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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 9:20am-10:36am MSK

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culture in the modern world, the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus, for which it is famous. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yaceslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, modeled them, she paid attention to the elderly . she delved into their infirmities, helped their needs spiritually and materially. and she especially raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. how unique what shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is. we will tell and show its power in
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spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. amazing people of our country. all that i hide, as in a sarcophagus, in my works, in my small sculptures, this is something else, i don’t know what will happen. for me, creativity is getting out of your head and creating something that you have there is. the purpose of this hall is to distract children from the street and attract them to activities.
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from the soviet information bureau. operational report for august 6, 1944. during august 6 , in the southwestern direction, our troops , supported by massed aviation and tanks, continued to conduct offensive battles, during which, having crossed the water line northwest of the city of kaonas, they occupied more than thirty settlements with fighting. east and south of the city of santamir, our troops eliminated the enemy’s bridgehead on the right bank of the vistula river. in air battles and fire anti-aircraft artillery shot down 108 enemy aircraft. the troops of the fourth ukrainian front, developing a successful offensive, on august 6 stormed an important communication center and a powerful stronghold of the enemy’s defense. the regional and industrial center
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of ukraine, the city of drohobych, and also occupied more than 50 settlements with fighting, among them the regional center of the dragovych region, the city of medinitsa, the regional center of the stanislav region, the city and railway station of bolekhov. on august 5, our troops on all fronts... knocked out and destroyed 151 german tank, number eight is listening, has anyone arrived? there is no one, comrade general. i'm waiting for
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lieutenant klimov for a minute. the first car is already coming to me. i obey, comrade general. comrade major, the mission was completed, the car is in order, yes, well, what happened to the drone, comrade major, the drone died on the bridgehead. i have to fly, comrade general,
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there are no other cars, i know what a bridgehead is, i can land.
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“mom, i should be at the front, only at the front and nowhere else, there are not enough engine mechanics there, and i cannot, i have no right to do otherwise when i was accepted into komsomol, i swore an oath in front of the banner to do everything for our victory, remember daddy’s words, it’s not scary to die, it’s scary not to do what you can do in life? and i can do more than i’ve done so far, i want to be like dad, i also wrote to him,
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what was i thinking about, nikolai petrovich, so , in general, that something happened at home, how did he run away, where is everyone running to the front? how old is he? 14. my youngest is nine, too, you know, now his mother is telling him to be 14, damn it. it’s a difficult age, our aunt is old, sick, she didn’t notice, but don’t worry, we’ll see
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what, what? i say, you can’t keep him at home anyway, he’s stubborn, his father’s son, what’s his name? arkady, comrade commander, we can go, let's go. well, for what subject, you brought me this kid, dear, so it is known for what, comrade mail, for the subject of not a set of engine mechanics, well, well, yes, a first-class engine mechanic, straight from the aircraft factory, they know all the engines, well, how.. .why only one? what? why do i say one? would have led
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the whole pioneer detachment, you see, they would organize a circle, what circle? children's amateur performances, comrade major, but he is already 16 years old, almost, gaidar was in his regiment year, well, let’s say gaidar was not almost, but he was fully 16, then you had to talk about gaidar first and foremost. interpret his parents, comrade major, well, he doesn’t have parents, he’s an orphan, comrade major, well, yes, why are you silent, hero, you’ve long been pricked up to run to the front, and why are you talking to me like that, comrade major, wow, i i won’t talk to you at all, i'll just send you. where it should be, well , send it, i’ll run to the front anyway,
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i’ll run away, comrade major, and you ’ll lose the mechanic, we’ll definitely lose it, the surname fedorov, the same surname of our commander, comrade major, bomilitz, listen to me carefully, there’s a march all around and so i i haven’t seen you anymore, go, you go too, eat, get your allowance, take care of your chores, do some work, well, what else, you need to feed. and in general there is war all around, every hour will be lost,
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boy, it’s not good to offend an orphan, well, well, but answer for this orphan, you are kind, like me i'll take a look at my expense, yes, you and i are out of luck. there’s nothing you can do, army, but you saw that the major even commanded me with a lapel-turn, yes, if you think about it, it’s a plant, the same front, but so what? no, eccentric, just think about it, oh, the foreman is already
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coming for you, that’s it, you have to go back, there’s nothing you can do, it’s not fate, brother arkady, i said i’ll run away, so i’ll run away, hey, kid, what are you, fedorov, i , let's go, where, come on, come on, foreman, give me the apples, well, what can you do? that’s it, comrade major, that’s it, i’ll do what you order, that means
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so, you do as long as the foreman orders, he is now your father and mother and grandfather and grandmother, i am a dayor, you brought him, under your personal responsibility, there is. mom, you can't even imagine where i am now. quite by accident i ended up in my father’s building. just don’t worry, i wasn’t allowed to join the combat stormtroopers. i'm in a communication frenzy. the planes here are small and completely unarmed.
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the pilot has one pistol, nothing more. they escape from mister shmitov with their subterfuge. i haven’t met my dad yet, i’m very afraid of this meeting, although i’m sure that he received my letter a long time ago and agreed with me, just as he approved of my decision to go to work at the aircraft factory, remember how at the very beginning of the war dad said: let’s go to fight, everyone from young to old, won’t he understand me now? . when will we start flying, comrade, well, you’re quick, we already promised, well, i promised, so i’ll do it, drones don’t like to chatter, you press the theory for now, i’ve known the theory for a long time, press, press, i said we’ll fly, then we’ll fly, and you don’t give vitya, i decided to train my minder soldier's science, so also a lieutenant, as one prominent scientist said, peeling potatoes
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is the first thing in a soldier's service, and scientists must be trusted, who is this professor, isn't it burmakli? well, who else caught the fish? all the squadrons caught, the squadrons, you know, which one fell off, i know, not the first day, you’re fighting.
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well, why are you silent, you could have run away without permission, but you’re a coward to keep an answer, well, i’m sorry, dad, that this happened, but you didn’t answer my letter, and i couldn’t wait any longer, i couldn’t, i couldn’t, well, in principle, i understand you, of course, it would be better if you i ended up in another unit, but i didn’t know that i would end up in your corps, honestly i didn’t... i got into school, i’m not your dad, but a commander, you’re a soldier, i understood you, comrade general, that’s good, we will agree on these terms.
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father, you have one, he’s fighting, but he said that he was an orphan, but what did they say? yeah, before the war i lived in moscow, our house is right opposite the kremlin, it’s huge, there are all the parades from our roof. you can see, but you’re not dozing, honestly komsomol, red square, in full view, and moskvarek opposite, you know how
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great it is in the summer, and fishing, and you can swim, you were in moscow, where are you from? before the war, i lived near khabarovsk, we have a small town with a lot of fun, the circus came in the forties. so i gave up on him, i wanted to become an artist, but what did you want? we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. the most unexpected thing in the president's cup final. brest. the history of motherhood has been rewritten again. never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the gold series. we review the most
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interesting events. the british runner raskuk , known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on the record a year ago. he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk garnier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming the increase is not so much records, and how much density, results. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. we introduce you to the architectural memorials of belarus.
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rise, get up, arkasha, get up, there was a rise. trofimov, safonov na kopanir, alekseev.
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vetosha to sort, soldier fedorov to wash the floors in the officers' mess, the rest according to the staffing schedule, okay? wash it.
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finally, all my fears are behind me. dad turned out to be exactly the person i love so much. he does not have empty or false words. we see him, of course, rarely. he has no time our squadron. he has enough to worry about with stormtroopers. i don’t write to you about my everyday life. you yourself them. you know very well, in vain, mommy, you are so worried about me, i’m not in the infantry and not in the front-line mitsanbat, like you, unfortunately, the airfield is far from the front, we mechanics can only dream of a real war, especially here they have revitalized connections, that’s it where there is calm and calm, even the evil one sometimes takes over.
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now, first of all, you need to carefully inspect all arriving aircraft so that there are no incidents during the flight. attention, alignment to the left, comrade general, with the personnel of the communications squadron, i am conducting a review of combat missions. commander izhodrili major trakhimchuk. at ease, at ease! check it out! clear! where did you get the kick from? you see, comrade general, lieutenant dronov brought it from the factory, an orphan, she wanted to send him back, but he still ran away, to be honest, it was a pity to send him back, the guy is smart,
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parting and knows the business. so he got used to it, he knows everything about engines very well, he’s smart, he’s an orphan, he’s round, comrade general, he’s crazy about airplanes, i’m crazy about engine mechanics bad means round, that’s right, well, major, under your responsibility, i obey, comrade general, let’s go. disperse, thrones to me.
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comrade lieutenant, the car is ready for flight, okay, comrade lieutenant, yes, i need to listen to the engine in flight, come on , you promised, well, listen, get rid of me, i don’t even have a second helmet, but i do have one a helmet, come on, where did this come from, one person gave it to me. go to the screw and sit down.
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well, well, that means we’re improving our skills, that’s right, comrade major. it’s clear, the motor is fine, it works fine in all modes, comrade major, then we need to celebrate this matter with lunch in the flight canteen, but what will
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the representatives of the technical service say? thank you, comrade major, i’ll have lunch with the platoon, let’s go, let’s go, as long as the authorities invite you, let’s go, you’re with us. he’s the youngest, you need to get better, so you say he has talent, that’s right, major, he was born to fly, yes, but for now it’s working out.
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it’s nice to sit somewhere, sit, thank you, also a general, why didn’t you invite all the motorists here, at least it would be fair, in order, so to speak, encouragement, yeah, but perhaps, in general, such encouragement does not do honor, neither to you, not to those being encouraged, yes. allow me to go, comrade major, get out, get out,
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they noted, “mom, i’ve been a soldier for a long time, and you keep writing that i’m a boy, that i’m in such a hurry in vain, that i still have everything ahead of me, i’m sorry, mom, but i don’t agree with you, because a person is given so little, even if he lives 100 years, and how long i am destined to live is unknown, that’s why i’m in a hurry, remember how i wrote..." when he was 14 years old. i have to
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act, i would be immortal every day i would like to do, like the shadow of a great hero, i cannot understand what it means to rest. something is always boiling and ripening in my soul, desire or longing constantly torments this chest. it seems to me that my whole life is somehow short, i’m still afraid that i won’t have time to accomplish something.
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look at the planes!
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mom, i’m sorry for the long silence, but my life is so calm and monotonous that there’s nothing to write about. sometimes, it really does happen. a lot of work, but you know how much i love
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airplanes, so tinkering with them is always a pleasure for me, about mine flights, you shouldn’t have gotten so excited, mechanics aren’t even allowed to fly on our planes, so i can only dream about it.
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when i brought gorish to us, it seemed like there was more light in the village, i immediately decided about you, my everything, i cast my eye and said to myself, my, it’s like it’s too early
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to understand your worries from home, but the people were falling apart at night, 8 to work , here she is, asleep, in the city and completely without memory. watch the film three poplars on plyushchikha from the collection of pearls of soviet cinema on may 1 on the belarus24 ancientasian tv channel the proverb says he who is wise. export - this phrase is directly related, because
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one wins not by force, but by mind. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. this asian city.
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nothing, arkashka, nothing, everything is fine, damn it,
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arkady, remember, i was flying the plane, i understand, you understand me, i was flying the plane, do you hear? it’s okay, cent, i’ll get out of it, i’ll burn with you, for a careless landing, which led to the breakdown of the plane, lieutenant dronov is temporarily suspended from flying, the corps commander, major general fedorov, jumped, disperse. boldly approached me with such a request, but i ’ve been flying for a long time, comrade general, 12 times i landed the plane normally, then there was a gust of wind just before
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the ground, i couldn’t do anything, did you fly with the permission of the commander? no, he doesn’t know anything, go under arrest, but what about the drones, go under arrest? they say: i obey, comrade general, i’ll fly you. they wish you good health, there are boys flying under your nose, and you don’t see or know a damn thing, it’s your fault, general, but i’m sure
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there are no boys in the unit, only soldiers, this mechanic, how did he get into the cockpit the plane, who allowed it, engine mechanic fedorov , i allowed it to fly, you understand what you’re talking about... and if it was your son, would you allow him too? i am proud of such a son, general,
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okay, prepare my car for flight.
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in general, your task, nikolai petrovich, is to hit the railway junctions so that within three days not a single train will slip through to the front, yes, with a probing brush, especially this one and this one, but keep your eyes open when you work on them. prevention, but then of course, yeah, the earth didn’t take offense at me, but i for yes, let him come in, so, comrade front line, don’t cover your own people, in my opinion,
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commander, you have packages from the front headquarters. come on , comrade junior sergeant, let me go, comrade commander, how old are you? 15, comrade commander, it means that he was found, he was found, a long time ago, a long time ago, but why were you silent, you didn’t see a reason for a serious conversation, you didn’t see a reason, but a reason? here it is, you’re flying, that’s right, comrade commander, i’m flying, so what, i have no comments on my service, it’s not scary, it’s not scary, comrade commander, well, i’ll give you half an hour for questions and answers, unfortunately,
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i can’t give you more, happy flying, junior sergeant. thank you, comrade commander, let me go, relax, let me go, go, belarus.
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and you wrote to my mother that i was flying, i thought you
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would write it yourself, i’m afraid to upset her, well, here you go, but i think, i’m not afraid, yes, it’s hard for our mother now, she was worried about me alone, go ahead, and you added, anyway, you probably need to write, you need to, well, we’ll write, so, be careful, now your brother is being especially hunted, so avoid the rook, well, in general, he knows the drones, you keep up with him, yeah, okay, well... then have a happy flight, comrade junior sergeant.
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the sky is constantly calling us to protect itself, here a wooden plane is flying, but it’s still a military plane, it’s not very protected from bullets, it’s not built... for a long time, its pilot is just a boy, but still a military man, even if the flight is difficult work, the war is raging around, let it be, but life is the most important. from
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the flight and you need to choose the right path, people are a pilot past death, i am past the black smoke of gunfire, because there are five seals on the envelope, the flight course of your... destiny, youth proudly flies over the black abyss of war, and the feat does not know age, before it all ages are equal. and in a printed envelope,
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the letter is carried to immortality, through the fire of iron death, by that wooden plane, even if the work of flying is difficult. the war is raging around, let it be, but life is the most important flight, and you need to choose the right path.
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the situation is very serious, the bridgehead is cut off, there is no communication, there is no response from the troops, and after 2 hours there is an artillery barrage. i understand you,
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wave, wave, i am the sixth, put the second squadron into action, as you understand, welcome. wave, i’m the sixth, i understand you, follow the order, comrade general commander is on the line, i’m listening to you, comrade commander, i’ll report now, there is an observer, there is an observer, like on a plazahead, the lieutenant’s plane has already tried to land once, comrade general, but this is happening there, i i’m not asking you, what ’s going on there, what’s wrong with lieutenant dronov’s plane? lieutenant dronov's plane is making its second approach.
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i obey, comrade general, only two can sit there, comrade commander, i’m waiting for a car, i need any plane, okay, hurry up, okay, comrade commander! comrade major, the task was completed, the car is in order, well, well, what happened to dronov, comrade
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major, dronov died on the bridgehead, the eighth who landed, i’m waiting for lieutenant klimov, comrade general. i can fly, comrade major, comrade general, arkady has just arrived, who? arkady has arrived, but he has already made three flights, wait, listen! cover me, i have to fly, the general told me to wait, he couldn’t say that, i don’t believe you, i obey, comrade, general.
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observer, comrade general, i’m listening to you, lieutenant klimov’s plane was shot down in the area olkhotki, comrade general, i have to fly, comrade general, there are no other cars, i know what a bridgehead is, i can land.
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fly arkady, yes, comrade general.
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dear, my beloved mom, what can i tell you, what should i do so that you don’t worry so much about me, i give you an honest consomol, everything is fine with me, everything is going great, i’m very happy, mom, i’m happy that i’m flying. that together with everyone i’m doing the most important and necessary thing right now, dad and i now
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meet more often, we talk a lot about you and make plans for the future, immediately after the war we decided to fulfill our old dream, to go to the caucasus, all three of us will climb the highest mountain, then you will see the sky, the real sky.
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you have calculated everything in advance, the best tactician, the best strategist, they hate each other, all thoughts are only about the mission and an irresistible desire to return, yes, and belarus is canceled for you, a new task has arrived, i wanted to ask if it is possible to somehow replay the game so that i still, in belarus, it’s impossible to call someone else, get acquainted. archimandrite veniam konstantinov, hello arina brazarovskaya, veniamin, zoya, bless, the germans are opening churches in the occupied territories, so wait until they occupy kiev, then you will go to the commandant’s office, two priests, two novices, katya, mother, promise that you will live, your mother is now working for the good of the homeland, you know, he will soon return to you, there is a war, it is dangerous there, well, where did you run, i would go to church now. i sent my mom a note, sometimes there is only one way out, you need to do this...


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