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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 4:05pm-4:26pm MSK

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what else happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, which is definitely worth finding out about. yana mendeleva has prepared a special selection for you. fields in heavenly shades, like nemophila blooming. truly, a spring holiday and a sea of ​​flowers, what surprised you at the festival in the netherlands? a large catch of nigerian fishermen and soaring reptiles, where the international kite festival took place... together in the coming minutes: the sky, a sea of ​​flowers, nemophila bloomed in the prefecture and barracks in japan. hundreds of tourists come here on chasing colorful shots. in hitachi park, over a vast area of ​​3.5 hectares, more than 5 million blue flowers can be seen. they transform hilly landscapes into colorful landscapes. in english, nemophila is called blue-eyed. because its color resembles
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a baby's eyes, each flower is beautiful, but when they are put together, they are beautiful to look at, hope you like them. nimophila is an annual plant from north america. in japan, these flowers are planted in november and bloom in april. to they are gradually seen in mid-may, so it is best to visit at the beginning of the flowering season. a bright spring holiday with sophisticated aromas. the flower parade in the netherlands surprised spectators with the beauty of the flowers. platforms decorated with tulips, geocinths, and daffodils. every year the procession route stretches for 42 km. the action is accompanied by an orchestra, and local residents and tourists dress in bright festive costumes. i like the flower parade. we are coming to it for the third time. last year it was rainy, but i remember the wonderful figures. and in this year there is a giant squirrel, singing flower bulbs, butterflies made from flowers, it's amazing.
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bollinstreak's largest spring festival, blumen corsa, has been held annually since 1947. a big catch in niger after a 14-year break was the nwonyo fishing festival. secondly, the festival participants armed themselves with nets and jumped into the canoe. spectators cheered on the contestants from the shore. fishermen boast that the largest fish caught at the festival weighed 170 kg. the second largest is 150, and the third. we request neighboring states to join in the cultural festival in nwonia so that our program expands. the festival also included canoe parades, swimming competitions, boat races and colorful masquerade dances. soaring reptiles, thousands of kites took to the skies in shang tung province. the forty-first weifong international kite festival took place in china. participants from more than 30 countries and regions of the world. kites
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are traditional in chinese culture, so we locals really like them and the scale of the festival is very large. weifon is the kite flying capital of the world. the region is also home to a themed museum with about 2.0 exhibits from around the world, including kites from ancient china. one of my favorites. in leonid gaidai’s film trio he could make anyone laugh and knew exactly where lisginka was and where twist was. from the lower working classes in pursuit of an artistic dream, the child of war turned to stalin with a written request. the message reached the addressee and returned to the sender with an answer in the form of a position as an extra on the moscow stage. next to geek and gerasimov's course, and there are soviet box office hits. caucasian captivity and operation i. the biography of a literally great actor has a filigree mastery of art. chess
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played music and even received a letter of recommendation from master shestakovich. he served in the theater of the film actor's studio. the textured appearance of the characters was cut at mosfilm. his comic talent brought him the official status of honored rsfsr and truly popular love. the date of the week is april 27 - the ninety-seventh birthday of soviet cinema, experienced in the latitudes. evgenia morgunova. you looked around planets. thank you for being there. stay with us. visit the website.
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and shoot the trigger together! today, about 120 enterprises in our country receive tourists, of course, the flow of tourists differs from enterprise to enterprise, we can say that the main flagships of industrial tourism are mechanical engineering, food, industrial enterprises, there are enterprises that receive tourists in very large flows, for example, such enterprises as belas, which last year was visited by 51,000 tourists, minsk tractor plant - 21.00 tourists, the kommunarka confectionery factory,
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also about 10,000 tourists visited this factory, well, all the enterprises of the sweet food industry, such as marshmallows, condensed milk. visited by about 40,000 people, in general we estimate the flow of tourists to enterprises in the range of about 200,000 people in 2023, an increase in flows is noted for all enterprises. well, what are the most unusual excursions in your opinion today? for me, as a lover of industrial tourism, i myself often visit enterprises. the most unusual are not as many excursions as additional offers that you can try as part of a visit to the enterprise, for example, there is such a granite enterprise, it is located in mikoshevichi. as part of the excursion , you can dive to the bottom of one of
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the largest granite quarries in europe, see real waterfalls there, the landscapes there are very do not look like the typical belarus that we see, and this is... the work of a person, also, for example, you can ride on bilaz, if you really want to, at the tractor factory you can take part in assembling a tractor, also, enterprises now conduct various interactive activities, these are some kind of board games as part of a visit to the enterprise, quests, all kinds of tastings, master classes - for belarusians it’s enough to just get on such an excursion, how can a foreigner get there, how to quickly book such an excursion from abroad , is it possible? yes, for belarusians
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industrial tourism is more of a tool for popularizing our brands, a tool for building trust in... our products, not all belarusian enterprises will be of interest to a foreigner, for them we are interested in those enterprises that glorify our country throughout the world, contracts have already been concluded with these enterprises, their excursions are available on online booking sites, there are package offers, industrial tourism is also used in our tourism when receiving delegations.
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on june 24, 1941, all employees of the state art gallery were assembled from the very early morning, preparing exhibits for evacuation. the process was led by elena vasilyevna alladova, a researcher at the gallery, well-known in the republic of art vet, director. nikolai prokopyevich mikhalab is on the phone, he was trying to find at least some kind of transport to take out the valuables, hello, nikolai prokofievich, well, everything has been confiscated for the front, there is no transport, i’m calling the central committee, hello, hello, everyone, a bomb shelter.
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in the air-raid shelter they held a meeting with the director, they decided what to do with the most valuable exhibits, they were especially worried about the sludsky collection. there is a place in the yard where all these valuables can be hidden, i won’t find them.
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a long journey began towards the return of the most valuable assets lost in the first days of the war. collections of the art gallery, the collection of slut belts became an irreparable loss. the difficult mission of collecting the lost fell to elena vasilyevna alladova. painstaking work on collecting works that managed to be evacuated from museums in vitebsk and other cities of the republic. it will be later that contemporaries will call her tretyakovsky in a skirt and say: where alladova went, museum workers have nothing to do. hardly anyone wondered: how
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could a graduate of a provincial belarusian school in parichi become an unsurpassed expert in such an elite art form like painting, to collect a unique world-class collection in an art museum. in the artist's house on international street in the mid- twenties i collected. "the creative bohemia of minsk, here you could meet famous painters and even vyacheslav rutsay himself, as well as art critics syrkin, shchekotikhin, landscape painter vladimir kudrevich. and ending our conversation today, my friends, i want to remind you once again that even the smallest detail depicted artist on canvas, has its own task, purpose, meaning. thank you, here. "
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in minsk, at 21 universitetskaya street
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, the first all-belarusian art exhibition opened; more than a thousand works were exhibited there. a tour guide for sale. elena is a consultant for almost the entire exhibition. perhaps, from this time her path to great art begins. she is pretty, smart , they dedicate poems to her and give her paintings. there are many admirers, but the young composer nikolai alladov became the chosen one. he courted her so touchingly, wrote romances for her based on the poems of kupala, and completely melted the beauty’s heart. the moment of her marriage, she, elena aladova. photographer elya berman was especially excited
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and fussier than ever. please place an order of special importance. a decade of belarusian art opens in moscow in june. the state art gallery is preparing an exhibition. even pronouncing the name is exciting. lenin and stalin are the organizers of belarusian statehood. everything must be done in the best possible way. the group of artists, who sat on chairs in a certain order, behaved unusually quietly for bohemians. finally it opened alladova entered the door to the studio sterilely. invited to the central committee for the preparation of the decade, a lot still needs to be done, comrades, a little more freely, there is no need to strain so much, joy on their faces, a smile, apparently our meters forgot that there is a woman next to them, thank you, men love you, come on,
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already in laboratory, conjuring over the development of the photograph, elya did not hide her joy. editor savbelia will have nothing to complain about this time . at the beginning of 1943 in moscow, alladova was preparing another exhibition of belarusian artists, the central headquarters of the partisan movement timed it to coincide with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the formation of the bssr. on january 30, 1944
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, an exhibition of works by artists in belarus was solemnly opened at the state tretyakov gallery; works by 37 masters were presented. zaire azgur, ivan okhremchik, bembel, glebov, belynets kiberulya. the color of belarusian fine art. a total of 270 works. by wartime standards , the impossible was done; without exaggeration, only she, elena vasilievna alladova, was capable of doing this. it was then that she met pantileimon ponomarenko, first secretary of the central committee. belarus, which grew into friendship for many years. it was this circumstance that largely decided the fate of the revival of the art gallery immediately after the liberation of minsk and the construction of the building of the art museum of the republic.
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every day, when the art museum opened its doors to... visitors, they could see an elderly woman who slowly walked through its halls, stopping first at one painting, then at another, watching with interest the visitors, especially the youth. hardly anyone paid attention to the elderly woman; everyone was captivated by the collection and the guide’s story. for elena vasilievna. here was her whole life, every painting, every exhibit, a piece of her soul that she put into works of art, each of them has its own story, a painting by aivazovsky, the last breath of a ship. the events of 1962 came to mind
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. another visit to moscow straight to lydia ruslanova. and as always with jars of branded lingonberry and pear jam, kumpichkom. aladova began to persuade the owner to sell another painting. the strong friendship of the two women helped to acquire kustodiev, a merchant's wife with purchases, a portrait of matveyveygorsky, and brulov's brush. three canvases by shishkin. in total, more than forty paintings from ruslanova’s collection are kept today in the national art museum; the tretyakov gallery claimed them. the memories resonated with warmth in my heart. unequal marriage of vasily pukerev. i recalled with a smile how
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, quite unexpectedly, i managed to acquire the painting. aladova had been standing near the painting by vasily pukerev for quite a long time, unequal marriage, which somehow ended up here in the moscow theater durov's corner. first i looked at it from different angles, then again i assessed it with my professional gaze. the collector nearby was already starting to get nervous. this is a copy, a very good copy, but the artist himself has nothing to do with it, i am grateful. to you that you allowed me to look at this purchase, but i have doubts, it seems to me that everything is fine.


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