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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 12:15pm-12:40pm MSK

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from us. the guys passed combat standards, shooting, passing an obstacle course, everything was the same as when passing the maroon beret. there are 155 boys and girls in the ranks from all military-patriotic clubs of the internal troops. at our school they announced that a military-patriotic club , valor, was opening, and i immediately became eager to join it, because after all, military affairs attracts me very much. i believe that not only men can do this. and in the future i plan. connect your life with the military profession. military-patriotic clubs have become a brand of our country. young boys and girls are brought up in the spirit of patriotism. they are the ones who are now starting to write their history of their homeland, the history of a strong belarus. the south of china is at the mercy of the elements, a powerful tornado and hail the size of a sculak hit the city of guangzhou. according to local press reports , five people were killed and 33 were injured. search efforts have been launched to combat the consequences of the disaster.
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rescue and emergency recovery teams. according to preliminary estimates, the tornado damaged about 140 factory buildings. in in nigeria, they are extinguishing a strong fire in a traffic jam on one of the country's highways, which burned down over a hundred cars. five people died. according to preliminary information, the cause of the tragedy was a traffic accident followed by a fire in a fuel tanker. the fire quickly engulfed neighboring vehicles, including fuel tanks. the traffic jam was so dense that many drivers had nowhere to take their cars.
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permeated with a special atmosphere of holiness, bright colors and decorated willow trees can be seen everywhere, this is the main symbol of the lord’s entry into jerusalem. now we are near the holy spirits cathedral and it must be said that our film crew has been watching the festive action since the very morning; festive liturgies are being held in churches today, and here they took place at 7:00 in the morning. right now, believers continue to approach the cathedral and illuminate it.
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you can illuminate the willow until 6 pm. elizabeth, i give you the floor. thank you, katerina, among the orthodox, today is palm sunday. over rough terrain, through ravines and mud, the beetle trail brought together extreme sports enthusiasts and those who are not afraid to get dirty. race in the agricultural town of gaina, lagoi region, attracted not only runners, but also avid cyclists who were looking forward to separate 80 and 40 km routes. on the natural path. obstacles, puddles, elevation changes, branches and much more. runners at a distance of 24.7 km, as many as they can, also faced the same tests, but on their own two feet. obstacles are only natural, that is, what nature and man gave us is what we have. runners
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have sections of off-road terrain and many hills, many ravines, but we don’t see the ravines, we see the hills we see. therefore, the running distances also dive into the enemy, they are steep, now they are very green, very spring-like, there are flowers there - somewhere there are flowers, somewhere there are bird cherry blossoms, that is, a very beautiful distance, the track is good, there is a lot of mud, i really liked everything, incredibly cool, such emotions, such a bike, without obstacles only puddles, mud, it was hard, sometimes hard, sometimes easy, well, overall i liked everything, tired, the distance was super easy. there were difficult sections, there was mud, it was wet, but it was great, this is the first race of this season, it was a little hard, it’s a little hard to ride with the guys, but everything worked out, it went through, we got there, the beetle trail in
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the agricultural town of gaina took place for the twenty -sixth time, at the finish line each athlete traditionally received a commemorative medal. the broadcast will continue the sports review, we will tell you about the developments at 15:00, let me remind you. tv news agency projects are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later. mogilev dnepr, at their native spartak, could not oppose anything to dynamo minsk 0:2. u the guests distinguished themselves from diol and shots. after this victory, vadim skripchenko’s team rose to fourth place in the standings. the capital's squad has 12 points. dnepr has thirteenth position and five points. by the way, for four games in a row, the champions have kept their gates locked. seven matches were played in the english premier league the day before. let's note westham's match against liverpool, which ended 2:2. for the guys of yurgin klop, this is a draw because of a loss, the team left
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the championship race. the reds are in third position in the standings, they have 75 points and have already played 35 matches, higher than manchester city and arsenal, who will play each other for.
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the road map was signed by the governors of the arkhangelsk region of russia and our central region. the memory of a person is everywhere. we will see monuments and memorials of the heritage of cities, to the unforgettable appearance of which the master contributed. and preparation for orthodox easter. what gift did the minsk goldsmiths give to the kopol church? and what is the route for the exhibition of gold-embroidered eggs? time has chosen us. and this is a time of great accomplishments. the passing week. entered the history of our country. fateful decisions were made at the all-belarusian people's assembly, where the minsk region was represented by 134 delegates. over the 2 days of the seventh supreme council, new and significant development goals for belarus were identified for the coming years: strengthening security measures,
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innovation in the economy, affordable and high-quality housing and healthcare, high-tech agro-industrial complex. by the way, one of the tasks of the agricultural industry is that 47 investment projects are being implemented in all regions of the minsk region. 200 people will form new work teams. alexey kondratenko talks about what has been achieved in recent years and what significant premieres await us. in the more than two million loaves of the minsk region, there are almost half a million tons of corn grain - this is the most significant gross harvest in belarus and a historical record for farmers of the central region. such important raw materials for the agro-industrial complex need to be preserved in a high-quality manner;
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the equipment of the amkador holding plays a key role in this. the grain plant specializes in the production of grain drying complexes. one of the new projects amkador mozha enterprises. a conveyor-type grain abrasive, it can process up to 30 tons of raw materials per hour, these are not only grains and legumes, but also small-seeded crops, as well as herbs. enterprise portfolio and mobile dryer niva for farms. industrialists help both domestic and russian farmers in their work. by the way, there is already an increased demand for the products of the new amkador agidel plant in ufa. in the city itself, a large engineering holding will also create a new production facility, and this is 40 additional jobs. our products in the russian federation are represented by eight distributors who have... its wide dealer network, from moscow to the far east, siberia.
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we are currently working on another investment project, which is being carried out jointly with the regional executive committee, this is the construction of a production building with a total area of ​​10,000 km2, with new technological equipment. at the new production we plan to produce the same conveyor-type dryers, a mobile dryer, nivo, and also dryers and grain drying complexes with intelligent... the krupsky forest farm has a lot of innovative technologies; in recent years, the company has relied on deep wood processing. the new production revitalized the economy of the entire region. the resulting products are useful for everyone: pallets needed in logistics and trade, lumber, in construction and home renovation. we use hardwood and coniferous wood for the production of pallets. we are expanding to friendly countries, we have created new jobs, we are still doing
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deep processing of wood in terms of the production of dry, lumber, planed products, this area is in great demand among the population of our country, these are floor boards, imitation timber, plinths, lumber products, cashing. the krupsk region also expects significant returns from the mining industry from the modernization of the local peat briquette plant. shovka is a thoughtful investment also in support of the regional economy. this investment project involves the construction of a peat boiling shop, the construction of fields for peat extraction is about 150 hectares, and the modernization of technological passages, reconstruction of the technological road. the investment amount will be 42 million rubles. and it provides for the creation of twenty modernized jobs . another strategic sector of the economy of the central region for the development
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of livestock farming, over the past year in the minsk region, more than two dozen dairy complexes have been built in the status of new settlers, farmers of the kopolsky district are working , cows on rusaki produce 30 liters of milk per day , and the new complex itself is generally noticeable intensified the work of the agricultural enterprise staritsa agro. there are about 500 ten heads of black livestock at the complex, we plan that this complex will be 100% full by august and will give us about 15 tons of milk per day. we turn raw materials obtained from dairy farms into a dry product. the kopal branch of the slutsk cheese-making plant entered this year with a solid project, the production of instant milk powder. one district, one project, brought more than three to the city. dozens of jobs. the white gold of our agro-industrial complex can
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be stored in dry form for up to 2 years. this is also one of the advantages of deep milk processing. however, consumers will not be allowed to store valuable goods for so long. the asian market is already skimming the cream off our products. today we have conquered the middle east - this is bahrain, qatar, syria, the united arab emirates, singapore. we will already have the south-east of asia, well, also georgia, azerbaijan, the long-distance transport complex, of course, allows us to produce four types of products, these are milk powder, milk powder instant, whole milk and instant whole milk powder. the landscape of the capital's satellite cities is changing noticeably, smolevichi will soon have its full appearance... and by the fall, most of
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the r-53 highway will be a broadband high-speed concrete road, which means it will be possible to get from minsk to zhodina in a matter of minutes, where, by the way, it continues large-scale modernization of belaz, updating, as well as new products including an electric dump truck and a heavy truck on gas fuel, a driver in the economy with... the belarusian automobile plant will be able to produce annually, not 900, but already 1200 units of quarry equipment, the healthcare sector of the minsk region has been developing in recent years. a diagnostic building in the city of derzhinsk, a diagnostic building in the city of borisov, three large facilities have been introduced in the minsk region - this is a clinic in the zerzo agricultural carriage, an outpatient clinic in priluki , now we are also in a clinic for
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800 visits from the mine of the minsk central regional clinical hospital, of course, saturation. and updating the material and technical base of the minsk region, it is of special importance, more eleven computed tomography machines, two magnetic resonance imaging machines, more than 200 medical vehicles and ambulances were purchased in rural settlements over 3 years, modular medical and obstetric centers were introduced, two of them were installed in the borisov region, three in the soligorsk region . next up are clinics in smolevichi and zaslavl, the same year will be brought to the minsk region. and such socially significant premieres as the sports and recreation complex in derzhinsk, and on september 1, residents of fannepol and soligorsk will celebrate the day of knowledge in large, cozy new-building schools. alexey kondratenko, dmitry chumak and ilya puchko, news central region. we are increasing
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cooperation with russia. the governor signed a road map to intensify cooperation. in all areas of our interaction, including in terms of economic development, we really discussed the topic of interaction on the supply of our equipment, discussed the prospects for interaction on the supply of fire equipment poshnap, this is our borisov enterprise, this is not subject to corrosion technology, you can use sea water and so on, in addition to this
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, our traditional direction is the processing of our food products, this is also an interesting topic. works and projects that i lead. molodeshchina, slutsk, minsk, vitebsk, dozens of other cities and towns, to the unforgettable appearance of which the master contributed. recall the architectural heritage of levin, the idea of ​​​​an exhibition project that opened at the yanka kupala literary museum. why there? our correspondent, natalya brodelovskaya
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, saw an exhibition with the self-explanatory title earth leonid levin. spring, when. nature is being revived in a new way, and one of the most beloved places in the capital by menchan residents, yanka kupala park, or rather an ensemble, because here is a museum named after the poet, a monument to pisner, and a picturesque natural landscape, the most touching object of which is a tree several times tall, this is the daughter of that very famous poplar, the same age as the national poet, there is also a fountain, it is near it that we circle with... galina levina. a hereditary belarusian architect tells how the kupala wreath was created. the fountain appeared in the fifties, igor rudenko’s project was without girls with wine. taking the granite bowl as a basis, only in the seventies the object was romanticized with kupala, kupala graces. this modern touch, like other innovations, was brought to the park complex by a whole
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team. gradov, annikeichik, zaspitsky, gumelevsky and levin. i didn’t just see the drawings in my father’s workshop. in general, this is interesting, every time i return to this thought of his and, uh , you look for meanings, firstly, he really drew it from them, not only in literature, not only in poetry, in world-creation, worldview, he saw a lot of meanings in them. rare shots of the master at the site, the know-how of the kupali monument itself, which rose not on a polished rectangle of paste, but on natural stone, symbolizing living soil.
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the master's landmark years, when the architect's talent gave birth to the best works, when his name sounded, when those monuments that today are included in the christomathy of domestic
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monumental art were just beginning, among the important ones at the exhibition is the autobiographical volume of khatyn. land of leonidas levin is also minsk, where the future architect was born; he was evacuated as a five-year-old military boy in the forties. this is life from scratch in a liberated capital. there are many points on the map of belarus, where monuments to the hands and talent of the master have grown, but above all, the most important symbol, sign, project for levin and for millions of people of different generations was, of course, khatyn. khatyn is a separate topic for my work, and it is a separate topic for belarus. people at the memorial don’t like to talk in numbers; they come here every day. hundreds people, and over the weeks and months, the statistics of visits simply goes off scale, but the emotions and experiences of everyone cannot be measured by anything, the monument will be 55 in july, but then how is it that when
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it is opened, the folk trail here is not overgrown? lemen once wrote in his book that every architectural work still has a fashion, fashion still comes here too, so i want to say that the fashion did not pass to khatyn, the memorial being in the open air since... has already changed thousands of generations, thousands of generations have one single desire: to live in peace. the land of leonid levin, lagoiskaya, became the place where the architect, together with like-minded people, spoke not only about the tragedy of one particular village, the dinner of the forties of the entire belarusian people, once again we will say thank you to yuri gradov, valentin zankovich, sergei selikhanov and leonid levin, for the wall sorrow, village cemetery, for the unconquered. after khatyn , levin had a lot of peaceful work, bathing monuments to kolos, david in david town,
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the chagall quarter in vetebsk, working with the metro, nemiga station, lenin square, but the war did not let go, the memorials in ushachi, slutsk, molodech, gorodeya, the pit in minsk, and the children's khatyn, the red bank on zhlobin land, were something there. uniting everyone is the pain of those people who died in trossinets. i also see this topic in my own way. memorial complex trostenets. with galina levina we walk along the paths of memory's sorrows. the daughter made her father's dream come true. in the team of co-authors, galina leonidovna carefully and scrupulously followed his idea. happened. another point on the land of leonid levin, part of his biography and a sign of history. russian people. natalya bardelovskaya, grigory kristafovich and andrey ivanenko, news central region. one of
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the oldest places in belarus, the city of kopyl, minsk region, is already preparing for orthodox easter. construction of a sunday school, painting of the walls of the church of the ascension of the lord. what a pre-easter gift the minsk goldsmiths gave to the local church after visiting kopyl.


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