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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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opens up with new information means, and when a visitor comes to the museum, he sees how important it is to preserve peace, how important it is to know those tragic events so that such tragedies do not repeat themselves, because for our country, for every citizen of our country, the great patriotic war is it was a humanitarian disaster, 81 years have already passed since the nazi massacre of civilians in khatyn, and we keep this memory, why do you think this is really important today? well, i must say that you can’t build the future, you can’t to live even today, not knowing your past, and such a central place, but a very important place in historical memory, is, of course, occupied by the events of the second world war, the occupation that lasted... on the territory of belarus for a full 3
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years led to huge human losses , it was really a policy of genocide, a scorched-earth tactic, when punitive operations took place on the territory of our country from the first to the last days of the war, as a result of which villages were burned, sometimes entire areas were burned with the entire population from young to old, therefore there are a huge number of innocent victims of the so-called second world war in belarus, it is necessary to know and remember them. to build tomorrow, to build it in the right direction, to build it creatively so that we can continue to enjoy the peace, the peaceful sky that is above our heads today. there is a strong opinion that boxing and girls are incompatible, because it is an exclusively male sport. but some beautiful
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belarusian women categorically disagree with this, but why not, what kind of gender thing is this, the separation of the sexes, he wants it, let him beat him, that’s all, such boxers will even talk about bruises on their own face with pride and a smile, there’s only one bruise, the only one i’ve ever had in my entire career, very big for half your face, well, he’s just so huge. girls boxers literally fight off stereotypes, for example, that a woman can never defeat a man in this sport; there are so many girls in our team who can shoot any guy, any man well. and also female athletes constantly defend the intellectual honor of boxers. offensive remarks of this kind are often directed at them . boxers are stupid, this is absolutely not true.
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an athlete cannot be stupid a priori. girls boxing. what is this? exotic, an exception to the rule or a new sustainable trend? let's figure it out. they say if you don’t know what to do, do what people expect, boring, but reliable. stereotypes live in our heads, control us and give us a feeling of calm. but if you need something more in life, sometimes it's worth breaking them. because. this was done by our heroine, angelina putitskaya. heavy fists, broad shoulders and a masculine gait, this is exactly how a girl boxer appears to many. but our heroine has a pleasant
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smile, a slender figure and several boxing titles to boot, look, she is so graceful that she can easily hide behind a punching bag. one, he's two, mink, three, yes, we put our legs together with you, together with a dive, leg, we put up our right leg, we hit with a left hand, but for angelina putitskaya, boxing became not just a hobby, but the work of her whole life, at the age of 21 she already... already holds the position of women's boxing coach, gladly reveals the proprietary secrets of powerful boxing strikes to the girls who come to class and just on the spot the last rash of rash of a blow somewhere two two uh two punches two defenses two strikes two defenses one strike yes that's it constantly we beat we beat we beat all the time all the time smart smart you will succeed we are proud of you her parents didn’t say such approving words, all
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because she hid her passion for boxing from them. i didn’t tell my parents, i told my parents that i had a section there i go to volleyball, to the frank one. i decided to talk to them only after i won my first, serious victory in competitions, my parents, well, my mother, but she, i mean, i mean, you went to volleyball, that’s all, that’s all, nothing special, frankly speaking, young angelina i didn’t expect to hear such an almost indifferent reaction from the people closest to me, this was the case, however, i really wanted my mother to make a scandal, although she was busy.
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if they reach into your pocket, it will definitely not be for a word, but for a fist. our heroine assures boxing is good for both body and soul. you become very emotionally stable, i would say so, that is, if there are work moments somewhere, and you already treat them more calmly, in life too. boxing develops self-confidence and, paradoxically, helps to acquire psychological stability and spiritual zen. i know a lot of girls, and not only there in belarus, it’s somewhere abroad, specifically boxers, and there and somewhere in mixed martial arts, everything is absolutely they calmly love the color pink, teddy bears, that is, so everyone who attributes their
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increased nervousness to the temperament of a choleric person is ordered to go to boxing in order to literally learn to accept life’s blows more calmly and give back the accumulated ones. you are a beast, as the coach told me, there must be sports anger, sports anger, it manifests itself only in the ring, only in the ring, only in training, so you lay out all your emotions, and then you are absolutely calm, an absolutely normal person, like everyone else . if there the desire to throw out emotions, a punching bag to help, that’s what psychologists say, and it doesn’t matter here whether you’re a strong man or a fragile girl. advice to take up boxing. any of us can get it, regardless of gender and age, well, first of all, it ’s a physical psychological release, that is, girls come to me, one came, she was advised by a psychologist, the second came and an astrologer advised attention, well
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, that is, boxing classes , yes, this is a good emotional release, so boxing has long gone beyond the exclusively a male sport, it’s more like... oh, that’s all. many girls start boxing to improve their figure, and without noticing they get drawn into this process and no longer want to do anything else. boxing is a funny martial art, it’s really interesting, even for a girl,
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even more so for a girl, damn it, it’s very cool when you know how to box beautifully. there are so many girls in our team who can do anything to any guy, any man. shoot well. moreover, girls don’t even get enslaved when they are sparred in mma in boxing with a man. in the ring in a sports hall, like in boxing, there in pankration in mma, there is no division between athletes, girls and boys, there are all athletes, one gender, that’s why you stand in pairs with a guy, you stand in pairs with a girl, it doesn’t matter. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world
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that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films. 4:7 watch on our tv channel every friday evening, they were born in different parts of the world, i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in selinograd, that is, it’s like that there let's say there is a little story, first there was telinograd, then akmala. everyone found something for themselves here, here is our favorite stage, our
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home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, that i i want that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique story and his own point of view. in belarus, in minsk there are very good conditions for living with a family, especially with small children. i love belarus, and i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my great happiness. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. blatant injustice, one hundred percent loss,
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you will never hear such words from a female boxer who is at a competition got into sparring with a man. on the contrary, for many athletes this balance of power only encourages them. on the contrary, it’s more interesting to work with guys, because girls, somewhere they can regret it, don’t get enough, but guys they work, but they work seriously, that ’s why it’s interesting. not so, we noticed, as angelina says, don’t fight with guys, just work, that is, our heroine perceives sparring with them as an opportunity to hone her boxing skills, and not as a fight with a man. moreover, in this fight, as a rule, a man does not spare his fragile octagon partner. the blows he delivers are truly professional and, alas, sometimes traumatic. then there were cases, but somewhere in the liver, the liver, the trainer always taught us these. blows to the liver, they go very well, we all know how to hit them. angelina putitskaya really seems to be
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infinitely brave. but here’s a remarkable point: she prefers to go on dates with guys who treat her not like a formidable queen of the boxing ring, but like a fragile princess, who predict everything about her wishes, if only angelina would not get angry and begin to loose her hands, or rather her fists. well , in general, initially, when they look at me, they don’t even... even think about it, but the fact that i ’m doing boxing there, then when i say my title, it’s like i’ve been doing it for 8 years, i ’m also a coach, that’s it, well, shocked, in such a slight shock, everyone is afraid that i won’t beat them, but what am i, i’m a girl, dating guys angelina often has to refute another stereotype, that boxers have a narrow outlook, boxers are stupid, this is absolutely not so, an athlete cannot be... a priori stupid, that is, sports tactics, there is fighting, all this needs to be thought through,
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you really need to think, you are still wondering why a girl boxer is good, but at least because they always adhere to the unspoken rule, which male athletes so often forget about, no matter what happens, first of all think with your head, and then start waving your fists, so all the fights there are for show, well, why, first of all, among professional ones. .. athletes, fists are considered edged weapons, that’s why yes, if you suddenly get into a fight somewhere, otherwise , well, this is an article, this is an article, whatever one may say, here is another argument in favor of female boxers, men who condemn girls’ boxing practices contradict themselves , after all, there are more men in the audience at women’s fights, you know, we have a lot of girls who practice boxing, it’s so purely for themselves, at the professional level, but there are few of them, few
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of these girls, that’s why it’s really interesting for guys to watch , and also if guy and has nothing to do with martial arts or wrestling, then yes, under such an athlete, as the coaches say, the octagon is on fire, boxing is the main meaning of life for her, but angelina does not forget to devote time to her daily training and are stereotypical. women's activities, she goes shopping with pleasure, however, most of the dresses purchased during shopping remain unclaimed in her closet, a lot, some are not worn, some are simply bought and hang there, waiting for their day. there is a suspicion that angelina simply does not notice beautiful dresses in her wardrobe due to the large amount of sportswear. if you sort out your wardrobe, 80 percent of it will be sportswear, mostly sneakers,
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well, about five pairs, there will probably definitely be sneakers. as for feminine shoes, they are in our wardrobe. the heroine has a pair of beautiful high-heeled shoes, but alas, most often they gather dust in the closet. shoes, i have high-heeled shoes, and like, this is a must-have, i think girls should have high-heeled shoes, anyway even she doesn't wear them. angelina also loves to chat about the whole world with her friends in cafes. by the way, she acquired many of them through boxing. i boxed twice with my best friends, well, it ’s us behind the ring...
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hairstyles, makeup, but this is the stereotype that has developed there, well, maybe 10 percent, there are 15 girls who do martial arts, yes, maybe they don’t care about your appearance. angelina putitskaya’s path to the boxing olympus was not easy, there were doubts and even an attempt to leave the big sports. following the persuasion of her parents and some
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friends, the girl even tried to master a less extreme profession. i studied for 2 years at... the college of architecture and civil engineering and entered the bsufk, because i understand that you need to go, strive for what your soul is in, then you won’t have to work for a minute of your life, so i work as a coach and i enjoy it in principle, i wouldn’t say that i’m tired, they say, if the environment doesn’t accept your interests, don’t change yourself, it’s better to change your environment, so our heroine angelina thinks, often questions like, why? what for? well, maybe it's time to quit? you won’t box until you’re 40, but i’m like, i will, about people like angelina putitskaya, they say she made herself . a girl who came to the capital from a small belarusian town inspired many belarusian women to take up boxing, and if necessary, at the age of 50 she will do everything
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to set another boxing record, because all that is needed for this is a specific goal and.. . that very first step, for with which the road to success begins, and, as we know, only those who walk can master it. the main order was issued that the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international federation was suspended, but at the same time, everyone who needs our help, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries, we provide humanitarian assistance, thanks to the legislative work of our parliament, today our security forces and our
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law enforcement officers have all the necessary legislative tools. to effectively and prevent and severely punish for committed acts, we will continue to work and will be ready to cooperate and communicate with our international partners, but only on an equal basis, that i, of course, have a belarusian heart and the latest technologies with which we must implement cultural and economic expansion throughout the world, and i am sure we will see belarusian brands, belarusian cuisine. belarusian dances will be no less recognizable than sushi, kimano and everything else. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our mood,
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and if you cook it in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today there will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels. i hope we have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast. and we will receive a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy. enjoy this recipe. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave at home. foreign students travel
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around belarus, study its history and explore its sights. the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which jesus christ was crucified, exactly with exactly that one. this is a glubokoye treasure; by chance, during construction work , an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket it picked up this cast iron pot, and they also share their vivid impressions. as we walked, i noticed that the temple goes very well with the sky, that is, blue, white, it seems to be in the air, very beautiful. this is how i found out right away, of course, this is what i did today, watch on the belarus24 tv channel,
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the tv news agency presents: in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. babruisk uzbagatsiya yashche adnykh prudpriyemstva, new garbarny kombinat. on the right, the fee for uladzimir paley and iago syabrў, give only high quality results. it’s easy to deal with the atk, it’s easy to get rid of it. when working with such small details, even the most insignificant adhilenny transactions and marriage, the century will ensure that unnecessary reporting is done. control over all pharmaceutical devices is essential for pharmaceutical devices.
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the details have been added to the control templates dozens of times. machines darazats markay svaygo grand succession. the gray product has the most powerful planing machine with an automatic carving for finishing parts with a machine and 20 tons. the machine is worthy of the dziarzhaўnaga sign of yakastі. businesses visited the headquarters of french companies. machines from the minsk brand of paspehova compete with molded foreign designs. it is not surprising that they are eager to buy many lands of the world. here are the acts of the patryman patryyatichny pachyn delegate of the 25th congress of the cpsu of the peradova shvachka mary pleskai. pyatsygodtsy yakastsi.
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shock stones to cheslav kazimir. yakasts! these mottos were followed by absolutary pramen, and the hell of ramualda's strek and the hell of galina kandymavay's men, hell of the mustaches, who wandered around in this day, came to the nice. zaruka tamu, gety ganarovy henagon.
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in germany, the “source of life” organization was established, its task was to stimulate an increase in the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples. children were removed from their families for occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not
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take out their own ukrainian children. countries of the european union, but this is different, in one case they forcibly seize children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugee women when you make false documents , yes, supposedly original, you say that children are orphans, when you know that they have parents, here is the director.
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we confidently step into a new day and do it to our own music, music that sounds inside each of us, it is everywhere in the sun, in timid movements, at the tips of our fingers, music inspires, makes us think and opens up thousands of roads for us... music can change the world because it can change us. music is inside each of us.
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the news is now on the air with you, people.


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