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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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according to the defendant himself, he came to a friend’s house to borrow money, but found him and his mother dead. then the young man allegedly took the safe and mobile phone with him. at home, he broke into a metal box containing 20,000 rubles. and 2.0 dollars. he spent about half of this amount on gambling, taxi rides, alcohol and debt distribution, the rest was confiscated. initially , the young man denied his guilt in the murder. however, thanks to the painstaking work of the operatives, as well. investigators and experts, his involvement in the crime managed to install. he beat his mother until she died. a resident of borisov faces a serious sentence for causing grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of a person. in this case it was the mother of the accused. the conflict between the son and the parent began on domestic grounds. the woman felt sick and fell to the floor. the son began to express his claims in a verbal altercation and began to beat the elderly woman. she died from her injuries. lisovsky
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district department of the investigative committee in relation to a forty-five-year-old relative a criminal case was initiated under part three of article 147, infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of a person through negligence, of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. the man was detained by law enforcement officers, with the prosecutor's approval and a preventive measure in the form of detention was applied to him . at the moment , investigative actions are being carried out with the defendant, he is giving a confession. the man faces up to 15 years in prison. refrigerator, oven, closet. the self-taught agronomist used all this to store his marijuana crop. drug control officers, with the force support of the lynx special forces detachment , detained a thirty-nine-year-old resident of soligorsk, who organized a premises for growing cannabis. production was established in one of the two apartments owned by the grower. apparently, the man designated it as an impromptu dacha, but began cultivating hemp there rather than seedlings for tomatoes. it is known that
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he lived in the second apartment with his wife and child. investigators discovered a cabinet equipped for growing cannabis in at home, pots with soil and plants, fertilizers, a fan, ultraviolet lamps, air ducts, seeds, instruments for measuring humidity temperature, as well as a smoking device were confiscated. 570 grams of marijuana were seized from the refrigerator, oven and cupboard. the detainee explained that... he found instructions for growing drug-containing plants on the internet, and purchased everything he needed there. he produced marijuana for his own use. a criminal case has been initiated against the defendant. and the internet organizer was detained in brest drug shop. unlike the previous character, this dealer not only grew marijuana at home, but also set up an online store selling it. the implementation was put on stream with the help of mortgage brokers. she became an operative. it is known that the briton
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grows illegal substances at home, and also organized a drug store in the shadow segment of the internet; he distributed large quantities of goods among distributors for subsequent distribution through bookmarks. during a search of the defendant's card, marijuana was found in the hiding places, cannabis plants, other psychotropic substances. for drug trafficking with intent to sell, the detainee faces up to 15 years in prison. another criminal... scheme for the illegal resale of cars was established by brez customs officers. fraudsters hung fake registration plates from belarusian cars on foreign cars. thus, they drove vehicles under the guise of cars already registered in our country. as investigators established, the group was controlled by forty-four-year-old belarus, who already had experience in organizing such fraudulent schemes. previously, he was repeatedly convicted of car theft and forgery.
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numbers. over the course of six months, together with his accomplices, the man drove at least ten illegal cars from poland. all of them were sold online. a criminal scheme that caused damage to the state budget in the amount of more than 165,000 belarusian rubles was established by brest customs officers. during operational search and verification searches, two peugeot cars and one car were seized. volvo as well as 18 sets of registration plates and 14 of the registration certificates of vehicles that were planned to be used in criminal activities. based on materials from the bresse customs office , a criminal case was initiated under part two of article 231 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. the sanction of this article provides for imprisonment for up to 6 years. a us police officer blocked a busy road to... let in
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a family of geese. the patrolman met the unusual pedestrians at an intersection with a lot of traffic, but despite the passing cars, the family of birds walked briskly to the other side of the street, so as not to risk it. such brave but defenseless road users, a police officer stopped the traffic, after the geese left, the man said goodbye to them and went further along the route. this was the news for, stay with us on belarus 1.
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good morning belarus, good morning belarus, good morning country. april, and this is the third hour of the live broadcast of the good ranitsa of belarus, it seems like a lot of things have already been told, but even more awaits you, friends, ahead of you, so what will you see on the air
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very soon, let’s make our country’s morning good, we’ll see what time thermal technician artur mydko starts his working day. beautiful vasilisa, in the road home section, we will be looking for owners for a charming dog. our correspondent, matvey lichonok, discussed how to properly act when evacuating a building to put aside panic and follow a plan. and everyone dances. together with our correspondent olisey boyarskikh we will visit the dance floor in the capital’s park. oh , those dances. by the way, today is international dance day and it seems to me that it’s time mark it as a rule.
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good morning, few breakfasts are complete without eggs, but even with them you can create a real masterpiece. today we will prepare a very tasty hearty omelette in a hamburger bun. we will need eggs, cheese, herbs, sausages, sour cream, mustard, salt, pepper and the bun itself. cut off the top of the bun and scoop out the crumb. knead the remaining pulp thoroughly, pressing with a spoon, grate the cheese with a medium grater, finely chop the greens, in a separate bowl combine two eggs and two tablespoons
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of sour cream, add grated cheese to them. chopped greens, salt and pepper the resulting mass, add to the filling, a teaspoon of mustard, that’s all. mix thoroughly. cut the smoked sausages into small pieces and place them in portions on each bun. fill everything with the egg mixture. sprinkle a handful of grated cheese on top and bake at 180° for 15-20 minutes. covered with an appetizing crust of melted cheese, a crispy box stuffed with aromatic sausages and a juicy tender omelet will conquer any picky eater with its taste and will be an excellent option for a hearty breakfast. have a nice one appetite and good mood.
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i’ll leave at dawn, i’ll return if i can, the wind is in my will, but i won’t have time to catch it. taiga and kilometers, a star, or shining,
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siberia, who will answer you, if you kriknesh, taiga and kilometers, a star barely shining, siberia, who will answer? if you shout, the snow is knee-deep, deeper even higher, i ’m going to visit god, he’s the only one who hears, the kaiga is for kilometers, the star barely shines. siberia, who will answer you, if you shout, taiga and
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kilometers, the star barely shines, sibit, who will answer you, if you cry, snow and burans. frosts and winds, not too late and not early, but you didn’t have time for each other, distance and kilometers, a star or a shining one, siberia, who will answer you, if you cry, soundboard and kilometers, the star barely
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shines, wheezes, who will answer you, if you shout, i’ll leave at dawn, i won’t be jealous of you anymore, no one will help now, sibi. shines, siberia, who will answer you, if taiga, taiga, taiga, yes kilometers, the star barely clicks, yes yoke, yes kilometers, the star barely shines. sebi, who will answer you if you shout?
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good, good morning country, we continue we're celebrating the new week with you, and we're doing it live on tv channel belarus 1 from the belarus24 satellites. let's rewind time a little, last week the regional qualifying rounds of the republican beauty and talent competition queen student of belarus started. and the first
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regions that the handsome man chose were minsk, brest and gomel. the series of qualifying rounds will end on may 8. in the grodno region , participants need to demonstrate their abilities in creativity, public speaking and intellectual competition. the regional stages will end very soon, in the middle there will be a qualifying selection, but not everything is so simple, not all the winners will definitely get to the finals, because there is a republican expert council, they will accordingly select those 15-20 participants who will take part. in the republican stage, it will take place in june, if we talk about the concept, then of course, for now, as traditionally, it is a closely guarded secret. the purpose of the competition is to develop the creative, aesthetic and spiritual potential of young people, as well as to search for and support young talents, stimulating interest in student creativity and sports, strengthening cooperation between youth groups and
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expanding interaction among students from all regions of our country. well, in general, tomorrow the qualifying round of the competition will take place. of course, we wish the queens of the vitebsk region good luck, and may the most worthy and, of course, the most beautiful win. well , in the meantime, our beautiful ladies are preparing to demonstrate their beauty and intellectual abilities, let's look at a very serious man, who has already established himself in his profession; by the way, his work is very hot. let's meet thermal specialist arthur mytko. my name is artur mitsko, i work in the thermal welding shop at the termistov mining dump truck enterprise, my morning starts at 6 am, i wake up, put the kettle on, wash, get ready for work, at 7 am i come to the enterprise, change clothes
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and go to get acquainted with the shift assignment, and then... i took up this profession and have been working here for 2 years, i’m getting used to it little by little, we’ll now move around on a loading cart to load sixteenth oven. our team
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is friendly, if something is not clear, they will always come over, help, tell you, give you advice. there are some peculiarities in my work that go on... there is a large flow of details, you can’t keep everything in your head, you have to look into the technological processes. thermist must be physically resilient, since he has to work with parts that are heavy and have to be loaded manually. since production works non-stop, we have to work 12 hours a day. and night shifts, we will now throw parts into oven, the parts will be hardened at a temperature of 860° for 2.5 hours. i believe that my work is very important, since we produce a high-quality part that goes into the further assembly of the dump truck. i love my
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job because it makes my country's mornings good. we really like hot men like you, so we wish you a hot day. well, our next news came from grodno. there at the zoo there was a new addition to the exotic family; a baby was born to collared peccaries. listen, let's get to know them. well, a joyful event happened a few weeks ago, but only now caring parents decided to demonstrate their treasure. oh, it’s true, collared picaris are herbivores ; they live in small herds. usa, mexico, central america and most of south america, and also in the grodno zoo, we already understood this, that’s for sure. the european seagull cry imitation championship took place in belgium. dozens of contestants took part in it. details
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now. i'm trying to parody. they assessed not only timbre, rhythm and vibrations, but also external the appearance of the participants, as well as their behavior. how much did it resemble birds at all? the championship was won by nine-year-old cooper wallis from great britain, who scored 92 points out of 100. according to him, he started screaming. like a seagull after being bitten by that same bird while eating a sandwich. then the little boy decided to become a seagull man, by analogy with the main character of the movie "spider-man". now wallis can imitate various bird calls, from alarm calls to long calls used to drive enemies away from his territory. the championship itself was organized in order to improve the attitude of coastal residents towards seagulls, all because they are often not liked and are generally called sea rats. so you told this wonderful story about how there was a boy at all. initially, some seagull bit him, almost got into a fight with him over a sandwich, but look, it turns out that the person takes him for one of their own, so what? it turns out that so, you understand, we have an expression, what fly
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bit you, in his case, what seagull bit him, you understand? yes, yes, well , actually, i hope that this will somehow glorify our hero, who knows, maybe this is a future famous actor from some hollywood, it all starts small, like pleasing a bird, in general it’s a good story, you know, about the friendship of a man and a seagull, but for... not about that, how they fought over a sandwich, this is handicap, you know, in general there should be as many happy endings as possible , because without us, our brothers are smaller, but unfortunately, life is very difficult for them, so it seems to me that with our care they have much more more chances, our next heroine will support you in any interesting endeavors, beautiful vasilisa is looking for owners, let's help her. good morning, today a dog named vasilisa will be looking for her way home. this smart, affectionate girl is only 2 years old. our vasilisa knows how
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to win hearts at first sight. this beauty, when she sees a passerby, immediately runs to meet him, while joyfully wagging her tail in the hope of finally meeting her man and going with him to a cozy home. vasilisa will once again not miss the opportunity to lick a person; when you meet her, you obviously won’t want to leave. this beauty is a sensitive, playful, sociable dog with an easy-going character. she easily adapts to others and circumstances. vasilisa loves walks in the fresh air, games and , of course, scratching, exposing her belly at the first convenient opportunity. this beauty is energetic, so she is constantly on the move, and she also quickly becomes attached to a person.
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vasilisa is absolutely healthy, sterilized, vaccinated and treated for parasites, loyal to other dogs and cats. from food our beauty prefers meat and dog food, vasilisa settles into a home without... and chains, both in a large friendly family and with a lonely person who is in search of a four-legged friend. vasilisa is really looking forward to meeting her future owner, take a closer look at this girl and call the phone number indicated on your screen. 8:39 minutes on our judgment clock, i think it's time to wake up, friends, if you haven't already, well, if you're already on your way to work, then you'll probably need the next one
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information: olga venskaya with a meteorological map in service and a small spoiler comes to us from the south-west of europe, a warm, i would even say hot, air mass, so the thermometer quickly went up. so, details of the temperature in minsk this afternoon we expect a gorgeous 22-24, in brest 23-25. the same number in grodno. 21:23 with a plus sign in vitebsk and mogilev, a little cooler, more modest in gomel 19:21 with a plus sign. friends, during the working part of this week the temperature will rise, so we are enjoying good weather, a really hot spring. well, this is where it will definitely be quite hot today; on april 29 , the republican special olympics table tennis tournament will be held in brest. teams from special schools will take part in the competition. boarding schools for persons with special needs, but the belarusian special olympics committee also works on the social rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities through sports. every year
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the association holds regional meetings. competition starts literally tomorrow, at over the course of several days, the best young chess players from all regions of our country will compete for championships; the winner of the belarusian tournament, according to tradition, will go to the white international chess tournament. i'm going to russia, we, of course, wish good luck to our young champions, and let every move be the right one, our correspondent, matvey lichonok, is ready to talk about the right path and the right steps, together with the ministry of emergency situations we will understand the evacuation rules. to save your life during a fire, it is enough to remember only one rule: you need to promptly leave the building when the warning system is activated, and follow the evacuation rules. objects with a large
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number of people are those objects where a large number of people may be present one way or another; one of the important safety issues of such objects is the work of personnel who must know how to react correctly in the event of an emergency . as for visitors, first of all, do not panic; you should listen and follow everything that the facility staff says. the first task of the employees is to remove people from the incident area to a safe place. if. if the fire alarm goes off, you must leave the building immediately, even if the alarm is false. in general , an evacuation control system is in place for this kind of facility; this is not only the fire alarm signal, which we know we hear, but the presence of various kinds of signs and arrows that will direct people and visitors to emergency exits. this is very convenient, since such a system allows you to quickly exit from the smoke zone, if you are not familiar with the building plan and evacuation scheme. if suddenly.
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our film crew, together with the ministry of emergency situations , decided to conduct a training evacuation in a shopping center. in this case , the staff immediately. starts evacuating people, the detector is turned on manually, facility employees organize the exit of people from the sales area, as well as administrative and utility rooms. attention, fire danger, visitor's employees are requested to prepare the premises in accordance with the evacuation plan. immediately, i wanted to drink, but they told me it was time to go out, so, well, i went out too, i
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always put panic on the last priority. in practice, we conduct such classes once every six months, because the shopping center is large, there are many employees, there are many visitors, there is a rental area on the second floor, and in order for people to respond in a timely manner, we conduct such practical classes every six months. as a result of the training evacuation, visitors to the shopping center quickly left the premises in less
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than 5 minutes, coped with the task task, thanks to trainings organized by the ministry of emergency situations. in fact, it is important to remember safety rules when visiting amusement parks. the day before, the amusement season started in minsk. and now emercom specialists continue to actively examine these devices in compliance with safety parameters. it is very important. in belarus, 84 attractions are approved for operation, of which 51 are mechanized. carousel and 33 water slides. in addition to the rides, one of the most popular places in the parks are dance floors, let us remind you of this, especially for the international dance day, which is celebrated today, our correspondent olesa boyarskikh sent dance lovers to the capital’s park. let's see how they light things up there. incendiary dances, bright lips, unforgettable outfits. it's season on the legendary dance floor in
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jeljuski park. gave from the program for those who are young at heart. despite the cool weather, 30 minutes before the start , elegant people began to arrive at the site. age who were looking forward to the discovery of their loved one places of rest, the main age is 55 plus, we have different music, modern, music of the 2000s, music of the nineties, we have a time that is 17:00, when we all dance to spain, and 18:00, when everyone dances polka or square dance, well, dances and tango, not like we sometimes dance with our arms around each other and afraid to step on one leg. a real tanga, without you, without you, in good weather , about 300 people can gather on the dance floor, many of them
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have been coming here for several years, we have dancers who have been coming to this site for about 30 years, they know each other, they support each other, they are interested, they, well, as we would say in belarusian, have their own soup. the breed is happy, can i dance with you, listen, you have such a beautiful hat, i just couldn’t pass you by, how’s my mood, okay, that’s it, we won’t look for a lady, we won’t, you and i, i’ve already found
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a house, we we met here, we met here, we are friends, we dance, we walk, thanks to the organizers who are for us pensioners created this holiday, when the time came to dance to spanish, the gentlemen immediately invited the ladies, the ladies were not embarrassed by the gentlemen. excuse me, i can steal your gentleman from you, i don’t allow it, gentlemen don’t give it away, i can steal your gentleman from you, for one dance, yes, just like dancing a melon, give your hand here. what steps? so, oh, i see the others turn around, and we are somehow in the same place as you. that's it, thank you, we probably need to return the gentleman, otherwise your lady will be offended. it's already over. the dance floor in
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chelyuskintsev park is open on weekends, holidays from 16:00 to 18:30. such discos for the older generation are held not only in... there are proven things in modern medical science that indicate that certain food products and their dosage can form, i emphasize the correct immunity, the first thing we pay attention to, no matter how sad it is sounded. this is minimizing sugar in the diet, because a large amount of sugar destroys even the best immunity in an adult or child. the second thing we definitely pay attention to is protein foods, because
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that every cell of our immunity is protein, and if there is not enough of it in the diet, this also affects the immune system. further, a sufficient amount of liquid, not purely... water per day is absolutely necessary, because when the body receives a viral load, then daily, by producing, for example, 400 ml of tears, our body copes, washes out these viruses, accordingly, preventing a person from getting sick , so, when a child clearly doesn’t finish drinking, he gets sick more often, more often. further, microbiota is a collection of microorganisms, bacteria, viruses that already live in our intestines , both good and... bad, and it has been proven that the balance of this microbiota, including affects the immunity of an adult child, how we can nourish our microbiota is by two groups of products: the first group of products is prebiotics, prebiotics - this is fiber for us
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and probiotics - these are fermented milk products that are mandatory in the diet of children, teenagers and the diet of adults , including the ability to recover. and respiratory capacity of the lungs, therefore frequent and constant ventilation is mandatory for a quick recovery.
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basically, my mother composed the entire song, even so, that is, they switched roles with dad, but this time, well, yes, dad kind of planned everything, and mom came up with everything, as it were, and you were presented with a fait accompli, they say, daughter , sing, yes, well, you liked the song right away, you liked it, or you had to take a closer look at it, it was still possible not to look a little closer, well, now it seems to us, now we’ve already listened to it behind the scenes, it fits the ear so well , now yes already very... it turns out, you understand, at first, when the melody comes on, but it’s somehow, well
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, like this, like this, when they do it directly with the phonogram, it’s just brilliant, well, and you do it especially, i must say, but in general the song, how do you feel, it’s about you, well, i can say so, when my mother came up with this song, she was thinking exclusively about me, so the song tells about a girl who has a very beautiful smile, whose eyes have two small sparkles in her eyes, and she herself... like a flower, so modest about herself she told me, and look at her hair, appreciate the belarusian color, everything fits, belarusian, here ’s the most important thing, she has very long beautiful braids, by the way, which i cut just recently for my birthday, well, okay, what did your friends say , classmates, you already showed them the song, well, you sang it somewhere during recess, probably, well, you sang it during recess, they said it was a very beautiful song, but basically no one noticed, well, never mind, just come up with a tiktok and make it.
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so that i can have a good, rich program for the entrance exam, we also with my mother we write auditory dictations, and i teach the rules of solfege, listen, is it true that you... hearing, well, they say that yes, well, i don’t doubt it either, i have good, i have good hearing, absolutely, i can some note, that is, in every sound you hear some kind of note, yes, in every sound i hear a note, for example, when the train is coming or the train is buzzing, that’s the note it’s buzzing on, on the note d, on this note , well, this is the note d, note d remember, guys, can you imagine in what world of sounds this wonderful one lives child. that you had an anniversary, by the way, you turned 10 years old, and you
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are a big child in your life, not so long ago on april 18th you grew up, there is such a tradition, this is definitely no longer a child, by the way, there is such a tradition of making a wish , you know, we also have a tradition, they say that what was announced in the program good morning to belarus, everything comes true, now let us try to make your dream come true, that’s what you wished for then on april 18, oh, i don’t even know , what to say, but... nothing to myself refuse, my dream is simply that i, just like i have a cat, that she finally gets kittens, that i pass the entrance exams, and most importantly, that i also have a lizard at home, but wait, what's the cat's name? and the cat’s name is daisy, she’s a purebred, listen, so you need to invite suitors to meet her, but no, he’s already getting acquainted, so maybe she’s already at the acquaintance stage, they already understand, they get to know each other, they would go further. kittens, but did you notice that the first she wished not for herself, but for
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a cat, that’s wonderful, in general for a lizard, everything will definitely come true, we wish you to successfully pass all your exams, more of the same sincere hits that you will now present to us, called belarusian, friends , turn up the volume, a very beautiful, catchy song will end this monday morning, anna is dry on the concert stage, our concert stage, and we are olga venskaya, nina mozheiko, we say goodbye and... to summarize, this is the third hour of the live broadcast, we wish you good have a productive day, see you, on the may earth, the day is brighter, you are the news of the heat, the films are more delicious, on the may earth,
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the crane wedges, until the end of the marva, there will be good fortune in may. oh, the land of skin has grown here, the dusty willows are breathing , and the gates are dear, the call of the bus, the whispering of the galina, i am a cheerful passer-by, i will smile, and in your life i will hide , heavens of gold, kosyrutsyya. well, the land of may, belarusian, niby kvetachka, bytstsam darling, and i’m a belarusian woman.
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on my land there is a greener meadow, there are roofs in the forest, gurgling hums, on my land there are ranks of course, the silver waters are chasing the winds, on my land, holman jol svadzhey, at springtime there are gardens here, kvitney, there is no way to touch the skin, then dear love, belarus. i am cheerful, jumpy, happy, i smile, and in the eyes of the uskrynashka, the nibs of gold, the rings of rus, i, you are the land of may, belarusian, the nibs of the kvetachka, be
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a darling, and i am a belarusian. i am a cheerful, breezy daughter, i will smile , and in vacha, there is a little bottle, niby of gold, rusty braids, the earth of may, belarusian, i am a bubbly, breezy daughter, i will be smiling, and in vacha, i am a skrynachka , nibs of gold, koptsy, russ i, yes, the land of may, belarusian, the heavens of the kvetachka,
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i’m still a darling, but am i a belarusian?
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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24. in the studio pavel lazovik, good morning, in this issue: along partisan paths to a great victory, a motor rally, the fire of memory will cover more than forty places of military glory. paris is giving up sovereignty, macron's idea of ​​nuclear weapons to protect the european union has fallen through.


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