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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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in four areas of belarus: everyday life, history and culture of belarus, sports, abarona navakolnaga asyarodzia. paspyakhov's design has a rich galagraphy, elements of chestnut stones and kalyar materials. because here it is possible to study not only the tricks themselves, but also the processes of their creativity, where these processes are composed, special themes, sketches, that is, sketchy little things, what little things, hell of a hand, aloukam, well, for hours.
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streets and parks of minsk. usyago ўstalyavana more than 300.
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hello everyone, are you ready to meet our guest: marina, what do you expect from the children you meet now? i expect interesting questions from them, and of course, i really want to get to know our younger generations. do you promise to tell only the truth? yes, of course, good luck then. so, we welcome our heroine, today our guest is the most titled grandfatherist in the country, eight-time champion of belarus, european champion of the second european games, marina slutskaya. marina, you have the right
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to refuse to answer questions three times, be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you you have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to talk briefly. let me introduce myself, time has passed, my name is marina slutskaya, honored master of sports, two-time european champion, participant in the tokyo olympics, judo coach, head of the dudo children's club in minsk, i hope, a good, honest, fair person, married, completely i recently had a wedding, so in general i think it took a minute, you did it in one minute, that’s great, so let’s move on hello marina, my name is angelina, many people believe that judo is absolutely not a women’s sport, how did you
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even choose this particular sport? and at school they bullied me because i was plump, from... an ordinary simple family, and well, i did n’t look, let’s say, like the average child, and i wanted to prove myself somewhere, to find some company that will accept me as i am, so the coach came to the class to recruit children for freestyle wrestling, i did a little freestyle wrestling, and after that i got into judo, because in freestyle wrestling there was a limited weight category, and judo is a sport. for any person, regardless of his weight, height, i stayed in dudo, and i don’t regret it, i found my friends there. marina, were your classmates afraid of you? ah, i think they began to fear me when i began to fight back ah those
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who offended me, that is, there was an unpleasant situation when i had to stand up for myself and even fight, and after that no one offended me , were just friends. and what kind of unpleasant situation is this, if it’s not a secret? here's me they called her names, well, of course there were all sorts of names, at some point i took the girl by the backpack, spun her around like that, well, just like that and pushed her to the end of the corridor, well, after that no one came near me anymore , because i could already stand up for myself, that is, i was not silent, i fought back, i lived in the tractor plant microdistrict, i have to live there for my life... to fight as expected, how did your parents react to the fact that you decided to start do judo? dad actually didn’t react at all, that is the main thing is that the child does something and does not act like a hooligan, let’s just say that my mother was categorically
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against it, she told me all this, that grandfather is not a female sport, that i am a great student, that i need to do something else, i was an excellent student. as if my mother was counting on it, that apparently i would go somewhere to study normally, but then... i started studying and it so happened that i went to study at the olympic reserve school, so my mother had to come to terms with it, of course, and then of course they were proud parents when i already i started earning money myself when i started winning competitions, then i became a european medalist, everyone was proud of the newspapers, my mother and mother still have such a file with a big, well, a big one with newspapers, interviews, that’s it, but right away my mother was categorically against it. not a female sport, go dance, i say, where am i dancing, what kind of dance am i, how do they
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feel about it now, they are proud of you, unfortunately, 2 years ago my dad died, he was seriously ill for a year, that’s 2 years ago he was gone, but dad was very proud, of course, he and i watched the video with my brother, my mother is of course proud, she was at the european games at... you lost your father early, they say that time
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heals, in your case it’s so, probably yes, i think that time in general is erases a little, and i believe that we did everything to ensure that dad lived as long as possible, because unfortunately, we found out that he was sick quite late, so, but... yes, time heals every day and for mom, especially, and yes, it becomes easier for all of us, of course, what moments do you remember with with my dad, well, probably from my own particular sports competition, every competition when i returned home, while i was still living at home, when i came home, the first thing my dad asked me was, what did you buy me, he always knew , well, i always brought it home there for what, so he always took my medal, if i came back, he hung the dogs with our yakshire terrier, so he always
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wrapped up the dog with this medal, he always wore it there, well, of course, such pleasant memories , but uh, i’ll say this, that when we live, we don’t always focus on something, but then when time passes, different moments are remembered, pleasant, and in what way... similar to mom, and in what way like dad? oh, i’m probably like my dad, mm, i’m similar in character, i look very similar to my mom, maybe my mom will argue with me later, i don’t know, but it seems so to me, then we move to the yellow sector, to your left, that’s what adults often say , when you grow up, you’ll understand, but what did you understand when you grew up, what a smart boy? so uh, i guess i realized that the most important thing in
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life is family, no matter what happens in your life, family is your only society, and which will always support you, will always be there, i really regret those cases when in childhood i upset my parents, well, in different ways some of my... not very pleasant actions, i really regret that i did this, because the health of the parents, having your parents next to you, when you are an adult, is priceless, a large family, warm relationships in the family - this is priceless, this is exactly what i understood, what kind of fight in in your life you consider the best and what... the worst, well, i won’t say that the worst, you can’t just call it the worst, there
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’s the best, that fight in which something didn’t work out for you, for me it’s probably one of my last matches was a meeting at the olympic games in tokyo, for reaching the eight, something went wrong and i got injured, so i lost the match, although in general everything was fine in the fight. why this meeting is probably one of the most unfortunate, because for me it was important competitions, this is what i have been working towards almost my entire sports career and... it was important to show the highest possible result, but it didn’t work out, i guess i was able to review this meeting only six months later, that is, it was really difficult, but the best, well, probably the most vivid memory in my memory is of course the european games, and the final
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fight at the european games, because these are the most vivid emotions, that is ... this is probably one of the most such the best in sports careers and the result is, accordingly, one of the best, so give me some advice on how to continue to believe in yourself after a failure? i always tell the children i work with now that losing is more of a step forward than winning, because when you lose, it means you have something to work on, you see exactly your mistakes, you know exactly why you ... lost, when you win, you are euphoric, you did well, you are a champion, you are a prize-winner, so you must always move forward, always work on yourself, and losing is only one bell that you need to train more, train more, no work ever goes without reward,
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if you work efficiently, if you do everything in order to achieve some result, this result will always be there. what makes an athlete go towards his goal? i can’t speak for all athletes, right? i can say specifically for myself that i had a clear desire to be better than others, to win, that is, it was important for me to stand on the pedestal, preferably on the first step, there to listen to the anthem of my country, and i wanted to prove to myself and, of course , to others, even to those who offended me there like... somehow spoke negatively about me, that while you are talking, i am working and becoming better, that is, i won twice europe, i was the only athlete, yes, who won europe twice, a woman, and i was number one in the world rankings, that is, so far we have no one else in our new history of dudo, that is, and of course financial
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well-being, the better you perform in competitions, the better your financial support, you perform poorly, accordingly financially... for support not very much in the black sector, i see young fans of dudo who are ready to ask the question: how did you usually get rid of some kind of fear before competitions? give me some advice? i’ll tell you a short story: when i was just starting my sports career, a girl who weighed about twice as much as me fought against me, and so it happened in the fight that i received a serious knee injury, it took a long time to recover, then we this girl... encountered several times on competitions and especially until i was about twenty years old, i probably couldn’t overcome it, that is, i went out and before the meeting i had this moment of injury, that is, it’s not only that you lose even more, the recovery is long, so i couldn’t to overcome myself, and then it so happened that somehow she and i had no one to warm up with,
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she and i warmed up together before the competition, somehow i looked like it was no big deal, that it happened, so... . and i probably conquered this fear of mine. opponent, namely sparring work with them at various training camps, the more you fight with your opponents, to whom you are afraid of losing in competitions, the easier it is for you to compete with them in the tournament bracket, but everyone is afraid, well, this is a responsibility, you go out , millions are watching you, you are responsible for the result, for ranking points, so just think about the fact that you train a lot. you do everything in order to win and your fate is being decided here now, you do a lot of work and you must show this work on the tatami. now we are moving into the black sector, is the question from there? hello, my name is denis, i have the following question for you: have you ever used your sports skills outside of
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the tatami? no, first of all, i am convinced that any conflict is possible. absolutely anyone can sew in a word, well, again, for a professional athlete, his professional skills are a cold weapon that cannot be used anywhere, and if you use it suddenly something happens to a person, then you are for it you will answer very seriously, so no, you didn’t have to, and i think you won’t have to, did you have any nasty injuries, and if so, what kind and how long did it take you to recover from them? my very first injury was at such a cadet age, i was 17 years old, i had an injury to my right knee, it took me six months to recover, i lived on the fifth floor, they put a splint on my entire leg. they gave me crutches, he said, come on, i just sat at home for 3 weeks, because i couldn’t go down from the fifth floor, after 3 weeks they took me off splint, and i was recovering, the next
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serious injury i had was when i was already the european champion, in minsk at the world cup i injured the back of the thigh, and my back of the thigh muscles tore, the tendons came off there, the ligaments were damaged, very seriously poisoned tournament, there was an operation, there the recovery period was very high and practically put an end to my sports career, but i recovered after about 8 months, i was already fighting and there was talk about doing a serious the olympic games brought me an injury to my left elbow, well, in general, my shoulder was also injured, well, if you look at a person like that, then my entire right side... let's say, suffered from my sports career, but professional sports, it goes in parallel with injuries,
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because we work to the max, we work to the peak of our capabilities, so yes, they can withstand the muscles, ligaments, and joints, since you have already completed yours. sports career, do you have any unrealized sports dreams? ah, as an athlete, i think i was about 80 percent fulfilled, i couldn’t win a medal at the world championships, although i fought five times, so i lost matches, all of which were decisive, as it were, for reaching the decisive stage , for various reasons with... accordingly, i did not qualify for the olympic games as an athlete, these two moments, of course, were not realized for me and it’s a pity, well, that’s how it happened, and
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as for me now, if you look , i would really like the athletes i work with to surpass mine result, that is, for me it will be the best thing, here is the world championship, well, if someone becomes european champion three times, i will be happy, hello, my name is dasha, i really want to learn how to defend myself, can you show me a couple of effective techniques? one of the very first techniques that we teach children, and it is the simplest, most effective, is to run away, the second, quite simple, someone attacks, grab a hand, any, this, this, with the other hand we tightly hug the head with this or this, respectively, here
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we walk, which means with the hand with which we hit head, with the same foot we step behind the leg, let’s say, it means we took the hand, we hit here, we step behind the leg, we go in, accordingly we push the partner, that’s there for yourself, fall, not the other way around, it’s me, that’s here, it’s simple. this here with this leg by the leg, here everything is calm, everything is simple, accordingly, if someone is running, we grab the hand, oops, that’s it, the person has fallen, the trick was performed by professionals, please do not repeat this at home, yes, it’s better no need.
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hello, my name is anastasia, and i would like to ask if your ex described your best and worst quality, then... what would he say, oh, god forbid he doesn’t do that, okay, i’ll speak for myself, i hope my opinion doesn’t coincide, but the worst quality is demandingness, m, well, probably for this person, exactingness and mm, such perseverance, let’s say, is the best quality. this is probably love and kindness, that is, for me, if you love a person, then you must be sincere to do it 100%. would you like to be friends with
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a person who... behaves like you, honestly, i consider myself a good person, and if i had such people, these are my real, faithful friends, with whom i have been friends for more than 18 years, i don’t have many of them, so i think that they are the same as me, so i am with them, and we passed one rolton for two jackpot. and they shared a bottle of water 0.5 when there was nothing at all, they went through difficult situations with me, they were there when i had difficult life situations, that’s why we are together, hello, my name is camilla, and i’m interested in knowing do you have more dresses in your wardrobe or still jeans, and love
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do you basically dress up, use... cosmetics in my wardrobe there are three dresses, one is not mine, and one was a wedding dress, well that turns out to be four, probably back then, in fact, i was always such a tomboy, yes, probably, tracksuits occupy 50% of my wardrobe, but now, to be honest, when i finished my sports career, the percentage has changed a little, because especially during the period of work in the national... team - there are quite a lot of meetings, some events, meetings where you have to to look, let's say, decently not in a tracksuit, so the number of trouser suits has increased, let's say, but not so many dresses have appeared in the wardrobe, my husband suffers very much about this , but it will increase, i honestly say, it will increase, but for now not now, what do girls more often choose, a black and small or
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a white and large wedding dress? i chose a large white wedding dress, but i think that every girl, girl, woman dreams of a wedding, i once thought that, well, well, what about weddings, even when my husband and i we were planning, i think, we won’t have a wedding, just this, but then they persuaded me, in fact, to go to a big celebration, and now i’m not living anywhere, so the girls choose everything. white wedding dress, don’t settle for anything else, because this is an unforgettable experience, unforgettable emotions, these fittings, the choice, when you see that different dresses look different, you look different in them, it’s very true for yourself , increasing your self-esteem many times over, how you met your husband and what exactly you
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attracted to him? “we met him on social networks, so, i’m not a fan of dating on social networks, but it so happened, we met, started communicating, met, and somehow our meeting smoothly grew into a wedding, that’s what attracted us, when we first met, it seemed to me that it was as if..." we knew each other, that is, as if we had not seen each other there for many years, then we met, and somehow we immediately found a common language, we knew what we were talking about , well, we felt that we could talk about, we could talk about any topic, he’s a very kind, open person, that’s probably what attracted me to him, we literally immediately
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somehow... mutually realized that, probably, we met each other at exactly the right time, and this is all for a reason, but how did your parents immediately react to him? and dad, unfortunately, didn’t have time to meet him, and mom, actually mom accepted him very well, i have a younger brother, and he, he and my husband are very similar, put them side by side, like two brothers , so my mother immediately... said that this is my second there will be a son, we have a photograph where my mother is standing between the two of them, and it is a very sweet photograph, such two great comrades and my small, modest mother, that’s why my mother accepted me very well, in general my whole family treats me with warmth lyosha, they took him for one of their own, ours says, tell me, the fact that you are a strong woman scared your husband, in fact, he
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knew nothing about me. when we met, he didn’t perceive her as marina sludskaya, the european champion, there, a judaist, that is, we i was corresponding, i told you that i play sports professionally, my name is marina, i play sports professionally. at what points do you allow yourself to be weak? i now allow myself to be weak in matters that, strictly speaking, i could do myself, but i have a man who can cope with this perfectly, why should i do this, i ’ll do something else, so i’m weak in some everyday life such questions, i can
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ask, do, here, but this does not change the fact that if my husband is on a business trip, i i didn’t do something myself, i’ll do it normally, everything is fine, there’s a black sector to your right, the next question is from there, if you were prohibited... forever from doing your current job, what other profession would you choose? in fact, i think that i’m a good manager, i’d probably like to organize some events, i’m good at it, so i think that’s the kind of work i’d choose, but i hope that no one will ever stop me from doing judo, and teach children, because this is part of my life, and i believe that this is where i can realize myself, just as a coach. has your view of judo changed since you became a coach? but
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i changed, probably, not because i became a coach, but because i began to look at dudo from a different perspective, and just all the time i was already... i changed my view on my approach, when i started working as a coach, i realized , that you still need to be even more flexible to each person, try to find some mm in yourself and the power of words in order to convey what you
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want, because i know myself to be an athlete, so they tell you, for example, something like sit down, so he tells you 100 times to sit down, but you still don’t sit down, and you think that he’s coming to me? stuck, but from the outside it’s always clearer, to convey this to the athlete, that well , you need to bend your legs there, because there you need to do something like this, explain to him somehow, find the right words, and then it’s a completely different job, it’s definitely become more flexible - the look has changed, but the next question is the red sector to your right, hello, my name is ulyana and i have a question for you: here look, the current generation prefers computers to gyms, what do you think? this is purely negative, i believe that physical activity is very important for human development, and this does not mean that any sport, it is only on the body
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, yes, it is somehow aimed, no, in any sport you need to think, but it’s one thing when a child has finished playing sports and comes and plays, for example, on a computer, a console, but it’s another thing when a child only engages in... toys, phones, and this spoils his health, accordingly, he is active, he is physically inactive, not developed, now there are children who at the age of 10 cannot jump from a place with two legs, well, with two legs, it seems that they cannot do complex things, they do not know how, so physical development is extremely important, then a counter question, but e-sports is the future, huh... i think that this is a direction that has a place to be, but again, no one says that e-sportsmen sit on computers 24x7, they don’t develop anything else, no ,
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there must be moderation in everything, you can’t train 24x7, you can’t sit there on phones and computers 24x7, you can’t sleep 24x7, you can’t do homework 24x7, that is, there must be a measure in everything, and if this measure. no matter how it is observed, then there will be success. there is a question for the service from the black sector. many people know that publicity and the development of one’s brand are very important in sports. tell me, how do you promote yourself in the media space? i won’t say that i really promote myself very much, i try to participate in all programs where they invite me with pleasure, the main thing is that there is time, and i write small some posts, yes, i cover my personal life on instagram, again, i run a club page. children's, i am glad to meet children in
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schools, i love dudo, and in general i can talk about dudo endlessly, so if a program appeared on our belarusian television that would be completely dedicated to judo, i am ready, i am absolutely ready, it is generally accepted that athletes don’t have bad habits, but what about you, i have bad habits, i have a bad habit of not going to bed on time, for example, i think this is generally colossally harmful, a terrible habit for any person when we... do something at night, then at 6 in the morning at 7:00 we can’t get up there, it’s a bad habit, for example, well, no, no, they can use obscene language, that’s also a bad habit, but in general a professional, the bad habits we are talking about, yes alcohol, there is nicotine, some prohibited substances, but he should avoid and should not use this at all in his life while he is at the stage of a professional athlete, because what can it be at 20 years old... it’s cool when you’re 25-30 anymore
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it’s cool, that’s why there are great habits, but they’re probably more everyday habits that you can remove from your life, but for some reason you’re lazy, or what? athletes are usually superstitious people, do you have any rituals for good luck? i have never given my belt to anyone. well, our uniform consists of, well , a kimano, pants, a jacket, a belt, there are different situations, but someone forgot there, someone never gave me their belt and never gave me their knee pads, i had knee injuries a lot, i've always struggled knees, i’ve never given these things to someone just because of superstitions, well, like we do, i do n’t have to walk on the tatami with my right foot, cross myself five times, jump there. these suivia, but did not personally
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give things,
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everything you wanted to know about connections and history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus, famous. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and... given over to ragnedi and yaceslav. what was the earthly the path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned with them, instructed them, and reconciled them. she.
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as needed, as configurable. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta was the 790th bastard who knew rach paspalitay. and with this, we say, the end of the famous baroque style began. and
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all the hysterical krynitsy here take us away from the paeina such a dead end, because later the document to the architects would have been myastsov. admyslovian, architect, chakhovich, who he is, unknown, look at the architecture of belarus, kali there were a lot of european trots, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to give out something new and aryginal. on our tv channel.
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hello, marina, my name is kirill, based on your colossal life experience, do you think that every person should experience, at least once in their life, a huge
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surge of adrenaline, because when this feeling happens. your consciousness is changing, probably for me, at least, you’re starting to live differently tomorrow, just like after something like this, i can i even had several such situations, i jumped from 70 m with an elastic band, 70 m in height, my friend gave me happiness and health, such a miracle jump, but then we jump together with her, twice when she won. nat europe, that is, when you splash out all this adrenaline, well, don’t forget for tomorrow you feel completely different, this is probably something everyone must experience, but you can get adrenaline, it’s not necessary to do it there sports, something from everyday life, i fell in love with it all adrenaline, there - ride the slides,
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adrenaline, there again snowboarding, adrenaline, so to experience this feeling of adrenaline, this is exactly when you... this feeling of euphoria, happiness hits your head, we move on to the yellow sector, to your left, do you think that belarus has developed enough in recent years or is there no limit to perfection? i think that we have room to develop, we have room to go, and well, not a single country in the world can boast that, for example, they have super well- developed judo, except japan, that is... this japan is generally a separate country, it is behind the line in the development of dudo, because it is the founder of this sport, in general everyone always wants more, i believe that now children's dudo is developing very much. there are all kinds of club commercial movements, sports schools, that is, interest in the sport is high, and there is room to grow in different
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directions, and i think that there is no limit to perfection, to your left, the purple sector, would you be happy if you had more i would never have to work, no, i would be unhappy. but because myself you need to do something, that is, when you ’re used to it, i’ve been working there since i was 15, i even started working there part-time when i was 14, probably when i was 13, and this gives you the opportunity to move, but i don’t like to sit on anyone’s neck, i am self-sufficient, an adult, i want. well, let’s put it this way, to manage some finances, my time, well, just the way i like it. another question is, what do you do in
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your free time? do you have any hobbies? i am the kind of person who has no hobbies, but mostly in my free time i spend either developing the club or doing some household chores. affairs, that is, well, for some period of time i had when i was just lying in a horizontal position. energy, name the craziest dream on your list, before that it was to get married, now my husband and i have one dream between us - to have children, i say, i’m a realist, so i dream so that dreams come true, then a new dream appears, that is i dreamed of an apartment, i bought an apartment, i dreamed of a car, i bought it, that is, i dreamed of getting married, everything seems to be fine, well, what are your real dreams, in general, is the yellow sector to your right? please, a question from there, how do you feel about the younger generation, what do you like and what don’t? and i really like the fact that
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now children are not afraid to express their opinions, so what he thinks is what he says, children are not afraid to try, and they, well, are so real, or what? what i don’t like is that children are still very dependent on social networks, computer and telephone games. sometimes i talk to children, i don’t understand what they are talking about, so probably one of these negative things is the influence of this computer life, and digital life for children, if you... could plunge into the past, what would you change there? i would still do everything so that my loved ones would be
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alive and next to me for as long as possible, this also applies to my father, because unfortunately, we did not convince him to see a doctor earlier, for 10 years, at least five , i would change this, uh, i’ll say honestly that i’m very happy with my life, uh, i… i really think that this is how it turned out, it’s probably wonderful, because thanks to everything that happened in my life, here i am, that’s why there are some little things , but i would correct them a little, yes, yes, i think that i have a good, decent life, this signal means that there is no time for questions from the heroes, marina, now you you have to choose the best question of this program. this, by the way, is a difficult question, in fact, i want to, here’s about the dress, where was the question about makeup, who asked the question,
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introduce yourself, what school, what grade are you in, my name is camilla, i’m from the thirty -first gymnasium, i'm in eleventh grade, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest: come out kamila on the site. these are badges from the olympic games in tokyo, which were issued there only to participants in the olympic games, they still had to be won, i also want to mention this girl, i also liked her question, my name is vasilina, and i study at the sixty-second school, i study in the fourth grade, about my father and this is such a topic, well, let’s put it this way. probably not easy, well, it’s very important, let’s just say that not everyone is ready to share
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emotions, impressions, so i also want to note this. marina, now you have the opportunity to ask the children one question, if you were offered to take up some kind of sport, and on what principle, on what principle would you choose a sport for... i would probably choose you according to the principle , am i interested in this, because this is one of the most important parts for me, will i be interested in this sport in recent years, because for me the most important thing is that i like it, and it would be cool, i would do it swimming, well, i’m doing it now, and i
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like this sport because... and it’s very interesting, i like swimming, the main thing is that it’s all in safety measures, also when i was little, i tried figure skating skating, in fact, is also a cool sport, but of course now i regret that i refused to go there, although i really like this activity now, the main thing is that you have an olympic badge in the sport, for good luck, i would choose the sport according to what i like is not what i like they forced me to go there, and so that i myself, so to speak, ran to this training, so that it would give me some kind of interest, i liked it, but what kind of sport is this, where you would run yourself, well, now i
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i do gymnastics, i like it, yes, are you ready to do dudo? well, not professionally, but this way you can really throw at someone there, if they offend you, well , you probably wouldn’t want to throw it just like that, well, that’s right, gymnastics, it’s probably more of a women’s sport, thank you very much, well i believe that sport is more for a person just like life, that is, if he chooses something, some kind of sport, then he tries to go with it through life. well, for example, my favorite sport is volleyball, i think that it’s quite, well, communication with people, playing in a team develops quite a lot, that is, well, some kind of communication, i think that if you choose a sport, then you need to choose the criteria, there is what you like, what your soul is about, not just
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to walk around, then come to your mother to say, oh no, i don’t want to, i don’t like it, namely... what your soul is about and what you have, that’s what you want to go through life with. purple sector. next. yes, well, my personal opinion is that you need to choose a sport that develops you spiritually, mentally and physically, so i can quickly ask you a question, i personally wanted to ask you, as a person who has been there for a long time in the sphere of some kind of struggle... then, martial arts, you can give some parting words about what kind of action to choose, for example, to protect a girl, to stand. secondly, it develops any qualities, well, roughly speaking, well, boxing is like yes, well, it’s clear that it was a thai who hit anyone, yes, you’ll be there quickly, but believe me, to protect a person, it’s better not to get involved, it’s better to run away, that is,
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a person, roughly speaking, with a weapon, he’s always.. so, eight-time champion of belarus, european champion of the second european games, marina slutskaya is visiting the
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100 questions for adults program today, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. marina, what was your question? questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? yes, definitely, i think the guys have some left there are still as many questions that they would like to ask, so i will definitely come. i
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appeal to our young audience: do you think that our heroine was as frank as possible with you today, who thinks so, please raise your hands, marina made a very good impression on me, she showed herself to be... a versatile person who can answer to any question, and not to shy away from answering, i found out a lot of new and useful information for myself, took advice and some interesting moments on life. i was impressed by an honest person who knows how to achieve his goal, who sincerely talked about it all. well, tell me, who thought that marina was being a little disingenuous today?
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watch in the next issue, today our
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guest is the creative and family union of two artists, theo and olga ryzhikova. when and under what circumstances did you first meet? now don't you feel offended by sharing the glory between two? how are you registered in each other's phones? what makes your love stronger? which of you earn more, which one earns more? spends? i want to invite you to play a game, which one of you. which one of you sings better? 100 questions for an adult, guys, here we dance as we want, mom allowed everyone to be here today, yes mom allowed it, mom definitely
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allowed you, mom mom allowed it. over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 520 thousand people, and these were citizens not only of belarus, neighboring countries, but also representatives from myanmar, angola, vietnam, china, great britain, france, the usa, and a number of other countries visited the memorial, it must be said that as part of the reconstruction, it was created.
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the memorial complex is already a historical monument, but it must be said that on the open part of the memorial a very significant element of the memorial has appeared - a recreated church.
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some new church, and not a reconstruction of the old one, yes, exactly a copy of the one that was in khatyn before the tragic events, but in addition to the church itself, a bell tower was also recreated, which was mentioned in the same documents, a bell tower on four pillars, it had three different bells weight, so everything is really this part of the village of khatyn, it was really recreated, well, let's say so, completely down to the smallest... very important grains, they say that the new interactive museum is also of particular interest to visitors, tell us about this project, yes, indeed, in addition to the open part of the memorial and the repair work carried out there, a a new museum has been opened, a completely new exhibition, and it is rather a museum of emotions, a museum space in which, with the help of new information technologies, there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events, the story is told rather not through: facts, although there is quite a lot there
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information is presented, in each hall there are information panels containing information not only about the period of the great patriotic war, the first hall, for example, is generally historical, it covers a large period of our history, from the 10th to the 20th century, there is information about the post-war period, about , how the memory was preserved about those tragic events and tragedies that occurred on the territory of our country during the period...
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at the end of last year, khatyn was visited by a lot of belarusians, about half a million, in addition, foreigners also came, there were more than 11 thousands of people, why do you think our memorial complex is so popular? the memorial itself is such an open book that allows you to see the result of any military conflict, any aggression, any war, which, unfortunately, fell to the lot of belarus , and today, thanks to the creation of a new museum, this...
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of course occupies historical memory events of the second world war. papacy, which lasted for...


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