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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

5:00 pm
the news is now live with you lyudmila kazak, hello! the president of belarus, chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, alexander lukashenko, via intercom, heard a report from deputy chairman of the all-belarusian national assembly alexander kosinets and chief of the secretariat valery mitskevich. in the development of the last first meeting of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly , the belarusian leader set a number of tasks, outlining the main issues that need to be worked on within the framework of the new constitutional body. firstly, alexander lukashenko instructed to build a vertical system of work with delegates to the supreme assembly, chairman.
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the meeting includes about 1,200 delegates, these are people from various social groups, including deputies of local councils and representatives of civil society. a system for working with them should be built, as the president outlined one of the main tasks, not from meeting to meeting, on an ongoing basis, including informing delegates of feedback, meeting schedule, and so on. the first task is to ensure efficient operation all-belarusian presidium.
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doctrine, the concept of national security, military, in addition, in the future, the presidium will hold an annual meeting, and the presidium at least once every six months, where it will be necessary to discuss the most important issues of the socio-economic development of our state, our national security, the lives of people, the construction of a state for people, so that we really build together a strong...
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plan, program of the all-belarusian people's assembly, the work of the presidium, dates, meetings, how people will be loaded, will carry out their functional responsibilities, projects, as for building a structure for organizing the work of the spc, it should be minimal, but certainly effective, due to the fact that the main body involved in the organizational work of the spc, its secretariat will be small, the task was set to organize a system of interaction with
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government agencies, governors, local authorities, and civil society actors. cosmic photoautographs on memory, recording in book of honored guests, a dialogue with the first female cosmonaut of sovereign belarus took place at the academy of management under the president, in the format of a friendly conversation, marina vasilevskaya talked with students and teachers of the higher school, told in detail what the training was like, how life works on the iss and what the astronauts feel during flight landing for me. it is very important to be here today with students, with leadership and share our experience, we are already considered a space power, and we are moving in this direction, very rapidly, and of course, i would like for all this to develop even faster, and i believe that with this project, which has opened the door for us to this space power, of course it will be very symbolic for our country to popularize this and master it even faster,
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such this is not the last meeting, i believe that we will achieve great success, marina will visit an educational institution and tell even the youngest researchers in different regions about space. italy, spain and france. poland's leaders spent part of the money on agriculture economy, although ukrainian transit later damaged it.


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