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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 7:20pm-7:51pm MSK

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we follow the sporting life of our country, belarusian weightlifters have won. three licenses for the paris olympics. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. let's look at the most interesting event. british runner roskuk is known on the internet as the toughest eccentric a year ago i set my sights on the record. he wanted to run across all of africa. from south to north.
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two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming it is not so much the records that are increasing, but the density of results.
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feeling, this feeling of superiority, look in the project there are 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. in germany , the organization “source of life” was established. its task was to stimulate an increase in the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples. children were taken from their families in the occupied territories. and were subjected
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to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take their own ukrainian children to the eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting russia, in others, turns a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugees. when you make fake documents, right?
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania. latvia, estonia! set up
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a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours. day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. our troops had the task of destroying the enemy’s defenses. there were hitler's directives to completely wipe this city off the face of the earth. those who lived there and saw everything, their hearts skip a beat. this bread contained only 50% third-grade flour,
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which was not used for food in peacetime. there is no such family in russia, yes, where its hero is not remembered. the city of leningrad is completely liberated from. the lessons of history, they should not only be kept in memory, they should teach us to maintain peace. this is the scale that must be, regardless of how old each of us is, a scale of moral assessments. the time has come to give truthful assessments to many events and their participants. history began to be used as a weapon of ideological struggle. and we need an adequate protection tool. what we will give away today, defend these
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historical values, this unites millions and millions of people around you, and not only in our countries, but throughout the world. no. a beautiful, well-groomed, bright avenue, where modernity is intertwined with history, and here in 1941, right from holes in the asphalt, after an artillery shell, they took water just to quench their thirst, people got used to the proximity of this greatness with corpses on the streets, just as they missed the death of their mother , spent half a day getting water, recalls maria yagodnitsina, a terrible picture from childhood under the siege, like a mother’s body wrapped in a blanket, she’s an 11-year-old little girl... on the bed, we had an iron bed, we slept as jacks, she wrapped the blanket on one side, on the other, tied it up with jump ropes and lowered her downstairs, then we went, we had to down the stairs, as she lay there
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, they collected the dead, just like that , we had a car that pulled into the yard, there were a lot of dead people, but so that they wouldn’t fall out, they stood on the sides. tied to the side like this so they don’t fall, with the sled, where? for a gudgeon, 70 years have passed, i just found mother's grave. for 58 years she has already been in minsk, but in her speech it is still the same leningrad, where both the front door and the paprika show us a book created on the memories of children of the siege, all the pages in it are saturated with emotions, strong, when there is a lump in the throat, take at least the recipes for the siege cuisine , mom's car. little masha exchanged for something that can hardly be called food, they gave me this slab of wood glue and duranda called it, duranda cake, where as they call it, melted the snow, kneaded the wood glue together with duranda on top of
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the stove and made pancakes like this, you know, it was such a hunger, and yet you look, you walk... a man lies down the street, falls, and you cannot help him. the battles took place even fifty kilometers from leningrad, and 80 years later, even though there has long been a museum here, you feel like you’re on a battlefield. the battle for the city lasted 3 years, one month, about the same amount of time the belarusians lived under occupation. residents inside the blockade ring, they also stood in defense of the city, continuing to work at enterprises, when we were faced with the task of building a new one... then one of the examples of how necessary to create a museum space was the museum of the history of the great patriotic war in the city of minsk. the exhibition of military equipment also has a belarusian history, as this tank was raised from lake ladazh 20 years ago by
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belarusian search engines, members of the search club from the shklov region. our specialists continue to work on leningrad land, which still keeps military secrets. symbols. besieged leningrad in exhibits in minsk, here is a dress of a boy who did not survive the first harsh winter, a children's sled, yes, the very ones to transport the dead, among dozens of... well, how this would be done did not matter, i understood that having occupied
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this city, it would need to be maintained, that is, somewhere to put the population, than -to feed him, and in order to relieve himself of these obligations, a decision was simply made to starve the city of 2.5 million. the people of belarus and russia do not want marches with swastikas along their avenues; seeing what is happening today, the leadership of the soviet union in their time would hardly have marched agreement on the unification of germany, but the withdrawal of troops was interpreted by overseas and european politicians as a need to strengthen security. if then the german chancellor had told the leadership of the ussr, the head of the soviet state: that you are not worried, now you will retreat, succumbing to the naive, now you will surrender
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the memory of national interests, and in a few decades we will bring leopard tanks to the territory of the soviet union, our tanks, our german tanks with crosses will iron your land, generously spread with the blood of the soviet a soldier who liberated the territory of the ussr from...
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a hybrid war is involved, the purpose of which is to redistribute spheres of influence and centers of power, where the main argument in the system of checks and balances is military force. the us and nato allies continue to push for a forceful scenario for resolving the ukrainian conflict. militarization of nato countries, active development of military infrastructure, creation of bridgeheads for the deployment of weapons. the accession of finland to nato, and in the future of sweden , is considered by the alliance as filling the missing link for a complete one. eastern flank, in fact, washington seeks to ensure total dominance
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in the region, to prevent the strengthening of the positions of minsk and moscow, a union state. today we see an incredible amount of increase in ongoing exercises on the territory of the european region, directly at the borders of the republic of belarus, respectively , the russian federation, and the goals of the exercise are completely different, before the staunch defender of europe, which will be held in the twenty-fourth year, over 32 countries will participate . in these exercises and the number of numbers 90,000 military personnel participating. the purpose of the exercise is to conduct training in an operational-strategic operation to supposedly repel aggression from the russian federation of the republic of belarus. but not from the territory of russia, not from the territory of belarus, we do not create similar groups and do not set any aggressive goals. our goals are to ensure the safety of citizens, to create normal conditions for life under a peaceful sky in comfort and prosperity. the situation on the borders of the union state forces us to rely on a set of measures
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strategic deterrence. as a military man, i absolutely support the decision made by the president of our country, well , the consent, of course, of the president of the russian federation, to deploy tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of the republic of belarus. this is a purely strategic deterrence measure. today we are not increasing the grouping of troops, we are not increasing the size of our armed forces today, we are not conducting exercises near the borders today. with our neighboring countries, not to provoke this, but we see an increase the number of armed forces of poland, an increase in the number of armed forces of the baltic states, the acquisition of new types of military equipment. increase in budgets, we see their intelligence activities that they carry out in relation to our states, genocide has no statute of limitations, and this is about the siege of leningrad and about the belarusian khatyn, and its burned sister villages, about ruined lives in death camps, forgetting this means allow history to repeat itself. this is from
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podlogoisk, we collected this from new places, which were previously unknown, children's shoes, what was left of small children, there were even children's fingers. the prosecutor general's office of belarus, one of the fairly new locations, walking along the corridor on official business, says prosecutor general andrei shved, he tries not to look in the direction of this glass box, he feels a cold on his back. when you stand next to what is found at mass grave sites. all these terrible finds are in the materials of a large-scale criminal case on genocide, an investigation that lasted more than 2 years. we see that the evil that we are we call fascism, nazism, today it is part of the ideology, the ideology of western states, part of their policies, and today this evil, as
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during the great patriotic war, stands at our borders. they are doing everything they can to rewrite our history. erase the memory, erase data about the feat of the soviet people, about the horrors that the nazis committed here, whitewash the nazi scoundrels, elevate them to the rank of heroes, you see, they are not only destroying monuments to the liberating soldiers, it has come to the point that they are already fighting with the remains of those soldier officers, the red army, who essentially saved them from the extermination of the same poles, the baltic blockade.
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courts that recognized these crimes as war crimes and genocide of the soviet people. by the way, in 2024 the citadel museums will become even more modern and interactive with money from the union budget. funds have been allocated for restoration and museumization; the fortress has been waiting all these years for the creation of
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a patriotic center here. no to fascism, they say today in the highest union state level. it is important to see the position of national leaders. for many, many years , presidents, taking into account the pressure that we experience from the west, outside of this pressure , have confirmed that respect for the veteran of the great patriotic war, for our monuments, for our graves, is the scale that must be, regardless of how old each of us is. scale of moral assessments, we have no right to listen to what we are told from the baltics, from poland, from the european union, those people who sanction the barbaric demolition of monuments and let’s not, all this political nonsense, vanity costs nothing, conveying the truth
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to the younger generation, educating patriots using heroic examples, a separate big job, a train of memory, supported by the leaders... of the two countries is one of the most striking examples, and this is a project of union significance , the main thing is to vaccinate our youth, the main thing is that our youth understand the danger of nazism and can resist it, and the only way is memory, and no matter how well they talk about it in history lessons, no matter how convincingly this was not written in textbooks, but until you see it with your own eyes, visit the memorials of belarus and russia, touch the memory of the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers of our generation of winners, it seems to me that it
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still won’t touch a nerve, then this idea of ​​a memory train was born, we are happy that today we have guys from kyrgyzstan, guys from armenia, and i’m sure that other countries will join us in the next memory train, we can do anything...
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young people are moving on to different tracks, this very important, always in everyone in their actions we will support putin, vladimir vladimovich and lukashenko, because they are doing the right thing, truth, justice, honesty, nobility - these are the traits inherent in our peoples, and most importantly open hearts and friendship, and we are their helpers, we must do this, who will be, if not we, who went through this crucible, life has passed, their new memory. opened by the allies, visible from afar, on the top of the stele, directed into the sky, a female figure presses the frightened children, like a mother’s homeland in mortal danger, but ready to
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the latter to protect children. the idea was approved by leningrad veterans and former prisoners of concentration camps; the authors of the monument project were sculptor andrei korobtsov and architect konstantin fomin. their tandem was already working on a soviet soldier in argeve, the bas-relief tells stories of being burned alive. a boy in the belgorod region, a village shot to death in the smolensk region, dead teenagers in concentration camps in karelia are a poignant monument to the perseverance and courage of the soviet people. more than half of the almost 27 million people our country has lost over the years the great patriotic war, these are civilians killed at home, died in concentration camps, died from hunger, from bombing, from everything that is called deliberate destruction. the murder of soviet civilians, the expressive silence of the beskorev memorial cemetery and the living family
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memory of several generations of leningraders and st. petersburg residents will not allow the world to forget about this terrible tragedy, about this terrible crime of the nazis. even after 80 years the memory. about these events makes the heart clench, these same emotions overwhelmed everyone participants and spectators of the large performance of the requiem concert dedicated to this date. then, in 1945, nazism was defeated, but not eliminated. russophobia, xenophobia, nationalism have become a weapon of revanchists in many european countries in the baltic states, unfortunately, in ukraine. it bothers them. real, true history is unprofitable, hence the constant attempts to revise, distort the causes, the course of the very results of the second world war, glorify
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the murderers, slander the heroes, they blatantly lie, in impotent anger they demolish monuments to those who liberated the planet from nazism, and thereby they refuse, they renounce their own ancestors, and this is also a crime, we will never betray the memory and feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
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it happened on january 27, forty days when the people of leningrad were completely liberated.
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may you love me like a flower in the field, like a young bird that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that is alive in the wild, may i love you, may i love you for the song that i can hear, for the deep-throated laughter that rings so often b. for clear eyes, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me in good times perazhyts, for the most part, dear daughter, let me love you. everything you
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wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yateslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, and instructed. reconciled them, she paid attention to the elderly , delved into their weaknesses, their needs, and helped spiritually and financially. and she especially raised the younger generation towards god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of that same cross.


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