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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 10:35am-10:56am MSK

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you have calculated everything in advance, the best tactician, the best strategist, they hate each other, all thoughts are only about the mission and an irresistible desire to return, yes, and belarus is canceled for you, a new task has arrived, i wanted to ask if it is possible to somehow replay the game so that i still in belarus, it’s someone else, it’s impossible, meet archimandrite veniam konstantinov, hello, arina brazarovskaya. veniam, zoya, bless,
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the germans are opening churches in the occupied territories, so wait until they occupy kiev, then go to the commandant’s office, two priest, two novices, katya, mother, promise that you will be alive, mother, now yours is working for the good of the homeland, you know, soon he will return to you, there is war, it is dangerous there, where did you run, i would go to church now , i sent my mom a note, sometimes there is only one way out. you need to do what you need to do, come, come to me, quickly, watch the intelligence series on the belarus 24 tv channel, we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, breakfast should not only satiate, but also delight, because food, oh, how it affects our mood, and if we cook.
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and we will receive a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, not even me. i didn’t expect it to be so easy, try this recipe, watch the breakfast of a champion project on our tv channel.
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we invite you to visit the industrial heritage monument of the early 20th century and visit the owner of a local trading store. well, let’s not pour water on the mill, let’s start our acquaintance with the museum-reserve with ethnographic complex. my name is alina nevoina, this is
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a cultural fashion project. the city in which we are located is rightfully considered one of the oldest cities in belarus. this place is famous not only for its outstanding monuments. and architecture, but a sad love story. you have all heard the legend about the beautiful girl rogneda, who was forced into marriage with prince vladimir. so, once she tried to take the life of her unloved husband, but her son izyaslav arrived in time and managed to protect his mother from his angry father. exactly for this prince vladimir exiled his son and wife to the polotsk lands. who knows, maybe... it’s not
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a legend at all, but i know for sure that this is not all that the amazing city of zaslavl is famous for, in the center of our attention is the cultural heritage of the belarusian... people, the historical and cultural museum of the same name - reserve. and we are in the ethnographic complex of mlyn, which consists of the house of the importers, sviron, the pore mill and the forge. now, if i heard about the pore mill and forge, that’s what the house of the importers of sviran is, tell me more details about these objects. what makes them unique? indeed, what you said is correct about the composition of our complex, it includes four objects, three objects for economic purposes, one object for residential purposes, or the farmer’s hut. why is it called the delivery man's hut? the name is so unusual, of course, this needs to be explained. the
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fact is that when the steam mill was built, a lot of people came here to grind, and people had to stand in line for hours, wait for their turn, so... of course, it was not very convenient, because they usually arrived in the second half of october, already in november, let’s say, it could be raining, snowing, people were freezing, getting wet, and melnik noticed this problem, decided to help them, built just such a hut, a hut in which people could warm up and drink tea , dry your clothes, spend the night if necessary, and the name of the hut came from this queue, because in the queue there were cart after cart, that is, the cart of one... owner, followed by a second, third and so on, loaded grain, the queue began to be called delivery, and the people who stood in it by the importers, this is where the name of the importers' hut came from, and as for the sviran, then the sviran, let's say, is also such an outbuilding, it was used for storing
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food supplies, cereals, grain, flour were stored there, including sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, they were stored there well, on the second floor they kept lard, meat, cheeses, warm clothes, winter clothes, casings, burnos, i know that this steam mill is a monument of industrial heritage, the beginning of the 20th century, is it still in operation? the mill served people for many years, the last time it was launched was in 1996, but after that it did not start, that is, for 26 years, no one started the mill, in fact, it is not worth doing this, i will explain why. the fact is that over all these years of operation , the mill experienced very high vibration, which also affected the stability of the slab, and if you still start it, if you make an effort, say, to obtain the necessary mechanisms, which somewhere, say, maybe it’s not enough, it would still be
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possible to launch it, but here the question becomes in the preservation of the monument itself, which is more valuable to us, now, reveal the secrets that the steam mill hides, in general there are three floors and... each floor is endowed with some kind of processes, grain processing processes. the grain was first, naturally, brought to the entrance, then the bags were unloaded, brought to the first floor, loaded into a chain, then all this had to be lifted by the bags themselves to the third floor, they rose using an elevator mechanism, this mechanism was started by the engine, the bags rose to third floor, then they were poured into goperboys, these are wooden funnels. or koshi, the millers have them are called that, and from these funnels the grain already fell into the guards, let's say, the main grinding mechanisms, into the grain mill, including the grain mill - this is a mechanism that cleaned the grain from bran, then the grinding itself took place in the guards, and after the grinding process
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the finished flour was poured down onto the first floor into a table, where it was raked into bags, and those people who came to grind helped in the work. these are kids? if we talk about our objects, then the most attractive for visitors is the ethnographic complex melnitsa, or as it is also called the mill forge, and the children's museum of the mythology of the forest. in your opinion, after all, this is the uniqueness of such museum-reserves, why should they be in
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our country? the uniqueness is actually in their versatility and multifunctionality, because here everyone can find something for themselves. since your departure, i have been living with a heavy, unbearable feeling in my soul. saulitta brigita from kaliningrad. you never told me that you were in kaliningrad. and who is this handsome guy next to him? this is your grandfather, a courageous submariner, tragically died in the arctic long before i was born. ivan, let me take a photo for you. i allow it, but not me, us. all on the water. yes, how could he leave you. a child, he didn’t know about the child, maybe we’ll give up this idea, no way, i’m flying to kaliningrad, i’ll find
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my grandfather, yes, olga, my grandmother, she was friends with brigita, you know something, if something happens to her , i’m risking my party card, albracht’s bible was missing, and how you wanted to smuggle the bible abroad, i wasn’t going to smuggle it anywhere, she was offended by you, for so you abandoned it, i traveled so many kilometers, spent so much time. you don't even want to listen to me? watch the series two silhouettes at sunset on the belarus24 tv channel. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. this taste is actually familiar to me from childhood. if you have never tried skvarki, then you have essentially never been to belarus. if you hadn't said it was oatmeal, i would never have thought of it. in its structure, it is also very similar to ours in this pot
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pig ears. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that the residents of magilev once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. i love this bitch, all because it is very fatty and rich. having eaten a plate of such soup, you can then simply not eat for the whole day. i want to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish. if you asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say, well here it is, look at the project, food anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel, we are going on an expedition through the corners of our country, we will be filled with positive emotions... all that is ahead of us is a folklore expedition with the paradoxical numbers 590. things will happen again and
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again in advance in the past vitebsk region. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let us admire the greatest glory of the church of the holy trinity. the geta temple was built in 1999 on the basis of the former tsarkouna-parish school. so, let's go to the village, let's go to the heights, and let's loudly cluck.
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the first mention of zaslavl dates back to 1127, despite the fact that the city itself was founded a century and a half earlier, in 985, it is a relatively small city in the minsk region, which is located on the banks of the picturesque svisloch river, here. the expressive water landscapes of the city alternate with unique landscapes, and many historical and architectural monuments attract travelers from different parts of belarus and abroad. the heart of the city's memory is the historical and cultural museum zaslavl reserve, which was founded 35 years ago. it represents a unique territory of the historical center of the ancient city, preserved. the following are open to the public:
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the ethnographic complex mlyn, the children's museum of the mythology of the forest, the dot museum, as well as the museum and exhibition complex, which consists of four halls, a hall of tapestries created manually according to belarusian sketches. see the musical instruments of folk wedding ensembles that existed in different regions of belarus. hall of temporary exhibitions, which displays short-term exhibitions from the funds of the reserve museum and private collections and a permanent exhibition, a trading shop, late 19th, early 20th centuries,
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representing small-scale trade in belarusian lands, this is where we will look. were given to local jews, and, as usual, part of the jewish house was residential, and in the second half there was a shop, well , the interior was something like this, and the items that we have here in the museum today could have been in any such small-town trading
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shop , what kind of items, well, if we take analogues... in soviet times there were signs on stores for everyday goods, then here in such a small-town shop, people could buy everything they needed, ranging from food, sugar, salt, tea, basic necessities, matches, soap, and also everything that was needed, these are those. same samovars, as well as glass holders and various kinds of utensils, items also necessary in any home were presented, these are lighting fixtures, lanterns, bats, table lamps, kerosene lamps, as well as candlesticks, rich people could afford
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to purchase copper utensils, which at the end... of the 19th century they produced in belarus masters, the so-called kotlyars, made from copper plates, using the punching method, they gave shape to the dishes, well, we know that clay vessels like these, which are called glyaks, were widespread, and other copper utensils - ladles, teapots, drushlak, in addition, here now we see here... irons, bronze irons on other shelves there are simpler irons, cast iron, charcoal, well, this is quite an interesting iron, unusual, not everyone used such irons, this is the iron that was used when sewing clothes, tailors , and where did it come from?
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were all these exhibits brought? quite difficult, because very few of them have survived, and some of the items were bought in antique stores, like there, for example, there are tea boxes, vysotsky's partnership, here is a red box, we bought all this in antique stores, well, most of the items it was collected during expeditions, i revealed your
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secret, and in addition to the fact that you are the owner of a trading store, you are also ... the main curator of the museum of the zaslavl nature reserve. tell us what's included responsibilities of the chief custodian? since in any museum the responsibilities of the chief curator or even the curator of the collection include, first of all, accounting and storage of museum objects that are in the museum’s funds. in addition, since we have a museum-reserve, we exercise control over. the condition of those monuments that are part of the museum of the reserve, these are monuments of archeology and architecture. it is under the protection of the reserve. 113 hectares of the ancient part of the city, here you can see historical sights, including the ancient settlement:


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