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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 11:35am-12:00pm MSK

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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team, we tell you... only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on the air, watch us every day, because we do.
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this is my office and i receive my guests there when we have meetings with various high-ranking officials, colleagues, other ambassadors, we sit here, discuss various issues, resolve issues together.
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iran occupies the central exposition this year, as the main guest of honor, we tried very hard to actively participate in this exhibition, before we had a more limited exposition, this year alone we tried to bring 500 titles of various books. before i came to belarus , i worked for several years at the iranian ministry of foreign affairs in the department for affairs of belarus and moldova. last few
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years in the ministry of foreign affairs of iran , i also worked in the economic department, and my last mission was in the russian federation, our embassy in moscow, i... was the second person, as an adviser to the ambassador, this is why i told you, to the fact that with belarus i almost, one might say, was familiar before, and when i came here, i did not encounter any special, that is, problems, i was, one might say, practically familiar with the culture, history of the republic of belarus, with politics, economics with the people, so there was no especially problems.
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i also go in for sports, there is a sports club not far from our embassy,
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​​i go there twice a week, we have, fortunately , our embassy also has a swimming pool, i swim in the pool, then it goes further, that is, just walk around the city , about beautiful places, what do you like in our country, what parks, museums, theaters were, unfortunately, over the last year there weren’t many opportunities, but... what impressed me most of all was the museum of the great patriotic war war. we have similar museums of the sacred war of defense of the islamic republic, and here in belarus i again felt how in those days everything was very realistic, it was shown what the situation, the situation, all these positions, the models that were arranged, were very beautiful and impressive. in addition, i visited the mir castle.
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we have four couples of years, that is, the climatic conditions in iran are such that at the same time all
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bets of the year, maybe it’s cold somewhere in the north, it’s hot in the south, in the summer and so on, i rarely saw this, that is, my husband and i were in different business trips in various countries, this did not happen, here in belarus, what is missing, it ’s just that there is a very long winter here, there is not enough sun, sun rays, what would i like?
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iran's field of medical education is a very developed and successful country, so we hope that we can send some students from here, that is , to iran for training. according to our information,
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now they live in the republic of belarus.
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it happens that in order for our citizens and people to know more from each other, we got in touch, we need to develop the tourism industry, iran, as you know, unilaterally, about a month ago, canceled visas for citizens of 28 countries, including citizens of belarus for tourism purposes, so
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now, if citizens of belarus want to visit iran, for two weeks for tourism purposes. the volume of trade turnover between our countries, compared to the moment i arrived, has increased by 50 and 100, 200%, this year we were also
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able to increase trade turnover by 40%, but this is still not enough for me, i hope that in the next 2-3 years, while i’m still here, we will be able to make a leap, that is...
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we do not tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in an era, clear, which grows with its roots upward. approximately in the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted, and using the method of exclusive planting, which even the radevils and napoleon’s family could not succeed in, we succeeded in wolf tree. reproduce such an interesting miracle. artifacts from centuries of history are a real puzzle for us, as time travelers, this is a naming or namitka, in the place where we found it in this in this in this area, it is called syrpanok, this is the headdress of a married woman. and the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion, is presented directly here. oh, this, this is decoration. century. the task of our guides is to ignite your desire to experience
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belarusian culture personally. and also, of course, when they built a new house, they had to take four stones from the old one, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, the frame was already placed on them, it was believed that everything good that was in the old house was required. goes to a new home, travel with the belarus 24 tv channel. you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films about the pearls of belarusian cinema and , of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly
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project ether 24x7. look on our tv channel every friday evening.


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