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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 1:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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“it will be a bit far, grandfather, how did you find me, and you have this keychain on the keys to the house, lyonka’s brother’s key, his brother constantly lost them, and lyonka soldered a beacon to him.” but i understand, no, i understand, yes, my dear, come on, move away from him, lenya, keep your head down, simaga, stop yelling! first time as a
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law enforcement officer, you’ve been working for a long time, my first case, well done, come on, what are you doing? no, no, in the list of owners of such vans the surname simagra was indicated, the investigator who led the case had the same surname death of brigita, such a coincidence seemed to me... random, i now, thank you, citizen simaga, you understand under what article you are accused, i will remind you, article 126 of the okrrf, kidnapping of a person with the use of violence dangerous to the life and health of a person, you can not to continue, i...
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after all, as a lawyer, albeit a former one, i carefully studied your personal file, you are an excellent student at the higher political school of the ministry of internal affairs, in 1974 you took up the position of investigator of the prosecutor's office of the moskovsky district, the city of kaliningrad. one of the cases you entered is there was a case about the death of brigitte saulitta, in which oleg bogdanov was a witness. as i recall, the case seems to have collapsed due to lack of crime. “that’s right, there is a conclusion, in this case, how will you explain the origin of the film that we found in your house during a search, in a hiding place, we made a digital copy, would you like to take a look, i’ve already seen enough of this film, you blackmailed bogdanov, agreed to work to the kgb, wrote denunciations, in
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general, a piece of shit, in the same hiding place, we found a five-language bible, the value of which it’s impossible to imagine how long you were still selling antiques until this girl got into our business, that ’s when bogdanov panicked, something needs to be done, something needs to be done, if the journalists are about... i’m an accountable citizen of the city, professor, dean of the faculty, director of the historical museum, collaborated with the kgb, there will be a fuss, you never know who collaborated with whom, you don’t understand, a scandal will be provoked by inspections at the museum and it will turn out that valuable exhibits have been disappearing from the fund for a long time, everything will be covered, business, career, life, so what are you suggesting, we need to get rid of the girl as soon as possible... and keep in mind, if they take me, i
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won’t take the rap alone, thank you for everything, but what are you, you’re welcome, no , really, thank you for your help, and in general...
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i love you, i’m very afraid of losing you, i understand that lately i’ve been obsessed with my work, we’ll definitely have children, i love you, hoodie? museum, well, this is kant’s grave, sorry for not inviting me, but i have a good reason, you know, my granddaughter, our granddaughter, left something, and i
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i would like to return this to the owner. you’re just like a mirage, i’m afraid to close my eyes, close your eyes, you’ll disappear, but don’t close your eyes. so very good, and even a little more crowded, and where is anya, anya, let’s go too, that’s it, everyone is here,
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everyone is looking at each other, super, super, and smiling.
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watch belarus today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live
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broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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to win the super final, the participants do not catch freebies, but new information, so they have enough knowledge, the game will show who can use it better. let's meet the contenders for the title of superfinal winner. and their teachers.
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victor prikodko, gymnasium number 51 of the city of gomel, teacher of chemistry and biology vasily vladimirovich semenyuk. alisa leanovich, secondary school number two in the urban village of ros , class teacher, foreign language teacher lyubov yuryevna leonovich. andrey bakhar, gymnasium number one in the city of novogrudok, class teacher, mathematics teacher alla sergeevna. minko. timofey bagrey, gymnasium number two of the city of soligorsk, mathematics teacher natalya mikhailovna radkevich. sofia khramtsova. secondary school number 4 of the city of cherven, class teacher, mathematics teacher, elena valentinovna terezh. yulia podbolotova, secondary school number 26 in minsk named after kolobanov and teacher of russian language and literature oksana mikhailovna khmelnitskaya.
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number 51 of the city of gomel, history teacher irina anatolyevna krotovo. anna popova, gymnasium number 6 of the city of brest named after marshal of the soviet union zhukova, geography teacher irina alekseevna, vishnevetskaya. dmitry omelchenko, yanka kupala gymnasium. class teacher, english teacher language irina mikhailovna. karpish. anastasia timoshenko. secondary school number 8 in the city of krichevo, english teacher ekaterina mikhailovna radkova. roman sopot, secondary school number 138 in minsk, class teacher and geography teacher olga olegovna mashonskaya. i have one more person left to introduce, this is our scientific expert, olga kostritskaya.
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hello guys, we are glad to welcome you to our playground, right now at this very minute my colleague yulya pertsova is already communicating with your teachers. julia, for you word. yes, vasya, everything is assembled. moreover, some teachers tried to take their happy places. luck is luck, but in our game intelligence and erudition are more important. guys, good luck to everyone, show us a super game. vasya, let's begin. we are starting the first round, let's remember its rules. in the first round, players
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are asked 12 multiple-choice questions - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds, each correct answer brings the participant one point. the eight players with the most points advance to the second round. first question of the first round. it’s true that the author is a good fellow, genrikh dalidovich. time. raman, what do you think, i ask you to answer the question varyantly, no, because i know for sure that the good guy dzik is a good guy, maxim luzhanin. applause, the first question went, okay, and genrykh dalidovich, this autar of another appavyadannya, what may i call a stratum, well then. do not take away, do not add, this is an absolutely correct answer, the correct answer to our question, there is no option. second question:
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is a sveristel really a wind instrument? musical instrument? time! dmitry, what do you think? eh, i think that a sversel is not a wind musical instrument. yeah, what could it be, then? i can’t guess, but it’s definitely not a musical instrument, but andrey, what do you say, well, i can’t say for sure what a speristel is, i’m roughly guessing that it’s some kind of pipe. it would be called a whistle, but it’s a whistle, it whistles, in other words, then maybe it’s still very similar, yeah, but a wind instrument, when you blow and some kind of sound comes out, so i answered yes, but he very emotionally he answers confidently,
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unfortunately, yes, the sound of sparkling is obtained, and the sound of brutality is obtained. and what kind of sound is it, how can you reproduce it at least something more or less similar to ferocity? no, i don’t remember what it sounds like, but you are sure that it sounds and it’s not bad. alice, to be honest, i don’t know, but most likely this is a wind musical instrument, a sveristel, but well, then the correct answer is: a sveristel, the same sveristel that is stated in our question is a bird, and a wind musical instrument is drill, good my, the correct answer to... our question: no. third question: is it true that the crawl style of swimming resembles the movement of a frog? time! victor, let’s talk to you, well, crawl is a style of swimming when, well
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, in general, firstly, it’s the fastest swimming style, well, in general in a sport like swimming, so what? and is there any kind of swimming at all that can remind us of a frog, yulia? as far as i know, the brass style of swimming resembles the movement of a frog, and that’s right, yulia loves to swim, goes in for swimming, she knows a lot, she reads a lot, yeah, introduce me to him, what the brace looks like, the arms go like this, and the legs, it’s like this, you
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mean, yes, yeah, like this, but where is the head? head under water, under water, like this, like this, but how to breathe, what am i embarrassed to ask, sometimes float up, float up, float up sometimes, that is, stop swimming, no, swim, head up and back under, and then back under the water, yeah, very good, i’m happy, you can see that you’re happy, you ’re happy, yes, everything is great, the movement of a swimmer who prefers breaststroke and frogs is very similar: both arms are brought forward together, then they spread, make a circle towards the body, then the arms are thrown forward again, the same movement that we talked about: arms forward, arms to the sides towards the body forward again, but there is another style of swimming : crawl, so here the swimmer moves his arms and legs at the same time, the legs should be kept straight, while depicting
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the movement, well, if you want scissors, here the arms are thrown forward one by one, the same one... victor, which you remembered, and this is the fastest style swimming, swimming style, which allows itself to move at the highest speed. the correct answer to our question, option, is no. fourth question: is it true that during the roman empire, saturday was dedicated to the god saturn. time! timofey, let's talk. i answered yes, because - saturday is the sixth day of the week, so, saturn is also the sixth planet, he concentrated and remembered, he’s smart, well done, logic, your isna to me, reinforced concrete, the sixth day of the week, the sixth planet farthest from the sun, you mean, and anna, well, i thought that
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saturn, similar to the english saturday, which means saturday, therefore, saturn's day was celebrated on saturday. the clever girl also put everything logically into place, well , the absolutely correct answer, indeed, traces of this have been preserved, for example, in the english name of this day of the week, saturday, which translated means saturday, the correct answer to our question is yes, the fifth question: is it true that millet is a cereal made from the fruits of millet, time for...
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i understand that millet is a cereal obtained from the fruits of cultivated species of millet, freed from spikelet glumes by peeling. the correct answer to our question is yes. sixth question: is it true that this is a self-portrait of the artist albrecht durrer? time! anna, let's talk to you, how did you answer this question? i don't remember exactly, but i answered no. raphael has a similar self-portrait, but i don't know for sure. yeah, i mean
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it confused you. yes. understood. julia, i remember from the art textbook for the fifth grade that this is a self-portrait of albrecht durrer, painted by him in 1484, when he was 13 years. well done. like this. wow, what data! please note, there in the corner there was an inscription, oh-oh, victor, if i don’t give you the floor now, most likely you will end up here behind my cabinet, in the future we will conduct the program together, what did you want to say? more likely, well, firstly, this inscription, he wrote there, that i drew myself in the mirror when i was still a child, shiny, that’s what this inscription means, brilliant, victor, thanks for the inscription, yulia, thank you for the absolutely exact date. the correct answer to our question: yes. question seven, and pay attention to the screen.
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the word ti is spelled correctly. time. andrey, what do you say? no, of course, you have to write laurat here. laureate. laureate. well, why directly, of course?
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eighth question: is it true that the hero of krylov’s fable, dimyan, treated his neighbor foku to pickle? time! roman, i answered this question, there is no option, because the fable itself. tells us the answer to this question, this fable is called dimyayan's fish soup, so we can conclude that they treated the guest to fish soup, and not pickle soup, and how did it end? fable? in my opinion, there the guest never went to demyan again and there was a moral there, never go to demyan, no, another moral, well, if you ate fish soup, never go to demyan again, no, there was something there something else, but... was the pickle still in morality? no, the fable is definitely called the earth's ear. what conclusion did you draw for yourself after this fable? well, that you don’t need to give that person
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what he doesn’t want. oh, golden words. the correct answer to our question: no, really dimyayan’s ear and really we were treated to this very fish soup, not pickle at all. ninth question: is it true that the diameter of the planet mars is two times... mars is smaller than the earth, yes, by how much, well , about two times, two times less than the earth, let’s stop there, timofey, what do you think?
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i also answered, no, because... because mars, it is much smaller than the earth, 10 times, not exactly 10, maybe three, yeah, the diameter of mars is half the diameter of the earth, the correct answer to our question, no, tenth question: is it true that all snowflakes have a six-pointed shape? time. dmitry, what you say? it seems to me that there are different shapes of snowflakes, and not only six-pointed ones. do you want seven-pointed ones, do you want three-pointed ones? well, something like this. but we definitely remember that no two snowflakes are identical. so, okay, your thoughts. sofia, what do you think? i think that yes, well, sort of, judging by what i read yesterday about man and the world, i remember there
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that there was a six-pointed shape. a snowflake is an ice crystal. well, here everything is more or less clear. the crystal structure of ice is hexagonal, that is, hexagonal. symmetry, the manifestation of which is the hexagonal shape of snowflakes. the correct answer to our question. option: yes. eleventh question: is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? time! well, anastasia, how did you answer? and i answered yes, because i remember for sure that seth and asiris were brothers, and one of the brothers wanted to destroy the other, that’s neat, well done, she pulled herself together, yes, she really loves history, so good girl, this was really the meaning of life, what either, or they were arguing over some toys, they loved one god, people more than the other, yeah, and which one, astis
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, was loved more, since he... was the god of fertility, so seth got jealous, you can say, well, you can say so, and what he did, he killed osiris, he just killed him, well in my opinion, what a bloodthirsty story, andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story, set invited his asiris to the holiday, he came suspecting nothing, set made such a big beautiful coffin, well, a coffin box. said that whoever fits in there can take it for himself, and the coffin was all made of gold, all kinds of diamonds, and so the sires decided to lie down, and he came right up there, because it was done on purpose, the set closed him and threw him away, then it seemed like he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut him, andrey should write detective stories, of course, or horror films, well,
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i really tore it apart. let's stop, children might be watching us, victor gets the impression that he was present at that event and fundamentally disagrees with you, well, i couldn't attend, because even according to the egyptians, it could have been 5,000, 500 years ago, but this one i know the myth more or less well, which is not what andrei said, well, first of all, assyris didn’t really want to go there in that coffin, he wanted to first... there were a bunch of demons, well, at this feast that andrei mentioned, all the demons they tried, but for some it was very large, for others it was very small, finally asiris, well, asiris, well, just out of curiosity , he climbed in there, seth closed the coffin, tied it with belts, fastened it and then cut his body into 40 pieces, threw it in neil, after that issi.
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and i answered this question, option yes, because, in my opinion, turov is still the center of the district, but the catch here is that we could confuse the district with the region, and... sofia, for you this is already, well, one might say, the second first round, did it seem
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more difficult to you than that qualifying first round? well , it seemed to me that the questions were more difficult, but still i seemed to answer eight correctly, i thought that i would pass, you see yourself in the second round, well, yeah, yeah, okay. andrey, what question did you find most difficult here now? this question that was just asked about the regions, you mean, and about rounds, yes, you answered it, as i understand it, correctly, you answered correctly, and yet, you see how cool it was, you counted your answers, how many correct ones, how many incorrect ones, in my opinion, eight, somewhere , about eight correct answers, super, hope, you want to get into the second round, yes, i want to get in, i think i answered eight questions, right, yeah. anastasia, it seems to me that my chances of getting into the second round are extremely small, why? i made a lot of mistakes on this tour. well, let's not guess, pay attention to the screen. andrey, timofey, nadezhda, anna, victor,
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sofia, four controversial points. unfortunately, roman and anastasia definitely didn’t make it through. there is a controversial point, you see several participants at once fall into the orange sector, which means that you scored the same number of points. and that's all that's left for us. this is to trust our esteemed computer, which will now conduct an analysis and tell us which of you gave your correct answers faster than your competitors, whoever is faster is in the second round, alice and yulia, here it is, eight participants in the second round and at the bottom of the list, the four players for whom participation in the super finals in the super game is coming to an end here now, guys, thanks for the game all the best. i liked this game much more than the last one and i’m offended by the question with the bird, which was the first, i could have thought
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of it, but i didn’t think, i pressed it too quickly, i liked the game because it’s already a super final and i liked how i performed , the questions were difficult, and i... watched the game on tv, everyone watched it with me family, i looked on television, i think it was worthy, and i also performed worthy, i liked this game more, although the questions were more difficult, but it seems to me that it is less offensive to be eliminated in the first round than in the last, we are starting second round, let's remember the rules, in the second round the players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct, the choice must be made in 10 seconds, each correct answer brings the participant two points, the four players who score more points, advance to the third round.
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the first question of the second round: what kind of production of words is not considered word production? a) school time, b. olesya read, c) mother’s hands. time. alisa, what do you say, this spaluchennaya word doesn’t mean the word “lost”, there that this is the asnovny members of the tale, alesya is a geta dzeinik, but i read that it’s a freak. option b. great choice. the correct answer is option b. the acquisition of deinik and vykaznik is not declared as a coincidence. second question. what name was most often given by popes? option a. john.
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b. francis. c) gregory. time. anna, i chose option a. francis, it seemed to me that this was some kind of, well, not roman name, so i had an option between joanna and gregory, i chose ioan. does the pope have to be a roman? probably yes, i don't remember. what is the name of the modern pope? the current one, the pope, i mean. i don't know. so good. and julia? i answered the option with gregory. grigory. do you think that there were the most gregoris, this name was most often used among the popes. yes. still a pressing question regarding the modern, current pope of rome, and how he could call for. a significant addition, that’s for sure, and
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also, well, i assumed that francis, because john, well, it’s like, well, it’s clear that there were a lot of johns in the bible, but still somehow it doesn’t fit in very well with the catholics, it seems to me that francis , it seems to me, is just right, and the current pope of rome, what’s his name? this is a difficult question, okay, just think about it, andrey, well, of course, i could be wrong, but it seems like ion the second, and the current pope, it seems, or was, like you like you answered this question? well, i would answer b, although to be honest, when i answered, i answered by guessing, because i can’t give a straight 100% answer, well, let’s assume, dad, that we’ve been around for a long time? 16 times the pope
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bore the name gregory, the name francis was chosen for himself for the first time by the current pope, this returns to our additional question: 21 times the pope chose the name john as his name. the correct answer to our question is option a. john. attention, third question. what is the age of the earth, according to the general. accepted version option a - 3.5 billion years, option b - 4.5 billion years and option c - 5.5 billion years, time sofia, well, i think that the earth is approximately the same age as 4 point 5. tens of billions of years, today you are smiling for sofia, for yourself, yes, nadezhda, i
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don’t know exactly the correct answer, answered option b, 4.5 billion years, is there someone who answered option a, that the earth is younger or vice versa, older, anna, i answered the option 3.5 billion years, since this number is somehow familiar to me and it seemed to me that 3.5 billion. well well, then the age estimate. a raspberry, b) marigold, c - aggressive. time.
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victor, you dealt with this question with such a satisfied grin, if you’ll excuse the expression, i’d like to ask why? because, according to the apostle mikhas lynkov, he is a great brave man. this little bear and his famous comrades said: if the meat-bearing magli were to spread the word, then the little one asked, tested the other, that he loved the most for everything, he would say ў: i love raspberries, i love honey, but what about yashche? and yashche raspberries, let's figure out what's wrong like that, yak?
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fed on the patron saint of the city of babylon: a nebodonosor, b. ashur, ts-marduk. time. andrey, of course, for me this question was quite easy, because i know who marduk is, morduk, this particular marduk, he is the patron saint of the city of babylon, babylon is the gate of god, nebuchadnezzar is the king
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of the neo-babylonian kingdom, and ashur is the capital assyria to... navia seems to be a city state, which is located in the upper reaches of the tigris river, well, otherwise you said everything very correctly, the correct answer to our question is the option with marduk. sixth question: what is a foreign player on a sports team called? a - gladiator, b, legionnaire, c - senator? time. julia, what do you think? i believe that this is a used legionnaire, who is a gladiator? in ancient sparta, it seems, these were slaves who fought among themselves in gladiator fights. have you taken part in gladiator fights, senator? this is a member
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of the senate. and, if we eliminate everything unnecessary, yes, cut off everything unnecessary, then what remains is a legionnaire. that's what it is. in which word is the stress on the last syllable? option a, option b, or option c time, let's deal with with emphasis, timofey, i answered option a.
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where the remains of neanderthals were first discovered: a france, b - italy, c - germany. time. nadezhda, what do you think? ah, i was choosing between france and germany, and chose option a. france. oh, that's a shame. victor. it’s impossible to know everything, but i ’ll try, yes, the fact is that most of the caves in which all sorts of remains of ancient people were found are, this is a weasel, there were a lot of caves there, which were, were located in france, as far as i remember ,
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cro-magnon cave, where remains were found the cromayons were in germany, and vetya too , yes. everyone is confused, everyone is confused, well , anderthal seems to be in france, so carmanon is in germany, not anderthal in france, well, as far as i remember, it seems like yes, so they fixed this idea, okay, timofey, on the contrary, it seems to me that cromanon is french cave, so, accordingly , kromanonets, the remains of kromanonets were found in a french cave, and not the anderthals already in germany, germany. let's look at the map to make sure of this. please note that in the west of germany, it is precisely neanderthal valley, where the remains of neanderthals were found. the correct answer to our question is option c: germany. ninth
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question: how do the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion? a) disappearance of food, b) rumpled bed, c cleaned room. time. well, how did they understand, alice? i know for sure that the answer is c, because a girl, well, i’ll call her that, came to them and took it away. i removed their entire mansion, well, because of this they were surprised to understand what was in their mansion extra person, older. he said what a miracle, everything is so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the property and was waiting for the owners, the correct answer to our
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question is option c. it's really all about cleanliness. tenth final question of the second round: what happens if the number 77 is squared? option a - 5184, option b - 5776, option c 5.929, time. julia, tell us, did you directly calculate, or what were you guided by when answering this question, i answered the option with 5.929, i had no doubt, she loves to study, she is interested in everything, 77 to the second power is 77 x 77, if you start multiplying with a column of 7 by... 7 is 49, you get the last digit nine, well, there’s no point in counting further, especially when you have suggested
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answer options, and only one has a nine at the end, the correct answer to our question, option with 5.929, oh, it will be interesting now, yes, we were wrong here too, well , the second round of the super final of the intellectual show has come to an end, i know, alice, how are you doing, how... do you feel? and to be honest, i don’t know, but i probably answered eight questions exactly, eight out of ten, most likely, if so, this is an excellent result, and i am sure you have every chance of getting into the third round. anya, did you find this second round more difficult than the second round in the qualifying round? well, yes, it is a little more difficult, because in this round i answered seven questions correctly, in the first game i answered.
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but goodbye today, no offense to the question
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about the neanderali cave, i probably could have answered if i had thought a little more, it seems to me that the questions were much more difficult than in the last game, my first goal was not was eliminated in the first round, but still really wanted to reach the third, i couldn’t achieve the second goal, but i’m... glad that i reached the second round, i was very worried, so i think that i i was eliminated, i set goals, let’s say, to reach the fourth round, what were my impressions, well , of course it’s a shame for some questions, especially with the nenderthal cave, i wasn’t upset with my result, since i already made it to the super final, in the last game i took fourth place, i didn’t even get to the third place in this game tour. we have a musical break, the stage group of the syabbrynka pop song theater.
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i know how, i know how for sure, to catch the tail and let the smart one hold it in his hands and win. how to win to be in front, to be in front, you need fire cool, and you know that you are not alone here, together we will destroy the heartfelt, listen, we have the power to make this world much cooler, it’s very difficult, but we can definitely do anything if you if you really want it, the sky will become warmer wherever you go, the sun will shine, leave your problems and everything will be fine. it’s good if you’re alone, you won’t go astray,
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you’ll be able to find happiness. there are many things in this world and i will look forward to testing you ahead, without them it is impossible, without them it is impossible, but everything is possible if there is a road and one next to you, your friends, your friends together we will destroy the systems, you listen, we have the power to do this the world is much cooler, it’s very difficult, but we can definitely do anything if you really want heaven. brightly , wherever you go, the sun will shine, leave your problems and everything will be fine, if you are alone, you don’t lose your way you can sow a lot in this world,
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the sky will become brighter wherever you go, the sun will shine, leave your problems and everything will be fine, the sky will become brighter. leave your problems and everything will be fine, if you are not alone, you will not go astray and you will be able to find happiness in this big world.
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the hosts of the show know exactly how to behave at home! wow, lusty already speaks belarusian? certainly! marvelous! foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore its sights. most valuable the relic is the cross. jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which jesus christ was crucified, so exactly the same one. this is a glubokoe treasure. by chance, during construction work, an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket it picked up this cast iron pot, and they also share their vivid impressions. as we walked, i
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noticed that the temple went very well with it. this is how i found out right away, of course, this is what i did today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this exciting meeting with unusual people, hello! name, my name is oksana, i am the administrator of the zoo, it’s very nice, well, lead me, rabbit hares, rabbit hares, secrets, good mood, the favorites of all adult children are our raccoons, yes raccoons, three raccoons, they live with us margosha, dougi iroki, what a star she is, when i’m old and retired,
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maybe i’ll get myself some chinese trucks, girls, that’s it, you know what everything is, and there’s also a lot of interesting educational stories, this is where we produce our a miracle fertilizer, the main function here is performed by ideal workers who work 24/7, that’s you and me, so there are apple trees that, in principle, will grow for everyone, watch antonovka on the belarus 24 tv channel, they opened the windows in the estate where it was located , a swallow flew in. began to see the nest, and the boy was miraculously born, they considered it a good omen, they let her hatch her chicks, guys, i congratulate you on reaching the third
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round of the super final of the intellectual show, i know and... before we continue, i suggest take a short break so that what result did the qualifying game end with for you, what place did you take there? communicate. alice, please remind me, a... at that game i took fourth place, but to be honest, i even burst into tears with joy that i even made it to the third round, i was very happy with this result, i’ll even say so, but i still think there was a little bit of sadness, it was possible that there weren’t enough points until the third, and what was missing, in your opinion, that’s the root of all evil, i forgot the answers, not that i was worried, i just didn’t remember at some moments, and then i remembered after the correct answer was announced, maybe i wasn’t in a big hurry, or what?
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that’s right, yes, that’s right, this time you also came with the class teacher and your mother, yes, but what is it like in general when the class teacher, well, the teacher on the one hand, and
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the mother on the other hand, and it’s all the same man, this helps me, because, probably, she supports me both as a teacher and as a parent, is there any tactics for this game, will she stick to alice to her? i think? that she set herself up to overcome anxiety first of all, because this, well, we ourselves saw, it interferes with many guys who could show better results. it seems to me that alice is no longer worried, so let her hold on, show her erudition, intelligence, and don’t forget about speed. good luck, alice. thanks a lot. now let's talk to timofey. let's remind our viewers what the result of that qualifying round was for you? i finished it in third place i had 35 points, i was one point short of reaching the finals. timofey remembers the number of points, he remembers that he was only
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one point short of the fourth round, the last game doesn’t let him go, he really wanted to reach the final in his own, yes, very, very much, we hoped that we would get in, well, probably for me it seems like this is the very first tour, i’m still gathering my thoughts, this is still the first. it was, yes, somewhere there he lost a little this point, it seems to me, what kind of work was done on the mistakes? well, first of all, i overcame my doubts, my anxiety, a psychologist worked with me, they worked with me at the children’s creativity center and simply prepared me for the super final, the teachers also worked with me, catching up on what i had already missed, what conclusions did they draw after? we need to get together and go to win, the teachers are determined to win, yes, yes, he is a strong player, so he can, and he must win, must, must, yes, must win, what is the plan for this game,
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what result are you expecting, maximum the plan is to reach the finals, and the minimum plan is for me to have third place, because that in the last game i also took third place, and i don’t really want to go lower, it won’t be easy for timofey. because here are his main competitors from his last game, this is andrey and this is sofia, but you know what, maybe this will help him a little, because he knows what to expect from them, well , yes, well, we wish him good luck, let everything turn out as he planned, and even better, and now let's talk to sofia, sofia, you took second place, yes, there was a big gap from first place. by points, if i'm not mistaken, then there were four points, one correct answer in the fourth round, with what feelings did we go home, remember this road? i was very happy, the fact that i took second place was already a great achievement for me. sofia, the same
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player who took that very coveted point from timofey to advance to the fourth round. let's refresh that very moment, those emotions after the game. there are a lot of emotions, i don’t know about sofia, but i definitely woke up. your teacher called you, yes, my class teacher called me, who congratulated me on such a talented child, i was very surprised, it was just a shock for me, anna antonovna, i love you, we watched the broadcast, we watched the program, yes, and how do you like it, i was very pleased with myself, i liked myself, yes, what is it like to watch yourself on the other side of the screen, well, i like that my parents said after the program that i did a great job,
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that they are very proud of me and all sorts of things, it was nice to hear that, of course, we already have a multiboard in our class, 5 years ago my student was already a winner, maybe not anymore we need more, we still need, of course, we really want our sofia to win, but she’s already smart, for me she’s great, what subjects did you improve, what achilles’ heel might you have discovered in yourself, what is your weak point, i’m tightening up all the things.
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but when we arrived home, having once again reviewed the rules of our game, i understood that anything was possible, sofia and i then watched every game, no, we pass, we pass, we’re great, well , don’t let this serious preparation go in vain, we wish you good luck sofia, thank you, we just have to talk with... andrey, you winner of the qualifying game, you took first place there, i understand correctly, yes, in this game you met timofey and sofia, well , yes, you are the same person who took away from them the very points that they did not have enough to win, that’s all right, yes, what does it feel like to come here with such a burden of responsibility, and what a burden of responsibility, i... i'm glad in this
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super final everything could be different, i 'm honestly not very happy with my result in the second round, but i hope to get even this is my goal, of course, to win the game of course, i was inspired, being the first is great, and i was very pleased when the next day after the program was broadcast on tv, i entered the classroom, it was the first lesson, history, all the guys were standing next to me. in gomel they know your game, everyone loves watching it, in my opinion, even those who don’t watch tv, it’s nice, and govel residents always love our program too. what weak points have you
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discovered for yourself, have you noticed? i didn’t notice, there are weak points, no weak points? yes, no, i have a weak spot, it's art, sixth grade, there's one section that i didn’t learn, were you somehow prepared separately for the super final? i was prepared by arina anatolyevna in history, i was prepared by my teacher in intellectual games, leonidach klimovich, i myself read a lot... in our gymnasium it is no different, we always prepare seriously, no matter for a game, for an olympiad, for tomorrow's lesson, it’s just customary here, the director of our gymnasium believes that we work in such a union, teacher, student and parent, this is the team we prepared for you here, some kind of excitement remains, excitement conducts, i’m still rowing, after the first fungus there in intellectual games, after the first question, that’s why. at
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the moment i don’t feel any excitement, we are all very worried, and here it is felt in the teacher’s room, with the children, while we were getting there, their excitement was off the charts, now i see that he is trying to pull himself together, he is a great fellow, but where- then there is certainly excitement inside, i wish all our children and also teachers good luck in the third round, why, because we will also have to answer questions here in the teachers' room, we're getting ready, guys, stay centered, remember about intelligence, erudition and speed. vasya, start the third round. we return to the game, begin the third round and remember its rules. in the third round , the presenter asks 10 questions. the right to answer goes to the participant with the fastest reaction; a correct answer earns him three points; in case of an error, the right to answer goes to the other participants. the two players with the most points advance to the fourth round. first question of the third round, pay attention to screen. what kind of belarusian folk tale,
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what kind of illustration? andrey, now i’ll tell you, i count to five, it’s a fairy tale. is already the correct answer. second question: this figurine depicts the egyptian goddess isis holding her son, the sky god, in her arms. what's his name? andrey? asiris? alas, no, it's not him. alice? i honestly don’t even know
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any name that relates to the gods, but i’m just trying to somehow give myself a chance, because that’s right, i’ll say sirius, maybe. alas, no, this is not sirius. sofia, yes. option, i remember exactly this was in an art textbook, there is no answer, i see timofey, do you have an answer, no answer, with the same question we knock on the teacher’s door, please help, we open the door slightly and can assume, we think it’s gore, but the question is difficult, even for us mountains, here it is, the correct answer to our question, the third question, and this is the question: from the chest. in ancient china , a popular method of treatment was based on the doctrine that different points on a topic. timofey, i think there is a needle there. well done, timofey, once, of course, there
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’s a needle in this big chest. yes, in any case, you have already given your answer and it cannot be changed. let's check. oh, yes, this is a real needle, and so, this is a method of treatment, which was based on the doctrine that different points on the human body are connected with internal organs, by acting on such a point, you can treat the internal organs themselves, what was done this effect was just in our box, this is the very needle. timofey, you are absolutely right. fourth question: ah... please pay attention to the screen and correct the mistake. andrey, there is a mistake here, you are not busy with anything, you need to write without being busy together. i heard you, unfortunately this is the wrong answer.
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correction: i think children are looking for grammar, not language. timofey, i think it’s possible that there should be a comma instead of tere. alas, no, that's not the point. sofia, there is a mistake in the word festive, that’s right, idle. she realized, well done, uh-huh, idle, doing nothing, doing nothing, without useful activities, leading an idle lifestyle, well, that is, nothing useful, interesting, not doing something important, that’s where the mistake is. fifth question: here is a still from a 1998 film based on a famous literary work.
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look at the screen, what is listed here? andrey, these are the hills on which ancient rome stood, yes, well, finally, finally, rehabilitated in your eyes, at least, yes, i accept this answer as correct, these are the seven hills on which the city of rome was founded, otherwise, you are absolutely right, attention, seventh question, look at the screen. solve this puzzle. alice. horseshoe. how they solved it because under ko is va, it turns out under kova. well, let's
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check our computer. under ko is va, under kov va, this is absolutely the correct answer. eighth question: this metal product was made by drawing in ancient times. a swing was suspended from the ceiling of the workshop in front of a pole with a drawing board. the master drawer sat on the swing and grabbed it with pliers attached to his belt, andrey, wire, yes, that’s how they made wire, everything is very simple, and most importantly logical. ninth question: what is the name of this type of necklace consisting of coins or beads, beads, stones, and so on. andrey, my answer is manist. monista, this is exactly what it looks like, pay attention, and coins, and what not here,
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attention, the tenth final question of the third round: the own speed of the motor boat is 12 km/h, and the speed of the river current is 3 km/h. how far will the boat travel? timofey, 45 km, alas, this is the wrong answer. which way will the boat travel against?
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alisa and andrey, i congratulate you on reaching the fourth round, sofia, timofey, i was it’s extremely pleasant to play with you, but this game, there is always someone who goes further, someone to whom we say goodbye, today, that someone is you, thank you for the game, timofey, let’s start with you, where is 40 from? 45, where, what is it, why did you get exactly 45? well, i
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was in a hurry and read the problem a little wrong, i read that with the flow, yes, and not against the flow, everything went wrong, and you understand that these three points would have been enough for you to move on to the fourth round, yes, let's share your emotions, impressions, did you like it in the super final or didn’t you like it, why, i liked it very much, because after the second... come back to us and after 4 years and still improve your result, mikhailovna, we definitely definitely yes, well, i was a little overwhelmed with excitement here and because. i hope,
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smart girl, and timofey, i played with dignity, i ’m still a winner anyway, he ’ll end the game, end the filming, and you ’ll say to yourself, i’m great, i’m cool. because i am a super finalist in the game, i know, i congratulate you, thank you, sofia, i’m also a teacher yours was worried why she didn’t answer the last question in mathematics, she believed that you should definitely take this particular question, there wasn’t enough time, you didn’t have time to press the button, because of andrey, it’s all andrey, but it’s our fault, but share your impressions , also how did you play in the super final, it was more difficult than the last game or... it was of course more difficult than the last game, but i’m already happy with my result, well, in general, what are
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you proud of in this game, that’s the question , i’m just bursting with pride, i don’t know. hanged, in fact, i’ll repeat once again, this is a super final, and sofia, you, sofia, have third place, third place is a prize result, so you just need to applaud, this is cool, sonya, you’re great for me, i’m very happy for you , of course, well guys, our game continues, and the super final continues, and we need to find out who will be the winner, the best sixth grader in the country, so
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let's see, vasya, let's start, the fourth final round. we are starting the fourth round. let's remember his rules. in the fourth round, participants you are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if answered correctly, receives four points. if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game. the correct option earns him two points. andrey, you are the leader in points, you should choose first. let's pick a story. what were the names of the areas in which the persian empire was divided? sotrapy sotrapy. correct answer. bravo. good knowledge. alice, choose a category. let's use homonyms. and a small steering wheel. and the process of getting rid of
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moisture is called the same word. which one exactly? drying, drying, of course, andrey, choose a category, armor, what is the name of the armor forged from iron rings, a metal network for protection from cold steel, chain mail, chain mail, but what else? alice, the input returns to you, select a category, russian language, as the artificially invented phrase is called. with a selection of difficult to pronounce sounds, which for fun they try to pronounce quickly, without stuttering. tongue twister, tongue twister, naturally. andrey, let's choose a phraseological unit. the portuguese have porridge made from stones, the vikings have soup made from nails. what do we call a recipe without ingredients? porridge
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from an axe. porridge from an axe. alice, is it your move? let's. russian literature. dogs are very often characters in literary works. each of them has its own role in the story, its own character. match the names of the dogs and the literary works in which they are mentioned. well, sokolka, the tale of the dead princess about the seven heroes, probably dianka, bezhen luk. ahh, sbogor, my home. and a marvelous horse dealer, a peasant woman, on the contrary, yes, she made a mistake, it’s okay, alas, no, andrei, dianka, this is an onion, a falcon, a fairy tale, jealousy and the seven heroes, sbogor, a peasant barge, my wonderful house, why aren’t you rejoicing, but apparently, yes, for alice, they are worthy, absolutely equal, well, let's see, dianka, bezhen onion,
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falcon, the tale of the dead princess of the eight b andrei, you choose, well, let's fine art, what is the second name of the painting by leonardo, da vinci , monna, lisa, joe, joe, now, come on, come on, come on, right, giacondo, yes, yes, we are together. giacondo almost shot me, did you remember? yes, this is the correct answer. jacondo. here she is. mona lisa or jacondo. alice, the choice is yours. plant. what is the name of a shrub with a sharp, intoxicating odor that grows in swamps, often next to blueberry bushes.
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to be honest, i don’t know at all, but maybe mint or something. no, it's not mint. andrey. i’m the fool, no, the main thing was pointed at me, well, thank you, we’re asking the same question to teacher's room, help, we don't have an answer, guys, and we don't know, can you imagine? well, then i’ll tell you: this is a poisonous plant, its leaves and branches, especially its flowers, pollen and seeds emit a sharp, specific, intoxicating smell. the person develops dizziness and may experience headaches and nausea. and the name of this plant is wild rosemary. ledum. here it is, the correct answer to our question. andrey, choose a category? i choose geography. name the sea that is the least salty on earth, this is the baltic sea, this the baltic sea, that's right, well done, i just
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wanted to guess, the baltic sea, alice, this is your last opportunity to earn points, the belarusian language, the number of gooks in the word child, four, four. now, if you had answered five, then you would have answered incorrectly, the correct answer is four wooks, schemer, vasya, don’t worry, you did everything right, guk and, there are four gooks, child, that was the last question, that’s all all we have left to do is take stock. there can only be one winner. attention to the screen. andrey, 57 points and 43. alice. well, great, good, strong
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super finale. we will remember forever. we wanted to meet, and this happened. with a score of 57-43. he wins today's super game. andrey, alisa, thank you for your struggle, thank you for your knowledge, thank you for your zeal, we say goodbye to you. alisa, we were rooting for you throughout the entire teacher’s room, and my mother, and i, and even irina anatolyevna, andrei’s teacher, because you are so great, you are generally pleased with yourself, with your result, why?
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but you’re the first for yourself, of course, tell me, in general, it was a very worthy game, it’s it was a strong game, you had strong opponents, you fought to the end, we saw it all, and you took the last question in this game in the super final, yes, yes, well, tell me, maybe you got the wrong categories, so that’s what was missing , i was just a little bit short, i don’t even know, the emotions are so overwhelming that...
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we won’t hear anything now, because here at this moment the emotions are overwhelming, it seems to me that this is true, tears of happiness, and i’m proud of you, i am proud of you, thank you for having such a daughter and such. student in one person, thank you very much for your knowledge, for your modesty, for your beauty, internal and external. well, thank you very much again for such a game in the super final, and i ’m going to the main site to congratulate the winner, the super game is over, it’s time for the awards. congratulations, the winner of our project and his teacher are grateful to the ministry of education of the republic of belarus, this wonderful bouquet is for you, thank you, congratulations, thank you,
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the super final game among sixth grades is completed, the prize has found its owner, in there will be many more achievements in his life, but the title of winner will remain with him forever. it was intellectual. i know the show, see you in the super final of seventh graders, bye, what is the name of the stylistic figure that concludes...
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childish curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty, sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think? they chose you to talk to, i hope i can answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation, how do you differ at work from yourself at home, it seems to me solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grimza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grinza everywhere, or kitty everywhere, how do you feel about when...
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extremely categorically negative, pity is not the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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