly, is not. lukashenko, as a politician, as a president, as a leader of the country, he passed a kind of political crash test, which he passed successfully, many politicians in the post-soviet
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space, unfortunately, failed to cope with this, 2 years ago, the geopolitical conditions in which we exist have undergone significant changes, special military the operation opened a new page in the history... of the european security system, and perhaps of international relations in general, in this regard, you need to understand that those doctrinal documents that were adopted before 2022 have now lost a little of their relevance, and here it should be noted that the republic of belarus is following exactly the same path, bringing its doctrinal documents to the reality in which we now exist. i think that this process, both in russia and in belarus, will continue. main points, which were heard during two days of the people's assembly, what was discussed on the political sidelines and what the delegates were treated to, as well as unexpected footage and exclusive comments from the thick of things. even more details about how
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the all-belarusian people's assembly took place can be found in our section. first time on the main broadcast today. an important event of the year, even malt in the tie, i think that i will work here today, the voice of belarus and lukashenko, i vote, i put a tick on each cell, who is against? no no, you misunderstood, it’s not me, it’s kachanova, why are we in the national assembly today, we need it today.
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european politicians joined the protesting georgians; the european parliament adopted a resolution condemning the georgian law on even agents. the document says that brissel should suspend negotiations with tbelisi on european integration, cancel the visa-free regime and impose sanctions against the country's leadership, including the founder of the ruling party. the georgian authorities called the resolution an attempt at blackmail and promised to pass the law anyway. in the second reading are going to be considered between april 30 and may 5. and in israel, protests against the current government continue. more than 10 thousand people took to the streets of tel aviv, calling for early elections and the release of prisoners. earlier, the organization forum for hostages and
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missing families issued a statement calling on israel to end the war in exchange for a comprehensive deal. demonstrators carried posters depicting the captives and called for their immediate release. similar protests took place in other cities of the country, i note on hamas released a video this week showing two hostages alive, with more than 700 people detained in the us. tent camps have been set up on the campuses, security forces are eliminating them using all available methods, i note a new wave of student activity and demonstrations provoked by the police detention of 108 people during the dispersal of demonstrators on april 18 who had set up a tent camp on the territory of the columbia university.
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that there is no one there to watch him, as well as the results of the all-belarusian people's assembly globally
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about security and specifically about real threats, which markers of the third world war can already be considered, all the details are in the editors’ club, the full issue is available on the youtube channel of the tv news agency. the new law on business issues establishes equal conditions and rules of the game for working in the market. the deputy told the tv news agency about this. head of the presidential administration alexander egorov. let me remind you that all types of activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out will be determined by the government before july 1, the rest need to transfer to legal entities by january 2026. the government's job is to make this transition seamless. there are two important aspects here: the first aspect is that business must work in equal conditions, not even businesses, but citizens must work in equal conditions. well, i’ll give you a simple one.
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the government, within the framework of this law, firstly, to make this transition seamless, so that there are no problems in terms of changing the legal status of an individual entrepreneur simply to an enterprise, and secondly, it is now underway work on developing a platform for small-medium businesses, what is its essence? you, as an enterprise, your task is to keep records on the platform, to keep records of, say, wages, this... if you wish, you can do it yourself, or you can keep it on the platform, but if you keep wages on the platform, you will reflect
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all your revenue, which means, based on the movement of invoices, we will be able to see the value added tax that you must pay, then we, as a state , will automatically calculate taxes for you, in this case your risks that you will somehow calculate taxes incorrectly or it will be difficult for you to calculate these taxes, and they go away from you, that is, the government’s task is to maximize... economic development this year, investments, exports to russia, to the countries of the far arc, and also our forecast ambitions for the next year, watch in the interview with alexander egorov, on the main broadcast today. today is palm sunday for the orthodox,
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a week before easter, believers remember one of the most important gospel events, the entry of the lord into jerusalem. this day solemn and joyful. 2.0 years ago , many pilgrims gathered in the city; they all joyfully greeted christ as he rode in on a donkey. just as jesus was greeted with palm branches, today orthodox christians hold willow branches and flower bouquets in their hands. they are symbolically illuminated in all temples, after which they are kept throughout the year. according to ancient belief, they protect the home from harm and give health to everyone who, according to tradition , is lightly whipped and sentenced. i don’t hit, the willow hits, it gives you health. the denouement at the future cup in novosibirsk, today the best team of the tournament will be determined. in order to count on trophies, the belarusian youth team in any case needs to beat their peers from russia. this match will close the competition program, the live broadcast begins at 13:55 on the belarus 5 tv channel . also, in certain situations
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, a team of student league stars will compete for the trophy in opponents kazakhstan u-20. also see sports. channel live broadcast at 9:55. that's all for now, we'll tell you about the development of the event at noon, see you later.
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from the first cosmonaut to participation in the creation stations, with such projects we will shake up the industry. i think that we will see joint flights between russians and belarusians more than once. we carried out everything according to our program and completed it. well, there are already results, space is yours, as we understand it, space is ours, more accurately predict the weather, track air pollution for a huge camera on a satellite, the belarusian matrix, the retina for the cosmic eye, the integral produces its crystals in such conditions that not even a speck of dust gets in, we can see different elements of the crestalo, in each
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millions of components, they are like dust, 500 times thinner than a hair, the far arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country. i will praise you from the most ancient cities of belarus. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, reconciled them, she paid attention.


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