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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 12:40pm-1:31pm MSK

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memorial complex trostenets with galina levina we are walking along the paths of grief of memory, the daughter made her father’s dream come true. in the team of co-authors , galina leonidovna carefully and scrupulously followed his idea, and it worked. another point on the land of leonid levin, part of his biography and a sign of the history of the belarusian people. natalya bordelovskaya, grigory kristafovich and andrey ivanenko, news central region. one of the oldest places in belarus, the city of kopyl, minsk region is already preparing for orthodox easter, the construction of a sunday school, painting of the walls of the church of the ascension of the lord, what pre-easter gift did the minsk gold seamstresses give to the local church, where after visiting kopol will the exhibition of gold-embroidered eggs go? report by larisa gulikevich. bath of the majestic temple in honor of the ascension of the lord.
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have been towering over kopol for a century and a half. the architectural monument is located in the center of the ancient city and is a place of spiritual strength and blessing for local residents. the temple has experienced such dawns during its existence, so to speak, both spiritual dawns and abominable desolation. here. it went through a lot; at one time, during soviet times, it was closed. in the nineties, revivals began here. of this temple , divine services begin here, priests begin to come to serve, and then, slowly, slowly, the restoration of the temple begins. the restoration of the temple, the ascension of the lord, is proceeding gradually, the walls of the altar arches are being painted. almost no ancient shrines have survived, so the church is decorated with consecrated icons by modern masters. the designer of the temple, natalya panasyuk , came to kopol 30 years ago from kazakhstan.
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city ​​of pavlodar, restores, creates icons using his own technique, when decorating lithographs they use various materials, foil, beads, multi-colored beads, this is foil, you see, this is yellow - this is foil, blue foil, and these are beads, beads, different colors, you know, somehow, according to the canon , you don’t move away from the icon, since there is an image on a lithograph, you try to transfer it all. add a little something there, but you try to be according to the canon, right here in kopol, in your small homeland, olga the elder, a master of knitting using the irish lace technique, brought a valuable gift, a liturgical set made of red velvet, embroidered with gold threads, rhinestones and pearls. in this technique.
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christmas knitted decorations and balls. this time, olga turned to specialists from small fragments, and also from minsk, who sew with gold threads, who created such a work of art. this is a eucharistic set, these are two small and large covers, they are used during the divine liturgy. since the first centuries christianity had such a tradition of covering the holy gifts. collection. souvenir easter eggs - another international project, which will then travel to neighboring nesves for an exhibition at the radevil castle. there are about thirty easter eggs in this basket, each a work of art. they all came not only from different cities, but also from different countries. each masterpiece is made using a different technique, here weaving with beads, irish lace, and some even have real gold thread. after the blessing of the koopol land.
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a souvenir collection of precious eggs awaits in separate apartments of the radewilovsky palace. in a special hall , all visitors can now admire exquisite works of art.
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they absorb knowledge with an enviable appetite, is it true that in developed... countries the male population predominates over the female population, the female population predominates there, because men have a higher mortality rate in childhood, what do you think causes this? various factors, my dad threw me into a river when i was a child, and then they brilliantly answer the host’s questions. somebody
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knows why september is called september? not because it’s the seventh month, no, nikita, great, it’s the seventh month, september is named: just a serial number, relatively speaking, even the adults are delighted with the erudition of these guys, and why does the population, it seems to me, cannot be included in the first ten countries in the world? sonya answered correctly, she’s smart, she has very well developed logical thinking, and even if she doesn’t know something, she can reach the correct answer, precedent, precedent - this is some kind of incident, i’m very glad that yulia answered correctly, this is exactly the word that we discussed with her when... preparing for the olympics and therefore it’s great that it coincided. watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on tv channel belarus 24.
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plan of operational investigative measures in criminal case number 47 against ivan nikolaevich petrov 1900. on june 23, 1975, in criminal case number 47
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, the ussr state security committee for the city of kaliningrad and the kaliningrad region was detained, and on june 26 , citizen petrov ivan nikolaevich was arrested, where's she? i ask you again, where is the book? i don’t know what it is, what happened, why are we shouting, here you go. albracht's bible disappeared, maybe there will still be one, someone took it by accident, by chance, or maybe you'll think next time before you speak, it has no value, and you again forgot to close your office, i don't remember what time you left here yesterday, what do you remember, van, please, don’t yell at her, but forgive me, i’m just in such a state now, and maybe you can tell me what to tell kulyakov, huh? i'm lost citizen ivan nikolaevich petrov
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corresponded for 10 months with a german citizen from hamburg, thomas tyshler. the correspondence revealed petrov’s interest in materials regarding prussian architecture; petrov repeatedly expressed a desire to visit germany. during the development of mr. tyshler , data was obtained that thomas tyshler from 1954 to 1965 was an active member. npc. a new element of operational investigative measures was the fact that an anonymous letter was received by the state security committee, attachment no. 28. in the letter, the anonymous author convincingly reports that petrov promised tyshler to exchange the materials of interest for a rare exhibit of the historical museum, which is an object of cultural historical heritage of the ussr, a five-language bible published in 1483. during the investigation , the fact that the bible was missing was established.
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tell. can i take a photo of these documents? yes please. i consider it my
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duty to warn that all petrov’s thoughts and feelings are directed towards the alien, hostile west; he conducted dubious correspondence with citizen sherge tyshler, repeatedly expressed. desire to visit the city of hamburk, yes, who was already capable of such meanness, i think brigitte did it, no, not brigitte, she loved him, but she herself admits this in a letter, that you broke up with ivan - my fault, i did everything to make this happen, she could write a denunciation to separate ivan and olga, where did you get this from, this is yana. i found it in my attic, we now live in the house where
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brigita used to live, brigita, brigita, my god, so many years have passed. and why do you need me? there is a case. sounds reassuring. tanov, what are you ready for for me? no matter what, can you do a lettering? easily. well then write. dear olga.
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sorry for not coming to zaks, as you already guessed, the business trip is just an excuse to avoid this conversation, you 're kidding, he was arrested, she doesn't even know about it, and i have no time for jokes now, i want her i left here forever. do you love him so much that you are ready to commit meanness? bogdanov, what do you want in return? three wishes or i'm leaving. just no kisses
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uh, water, yes. i remember, yes, yes, like, kiss you, yes, yes, andryush, what did you want, vladimir ivanovich, i need a vacation for a few days, at my own expense, but are you crazy, why, professor larson is coming from denmark tomorrow, tomorrow , and you forgot, he is interested in our innovative technologies, and he personally wanted to meet you. this is all foresty, of course, but what kind of rush is this? i have a personal matter, i understand. let's agree this way: you devote 2 days to professor larson, then take a week and decide your problems.
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hello, lieutenant volkova, trainee investigator at the district police department. we ’ve already told the district police officer everything. and this is what i wanted to talk to you about. i carefully studied the video from road surveillance cameras. and i came to the conclusion that the driver of the van deliberately wanted to push you off the road. and this , excuse me, is attempted murder, article 105 of the crimea. the driver's identity has not yet been established. tell me, do you have ill-wishers? this is my first time in kaliningrad, i don’t know anyone, there was no one, and you came here on vacation or working on a business trip, on a personal matter, i think this has nothing to do with what happened, well, after all, i’m looking for my grandfather, if possible, in more detail, petrov,
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how did the valuable priority of the historical museum, which is the five-language bible, end up with you. the director of the museum, pavel ignativich kulyakov, ordered that the bible be given to me. were you planning to sell it? no. what kind of conspiracy are you talking about? answer the question. i'm trying to. i needed the bible to work on my dissertation. ask pavel ignatievich. today kulyakov shot himself. and thereby confirmed his guilt. here is his note. where is the bible, was it stolen, where, when, under what circumstances, who had access? to the office, i don’t know, 3 days ago, i personally locked the office, the key was only with me, you corresponded with mr. tyshler, yes, and how you wanted
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to send the bible abroad, i was not going to send it anywhere, our correspondence was purely scientific in nature, you will have time to think, let me out, you have no right, i have a wedding today. he's nowhere to be found, we just said he went to business trip, count, yes, yeah. dear olga, i’m sorry that i didn’t come to zaks. as you guessed, the business trip is just an excuse to avoid this conversation. you may call me a coward, but i've thought a lot
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about us, and i've come to the conclusion that i may have ruined the event. yes, it's beautiful. by the way, are there fish in the shallows? don't know. mermaids lead, on the first official seal of the city of kneiph there was a picture of a mermaid’s hand extending a crown from the water, oh, by the way, about mermaids, here it is, investigator lisa, hello, yes, inga, hello, this is volkova, i made a request fms, your grandfather petrov ivan nikolaevich, born in 1983 , to this day lives on the farm of ain didler, translated from german as a hermit. this is near the village of nekrasovo near gurevsk. thanks a lot. what's happened? has your grandfather been found? give me your mopet for a few days. this is a scooter.
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chick-chick-chick, chick-chick. you'll see. not out of sadness, but rather habit, you will see in thin roots, koenisberg, and why not call the birds, the caucasians, denisberg, and when there are only bricks around.
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and is distributed. we recognize you from architectural memories belarus has a different era of style. the temple at mosary -
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geta dastatkova laconic, navat prasyakny spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsii. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta just right. the 890th reptiles were known by rech paspalitaya, and since then, we seem to have come to the end of the famous style of baroka, and all the royal princes here take us away from the paeina such a dead end, in addition to the document , the architects were the myastsov admyslovites, the architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzice praektse architecture of belarus. kali. at the beginning there were more european trots, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to give out something new and
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aryginal. on our tv channel, when the grisha brought her to us at okla, there seemed to be more light in the village, i immediately decided about you, my everything, i just glanced and said to myself, my, it’s too early to drive you out of the house, but people the night was falling apart, eight to work, here they are, asleep, in the city and completely sleepy, listen to me, you ’ll give ninka the ham, which is nothing more than rags, but then it will be our goodness to attach the cables, sell the rest, i forgot to stare, crishi! i don’t remember what kind of hand you have, and why should i stroke you, you’re not a little girl, but you don’t remember your hand, so i don’t hit you, now what the hell, come on, i don’t have much money, a ruble is 12 kopecks, why did you pick me up at the station, others didn’t take it, i liked your suitcase, but how do you live with your husband, well, watch the film three poplars on ivy from the collection of pearls
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of soviet cinema, may 1 on the belarus24 tv channel. hello, you are ivan, i know my name inga, i came from st. petersburg, congratulations, i am the granddaughter of olga ivanovna sokolovskaya, born in 1975, do you remember olga?
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yes, listen, i’ve traveled so many kilometers, spent so much time, and you don’t even want to listen to me, leave, this is private property, why are you doing this, i have so much to tell you.
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volya, do you really still hope after everything he wrote to you, are you ready to forgive him everything, ready, why did i introduce you?
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all this bogdan fish stuck, so olya, get ready, it’s time for us to go to the station. i will wait for you on the street. let's go, let's go into the house, yes, it's a good photo,
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i have one too. and you are not very talkative, keep quiet, i don’t care what you think about, but whether you like it or not, you are my grandfather, my grandmother only found out about my mother when she arrived in leningrad, how old is your mother, in april it would have been 48. she died when i was 14 years old, she was hit by a drunk driver right at a pedestrian crossing. what did olga call her? maria, why
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didn’t she say anything? she was offended by you, why? so you gave it up? who said? this a note. which brigit gave to my grandmother, but i didn’t write any notes, but who would have given me, lord, well, the handwriting is not mine, they deceived her, who, who, who? brigita, this is with bogdanov.
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bogdanov, collect your junk, hey, why the junk? i think we're wonderful. bree, bree, bogdanov, do you think he will let ivan go? i don’t know, the trial is tomorrow, closed session. i want to write to olga and confess everything. confess what you and i have done, not we, but you, it was you who persuaded me, for three wishes
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, to forge this notorious handwriting in his handwriting note, yes i do, because i didn’t want this wedding, i hate her, and i hate him. and that’s why you wrote a denunciation against ivan to the kgb? go ahead and prove it. and i won't prove anything. only you could do this to avert suspicion from yourself. because you stole the bible? it is not true. true, i saw myself leaving the office that night. why didn’t you pawn me, and bogdanov, and your conscience doesn’t
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torment you, bree, you won’t hand me over, no? grandmother kept it as a souvenir, what is written here... is: skandry tramen de lumine, cat desendit, well, therefore, strive upward along the sunbeam falling downwards, well, towards perfection, therefore, it’s beautiful, yes, but everything is already in the past, you can’t return the past, but if you try, love is destiny? youth, i’m
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already old, there’s a bedroom upstairs, i won’t sleep anyway, i’ll go look for gas for your scooter, and in the morning you’ll be fine. hello, inga, there is news, i'll be right there, inga, i contacted the university foundation, yeah, i asked for theses.
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now wait, oh, my, i’m listening, hello, hello, well, listen, what brand was yours a typewriter, like this, like eric’s, it seems that someone could have used it, no, exactly, wait, this was a week before the arrest , and... well, i worked in this museum fund,
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compiled forms, these acts storage units arrived, but our machine was broken, moscow had its own broken, it was under repair, but i brought mine, it was a matter of who could use it, but who wants, and bogdanov and this is kulyakov, but who wants bogdanov? catch up, brie, marry me, who am i, for you, you don’t care how i treat you i treat it anyway, don’t make me laugh. “i
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’ve loved you for a long time, but i’ll soon get enough of you, i despise myself, and you even more, don’t say that, don’t say that, don’t say that, i hate you.” i hate, i hate, leave me alone, leave me alone, i hate you, i hate you, you know who you are, you are a nonentity, you are scum, you are a bastard, you are a thief, because of you... they imprisoned ivan, because of you, kulyakov shot himself. shut up,
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shut up, shut up. help, help!
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we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should not only satiate, but also delight, because food, oh, how it affects our mood, and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double. it’s a pleasure to prepare a delicious breakfast together with the audience. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, breakfast will be very interesting today, we will prepare quiche with mussels, i hope that we will have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast of a champion, and get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well,
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masha, our breakfast is ready, you will have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, it was difficult to prepare it, honestly no, i didn’t even expect it, that it will be like this. easy, adopt this recipe, watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel, you know, the first feeling you get in minsk is security, this calm feeling of security, and we are different countries, but we have a union state, and how since this year opens up opportunities for some kind of harmonization.
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you are the only country that has resisted, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel, i don’t understand why you came again? i already told you everything, so according to you the testimony reveals what happened to brigitte, an accident, yes, more than a minute passed, i rushed into the water to find her, that’s right, yes, that’s how it happened, and what happened next, i
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found her. pulled me to the surface, began to scream, call for help, there, there was a man next to his family, they were flying a kite, we tried to save brigitte together, i don’t understand why you are making me live through all this again, bogdanov, you love movies, watching which. what does cinema have to do with it? what do you say to this? why did you kill a citizen from saulitka? this is wrong. i
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didn't kill her. i loved her. i swear you. it's an accident. i did it inadvertently. i used to love her. please. turn it off, i can’t watch it, i loved her, you have to, you have to believe me, i don’t owe you anything, you killed a person, whether you intend to or not, let the court decide, you face up to 10 years, this happened by chance, my mother is disabled, she won’t survive if they put me in prison, well... comrade investigator, i beg you, you’re not an evil person, but there must be some way out.
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bogdanov made an appointment for me, this evening after the lecture, i’m with you, oh well, you, i myself, okay, well, take care of yourself.
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i woke up, where am i, you’ve been sleeping for a long time, beauty, who are you, what’s going on, let’s assume it’s a rhetorical question, by what right do you keep me here, kidnapping is a criminal offense, i know the law as well as you, they will look for me, no one will look for you won't find it here.
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inda, hello, fox, inga is missing, hello. you can’t tell me when you got to the paradise center, if it’s not close from here, it’s okay, we ’re familiar, you’re standing there, it’ll be a little far,
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grandpa, how did you find me, and you have this keychain on the keys to your house. the key is lyonka’s brother, his brother constantly lost them, and lyonka soldered a gps beacon to him, i got it, no, i got it, yes you, my dear. come on, move away from him, lenya, keep your head down, timaga, drop your weapon!


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