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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 11:00am-11:36am MSK

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decisions of the all-belarus people's assembly are binding and can cancel legal acts and other decisions of government agencies and officials that contradict the interests of national security, with the exception of acts of the judiciary . you see, the last all-belarus meeting had five main directions, and people heard, most importantly, the head of state says: that’s it, the economy has gained strength.
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our glass is mainly used in construction, that is, it is the glazing of
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buildings, windshields are made from our glass glass, side windows for highways. this is the direction we are working in; this is the only plant in belarus that produces such glass. my name is alexander pyrshin, i am the head of the polished glass workshop of the open joint-stock company gomer glass. the motto of our company is, we open the endless world of light.
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by 8:00 in the morning i come to work, and i receive lines, i go around the control rooms, i go around the life departments,
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in the third year we received the first glass, during the war, naturally, the plant was stopped, destroyed, taken out, and after the war restored, from those times...
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they all belong to world companies and gomel glass occupies a worthy place in the line of its colleagues, more than 80% of the products we produce are sold for export, we completely cover all the needs of the republic of belarus for our products and provide them with ours glass and enterprises in the russian federation and abroad. today, all gomel glass products are in demand, i can say this with confidence, they meet all international standards. success of anyone enterprises are his team. we employ professional, clear,
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competent, responsive people who, with their labor, create glass that brings prosperity not only to them, their family members, but to the whole country as a whole. as for the prospects, we are moving forward with confidence, today we are laying the foundation for the future prosperity of our plant by... we are carrying out a major overhaul of one of our furnace lines, this is guaranteed to ensure the work of the entire plant for the next 20 years, respectively the entire workforce. we are very much we surprise you with the issue of quality, which is very important today in the year of quality, we are investing in improving our technologies, well, we must, we simply must keep up with the times, keep up with our competitors and not be left behind in production and...
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we purchase from russia and in addition to our sandstone , it is used for the preparation of the mixture, we are from gomel. in the sand warehouse, this is the main component of the mine, 60% is included, sand of a certain humidity, a certain temperature, a certain size, then the main components of the charge, soda ash, dolamide, field sludge, coal, sodium sulfate.
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we get a raw material from the mass, which then ultimately goes into coated glass. two lines, each line consists of three thermal units, this is a glass melting furnace, a melt bath, an annealing furnace, in order to obtain glass, everything must go through these three stages. through three thermal units, at the moment we are in the loading
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pocket of the glass melting furnace, raw materials are supplied from the main workshop, mixed, the so-called, behind my back they are mixed with cullet, and with the help of batch agglomerates everything is fed into the glass melting furnace, the first stage is this and behind me now the temperature is 100-100 °, the next stage of glass melting will then be... the peak temperature in which the furnace is located is 1.515 ° in the furnace there are 2300 tons of glass melt, and the pig's design capacity is 800 tons of glass melt per day, glass melt is already, let's say, a molten charge, that is, sand, soda, dolomite, everything, even in
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color, is bulk materials, but when heated happening... is designed to clean exhaust gases, that is, at the exit from the house pipe we simply have warm air, it is absolutely harmless to the environment and safe for human health. each gas treatment plant has its own turbines that generate electricity, and of course
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there are waste heat boilers that heat the water and heat it in the winter. the next stage of glass production is the formation of glass matation in a melt bath, glass melt is fed onto the melt of molten tin, where it spreads, and longitudinally and transversely stretching and obtaining glass from the glass melt of a certain thickness and width, now... the thickness is 4 mm and the width of the glass strip is 321 cm. this klava bath allows the production of the first width of 3 m 21 cm, the next width of 3 m 60 cm , from 3 to 8 mm in thickness.
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where i am now punished 580°, the exit glass will be approximately 70° temperature.
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now we are in the control room, the central control panel, here all the processes that occur in the glass melting furnace are controlled melt bath, glassmakers monitor temperatures, pressure, hydraulic conditions, welding of glass melt, and glass strip molding operators control.
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the glass, which has passed the cut-sizing stage, is then sent to the stacking area. cleaners with an analysis of the pyramid, then the glass is checked for compliance with size, defects and using.
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the driver drives onto the pyramid, picks up the glass and takes it to a specific consumer, the size is smaller, that is, 3.210 per... 2025 it is already packaged in a special wooden container in carab and there is loading both by car and into wagons, gondola cars,
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the consumer is sent again, an industrial processing workshop is engaged in glass processing, a building glass section, that is, there are new lines there too. economy, this is polka glass for household refrigerators, for gas stoves, for microwave ovens, we also produce glass for glazing greenhouses, which are both
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in demand in the republic of belarus and abroad, we produce tempered glass for land transport, also in the composition our workshop has a special glass section, in this section we produce two types of coated glass products, which can be either energy-saving or sun-protective. and multifunctional, and here we produce safety glass, laminated glass, for the production of these types of products we receive glass from industrially polished glass in the form of glass blanks of dlf or polf size. all products are coated, they are used for the production of double-glazed windows, since we have an energy saving program in our republic and have certain requirements for the regulatory construction of buildings and structures. after visually, so with the control system that each glass undergoes spraying is built in line, one hundred percent quality control is checked, such as
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optical characteristics and characteristics such as emissivity are checked, the energy-saving property of the resulting product depends on emissivity, the lower the emissivity value, the more protected will be our building. we have a production laboratory, there is there is a laboratory for raw materials, and there is a laboratory for final products. good sirya makes good products.
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the production laboratory takes part at all stages of product production; we carry out laboratory control, starting from incoming control of raw materials that arrive at our enterprise, ending with control. from the mine almost once every few hours, here in the production laboratory the quality control of the finished product is carried out. first of all, these are optical
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characteristics. here the most important indicator of sheet glass is controlled - this coefficient is aimed at the transmission of light, which is subject to very stringent requirements, the transmittance of solar radiation is also controlled here, the products of industrial glass processing are controlled here, and a very important indicator is the value of residual internal stresses, this indicator...
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at the moment, glass production inspectors check glass for optical indicators in reflected and transmitted light, take measurements of geometric dimensions and check it for surface quality. our enterprise does not stand still; every year new methods, new developments, new production lines and glass processing are introduced. at enterprises. about 1,700 people work, the work is organized in one shift, in four shifts, the glass production process is continuous, it never stops, i myself was born in kostyakovka, i studied here, at school during labor lessons they brought us kids to the factory, they showed us , look, this is how glass is made, here
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my son works here, he works for me as a sixth-grade glassmaker, he makes glass, why did he choose this, because he hasn’t heard anything else since childhood, dad comes home from work, how are you and starts talking about glass, they can they are coming, but here nothing is displayed on our panel, in 2014 i am already in the position of a cook, my profession is my
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father, i like my profession. promising, interesting, i don’t intend to change anything in the future, working with my father’s bosses is a responsibility, twice as much as with others are asked, the same for...
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, do not switch our daily. the task is to tell about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is belarus like? business and developing. bright and festival
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generous, picturesque and monumental and... commanding. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different. to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on the air, watch us every day, because we do.


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