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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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invitee in the hall, and millions of viewers watched this most important event for the country in a live broadcast, is there really any difference between you and me ? did you feel it? in reality there was no difference, but you and i participated together, we saw this enthusiasm of all participants and delegates and invitees, we saw this direct communication and behind the scenes.
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he was faithful to his people, focused on their development, formation and improvement of well-being. remember, these eyes of the president, yes, he, when he carried out the vns already at the second day, it was clear how he was worried, he was worried not just about today’s events, he was worried about the future and worried about how the belarusian people would live tomorrow, this is the experience, it has just been preserved, preserved, from the first vns and passed until it was visible, it was emotionally conveyed to the whole hall, yes, well, i was lucky, i was sitting in the third row, i saw it literally, well, look, alexey, all the delegates, one way or another, are the people’s representatives, the main task of the people’s power all-belarusian people's assembly, but even i’m a little confused here, it turns out that democracy is ours. and not in the west,
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where there are no such institutions, or is it an even more democratic democracy? well, yes, our viewers probably need to explain, because over the past 30 years after the collapse of the soviet union, the concept of democracy has become so distorted, on the one hand, this is good advertising on the part of the collective west, which it sowed in the post-soviet space, saying: “come to us, we have a lot of democracy." yes, we have a lot of democracy, freedom of speech, but in in reality, what kind of democracy is there, there is not the power of the people, there is the power of capital, yes, there it should be called a little differently, but if you are the owner of banks, large enterprises, then yes, they will take you into account, but if you are ordinary people, an ordinary citizen, no one will take you into account, so this is our democracy, we will call it, it is precisely oriented. for every citizen, for
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his interests, here is the president at the supreme national assembly, here at the seventh supreme national assembly, in fact, he carried it through all 2 days. this idea, the main thing is interests our ordinary citizen, and under no circumstances should any official rise above our belarusians, and ordinary people should feel like something like some kind of supernatural force, as soon as we feel this, we will immediately be enslaved by those who find the keys, let them find approaches.
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there are still, for sure, doubters, they are really blind for many years, i was lucky, i saw our president on independence square on august 16, 2020, when i was convinced, yes, we can handle it, i saw him on august 23 with automatically, when he was ready to sacrifice his life in order to preserve sovereign belarus, and i saw his sincerity yesterday, everyone saw it,
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how to make it stronger, only we know this, and no one else. yes, it was difficult, but it will not be easier, but it will be interesting, because we chose a strong, sovereign, independent, peaceful belarus, in this difficult, contradictory time, we must survive, we must do it. time has chosen us. alexey, look, the president urged us not to confuse the peacefulness of belarusians with pacifism. yes, and clearly determined that this time had chosen us.
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comment on this fragment, and are we worthy enough of this time? you know, you should probably take it here. classics, remember how in war and peace, who, who determines the course of history? history chooses a person or a person determines history, yes, a person, but in reality, there is no answer as such, yes, we can say unequivocally, the people choose, yes, the people choose those leaders, yes, in our case, here are the delegates of the supreme council, those , which have certain.
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responsibility, history says, so take it, historical moment, but refuse to take it. you must perform these actions, you must be a leader, you must carry this fire, and there are uh personalities, also our viewers will look for some kind of work - they will find it, then they will write in your comments: there are cases when history tries find the staff, but the staff refuses, so this is this phrase, this key message, this is the slogan, on the seventh... vns, this is exactly what it’s about, that if the people chose the delegates, then they also determined the responsibility for delegates, and responsibility means that it is necessary to carry this cross, let’s call it that, through this difficult period,
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remember, this is the second day of the snc, the president spoke openly, for a long time with the delegates and with those invited to the snc and spoke about you... development , which we now have, belarusians, and prevent the collapse of our state, because the collective west has modern technologies for shaking up society, for destroying the economy, for destroying political systems, for engaging various personalities due to knowledge of some of their psychological characteristics, and in this way you can... lose the state and betray your people, this is for us, yes, for both
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those present and the delegates there was a very strong understanding that you will under no circumstances you cannot betray your belarusian people in this historical period. well , it should be noted that the speech was also given by the chairman of the state security committee, where he very clearly laid out what efforts the west is now making to really create a bloodbath in belarus, in fact yes. and what tools they use for this and what challenges will be thrown at us , including this year next year, especially during the presidential election campaign, but one more thing, yes, our homeland has no one but us, this is also a strong statement by the president, yes, here is the reinforcement of these theses, the military doctrine and the concept of national security, two strategic documents, but can they? these documents, in your opinion, become a buffer against external processes that run counter to
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the interests of our state and society, well it must be said first of all that two documents are fundamental institutions that determine the format of development of our belarusian state, the belarusian people for the coming years, which means the format of development, this means: we will have an algorithm of actions in the event that the collective west decides everything -yet - somehow commit aggression against us. and for a sovereign state, it is important to always know how it will act in certain situations, the main thing is not to fall into a state of chaos. these two documents, they are exactly they give an algorithm on how to act, but why specifically on the vns? were not approved, because the supreme council, yes, this people’s council, the people’s council
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has always, from time immemorial , made decisions on peace or war on belarusian soil, and in fact, in these 2 days we adopted action algorithms in case of peace in case of war , but the situation in eastern europe is such that ours, well, let’s not name it...
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is trying to find, preserve and rehabilitate some books that are already literally
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thrown into the landfill for destruction, so literally two weeks ago i came across a book, it is a soviet edition of the soviet period, but on the reverse side it is not written for distribution, but what is it, these are the actions of soviet troops in territory contaminated with nato biological weapons, that is, these are... diseases that can be used to nato's opponents, in the form of what, yes, shells, spread, balls, there further, further, yes, the incubation period and, lethal outcome, so, we must understand that nato has not destroyed its laboratories since then, it only theirs
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intensified, remember, remember how many scandals there are now because of these american laboratories, yes, on their territory they cannot be there according to one or another principle, but are located in the post-soviet space, there in other regions, what does this mean , that in modern conditions, in conditions of confrontation between centers of power, biological weapons are becoming extremely relevant, they have not lost their power, there is a political and military determination of the alliance, the leadership of the alliance, we will not use these weapons talk about covid, look for some kind of conspiracy theory there, i think we can say, yes, it did not appear by chance, and it will not be by chance that there will be varieties of it, let’s say that it is atypical for nature, absolutely, atypical for nature and the human body,
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therefore, we understand perfectly well that the leadership is collective...
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in germany, the “source of life” organization was established, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples, children were taken from families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization, now... ukrainian neo-nazis do not take their own ukrainian children to the countries of the european union, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugees. you make fake
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documents, but they are supposedly original and you say they are children. mine resolved everything, so i cast an eye and said to myself, my, it’s like you’re worried early at home to understand, but the people were falling apart at night, eight to work, here they are asleep, in the city and completely asleep, you listen to me, you will give ninka forever what is in a rag and no more, otherwise it will be our goodness to fix the cables, sell the rest , i forgot to stare, little girl, i don’t remember what your hand is, and
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why stroke you, you’re not a chick, and you don’t remember your hand, so i don’t hit you. now whoa, come on, i don’t have much money, a ruble is 12 kopecks, why did you pick me up at the station, others didn’t take me, i liked your suitcase, but what about you live with your husband, it’s good, watch the film three poplars on the ivy from the collection of pearls of soviet cinema, may 1 on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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the decade of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the generation of winners showed that the strength of a nation is not in capital, not in military power, not in ambitions, but in true values, in the desire for justice and self-confidence. when the enemy set foot on the ground, the soviet country had not yet recovered from the devastation of the civil war. people did not live in russia. but they won, they won everything rich europe, which came under the banner of nazism, their country was cleared of fascists, and those who
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just yesterday looked at the soviet people from on high, we then also made healthy, won because we fought for our native land, it gave strength, gave strength on the battlefield , strength to survive grief, strength to restore... to lose this belarusian identity, this depth that sits very strongly
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within us, despite the vicissitudes that the belarusian people experienced, and during the great patriotic war, during the period of collapse soviet union, we were able to preserve our culture, religious foundations in... preserved the status of a family, yes, including providing the opportunity for the development of our art, culture, science, these are the so -called higher forms of social consciousness, but they allow us these higher forms of social consciousness to accurately identify who the enemy is for us, because if we replace them, and...
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one of the forms of such a communal system, let it sound like this, yes, let us be criticized, but this is a communal system, yes, when community gathers and says that it is valuable for us, it is valuable like this, which means that this is how we will educate our next generation and in no other way, and to no one else, yes , we will not give newcomers the opportunity to educate our next generation, then we will preserve our values. and if we preserve our values, it means we will know exactly what we will fight for, yes, what we will defend, which means this is our inner confidence,
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this is the basis of our strength, i know, i noticed that several times during his speeches the president emphasized that we do not have the right to be silent, that everywhere we must always defend our opinion and be guided only by... which you will accept, for which you will vote, tomorrow we will consider two fundamental issues, discussed, proposed, agreed, who has
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it? sorry for the indiscretion, i think no one will do this except me, because it went through me, starting with the first vns, which saved the country, it was necessary to divert people from missing out, this is the last night before the publication of my programs, i wrote this slogan, but... “tomorrow we had to print this program, it probably hit the mark then, because there was an abyss, and we took the people away, we suffered, you and i built what we built, it’s not bad, we did the right thing , many in the world envy us, when what happened in 1920 happened to us, i said, many looked at it and thought, will they survive or not?
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collapse or not collapse, we had no friends, no one was rooting for us to do well, as well as between people, we have enough jealousy at the top and between states, but simple ordinary people who saw our policy wanted us to stand, and you and i stood, so why do you think there was such an emphasis?
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oligarchy groups, political ones will fall apart, they will enslave us, yes, there will be separate groups, they will be recruited, engaged, brought to some western conferences, given a couple of thousand dollars, that’s all, they will already be bought by the political elite, we saw all this in ukraine, on on in other countries of the post-soviet space, in europe, in poland, in the baltic countries, all of them
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bought it, yes they did.
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i will set aside your interests, i will defend them, in reality, if you go and do something completely different, it will be known instantly, you will naturally lose all your authority, so of course you have to defend them. form the correct decision, but after but it must be expressed, it will help how the decision is made, it must be implemented. well, look, one more message. belarusians live well, and the president
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smiled after that and said: “we could live even better.” with this statement we can draw a line under the reflections of 2020, right? sprinkling ashes on your head and finally living without looking back, in your opinion, you know , there are probably several such milestones that need to be achieved, if we take just the thesis in terms of whether we could live better, and once a few years ago a study was carried out , what would have happened if there had not been a great patriotic war, how many people we had in belarus. 50 million, imagine what kind of gdp this is, this means that when you left brest you did not go to minsk, along the road where empty, well, fields, but no populated areas,
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yes, and these would be populated areas all the time, yes, and this must be understood, any economy, any welfare, is built on people, and if we take it in the context of the twentieth year, and... sow this discord, discord in the family, it always only leads to disaster, yes, to ruin, and uh, we must now understand that, uh, the twentieth year, among other things, taught us
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to greatly value unity, take care of it, uh, strengthen it, including through giving constitutional status to the hungarian people's republic.
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ideological messages of the vns, the family accepts its own, that’s right, remember, last year what events were held, yes, and what statements the president made, come back, if you don’t feel any sins behind you, come back, there are commissions, yes, including gregory, yes, come back and act for the good.
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nation, it is formed not only territorially in belarus, but also formed over long distances, you can be in poland, in europe, but you must act purely in the interests of the belarusian people, and not join various terrorist groups, act in interests of the west and think that you are supposedly liberating the belarusian people in this way, you...
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have the most terrible destructive illusions, now you are falling into already armed destructive illusions, which in the end will only lead to one thing, you will lose your life, so always act sensibly, and most importantly, return to your family , you will be accepted here, well, i mean they will not be accepted into prison and... pre-trial detention center, yes, otherwise sometimes in terms of law enforcement agencies they will accept you, that’s exactly the terminology used, on the contrary, they will accept you, support you, but most importantly, do not betray your state and own people. alexey, remember, yes, the president also said about those who really want sanctions against belarus, yes, and he warned them a little not to do this, because this is the message, yes , that we could i wish i could live better, because he’s 27 years old. this year we will be living under the tsants for 27 years, and we
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could feel great without them, and this standard of living would be completely different if we were not simply prevented from living the way we want, well, we must understand that sanctions are one of the instruments of competition, unfair competition, our fools, excuse me, help in competition against their native country, normally they run around and say, let’s do it... here is our famous propagandist igor tyur, he expressed the opinion that - it was super strategic, especially the first vns , the decisions of other meetings, in his opinion, yes, were more of a tactical nature, but other times came and the constitutional status of the supreme national assembly secured this. what decisions of the current supreme national assembly would you
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call strategic and decisive? well first of all, probably the most important and strategic basis is that changes and additions were made to the constitution, the supreme national assembly received just constitutional status, what does this mean, let’s explain in simple language to our viewers:
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what you are saying, in addition to the fact that the concept of national security and the military doctrine were adopted, which we talked about above, but there were also things said that really have the most important strategic nature; they are needed precisely for understanding, for preserving what we have been talking about for two days, this country, a sovereign country, a good, beautiful country,
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because it sounded interesting, yes, why nuclear weapons appeared in our country in principle, it was not just to... cool down the ardor, yes, but this is like a continuation of the thesis that we must, if necessary, have the opportunity, have the strength, the ability to strike back, which will be unacceptable for our enemy, and the use of unacceptable damage, the infliction of unacceptable damage directly to the parties to the conflict, that is, to the nato countries, and this is in my opinion. more important is one of the most important messages that should be heard there, because the stronger we are, the more fists we have, the less likely it is that there will be a war, this point is probably in addition to what has been said, we also focus on the words of the president that
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in the event of any aggression , attacks will be made on the decision-making centers, and they also noticed the decision-making. they, well, there is no international law, it they believed in their impunity that the international security institutions had been destroyed. including security institutions in europe, and since they are destroyed, who is right? the one who has more strength, well, since you, you think that you have more strength, well then we also have something alternative, the presence of tactical nuclear weapons is precisely the most important, deterrent
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factor that does not allow these hotheads, there in politics in the military sphere, should start some kind of provocation or military... aggression against our country, because they understand, and no one will fight with tanks, planes, artillery, there will simply be strikes from tactical weapons, and this will lead, lead to the mass destruction of their troop groups, what does this mean , in simple terms, they form military infrastructure, make airfields, access roads, build warehouses, fly airplanes.
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an arsenal that, in the event of aggression against us, can also be used, and this, naturally, restrains nato, so they did it an armed conflict on the territory of ukraine, then further, they would like to set the whole of eastern europe on fire.


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