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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 10:55am-12:01pm MSK

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i revealed your secret, in addition to the fact that you are the owner of a trading store, you are also the main curator of the museum of the zaslavl reserve, so tell me what the duties of the chief curator are, since in any museum, the duties of the chief curator or even the custodian of the collection includes , first of all, accounting and storage of museum objects that are in the fund. museum, in addition, since we have a museum-reserve, we monitor the condition of those monuments that are part of the museum of the reserve, these are monuments archeology and architecture. 113 hectares of the ancient part of the city are under the protection of the reserve; here you can see historical sights, including a fort.
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zamechek, an archeological monument of the 10th-11th centuries, the val settlement with the former calvinist collections, a monument of the 16th-11th centuries, burial mounds of the 10th-11th centuries, the church of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary of the 16th century. at the moment, the fund of the historical and cultural museum of the zaslavl reserve totals 12,282. units of the main and 4,711 units of scientific and auxiliary funds. and with everyone every year the foundation replenishes its collections. here it is, the glorious city of zaslavl in all its glory. today we visited the owner of a local trade weasel and learned how a real steam mill works. and most importantly, they became culturally and spiritually enriched. i promise i'll come back here again, after all. my soul and
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heart remain here. alina nevoina was with you as always. and remember that being cultured is fashionable. see you in exactly a week. until new cultural meetings. everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is country news from. broadcasts of particularly important
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events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, on site. georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellitepace 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear. and discover
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belarus. hello, central events.
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distinguished guests, it is with excitement that i begin my report at the first ever sebelarusian people's meeting. the international agenda and the means that we will, of course, still discuss ahead and allocate the united states in order to
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firmly stake out what they believe are their flags on different continents, in different parts of the world, let's talk about our neighbors, ukraine, poland, duda said, that they need american nuclear weapons, well, let’s do it... but political parties, the supreme council, all those who were in power before him, they don’t have it accepted, they did not accept the will of the people, they began to interfere with work in every possible way, and the president at that time made the optimal decision, he decided to appeal directly to the people, directly to
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the people, i remember his slogan, ’94, i’m not with the parties, i’m with the people , i am not with the right, not with the left, i am with the people, he realized that he... cannot rely on the nomenklatura elite, which decayed after the collapse of the ussr, it decayed, he cannot fully rely on the supreme council, because that deputies, factions, i remember, all parties were sitting there betrayed then, everyone was thinking about power, everyone was thinking about how to grab more, how to prevent the president from deciding something, they weren’t thinking about the country, they were dividing up portfolios, he understood, i can’t rely on them, i can’t rely on the nomenklatura , i cannot rely fully on politicians, because politicians divided grants for...
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the people's assembly, again, not only politicians, but if the all-belarus assembly met, and there were only politicians, the end of the country, thank god that there are people there, and today the difference between that year and this is that then we saved the country, the president saved the country by holding meetings, they thought more about the current moment, how to save the country in general, so that it would exist, but today this all-belarusian people's assembly, which has constitutional status, is laying the foundation for 10-50 years ahead, because in fact what else is the last difference?
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that the all-belarusian people's assembly begins its work with the discussion and adoption of the most important documents ensuring national security. belarus is a compact country. belarusians are a very peace-loving people by nature,
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possessing a reserve of powerful vital energy, a unique resource that at different periods of history helped the belarusian people to survive. at the same time, the manic desire to be strong in this world is absolutely alien to us, but we know what it means to be strong in the name of peace, this... this is our memory, this is our historical experience, which cost us very much. this year we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the generation of winners showed that the strength of a nation is not in capital, not in military power is not in ambition, it is in true values, in the pursuit of justice and self-confidence.
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they were carried out at the bottom, so it was decided that the decisions that were made at the top, the decision was absolutely correct and correct, to go the most democratic way, to go and submit a proposal for changes to the constitution to a referendum and before that the first all-belarus people's assembly was created. by the way, the largest number, more than 4,700 delegates, was at this meeting, i would also remember,
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that means, the name of the presidential report at this meeting, only the people have the right to decide their fate, these are the key words, if you like, even then, then the message of building a state for the people was clearly laid down, it was at the first all-belarusian people's meeting that the socio-economic paradigm was also actually voiced and formalized belarusian model, when the advantage is combined. market economy ensuring social justice and social protection of citizens. the people supported the president, the referendum took place, changes to the constitution were were introduced, and this allowed our society to emerge from the socio-economic and political crisis and develop normally. now, too, this means that there are probably many more external factors influencing the republic of belarus, these external threats that are present today in connection with the collapse of this unjust unipolar geopolitical world order. and we need, as was also rightly noted, to ensure a stable, normal, calm
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future for our country, and here the key the role is played by the all-belarusian people's assembly, as the highest body of people's representation in accordance with our updated constitution, you know, then , too, changes to the constitution were adopted, this is my clear conviction , once and for all, the belarusian people said that we are for a strong president, we are for a highly efficient economy, then these changes... i would also remember the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly, 2021, when the next changes were made to the constitution,
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it was also quite a difficult moment for of our country, then the people also said: “we are for changes, yes, but evolutionary, we are for the evolutionary development of our country, we are for such a present and for a creative future, today, by the way, in this constitution it was the all-belarusian people’s assembly that received constitutional status, and this, too
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, predetermined further development, but then they decided, because colleagues correctly noted, dear olek sergeevich, tactical tasks, it was necessary to consolidate society, but now we are already talking about stable cementing, the foundation, and what kind. models, because the supreme national assembly is such, one might say, a center of power, around our entire state,
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around those strategic tasks that will not allow, and we know how nato works, god forbid, what they showed. in iraq, they begin to aim a spear at the leader, then today there are 1200 people, this is not so simple, these are these tasks, including, you need to understand that today this body will not allow, in case, we are talking about the future, we are not even talking about today, about decades and twenty years, in the case of the future not will allow future, perhaps leaders, to leave the csto, leave and join nato, as pashinyan and... showed us
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, against established trends, it was a different time in russia then, yeltsin walked around drunk then, take as much democracy as you want, governors, develop , as you wish, the neighbors are the same, nationalism, western funds, nku, and lukashenko was alone then, that is, what he did in belarus in the nineties is now being repeated in russia, repeated in other
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countries, even the georgians have begun to repeat a little a little, that is, someone already understands, that there is no other way.
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we also say openly , they will try to understand that what
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makes the vns special is what is happening on our border in the world, the other day the us congress sent a signal to the whole world, we will not just give up on our own, we will scratch and bite, let me remind you about 95 billion for three regions , of which almost 61 billion to ukraine, more than 26 billion to israel, the rest to the indian region, against china, well, alek sergeevich, what is this? this is preparation for war, this is the first thing, the second is to prolong the war as long as possible. today, if we take ukraine, we take the first one, no one doubted that the us congress would make such a decision for one simple reason: behind the us government, behind the republicans, behind the democrats is the us military-industrial complex, which has earned millions of dollars during these months, years of war , who would refuse such a thing, these republicans worked on it, and naturally they lobbied for the decision. let's take the first region, ukraine. what do americans need? firstly, the ukrainians paid for this assistance with the mobilization law, which means tens of thousands ukrainians will go to their graves.
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there will be no victory, but the americans are solving a strategic geopolitical problem: continuing the war as long as possible, weakening europe further, because the entire duration of this war will fall on the european union. and the third point that they decide: money, the most important thing, their pockets will continue to be filled. we take the middle east, the same thing, instead of... sitting down at the negotiating table, resolving, which means the middle east crisis, which is getting worse, instead of, as the president said, to bring ukraine to the negotiating table, everything is getting worse, not the third conflict, but the third money is china, that is, there is another point of instability there, for what? the goal is one: they don’t want to give up their leadership, as they believe, they don’t want to, but they, having taken another moment, have destroyed the financial system of the world today, they are beginning to destroy the decision.
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states within the framework of a union state , building a sovereign, independent economy is the most correct thing, because there will be no peace in the coming decades. about confiscation, the united states may have only 5 billion gold and foreign exchange reserves at its disposal, in the eu they are talking about 300 billion, now we must wait for pressure on brussels, and from there there are negative signals: we cannot take away from russia, firstly, moscow promises to respond, peskov and zakharova they immediately expressed themselves clearly, the answer will be, secondly, how... about this the gulf countries, china, india, the answer is to say how investors from bad will react to this, but washington, it seems, and europe is ready,
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colleagues, well here very much another moment of cynicism, and the decision made and to demonstrate that we will continue the war in ukraine until the last ukrainian at the expense of the ukrainians, and moreover, at the expense of russian capital, but the main emission centers are not in washington or in america, they are in brussels, a statement. what the western media write, they pay attention to the ukrainian front, to the middle east, read, to russia, to iran, to china, but in all the key documents, big books, it
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seems... and quickly collides with a large vortex of uncertainty, neither economically, neither in military-political nor in socially and socially. i would like to note that, from my point of view, what is happening in the european union, but this is a classic example when, by geopolitical means, a potential enemy is removed in socio-economic terms, politically, etc. here it already sounded absolutely true, it was actually raised by the anglo-saxon countries, great britain,
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the usa, this modern ruling elite. european countries, it was bought by kornyu everything, they finished the corresponding universities, their personal future is secured, but they pay for this by defending the american and british interests in the european union, destroying it, destroying, therefore, the fate of these european peoples, not caring about them, they will not tolerate any damage to themselves personally, for their close circle, they are provided for, but what will happen here, they decided overseas that they need to weaken this europe, throw them into the furnace of war, let him go, let him do it, that is...
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it doesn’t exist, it is provided by the russian federation, controls who controls air, this is a huge component for military success on the ground, and here they are offering to stretch, provide some kind of air support to ukraine, but we must not forget that, they gave the example of israel, how much it cost to reflect the israeli air defense, and therefore the countries , that means great britain, everyone who was involved there, they spent 15 billion dollars to repel this one attack and rand to understand that it was an inferior attack, it was reported that
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there would be... an opportunity to prepare, iran carried out from my point of view, which means, a very subtle, eastern move was made with this attack, revealing the potential first of all, which means, yes, this israeli air defense, the allies who support it, on the other hand, showing, after all, despite the fact that most of the drones and all other things were shot down, and all the hypersonic missiles reached their target, despite the fact that this system was fully involved, prepared in advance, was not unexpected. let’s sharpen this topic a little, what are they afraid of? americans really? only they are afraid of two things: the first is the refusal of the dollar, the second is the death of american soldiers and missiles that fly to washington and new york, this is the only thing they are not afraid of, if we act according to the logic that poland and lithuania speak went even further, they say: immediately, let's all fight against russia together, these are irresponsible, stupid statements by the person of the president of lithuania, who does not think about the lithuanian people, there is a risk of a full-scale
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war... because russia is talking about this i have said more than once that if planes or anything else take off from the airfields of european countries, these are potential strike targets, but i will say more, if the americans were sure that only poland, germany, lithuania would be drawn into this war, they would be fine with it , for god’s sake, the main thing is that american soldiers do not die, when 500 american soldiers died in iraq, a political wave began in america, the troops immediately withdrew a little, it subsided, the same thing in vietnam, that is. americans are afraid of two things: war directly affected america. in the event of such an escalation, no one can give guarantees. let me remind you of two quotes from country leaders. the first is lukashenko, who said if you attack belarus, we will hit the decision-making centers. why is he saying this, to scare? no, he’s not warning lithuania, which doesn’t decide anything at all. three soldiers, this president, who gets scared, will run to hell and immediately hide
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from me. with all our might, well, look, the topic, alexander, about how they perceived it in poland, since it happened with israel, why not ukraine, zelensky responded to this, he was very seriously offended, so i will quote verbatim his conversation with the french blogger, he said, to be honest , between us, i was shocked by how the allies worked together, the allies helped, despite the fact that israel is not a member of nato, and zelensky added, this is a very important topic, he added, what’s wrong with ukraine? but the poles have attracted attention, moreover, they will now attract funding, and the funding that you saw in congress, and there also the posters showed the main enemies, there are vladimir vladimirovich putin, sidin pin, our
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leader, that is, they actually demonstrate their complete center of power, which now stands guard over our entire, essentially post-soviet space, the global world, in general, and you you know, it was very interesting to watch, in fact, a good picture, they openly show that today they are actually in the minority, these are the leaders of the country who are fighting, waging an absolutely fair fight, but what the poles are doing, they, of course, demonstrate the fact that we are ready to accept this capital in ukraine now means there is corruption, there is complete theft, but we are able to concentrate resources, we are able to bring them to ukraine, please, our pockets are open.
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the essence of one thing: there will be no diplomacy, there will be no peace negotiations, and looking back, turning away from, without trying to find his gaze, wherever he bumps into the cemetery of ukrainian citizens, he asks the question: what’s wrong with the ukrainians? and also, what is important, dmitry, because in may our president, dear alexander grigorievich lukashenko, noted that legitimate powers are expiring, with whom to negotiate, the poles are already, that’s what kind of allies they are, yes, every president of ukraine gave.
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for reference, since we are talking about poland and as a signal that we read our neighbors like an open book , the rearmament program of the polish army is designed until 2035, the country allocates 4%. gdp ranks first in military spending per capita in nato. in absolute figures, $115 billion. multiple launch rocket systems, artillery, airplanes, helicopters, and infantry fighting vehicles are being purchased at a colossal pace. thousands ordered in south korea tanks. in the usa there are 250. let me remind you that tanks are not defensive weapons. well, fresh. the polish authorities are ready to accommodate american nuclear weapons on their territory. the president stated this.
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of course, for us this is not a very good signal, of course, to put it mildly, because in any case, well, listen, tactical nuclear weapons today are located on the territory of the republic of belarus. tactical nuclear weapons on polish territory, are we going to look at each other with these tactical nuclear weapons, while we we remember that back in september 2 , the vice minister of national defense of poland , martin acep, suggested that in the interval from 3 to 10 years there could be a war with russia, and therefore, of course, the signal is so-so in reality, but the question is whether he will take this seriously this proposal is, after all, the united states of america, they very clearly understand
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the relationship, nuclear weapons in poland for
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americans mean sleepless nights in new york and washington 100%, because how can you then stop a nuclear war, strikes on new york and washington, i don’t know, so they should think 100 times 100, because it doesn’t bring anything good, specifically for the usa, i agree with everyone. we'll continue in a couple of minutes, stay with us. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, i remember when a person describes the use of apple cider vinegar for the treatment of cancer on ten pages , it simply can have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why, we share interesting facts, but there were many in the assumptions of ancient thinkers mistakes, for example, galen completely believed that the center...
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see the science project nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world. i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty. my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, and he really liked it here. i was born in selinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala. everyone found something for themselves here, this is our favorite scene, our
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home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, what i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique story and his own point of view. in belarus, in minsk there are very good conditions for living with a family, especially with small children. i love belarus, and i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my great happiness. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the source of life organization was established in germany. its task was to stimulate an increase in the birth rate true koreans. also increase the german population by germanizing children from
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slavic peoples; children were removed from families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis are taking their own ukrainian children to eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others they turn a blind eye to how civilized they are.
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we continue, another topic in which there are many lessons for us, all last week, observing the protests in georgia around the adoption in the first reading by the local parliament of a law on the transparency of foreign influence, in russia and here we were actively discussing the emergence in different countries of barriers against foreign agents as conductors of someone else’s soft power, we see how they reared up in the west and have already begun in georgia hesitation, if accepted... we will reconsider. i remember how quite recently similar laws were adopted in kyrgyzstan and then president japarbu had to put in place the us sovereign blinken, who, out of habit, gave advice on this matter. at all influence under the guise of unobvious processes, the threat is serious. in this regard, let us remember the words spoken in minsk in february in front of
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the security bloc. remember, three scenarios, and which one is the most likely? today our fugitives are their foreign curators. intelligence services are working on three main scenarios for their actions for this period: the first, the most desirable for them, is organizing a coup d'etat, or a violent seizure of power, directly during the election campaigns, but at the same time they themselves assess it as unlikely, they do not yet see any real prerequisites for the situation to deteriorate by analogy with the twentieth year. the second, main one, is the use of the current election campaign as a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for a coup d'etat during the upcoming presidential elections in '25. the third scenario: this is a reserve, playing the long game, with extensive use of
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soft power tools, a case of failure of the first two scenarios. essentially this. they reacted precisely with the law on extremist media, we have everything, everyone knows that belsad is polish funding, radio liberty is american, and no additional cliches are needed, plus, we should not create any additional conditions for development, and we will leave here like - let’s adapt, in our country the black watershed took place
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in the twentieth year, as in the russian federation in the twenty-second, we understand perfectly well who is broadcasting objective information, and... who is purposefully shaking up society with fakes, propaganda of western values ​​in general, trying to influence politically , in this communications, of course, the president very clearly laid out these three scenarios along with the power bloc, you just need to see the preventive risks, you need to understand that the foundation of electoral sovereignty has emerged and cybersecurity, an important area, and this is digital sovereignty, media, social. .. children, i work with youth, you work with youth, we understand that until our ecosystem is digital, we will not leave either, although the most effective tool is direct communication, working every day in the classroom with youth, we see their response, we understand that the generation, maybe it oleg sergeevich, does not know the nineties somewhere, but we must
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explain this to them, using leaders like you, examples, showing what the president did so that we today...
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there should not, there should not be half measures in this, in the hybrid war that is being waged, otherwise there is really a risk that years, decades will pass there, some generation will grow up under the influence of such foreign agents, they will want in a new way follow the lead of some rulers there abroad elites to carry out their will, and not the will of their people, to act not in the interests of their people and the state, in someone else’s external ones, so here a very great danger lies in reality, and it is very important, by the way, that in the same concept of national security . our literally strategic national goals are to preserve national self-identity,
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continuity of generations, which is very important, historical memory, and we understand where to move, i agree with my colleagues, yes, we must fight for the minds of young people, especially, this is ours task, and deputies, every concerned citizen, because if we miss this, the enemy will defeat us, there is such a proverb: a clear barrier has been put up, we open the western media, what they want, they want russia, that’s what they write, we would like russia broke up
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into dozens of states, so that it would not exist, that they want belarus, for belarus the best scenario is an armed coup d'etat with the subsequent division of the country, they talk about this, at the same time they ask why on the territory of belarus there are no our ngos, why do you ban western funding, this is nonsense, that is, we must clearly understand, so that it is easier for people, there is a garden. there is the owner of this garden, if the weeds grow there very strongly, there will be a lot of them, then it will be impossible to restore order in the garden, we see this in other countries, take the same georgia, okay, the georgians, by the way, answered, this is some kind of step, when you take georgia into the eu, we will reconsider, that is, never, because i don’t believe that anyone is going to take georgia into the european union, these are fairy tales, like about ukraine, then, please, but look, as soon as this was allowed into the country, the soros foundation, various ngos, remove it. it’s hard, it has to be uprooted with blood, which means it has to be done later, with some effort,
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so the best thing is not to let it in, but there is another important point, you can’t just uproot it, you can’t just make the garden empty, the weeds will grow again, we need to grow our own, good, correct, a good harvest of patriotic organizations, political parties, public initiatives, that’s why we make civil society laws, political parties, because there should always be... everything should be sprouted by our liabilities, and not western ones, the last thing, but i’m not afraid for the twenty-fifth year, i’m not afraid for the twenty-fourth year, that’s what we are laying down now, including in the supreme national assembly, i ’m worried about the thirty-fifth, the fortieth, so that they won’t believe again, again a new yeltsin, gorbachev, new foundations, new ngos won’t appear, because who wants this, i can tell you who is lobbying for a new ngo to return to nineteenth year, first as a deputy international commission: the west dreams of returning to the year nineteen, they regret that they have lost soft power, there are no receptions in embassies, there are no these oppositionists, eating
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like these same cockroaches, collecting money there with suitcases for the fight, this is no longer there, who else wants, what -these are officials who would then receive visas for a year or more in order to live in peace, what the people will get from these people is nothing, so we must understand once and for all, only our own, no western money, this is an axiom, lukashenko, having come to power, the first thing... he did was to remove the soros fund, it was his first brilliant decision, if the soros fund had been here, it wouldn’t have worked out, maybe ninety-six, and ninety-eight, and 2000 and 2010, too much money, what do they need? contrast? well, since we are talking about strategic tasks today, here is the development of comprehensive relations with russia, and we have reached a serious practical level, these are energy, innovation, space, infrastructure development, and we see how often leaders meet and regular negotiations with heads of russian regions, since the governor of the arkhangelsk region arrived this week, here is a fragment of the meeting. it is very important for us to seriously develop the northern sea route, and this means tens of
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millions of tons of cargo, because... due to sanctions, western countries have closed their ports, so it is very important for us to develop the northern sea route, we have tried to supply our goods in small quantities along this route, especially to the people's republic of china in the far east of russia, this is a very profitable route for us, so for us there will be a very great interest in working with the arkhangelsk region, well, also since the years of de...
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integration, which is built on respect for the sovereignty of the two countries, yes, on solving these problems that are important for both states jointly, this is worth a lot, because we really have actually reached a new level of such integration processes, which were probably not particularly present in the world before, we see perfectly these integration processes, what they have resulted in in the european union, yes, where the countries in the overwhelming majority have real we have lost our sovereignty, but here we are creating, creating together, supporting each other. and this is very valuable and necessary, indeed, we can definitely say that a country like the republic of belarus, being at a geopolitical crossroads, we alone, unfortunately, are not able to withstand this geopolitical storm that is happening, relying on the russian federation , it is absolutely from a historical, political, social, economic point of view, imagine if ukraine were still with us, it would be three times stronger, in fact, yes,
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here are three unities of the east slavic peoples, if this were preserved. so it would be very, very expensive, but unfortunately, we see what you think, someone today in ukraine is trying to rewind and thinking, damn, why did we go, i think there are probably people who understand and they regret what was done in their time, you know, here are several important blocks, firstly, back to that picture, on the capitalist hill, our leader is put on a par with the leaders of china, the russian federation, iran, emphasizing significance. and specifically the leader of the nation, yes, who today is essentially confronting evil. secondly, look, the economically pragmatic question is how much we invested in klaipeda, how much we invested in the baltic port facilities, built the entire infrastructure, created hundreds of jobs, protected it with international treaties, returning olek sergich in the nineteenth year, in the twentieth year something... then someone didn’t like it, not so, all this was instantly
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simply erased into dust, here’s an example. russian federation, we are developing port facilities, we are sure that they will be, the president is already planning for the future, so by the thirties, forties, it is clear that we cause the effect only later, and another bright moment, here are two examples of interaction with the russian federation, ukraine in the war, and belarus in space, with the development of technology with a reliable foundation, is today an example for all post-soviet countries. remind you that the west always punishes all countries for only one thing: not for democracy, freedom, elections, no one cares about this, it will always be until the end the existence of humanity, only for geopolitics, all the sanctions of the tenth year against our country for one thing, for an alliance with russia, they cannot forgive this, but why did we agree to this? because lukashenko wants to build a sovereign, independent belarus, and the union with russia
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strengthens its sovereignty and statehood. and we are strengthening, by the way, the statehood of russia, this is why they are strangling us, that we are becoming stronger, this is the basis, and in the nineties, you are right, no one wanted it, many people in russia did not want this union, again we return to to the belarusian people's assembly, who wanted a union, the people of russia and belarus, the people of belarus wanted this, they voted for lukashenko in 1944, he went to the polls with this slogan, the people of russia wanted this, this was evident in the elections to the state duma of 1993, when to rule...
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cancel the elections, only from the union with russia, you conducted the elections poorly, but you can refuse altogether, which means sell all the enterprises to the west, tomorrow the president comes out and says: there will be no elections for 100 years, the west, long live lukashenko, well done , the main thing is that i turned my back on russia, strassan, my colleagues said so much, and i really agree with everything. of course, the west is not interested, remember how the most important goal after world war ii was to destroy the soviet union, to prevent it from uniting in any forms, it will be the soviet union, or it will be two independent sovereign states
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in such a powerful union that we have today, they, of course, cannot allow this, a lot of money was invested in breaking up the union, today we really have strong ties, and i want emphasize that we are... two independent, sovereign states, so it was and so it will be. returning to our all-belarus people's assembly, it is very good that we talk about the context in which it is located, because many, i am sure, understand that we have this format, it is not new from the point of view of our culture, but it is updated , in general, now the whole country is undergoing a strategic renewal, but this is what it says: the body there, cells divide, changes every 7 years, a person is renewed, here is our country, the state is also living the body, it is constantly.
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time has chosen each of us, if we want to save the country, if we want a future for our children, then we must all unite, like in another way, us, no one else, not the one who will listen to us, whisper from - around the corner, how we should live, how we should act, what elections we should hold, who we should choose, who we should be friends with, and we will walk this path, correctly, as the president said,
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so that we will never be ashamed, not in front of past generations of veterans, not before the future, so time chose us and no one this path must be walked with dignity for those other than us. thank you for participating in this
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program, thank you. and finally, what is in the national assembly, what is its purpose, why so many respected people insist that this is fundamentally important. someone asks a question, okay, delegates, but what is this for me? for example, i am not a delegate, but i have something to say. and i see it like this. the vns is not about potholes on the roads; we have enough departments and specialists for that. vns is about who we are today, and most importantly, who we see ourselves tomorrow, in 5 years and 50. of course, there is only one life, you need to live it with dignity, feeling that you have lived. but isn’t this feeling of life born in our culture and tradition only when you aim this one and only dear life of yours at something greater than yourself? let me show you something, here in my hands is the order of the red star of my grandfather, a front-line soldier, he has been dead for a long time, my children have not even seen him, but when
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i hold this in my hands, when they my children look at this ancestral artifact , then you know, two times, two generations of one families, they come into contact, each generation has its own trials, some need to win the war, some need to win it... to prevent someone from living in peace with dignity, everyone has their own heritage, which is what we have as a country, here this question is intended to be answered in the vns, in my understanding. i really hope that the delegates and our society are mature enough to not only take on such a task, but also fulfill it with dignity. in the end, who else if not us, because time itself chose us. everything is happy today.
11:58 am
it's clear now, thank god, the snow will melt away damp earth, papsavala raza darogu, passes of spree, warmer sun jumping, ice nareshtsy zatrashchaў. the sun is falling, the gloom of every day leaps upon us, everything is visible, the geese are crowing, the sap on the oak tree is crumbling, the cranes are croaking, and the winter has disappeared like smoke, a greener meadow, like hell i felt pain. our native land,
11:59 am
why do we need an astronaut and space in principle, we have nothing else to do, a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in its essence, in any business there must be a goal to which it is necessary. drag on, without this stagnation will come, and it’s alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let’s produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing, you’ll howl , now the most important thing is that if we suddenly take on the project of building aircraft, this is already more than enough for development, documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government... was
12:00 pm
aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic cause more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko will also remain in history as the leader who solved the coronavirus problem more effectively than anyone else in the world. never suffer from psychosis in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus 244.
12:01 pm
you are watching the news live, in the studio elizaveta lokotka, hello, in this issue: an atmosphere of holiness and spirituality, today is palm sunday for the orthodox, believers illuminate the main symbol of the holiday. tornado large hail on the wings of southern china, there are dead, dozens of injured, buildings destroyed. through


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